

Imperfect Table of Contents (Notes and
Dis.), 99.

Subscription List of (Notes and Dis.), 782.
Typographical Changes, (Notes and Dis.),

Reviews and Magazines:

Seaman's Home in Naples (For. Out.), 977.
Seasonable Literature (Notes and Dis.), 618
Sectional Controversies (Notes and Dis.), 102,
"Semitic Religions, Contributions to the His-
tory of," etc. (For. Out.), 146.
Service, Proprieties in Church (Itin. Club),

Seydel on "Religionsphilosophie in Umriss "
(For. Out.), 974.


African Methodist Episcopal Church Re-Seventy-five Years of the "Methodist Re-
view, 324, 984; American Catholic Quar- view :" Mudge, 513,
terly, 155; American Historical Register,
984; Biblical World, 324, 495, 666; Biblio-
theca Sacra, 664, 827, 980; Canadian Meth-Shelley's Place in English Poetry: Wheeler,
odist Quarterly, 154, 324, 497, 666, 984;
Catholic World, 151, 322, 498, 662, 984;
Century, 666, 828; Chautauquan, 494;
Christian Educator, 662; Christian Litera-
ture and Review of the Churches, 324, 498,
662; Christian Thought, 323, 664; Colum-
bus Theological Magazine, 666, 984; Con-
temporary, 152, 322, 498, 666, 979; Critical
Review, 156, 324, 829: Edinburgh, 156,
323, 663, 828; Fortnightly, 151, 154, 156,
495, 665, 984; Globe, 156: Gospel in All
Lands, 324, 498, 666, 984; Harper's, 666;
Haus und Herd, 324, 666; Homiletic, 154,
324, 666; Living Words, 666; London des," etc. (For. Out.), 313.
Quarterly, 320, 497, 981; Lutheran, 321, Specialist in Our Schools, Reign of: Wilker,
496, 826; Methodist Magazine, 155, 666, 442.
984; Missionary Review, 156, 324, 661,830, Spitta, Friedrich (For. Out.), 311.
984; New England Historical and Gene-Stange on "Die Christliche Ethik," etc.
alogical Register, 324, 497; New Jerusa-
lem Magazine, 156; New World, 498, 663;
Nineteenth Century, 153, 319, 494, 666,
979, 983; North American, 151, 153, 320,
498, 665, 827, 980, 982; Preachers' Maga-
zine, 155, 324, 666, 984; Presbyterian, 322,
498, 831, 983; Presbyterian and Reformed,
320, 496; Quarterly of the Methodist Epis-
copal Church, South, 666, 826; Quarterly
of the United Brethren, 324, 498: Review
of Reviews, 324; Treasury, 156, 324, 498,
666; Yale, 665.

Sherwood: Mystery of the Trinity, 584.
Sibley: General Conference Powers and Pro-
cedure, 591,

Sin, Responsibility for (Arena), 292.
Social Congress, Evangelical, in Frankfort-
am-Main (For. Out.), 976.
Social Life, Renanism in (Notes and Dis.),
Sorof, Martin (For. Out.), 487.
Space, Limits of, for Articles (Notes and Dis.),

"Revival and the Pastor" (Itin. Club), 959.
Revivals in Asiatic Missions, Value of (Miss.
Rev.), 816.

Rishell: Recent Critical Attack on Galatians,

Robinson: The Latest Renaissance, 190.
Rogers: The Origin of Egyptian Culture, 51.
Roman Bounds, Dogma and Opinion Within:
Starbuck, 681.

Romanism in its Native Haunts (For. Out.),

Romanists and Bible Circulation (Miss. Rev.),

"Römerbriefes, Kritische Geschichte der Ex-
egese des 9. Kapitals des," etc. (For.
Out.), 489.

Runze, Professor Georg (For. Out.), 972.

Scarborough: Function and Future of For-
eign Languages in Africa, 890.
Scharfe, Ernst (For. Out.), 972.
Scharling, C. H. (For. Out.), 820.
Schell: Opportunities and Perils of the Ep-
worth League, 412.

Schlottmann, Konstantin (For. Out.), 486.
School of Evangelists in Barmen (For. Out.),

School Question in Germany (For. Out.), 659.
Schools of Italy (For. Out.), 823.

Schools, Reign of the Specialist in Our: Wi-
ker, 442.

Schools, Some Results of our Summer (Itin.
Club), 806.

Schultz, Hermann (For. Out.), 486.

Science, Religion, and Life (Notes and Dis.),

Scotland, Jubilee of the Free Church in
(For. Out.), 150.

"Spanischen Protestantismus,

(For. Out.), 655.

Starbuck: Dogma and Opinion Within Ro-
man Bounds, 681.

Stevenson: Twice on Mar's Hill, 353.
Strong, Dr. James (Notes and Dis.), 783.
Strong's Exhaustive Concordance (Notes and
Dis.), 609.

Student, The Ministerial at College (Itin.
Club), 130, 474.

Students' Conferences in Germany (For.
Out.), 825.

Style, Cultivation of English (Itin. Club), 131.
Subscription List of Review (Notes and Dis.),

Successes, Weighing Our (Itin. Club), 132.
Suggestion, A (Itin. Club), 134.
Suicide (Notes and Dis.), 620.
Summer Schools, Some Results of (Itin. Club),

Swedish Marriage Ceremony, Change in (For.
Out.), 659.

Swindells: Subjective Conditions Essential
to Highest Power in Preaching, 421.
Switzerland. Temperance Movement in (For.
Out.), 660.

Table of Contents (Notes and Dis.), 99.
Tel-el-Amarna Tablets (Arch. and Bib. Res.),

Telford Dr. Byrom and the Beginnings of
Methodism, 9.

Tell-el-Hesy (Arch. and Bib. Res.), 645.
Temperance Congress, Fourth International
(For. Out.), 149.

Temperance in Belgium (For. Out.), 318.
Temperance Movement in Switzerland (For.
Out.), 660.

Tennyson's Theology: Parsons, 917.
Terms, Use of Theological in Heathen Lands
(Miss. Rev.), 483.

Theologians, A Word to Our (Arena), 805.
Theological Graduates and Conference Course
(Itin. Club), 809.

Theological Terms, Use of in Heathen Lands
(Miss. Rev.), 488.

Thibet (Miss. Rev.), 142, 815.

Time Limit, Removal of: Caswell, 433.
Tobacco, Interdicted in Persia (For. Out.), 825.
"Todtenkultus bei den Juden," etc. (For.
Out.), 488.

Tolstoï's Experiment (Arena), 633.
Train-Wrecking (Notes and Dis.) 936.
Transmigration, Forms of Belief in: Wier,


Trinity, The Mystery of: Sherwood, 584.
Tuttle: Antisemitism in America, 90.
Twice on Mar's Hill: Stevenson, 353.

Barrows: The World's Parliament of Re-
ligions, 176.

Barter, etc.: Essays, Speeches, and Memoirs
of Field-Marshal Count Helmuth Von
Moltke, 340.

Bartlett, etc.: Scriptures, Hebrew and Chris-
tian, 344.

Typography, Changes in, etc. (Notes and Beautiful Joe: Saunders, 512.

Dis.), 99.

University of Dorpat (For. Out.), 978.

"Umriss, Religionsphilosophie in," etc. (For.
Out.), 974.

Upham: The Preeminence of Faith, 404.

Völter, Daniel (For. Out.), 312.

Bent, etc.: Sacred City of the Ethiopians, 507.
Bible, A Lawyer's Examination of: Russell,

Bible, Outline Analysis of Books of: Taylor,

Biology, Introduction to Elementary Practi-
cal: Dodge, 505.

Bishop: The Sunday Newspaper, 511.

On "Die Ignatianische Briefe,". etc (For. Blackie: Ideal of Humanity, etc., 500.
Out.), 656.

Wacker, Emil, on Die Lalenpredigt und der
Pietismus" (For. Out.), 490.

Warren: Creed and Home of the Earliest
Aryans, 76.

[ocr errors]

Warren: Our Men and Women, etc.-An
Irenicon, 735, 900.
Weber, Dr. Valentine, on Kritische Ge-
schichte der Exegese des 9. Kapitals des
Römerbriefes" (For. Out.), 489.
Weighing Our Successes (Itin. Club), 132.
Weismann, A Word with, etc. (Arena), 802.
On Das Buch Judith" (For. Out.), 315.
Weiss, Hermann (For. Out.), 311.
Weizsäcker, Carl (For. Out.), 819.
Werner on "Der Paulinismus des Irenæus
(For. Out.), 3:4.

[ocr errors]

Wheeler: Shelley's Place in English Poetry,

Wier: Forms of Belief in Transmigration, 565.
Wilkens on "Geschichte des Spanischen Prot-
estantismus" (For. Out.), 313.

Wilker: Reign of the Specialist in Our
Schools, 442.

Wilson: Methodist Episcopal Church in her
Relation to the Negro in the South, 713.
"Wissenschaft der Christlichen Lebre" (For.
Out.), 975.

Withrow: Early English Drama, 534.
Word to Our Theologians (Arena), 805.
Working Classes, Jesus and (For. Out.), 657.
Worship, Order of Public (Itin. Club), 810.
Writing. Antiquity of (Arch.and Bib. Res.), 478.
Würtemberg, Lay Petition in (For, Out.), 824.

Young Men's League, East German (For.
Out.), 978.

Zenana Baptism:

Must be Provided (Miss. Rev.), 141.
Question of (Arena), 296, 637.
"Zwingli's Theology," etc. (For. Out.), 145.


Adam, etc.: Epochs of Indian History, 843.
Adeney: Ezra, Nehemiah, and Esther, 326.
Alcott, A. Bronson: Sanborn and Harris, 337.
Allen: A Summer Revival, etc., 1000,
American Church History Series, vol. xi, 993.
Anderson, etc.: Non-Biblical Systems of
Religion, 499.

Armstrong: Romanism versus Protestant-
ism, 678.

Arnold: Study of Poetry, 680.
Art of Illustration: Spurgeon, 998.
Arthur: The Tongue of Fire, 511.

Authors and Their Public in Ancient Times:
Putnam, 334.

Ball: Merrimack River, etc., 169.
Banes: Benjamin Griffith, 847.

Blaikie: The Book of Joshua, 326.
Bonner: Child's History of France, 341.
Bonner: Child's History of Spain, 675.
Boy Jesus, The, etc.: Taylor, 511.
Boyesen: Literary and Social Silhouettes, 678.
Bramhall: Wee Ones of Japan, 1000.
Breed: A History of the Preparation of the
World for Christ, 330.

Broadus: Harmony of the Gospels, etc., 669.
Brown: Rab and His Friends, etc., 337.
Bruce: The Galilean Gospel, 511.
Budge: The Mummy, 508.

Burton: Syntax of Moods and Tenses in New
Testament Greek, 329.

Bury: The Student's Roman Empire, 174.
Butler: Sketches of Mexico, etc., 677.

Captain of the Janizaries: Ludlow, 502.
Carlyle: The French Revolution, 344.
Carnegie: Through Conversion to the Creed,

Carroll: Religious Forces of the United
States, 668.

Character, Revelation by: Tuck, 988.
Cheever: Biblical Eschatology, 344.
Cheney: Life of Christian Daniel Rauch, 338.
Christ, History of the Preparation of the
World for Breed, 330.

Christ, The Biographers of: Young, 678.
Christ, Witness of the World to: Mathews, 325.
"Christian Science," Facts and Fallacies of:
Patten, 512.

Church History Series, American, vol. xi, 993.
Church, Paul's Ideal, and People: Rowland,

Clark: Harmony of the Four Gospels, etc.,

Cloister and the Hearth: Reade, 176.
Concordance of the Bible, Exhaustive, etc.:
Strong, 832.

Cone: The Gospel and its Earliest Interpre-
tations, 157.

Conversation: De Quincey, 680.
Cooke: Credentials of Science, etc., 842.
Credentials of Science, etc.: Cooke, 842.

Davids, etc.: Non-Biblical Systems of Relig-
ion, 449.

Davis: Exiles and Other Stories, 680.
Davis: Rulers of the Mediterranean, 171.
Dawson: Science of the Earth, 672.
Dawson: Seeker in the Marshes, etc., 333.
Deaconess and Her Vocation: Thoburn, 679.
De Molinari: Religion, 502.
De Quincey: Conversation, 680.
De Witt: What is Inspiration? 158.
Dickinson: Poems, 168.

Divine Balustrades, and Other Sermons:
McArthur, 344.

Dodge: Introduction to Elementary Practi-
cal Biology, 505.

Dods: The Prayer that Teaches to Pray, 511.
Dutt, etc.: Epochs of Indian History, 843.

Early Christian Writers, Selections from:
Gwatkin, 329.

Earth, Science of the, etc.: Dawson, 672.
Economics, Outlines of: Ely, 332.
Economics, Principles of, etc.: Osborne, 164.
Elsie, and Other Poems: Hale, 168.
Ely: Outlines of Economics, 332.
Emanuel, etc.: Non-Biblical Systems of Re-
ligion, 499.

English People, A Short History of: Green
and Norgate, 339.

Eschatology, Biblical, etc.: Cheever, 344.
Essays in London and Elsewhere: James,

Esther, etc.: Adeney, 326.

Ethiopians, Sacred City of the: Bent, etc.,

Eve of St. Agnes, etc.: Keats, 680.
Every-day Religion, etc.: Smith, 343.
Evolution, Social: Kidd, 839.
Exegetical Studies. The Pentateuch and
Isaiah: Warren, 168.

Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, etc.:
Strong, 832.

Exiles, and Other Stories: Davis, 680.
Expert Waitress, The: Springstead, 679.
Ezra, Nehemiah, and Esther: Adeney, 326.

Farrar: The Lord's Prayer, 511.

Herms: Field-Marshal Count Helmuth von
Moltke as a Correspondent, 340.
Holland, Brave Little, etc.: Griffis, 674.
Holmes: Substance and Shadow, etc., 841.
Holy Waiting, The: Vincent, 164.
Home Pets, Our: Miller, 680.
Homer and the Epic: Lang, 170.
House of Life: Rossetti, 680.
Hudson: Law of Psychic Phenomena, 504.
Humanity, Ideal of, etc.: Blackie, 500.

Ideal Church and People, Paul's: Rowland,

Ideal of Humanity, etc.: Blackie, 500,
Ideal Suggestion Through Mental Photogra-
phy: Wood, 507.

Ideas of Truth: Ruskin, 680.
Illustration, Art of: Spurgeon, 998.
India, Prince of: Wallace, 502.
Indian History, Epochs of: Adam, etc., 843.
Ingelow: A Motto Changed, 176.
Inspiration and Inerrancy: Smith, 344.
Inspiration, What Is? De Witt, 158.
Invincible Gospel, The Pentecost, 512.
Isaiah, The Pentateuch and, etc.: Warren,

Italian Independence, The Dawn of: Thayer,

Farrar, etc.: Non-Biblical Systems of Reli-James: Private Life, Wheel of Time, and
gion, 499.

Favorite Pets, etc.: Tucker, 344.
Figuier: Joys Beyond the Threshold, 166.
First Words from God, etc.: Upham, 847.
France, Child's History of: Bonner, 341.
Francis of Assisi, Life of St.: Sabatier, 845.
Freeman, Thomas Birch, Missionary Pioneer
to Ashanti, etc.: Milum, 172.
French Revolution, The Carlyle, 344.
Friendship of Nature: Wright, 848.
Future Life, Science and, etc.: Myers, 991.

Gaining of Men: Lyman, 331.
Galilean Gospel, The: Bruce, 511.
Gallagher: Was the Apostle Peter ever at
Rome? 676.

Garson, etc.: Sacred City of the Ethiopians,

Giles Corey, Yeoman: Wilkins, 343.
Gist: Gracey, 679.

Goldsmith: She Stoops to Conquer, etc., 680.
God, The Spirit of: Mozoomdar, 667.
Good Night Thoughts about God, etc.: Poole,

Gospel and Its Earliest Interpretations: Cone,

Gospel, The Invincible: Pentecost, 512.
Gospels, Harmony of, etc.: Broadus, 669.
Gospels, Harmony of the Four: Clark, 344.
Gracey: Gist, 679.

Greek, Syntax of Moods and Tenses in New
Testament: Burton, 329.

Green, etc. Short History of the English
People, 339.

Griffis: Brave Little Holland, etc., 674.
Griffith, Benjamin: Banes, 847.

Gwatkin: Selections from Early Christian
Writers, 329.

Hale: Elsie, and Other Poems, 168.

Harmony of the Four Gospels, etc.: Clark,

Harmony of the Gospels, etc.: Broadus, 669.
Harraden: Ships That Pass in the Night, 512.
Harris, etc.: A. Bronson Alcott, 337.
Hayne Sylvan Lyrics, and Other Verses, 342.
Heavenly Pearls Set in a Life: Osborn, 997.
Herms, etc. Essays, Speeches, and Memoirs
of Field - Marshal Count Helmuth von
Moltke, 340.

Essays, 335.

Janizaries, Captain of Ludlow, 502.
Japan, Wee Ones of: Bramhall, 1000.
Jesus and Modern Life: Savage, 161.
Jesus, The Boy, etc.: Taylor, 511.
Jesus, The Life and Teachings of: Rogers,

John, Expositions in, etc.: Nicoll, 679.
Johnson, etc.: Non-Biblical System of Rell-
gion, 499.

Joshua and the Land of Promise: Meyer,

Joshua, The Book of: Blaikie, 326.
Joys Beyond the Threshold: Figuier, 166.

Keats: Eve of St. Agnes, etc., 680.
Kidd: Social Evolution, 839.
Klingle: Laus Deo, 175.

Lamb of God, etc.: Nicoll, 679.
Lang: Homer and the Epic, 170.
Laus Deo: Klingle, 175.

Law, Outline Study of: Russell, 842.
Lawyer's Examination of the Bible: Russell,

Lincoln, Abraham : Morse, 171.

Literary and Social Silhouettes: Boyesen,

London, Essays in, etc.: James, 335.
Longfellow, Complete Poetical

Henry Wadsworth, 334.
Lord's Prayer, The: Farrar, 511.
Lucile : Meredith, 344.

Works of

Ludlow: A Man for A' That, etc., 342.
Ludlow: Captain of the Janizaries, 502.
Luther, Table Talk of Dr. Martin. 175.
Lyman: The Gaining of Men, 331.

Man for A' That, etc.: Ludlow, 342.
Mathews: Witness of the World to Christ,

McArthur: Divine Balustrades, and Other
Sermons, 344.
McClumpha, etc. Essays, Speeches, and

Memoirs of Field-Marshal Count Helmuth
Von Moltke, 340.

Mead: Supernatural Revelation, 327.
Mediterranean. The Rulers of the: Davis,

Men, The Gaining of: Lyman, 331.

[blocks in formation]

Merrimack River, etc.: Ball, 169.
Merriman: With Edged Tools, 680.
Mexico, Sketches of, etc.: Butler, 677.

Meyer: Joshua and the Land of Promise,

Meyer: Way Into the Holiest, 668.
Miley: Systematic Theology, 835.
Miller: Our Home Pets, 680.

Milum: Thomas Birch Freeman, etc., 172.
Moorehead: Outline Studies in Old Testa-
ment, 670.

Morse: Abraham Lincoln, 171.
Motto Changed: Ingelow, 176.
Mozoomdar: Spirit of God, 667.

Muir, etc.: Non-Biblical Systems of Religion,

Muller, etc.: Sacred City of the Ethiopians,

Mummy, The: Budge, 508.

Myers: Science and a Future Life, etc., 991.

Natural Law, Political Economy and: Wood,

Nature, Friendship of: Wright, 848.
Nehemiah, etc.: Adeney, 326.
Newspaper, The Sunday: Bishop, 511.

New Testament Greek, Syntax of Moods and
Tenses in: Burton, 329.

Nicoll: Lamb of God, etc., 679.
Nicolson, etc.: Non-Biblical Systems of Reli-
gion, 499.

Non-Biblical Systems of Religion: Farrar,
etc., 499.

Norgate, etc.: Short History of the English
People, 339.

Old Testament, Outline Studies in, etc.:
Moorehead, 670.

Old World, Rambles in the: Terry, 677.
Oriental Social Life, Studies in: Trumbull,

Osborn: Heavenly Pearls Set in a Life, 997.
Osborne: Principles of Economics, etc., 164.
Outline Analysis of Books of the Bible: Tay-
lor, 344.

Outline Studies in Old Testament: Moore-
head, 670.

Outline Study of Law: Russell, 842.
Outlines of Economics: Ely, 332.

Parliament of Religions, The World's
Barrows, 176.

Patten: Facts and Fallacies of "Christian
Science," 512.

Paul's Ideal Church and People: Rowland,

Pembroke: Wilkins, 679.

Pentateuch and Isaiah, Exegetical Studies:
Warren, 163.

Pentecost: The Invincible Gospel, 512.
Peter, Was the Apostle Ever at Rome?
Gallagher, 676.

Peters, etc. Scriptures, Hebrew and Chris-
tian, 344.

Pets, Our Home: Miller, 680.
Poems: Dickinson, 168.

Poetry, Study of: Arnold, 680.

Political Economy and Natural Law: Wood,

Poole Good Night Thoughts about God, etc.,

Prayer that Teaches to Pray: Dods, 511.
Preparation of the World for Christ, A His
tory of Breed, 330.

Primitive Saints and See of Rome; Puller,

Prince of India: Wallace, 502.

Princeton Sermons, 988,

Private Life, and Other Stories: James, 335.
Psychic Phenomena, Law of: Hudson, 504.
Puller: Primitive Saints and See of Rome,

Pulpit and Platform: Tiffany, 175.

Putnam: Authors and Their Public in An-
cient Times, 334.

Quabbin, etc.: Underwood, 343.

Rab and His Friends, etc.: Brown, 337.

| Rambles in the Old World: Terry, 677.
Rauch, Life of Christian Daniel: Cheney,

Rawlinson, etc.: Non-Biblical Systems of
Religion, 499.

Reade: Cloister and the Hearth, 176.
Redford Vox Dei, The Doctrine of the
Spirit, etc., 160.

Rees, etc.: Epochs of Indian History, 843.
Religion: De Molinari, 502.

Religion, Non-Biblical Systems of: Farrar,
etc., 499.

Religious Forces of the United States: Car-
roll, 668.

Reveiation by Character: Tuck, 988.
Revelation, Supernatural: Mead, 327.
Revised Version, Harmony, etc.: Broadus,

Robertson: Thoughts on God and Man, 679.
Rogers: Life and Teachings of Jesus, 986.
Roman Empire, The Student's: Bury, 174.
Romanism versus Protestantism: Arm-
strong, 678.

Rome, Primitive Saints, and See of: Puller,

Rossetti: The House of Life, 680.
Rowland: Paul's Ideal Church and People,

Ruskin: Ideas of Truth, 680.

Russell: A Lawyer's Examination of the
Bible, 985.

Russell: Outline Study of Law, 842.
Russell: Sub-Coelum, etc., 671.

Sabatier: Life of St. Francis of Assisi, 845.
Saints, Primitive, and See of Rome: Puller,

Sanborn, etc.: A. Bronson Alcott, 337.
Saunders: Beautiful Joe, 512.
Savage: Jesus and Modern Life, 161.
Science and a Future Life, etc.: Myers, 991.
Science, Credentials of, etc.: Cooke, 842.
Science of the Earth, etc.: Dawson, 672.
Scriptures, Hebrew and Christian, etc.: Bart-
lett and Peters, 344.

Seaverns: Thoughts for the Thoughtful, 342.
Seeker in the Marshes, etc.: Dawson, 333.
Selections from Early Christian Writers:
Gwatkin, 329.

She Stoops to Conquer, etc.: Goldsmith, 680.
Ships That Pass in the Night: Harraden,

Silhouettes, Literary and Social: Boyesen,

Small, etc. Introduction to the Study of
Society, 989.

Smith: Every-day Religion, etc.: 343.
Smith: Inspiration and Inerrancy, 344.
Social Evolution: Kidd, 839.

Society, Introduction to the Study of: Small,
etc., 989.

Song of Songs: Terry, 163.

Spain, Child's History of: Bonner, 675.
Spirit of God: Mozoomdar, 667.
Spirit, The Doctrine of, etc., Vox Dei: Red-
ford, 160.

Springstead: The Expert Waitress, 679.
Spurgeon: Art of Illustration, 998.

Strong: Exhaustive Concordance of the Bi- | Vance: Young Man Foursquare, 999.

ble, etc., 832.

Study of Poetry: Arnold, 680.
Sub-Coelum, etc.: Russell, 671.

Substance and Shadow, etc.: Holmes, 841.
Summer Revivals, etc.: Allen, 1000,
Sunday Newspaper, The: Bishop, 511.
Supernatural Revelation: Mead, 327.
Sylvan Lyrics, and Other Verses: Hayne, 342.
Systematic Theology: Miley, 835.

Systems of Religion, Non-Biblical: Farrar,
etc., 499.

Vincent: The Holy Waiting, 164.

Vincent etc.: Introduction to the Study of
Society, 989.

Von Moltke, Essays, Speeches, and Memoirs
of Field-Marshal: McClumpha, Barter,
and Herms, 340.

Von Moltke, Field-Marshal Count Helmuth, as
a Correspondent: Herms, 340.
Vox Dei, The Doctrine of the Spirit, etc.:
Redford, 180.

Waiting, The Holy: Vincent, 164.

Taylor: Outline Analysis of Books of Bible, Waitress, The Expert: Springstead, 679.


Taylor: The Boy Jesus, etc., 511.
Tennyson, Works of Alfred, etc., 673.
Terry: Rambles in the Old World, 677.
Terry: The Song of Songs, 163.
Thayer: The Dawn of Italian Independence,

Theology, Systematic: Miley, 835.

Thoburn: Deaconess and Her Vocation, 679.
Thoughts for the Thoughtful: Seaverns,

Thoughts on God and Man: Robertson, 679.
Through Conversion to the Creed: Carnegie,

Tiffany: Pulpit and Platform, 175.
Tongue of Fire, etc.: Arthur, 511.
Trumbull: Studies in Oriental Social Life,

Truth, Ideas of: Ruskin, 680.

Tuck Revelation by Character, 988.
Tucker: Favorite Pets, etc., 344.

Underwood: Quabbin, etc., 343.
United Brethren, Comment on Confession of
Faith, etc.: Weaver, 344.

United States, Religious Forces of: Carroll,

Upham: First Words from God, etc., 847.

Wallace: Prince of India, 502.

Warren: Exegetical Studies, The Pentateuch

and Isaiah, 163.

Way Into the Holiest: Meyer, 668.
Weaver: Comment on Confession of Faith of
United Brethren, 344.

Wee Ones of Japan: Bramhall, 1000.
What is Inspiration? De Witt, 158.
Wheel of Time, and Other Stories: James,

Wilkins: Giles Corey, Yeoman, 343.
Wilkins: Pembroke, 679.

With Edged Tools: Merriman, 680.
Wood: Ideal Suggestion through Mental
Photography, 507.

Wood: Political Economy and Natural Law,

Words from God, First, etc.: Upham, 847,
World, Preparation of for Christ: Breed, 330,
World, Witness of to Christ: Mathews, 325.
World's Parliament of Religions: Barrows,

Wright: The Friendship of Nature, 848.
Wright, etc.: Non-Biblical Systems of Reli-
gion, 499.

Young: The Biographers of Christ, 678.
Young Man Foursquare: Vance, 999.

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