BY-LAWS. MEETINGS OF THE ASSOCIATION. I. The Executive Committee, at its first meeting after each Annual Meeting, shall select some person to make an address at the next Annual Meeting, and not exceeding six members of the Association to read papers. II. The order of exercises at the Annual Meeting shall be as follows: (a) Opening address of the President. (b) Nominations and Election of Members. (f) Reports of Standing Committees: On Jurisprudence and Law Reform; On Judicial Administration and Remedial Procedure; On Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar; On Commercial Law; On International Law; On Grievances. (g) Reports of Special Committees. (h) The Nomination of Officers. The address, to be delivered by a person invited by the Executive Committee, shall be made at the morning session of the second day of the Annual Meeting. The reading and delivering of essays and papers shall be on the same day, or at such other time as the Executive Committee may determine. III.-No person shall speak more than ten minutes at a time or more than twice on one subject. A stenographer shall be employed at each Annual Meeting. IV. Each State Bar Association may annually appoint delegates, not exceeding three in number, to the next meeting of the Association. In States where no State Bar Association exists, any city or county Bar Association may appoint such delegates not exceeding two in number. Such delegates shall be entitled to all the privileges of membership at and during the said meeting. V.-At any of the meetings of the Association, members of the Bar of any foreign country or of any State who are not members of the Association may be admitted to the privileges of the floor during such meeting. VI.—All papers read before the Association shall be lodged with the Secretary. The annual address of the President, the reports of committees, and all proceedings at the Annual Meeting shall be printed; but no other address made or paper read or presented shall be printed, except by order of the Committee on Publications. Extra copies of reports, addresses, and papers read before the Association may be printed by the Committee on Publications for the use of their authors, not exceeding two hundred copies to each of such authors. The Secretary and the Chairman of the Executive Committee shall endeavor to arrange with the Smithsonian In stitution, or otherwise, a system of exchanges by which our Transactions can be annually exchanged with those of other associations in foreign countries interested in jurisprudence or governmental affairs; and also that the Secretary exchange our Transactions with those of the State and local bar associations; and that all books thus acquired be bound and deposited in the charge of the New York City Bar Association, subject to the call of this Association, if it ever desires to withdraw or consult them, if the latter Association agrees to such deposit. The Secretary shall send one copy of the Report of the proceedings of this Association to the President of the United States, and to each of the judges of the Supreme Court thereof, and to the Library of the State Department, and of the Department of Justice thereof, and to the Library of Congress, and the Library of the Supreme Court thereof, and to the Governor, and to the Chief Judge of the court of last resort of each State, and to the State Librarian thereof, and to all public law libraries, and other principal public and college libraries in the United States, and to such other persons or bodies as the Executive Committee may direct. No resolution complimentary to an officer or member for any service performed, paper read, or address delivered shall be considered by the Association. OFFICERS AND COMMITTEES. VII. The terms of office of all officers elected at any Annual Meeting shall commence at the adjournment of such meeting, except the Council, whose term of office shall commence immediately upon their election. VIII. The President shall appoint all committees, except the Committee on Publications, within thirty days after the Annual Meeting, and shall announce them to the Secretary, and the Secretary shall promptly give notice to the persons appointed. The Committee on Publications shall be appointed on the first day of each meeting. IX.-The Treasurer's Report shall be examined and audited annually, before its presentation to the Association, by two members to be appointed by the Chairman of the Executive Committee. X.-The Council and all standing committees shall meet on the day preceding each Annual Meeting, at the place where the same is to be held, at such hour as their respective chairmen shall appoint. If at any Annual Meeting of the Association any member of any committee shall be absent, the vacancy may be filled by the members of the committee present. The Secretary of the Association shall be the Secretary of the Council. XI. The Committee on Publications shall also meet within one month after each Annual Meeting, at such time and place as the chairman shall appoint. XII.-Special meetings of any committee shall be held at such times and places as the chairman thereof may appoint. Reasonable notice shall be given by him to each member by mail. The traveling and other necessary expenses incurred by any committee, standing or special, for meetings of such committee, during the interval between the Annual Meetings of the Association, shall be paid by the Treasurer, on the approval and by the order of the Executive Committee. All committees may have their reports printed by the Secretary before the Annual Meeting of the Association; and any such report, containing any recommendation for action on the part of the Association, shall be printed and shall be distributed by mail by the Secretary to all the members of the Association at least fifteen days before the Annual Meeting at which such report is proposed to be submitted. ANNUAL DUES. XIII.-The Annual dues shall be payable at the Annual Meeting in advance. If any member neglects to pay them for any year at or before the next Annual Meeting, he shall cease to be a member. The Treasurer shall give notice of this by-law, within sixty days after each meeting, to all members in default. |