
approach of bad characters-burglars, or such like. A story came to us the other day that a convict escaped from one of the Florida penitentiaries and got well away before the hounds were put upon his line. He, however, discomfited the creatures in a cunning manner, for, providing himself with a quantity of pepper, he strewed it on his track. This not only quite prevented the hounds following him, but, it is said, pretty nearly killed one of the best of them, who persevered for a considerable time longer than his comrades in endeavouring to make out the scent of the fugitive.

"Gait. The gait is elastic, swinging, and free, the stern being carried high, but not too much curled over the back.

"Colour.-The colours are black and tan, red and tan and tawny, the darker colour being sometimes interspersed with lighter or badger-coloured hair, and sometimes flecked with white. A small amount of white is permissible on chest, feet, and tip of stern."

There is little or nothing more to be said of the modern bloodhound. That many writers have given him an evil character, for which there was no justification, none who are acquainted with him will deny. Whether in his kennel or in the house, on the show bench or in the country, he is always the same noble, sensible creature; rather indolent perhaps, but a faithful companion, and interesting as an object of admiration. He is a difficult dog to rear, being delicate in his infancy, but once over distemper and other dangers of puppyhood, he is as hardy as most, and certainly about the least troublesome of all big dogs. Still, the pure bred hounds cannot be recommended as watch dogs, for they are not fond of barking at and making known the presence of strangers; and one of their admirers says that his favourite hound would rather bay the moon" than by his voice proclaim the

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approach of bad characters-burglars, or such like. A story came to us the other day that a convict escaped from one of the Florida penitentiaries and got well away before the hounds were put upon his line. He, however, discomfited the creatures in a cunning manner, for, providing himself with a quantity of pepper, he strewed it on his track. This not only quite prevented the hounds following him, but, it is 'said, pretty nearly killed one of the best of them, who persevered for a considerable time longer than his comrades in endeavouring to make out the scent of the fugitive.

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