Ethical StudiesClarendon Press, 1962 - 344 sider First published in 1876, this forceful and vigorous classic of English moral philosophy, written in opposition to Utilitarianism by one of England's most eminent philosophers, is now available for the first time since 1977. |
Object of the inquiry 13 The common notion of Responsibility 39 | 3 |
Individualism criticized 16373 The end is realization as member | 9 |
irreconcilable with Freedom 913 and with rational predic | 19 |
Common opinion and Necessitarianism 246 irreconcilable | 55 |
Question rests on a dogmatic preconception 5861 which is opposed | 74 |
Note to Essay II 82 | 82 |
Happiness a vague phrase 856 Common opinion on pleasure 867 | 126 |
Relative and absolute morality 18992 Intuitive character of moral | 199 |
Criticism of the above view 2026 | 207 |
ESSAY VII | 241 |
Statement and refutation of the argument for general selfishness | 263 |
and bad self 2767 Hereditary theory insufficient 2789 Content | 297 |
Nature of the morally good and bad selves 3039 What self | 309 |
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Vanlige uttrykk og setninger
abstraction action affirmation answer assertion believe casuistry categorical imperative character collision compulsion concrete universal consider contradiction coprolite desire doctrine doubt duty Essay evil exist external fact faith false feeling finite function further H. H. Joachim habits happiness Hedonism Hedonistic Hegel hence higher human idea ideal immoral implies impossible imputation individual infinite intensive quantity judgement matter means merely metaphysic mind moral consciousness moral philosophy moral world motive nature Necessitarian negation never notion object onions opinion ordinary ourselves pain particular perhaps person philosophy pleasant pleasure positive possible practical present psychical punishment question reader reality realize reason relation religion religious responsibility result RICHARD WOLLHEIM sake seems self-conscious self-realization selfish sense side sphere stand suppose tell theoretical theory thing thought tion true uncon universal Utilitarianism virtue volition vulgar whole wrong