[blocks in formation]



The Geology and Mineral Resources of the State of Missouri, by H. A.
PROUT, M. D., of Missouri,

Western Staples, by,

The Obligation of Contracts-or, an Inquiry into the Nature and Degree
of Equality required in Contracts of Mutual Interest, by the
Hon. JOHN M. KRUM, Of Missouri,

Classification of the Mineral Masses composing the Earth, by H. A.
PROUT, M. D., of Missouri,







Commerce and Navigation of the Mississippi River and its Tributaries,
by THOMAS ALLEN, Esq., of Missouri,
Manufacture of Hemp in St. Louis, by *****,
Mineral Resources of Washington county, Mo., by F. WOOLFORD, Mo.,
The Discovery, first Settlement, and first Laws of the Mississippi Valley, "

by EVANS CASSELBERRY, Esq., a member of the St. Louis Bar,
Clays and Minerals of Missouri, by F. WOOLFORD, of Missouri,
Electric Light-Exhibition by M. Achereau, by J. M. P., of St. Louis,
Geology of the Valley of the Mississippi, by H. A. PROUT, M. D., of Mo.,
Public Education-its Influence, &c., by E. CASSELBERRY, Esq., of Mo.,
History and Habits of the Potatoe, by E. MALLINCKRODT, Esq., of Mo.,
The Morals of Commerce, by Hon. TIMOTHY WALKER, of Ohio,
Modern Literature, by J. ORMROD, of Cooper county, Mo.,
The Rise, Progress, and Influence of the Fine Arts, by ALFRED S.

WAUGH, Esq., of St. Louis, Mo.,











309, 383, 445, 497, 571, 627, 672





Furnace for Consuming Smoke, by M. F. P., St. Louis, Mo.,
Subsoil Ploughing and Water Furrows, by Hon. O. WILLIAMS, Мо.,
Lines to Miss Georgia W-, by HENRY F. WATSON, Esq., of Mo.,
Life of John Randolph, by HUGH A. GARLAND, Esq., St. Louis, Mo.,
Mental Culture, by JOSEPH ORMROD, Of Missouri,
Economical Geology of Missouri, by H. A. PROUT, M. D., of Mo.,
Culture of Hemp, by J. T. CLEVELAND, Hazel Ridge, Mo.,
Education-Introduction to the Subject, and an examination of the dif-
ferent Systems of Public Education, Statistics, &c., by JOHN H.
TICE, Esq., President of the Board of Directors of St. Louis
Public Schools,





Early History of the Territory West of the Mississippi, by J. LoUGH-
BOROUGH, Esq., of Liberty, Mo.,


Wheat Growers' Association of St. Charles County, Missouri, by B. A.

ALDERSON, Esq., of St. Charles,


The North American Indians, by J. LOUGHBOROUGH, Esq., of Mo,
Perry's Lead Mines, by JOHN PERRY, Esq., St. Louis, Mo.,



Description of Mines in St. Francis County, Mo., by J. COATSWORTH,

Esq., of St. Francis County,


Commerce of the East, by J. LOUGHBOROUGH, Esq., of Missouri,
Law Reform in New York, by



Theory of Life and Happiness, by JOSEPH ORMROD, of Missouri,


Agriculture, vide the Economy and Bank of the State of Missouri, report of
Habits of Plants..

Agricultural Chemistry, 56.

Agriculture and the Influence of Agri-
culture upon Manufactures, by E. H.
Derby, Esq., 73.

Agricultural Societies, 87.

its condition on 30th June, 1848, 453.
Barley, 27; quantity consumed in St.
Louis, 99.

Belcher's Sugar Refinery in St. Louis, 227
Beans, quantity and value estimated by
the commissioner of patents, 536.

Agricultural Staples, their production Bellows, manufacture in St. Louis, 284.
tends to impoverish a country, 150-1; Blow's White Lead Factory, 99.
importance of diversifying products Boat Building in St. Louis, 47; number
and of consuming them near home,
152; production of agricultural sta-
ples for exportation opposed to the
genius of free labor, 584.

Architecture, its rise and progress in
Egypt, Greece, &c., 309, 383, 445;
gothic architecture, cathedrals of Mi-
Jan and Brussels, Notre Dame, York
Minster, Westminster Abbey, &c. 497;
architecture, painting, &c. in St. Louis,


of arrivals in St. Louis in 1847, 55;
number of arrivals at Lexington, Mo.,
in 1847, 112; number of arrivals at
Peoria, Ills., in 1847, 113.

Boats built and lost on the Western Wa-
ters up to 1835, 393; amount of steam
boat tonnage on the western waters;
amount enrolled at New Orleans, Cin-
cinnati, St. Louis, &c., 412; number
of monthly arrivals in New Orleans
for two years, 633.

Artificial Agents of Exchange, the ne-Boot, Shoe and Leather Trade, its extent

cessity of artificial agents in the ex-
change of commodities; the principles
involved in the use of the precious
metals as money, 290; credit an agent
of exchange, banks, &c., 347.

Artichokes, culture as a field plant, uses
and value, 318.

Boats, see commercial statistics.
Banks, considered as agents of exchange,
when wisely managed afford advan-
tages to the places of their location;
power of the Bank of England; its
influence on the price of American
products, 350-1; specie in the Bank
of England; in the banks of N. York
and New Orleans, 386.

and value in the United States and in
Great Britain; number of hands em-
ployed, &c., 401.

Breadstuffs, mode of preserving, Stafford's-
patent, 403.
Breweries in St. Louis, 99.

Bridge, Remington's, new invention, 662.

California, its soil, climate, mines, agri-
culture, vegetable products, commerce,
&c., 548; basin of the Great Salt Lake,
its soil, climate, rivers, fish, &c.; Utah
Lake, Mormon Settlement, &c., 618.
Canals, remarks on the difficulties of
making a canal across the Isthmus of
Darien, by Lieut. Maury, 265; tolls on
the Illinois and Michigan Canal, 213,


390; first arrival at Chicago through Commerce of the East, its history, 644.
the canal, 392; closed on the 10th,
and again opened on the 23d Novem-
ber, 689.

Candles made of Castor Oil, 52.

Cattle, number to the square mile in Bel-
gium, 76; in England and Wales, 77;
in Middlesex, Mass., 82.
Cheese, increase of trade, 211.
Cherokee Rose, for hedging, 148, 588.
China, commerce with, 210; navigation
to, 259.

China, manufacture of in Missouri, 168.
Climate, effect of on the habits of plants,
10 to 25; effect on manufacturing, 131;
influence on the physical and moral
condition of the human family, 231,
607; climate of New Mexico, 379;
of California, 550-1; of the Great
Basin, 625.

Churn, atmospheric, 404.

Coal Fields of the United States, 30;
cost of coal in N. England, 34; com-
parison between the coal fields of the
United States and other countries;
prices of coal in Great Britain; varie-
ties of coal; thickness and depth of
coal seams, 89; weight of bushel in
St. Louis, 217; Appalachian and Illi-
nois coal fields, 247-8; coal near Ar-
kansas river on the route to Santa Fe,
375; cannel and bituminous coal of
Missouri; effects of using bituminous
coal, &c., 437.

Coasting trade of the United States, its

increase, 174.
Cobalt, 168, 612.
Coir, 502.

Commercial Regulations-Tolls on the
Illinois and Michigan Canal, 213, 390;
corn law of Great Britain, 216; weights
of produce as established by law or
custom in St. Louis, 217; foreign grain
measures, 217.

Commercial Statistics-

Commerce of St. Louis, imports for five
exports for same time; comparative
years, commencing January 1st, 1843;
receipts and sales, and direct shipments
tive monthly prices of tobacco, flour,
of tobacco, for five years; compara-
wheat, corn, hemp and lead, for five
gross amount of receipts for five years,
years; custom house in St. Louis;

102 to 105.

Commerce of New Orleans, imports from

first September, 1846 and 1847; com-
parative arrivals, exports and stocks
of cotton and tobacco for ten years;
direct imports of coffee, sugar and salt
imports from the interior for ten years;
for three years, from 12th September
from the interior for four years; direct
to August 31st; value of products
imports of foreign merchandise from
1st September to 25th December, in
1846 and 1847; imports of specie;
exports from 1st September to 25th
December, 1847, and same time 1846,
and whither exported, including sugar,
molasses, cotton, flour, pork, bacon,
lard, tobacco, beef, lead, whisky and
corn; exports of sugar and molasses,
for 5 years; of flour, pork, bacon, lard,
beef, lead, whisky and corn, for three
years; of cotton and tobacco for ten
years; comparative prices of cotton on
the 25th December, for four years,
105 to 112.

Colton's Public Economy, 480.
Commerce, (see Western Staples, 25.)
effects of foreign commerce illustrated,
59 to 65; origin and history; requires
a local basis, 147 to 154; natural laws
of commerce; the natural current from
north to south; decrease of foreign Export of corn and corn meal from the
commerce; increase of the coastwise

Tea, consumption, &c. in the U. States,
from 1831 to 1847, 171.

United States from 1791 to 1847, ib.

trade; two distinct systems of com-Table of Imports and Exports from the
merce for the United States indicated
by the physical geography of the
country; Asiatic commerce, 173 to 177.
(Vide Artificial Agents of Exchange,
290 to 293, and 347 to 353.)

Commerce and Navigation of the Mis-
sissippi and its Tributaries, 159, 412.
Commerce with Foreign Countries, its
effects on the prosperity of the people
of this country, 480. (Vide 579.)

United States from 1791 to 1847, to-
gether with the excess of imports or
exports for each year, and the nett rev-
enue accruing from imports during the
same period, from the Merchants
Magazine, 207.
Tobacco, quantity inspected at different
points; quantity exported, crops, &c.,
ib. 208.

Trade and Commerce of Havana, ib. 208.

commerce of the United States with Comparative receipts of Cotton at the
China, ib. 210; cheese trade in Amer-
ica, ib. 211.

Pork Trade of the West, 247; exports
from Gr't. Britain to the United States;
declared value of exports for seven
years; imports into Great Britain from
the United States for seven years, 280

to 283.

Breadstuffs exported from the U. States
to Great Britain from September 1st,
1847 to March 4th, 1848.

Commerce of the United States with all
Nations, from 30th June, 1843 to 30th
June, 1847, showing the amount of
exports and imports of each, balance
of trade, &c., 336.

Specie, movements in New York, 335;
Bank of England, 386.

Gold product of Russia, 387; of Mex-
ico, 388.

Iron manufacture in Great Britain, quan-
tity imported, &c., 389.

St. Louis, imports into, from 1st Janua-

different ports; stocks on hand in 1846
and 1847, 631.

Comparative prices of Molasses, on the
Levee, on the first of each month for
five years, 632.

Comparative prices of Flour, on the first
of each month for five years, ib.
Comparative prices of Corn, in sacks, on
the first of each month, for 5 years, ib.
Comparative rates of freight on Cotton
and Tobacco, to Liverpool, Havre and
New York, on the first of each month
for five years, ib.

Exports of Specie from New Orleans, for
three years, 633.

Monthly Arrival of Ships, Steamboats,
&c., for two years, from 1st Septem-
ber to 31st August, ib.

Statement showing the number and class
of vessels built, and the tonnage there-
of, in each State and Territory of the
United States, for the year ending 30th
June, 1847, 685.

ary to 1st July, for three years, 448. Comparative View of the registered and

Domestic Exports of the United States,
for the year 1847; summary statement
of value, &c, ib.

Wool Trade, quantity exported, &c., 452.
Bank of the State of Missouri, report of,
for July, 1848, 453.

Value of the Domestic Exports of the
United States to each foreign country,
from 1st July, 1846, to 30th June,
1847, distinguishing between Ameri-
can and foreign vessels, 514.

Prices at which flour and grain must sell
in Liverpool to be equal to certain pri-
ces in New York, 515.

Receipts and Value of Produce at New
Orleans from the interior, during the
year ending 31st August, 1848, 574.
Exports of Cotton and Tobacco, for the
year ending 31st August, 1848, 576.
Exports of Flour, Pork, Bacon, Lard,
Beef, Lead, Whisky and Corn, for the
year ending 31st August, 1848, ib.
Exports of Sugar and Molasses, for the
year ending 31st August, 1848, 577.
Comparative prices of Sugar, on the Le-
vee, on the first of each month for
five years, ib.

Comparative prices of middling to fair
Cotton, at New Orleans on the first of
each month, for five years, and the to-
tal receipts at New Orleans and other
ports for the same period, 630.

earolled tonnage of the United States,
tonnage employed in the whale fishe-
ry, the coasting trade, cod fishery and
mackerel fishery, from 1815 to 1847,
inclusive, 689.

Contracts, inquiry into the obligation of,
68, 199.
Cordage, quantity imported, 505.
Corn, Indian, Region of its production;
the economy and habits of the plant;
its importance in the economy of the
country, 12 to 14; quantity received
at St. Louis for five years, 27; quan-
tity consumed by distilleries in St.
Louis, 100; comparative monthly pri-
ces in St. Louis for four years, 104;
imports into N. Orleans for ten years,
106; export from New Orleans for
three years, 110; exports of corn and
meal from the United States for fifty-
seven years, 171; corn law of Great
Britain, 216; established weight in St.
Louis, 217; corn and meal imported
into Great Britain for seven years, 281;
quantity exported from 1st September
1847 to March 4th, 1848, 284; regu-
lated cultivator and corn planter, 396;
Stafford's patent process for preserving
corn meal, &c., 403; quantity received
at St. Louis from 1st January to 1st
July, for three years; value of; ex-
ported for the year ending 30th June,
Leather-see boots and shoes.
Law reform in New York, 651.
Literature, Modern, 303; of the west 690.
Lead, production in the west, price, &c.,
29; white lead manufacture in St.
Louis, 99; received at St. Louis for five
yrs, 102; comparative monthly prices
for four years, 105; quantity received
at N. O. for ten years 106; export from
do. for 3 years 110; lead in Arkansas
169; galena, among the primitive rocks
343; quantity receiv'd at St. Louis from
1st January to 1st July, for three years
448; value of, exported from U. S. in
1846-'7, 451; lead pipe and sheet lead
manufacture in St. Louis 455; receipts
at N. O. in 1848, 575; exports from N.
O. in 1848, 576; description of Perry's
mines, ores, &c., 610.

Liberia Advocate 636.

Light, effect on vegetation 22.
Light, electric 242.

Loom, should the loom come to the cot-
ton or the cotton go the loom; advanta-
ges of manufacturing in the cotton
growing district 319.

Lumber trade of St. Louis 51.

Manilla hemp 502.
McAdamized roads 679.

Mills, flouring mills in St. Louis 53; saw
mills 51; portable saw mill 456; pat-
ent saw mill 635.

Mines and Minerals, coal fields of the U.
S. 30; iron mountain 36; comparison
between the coal fields of the U. S.
and other countries, prices of coal at
different places 89; copper mines near
Lake Superior 101; mineral resources

Washington county, Mo. 168; lead
in Arkansas 169; gold in Michigan
170; British North American Mining
Company 170; clays and minerals of
Missouri 193; copper in Missouri 285;
Iron, St. Louis and Birmingham Min-
ing Co., 286; specimens of ores from
Washington Co., Mo., galena discov-
ered among the primitive rocks, cobalt,
manganese and tin 344; gold mines in
New Mexico 370; gold in Russia 387;
kaolin, pipe clay, &c. 398; see gealo-
gy, &c. 429; minerals in California
548; Perry's lead mines 608; artificial
minerals 634.

Mirage, on the plains of the west, theo-
ry of its origin 366.

Modern literature, modern authors, mer-
cenary character of, importance of re-
formation 303.

Money an Agent of Exchange, its gen-
eral and specific value; abounds most
where the greatest amount of com-
modities are exchanged; laws of cir-
culation; advantages which its low
price gives a country over others with
which it trades, 290, 347.
Moon, its influence on vegetation, 22.
Molasses-see commercial statistics.
Moral uses of plants 39; moral economy
65; morals of commerce 293.

Manufactures in Massachusetts 73; in
St. Louis 97 to 100, 227 to 279, 455,
6; of cotton in the south and west
154; natural advantages of manufac-
turing on the Ohio river, by S. of Lou-
isville, 124; of hemp in St. Louis 166;
of wool in Utica 195; should the loom
come to the cotton or the cotton to the
loom 319; see political economy 148;
natural laws of commerce 173; artifi-
cial agents of exchange 290 and 347,
and also the items under their different Navigation of the Mississippi and its


Memoir of


tributaries, 159, 412.

tour to Northern Mexico, Navigation, steam, to China, 259.
connected with Col. Doniphan's expe- New Mexico, its soil, climate, &c. 363.
dition, by A. Wislizenus, M. D., 363. North American Indians, 598.

Mental Culture, the means whereby civ-

ilization was achieved, and the only Ores, (see mines, &c.)
way by which it can be maintained, Oats, (see commercial statistics.)
intelligence is power, process defined, Oil, Castor Bean, 99.

&c. 223 and 469.

Obligation of Contracts, 68, 199.

Meteorology, its influence on plants 19; Osage Orange, 394, 588.
meteorology of New Mexico 379; of Proje

California 548 to 563; meteorology of Parties in the United States, must be two,
the basin of the Great Salt Lake 625. 409.

Mexico, treaty of peace, friendship, lim- Patent office report, errors exposed, 533.
its, &c., 456, 507; produce of mines Peoria, Ill., commerce and population,113.
and exports of bullion and specie 388. Peas, quantity produced in the U. S. 536.

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