
JEROME, 331.

Jewish High Priest, his dress, 177.
Jube, origin of, 60.

Kiss of peace, importance of, 62.

LAMARTINE, his speech, 181.
Litany, its origin, 259.

-its English translation, 262.
Liturgy, ancient form of, 63.

Pope, name of, 235.

postures of, 223, 224, 250, 257. -service of, 226.

Popes, lay, 236-240.
Position of ministers, 58.

REAL presence, 86.

moral and spiritual, 87, 90, 96. Red flag, 181.

Redemption, doctrine of, 270.

Liturgy of the First Prayer Book of Regeneration, 77.

Edward VI., 83.* Lord's Prayer, 324. -language of, 325.

-its importance, 68, 69, 315. -- brevity, conclusion of, 320.

MAGIC, prevalence of, 93, 94.
Mass, meaning of, 49.
Maximus, 331.

SACRIFICE, offering of fruits, 68.
-Pagan and Jewish, 73.
Scriptures, reading of, 60.
Shepherd, the Good, 281.
Son, meaning of, 299.
Spinoza, 304.

Spirit, meaning of, 305.
Sponsors, 30.

Standing posture, 58.

NEWMAN, CARDINAL, description of Substitution of Christian ideas, 74

the Council of Ephesus, 357.

Nicæa, Creed of, guarded by Ephe

sian decree, 363.


TABLE or altar, earliest form, 57.

➖➖ altered by Chalcedonian de- Temple, 196. cree, 364, 367.

OFFERING of bread and wine, 66.

Ordination, words used in, 155.

-various forms of, 212.

Ornaments' Rubric, 185, 189.

Ten Commandments, 372.

Theodoret, conduct at Council of

Chalcedon, 359, 361.

Theodosius, 334.

moderation of, 362.

Transubstantiation, 99, 100.

PARABOLICAL language, misuse of, UNION of Lutherans and Zwinglians

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