

By and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate—FOR LIFE OR GOOD BEHAVIOR.

The President makes Appointments of Officers of the United States Navy.

To fill vacancies in the lowest grade of Commissioned Officers in the Army, as follows:

One-fourth of the number from non-commissioned offi. cers in the Army. The remaining vacancies not filled by the graduates from the Military Academy, are appointed from civil life.


By and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate-FOR FOUR YEARS.

Chiefs of seven bureaus of the Department, embracing: Yards and Docks, Equipment and Recruiting, Navigation, Ordnance, Construction and Repair, Steam Engineering, Provisions and Clothing, Medicines and Surgery. The first five officers are selected from the list of officers of the navy, not below the grade of commander. The chief of the Bureau of Construction and Repair must be a skillful naval constructor. The chief of the Bureau of Steam Engineering is appointed from the chief engineers of the navy. The chief of the Bureau of Provisions and Clothing is taken from the list of paymasters of the navy of not less than ten years' standing. The chief of the Bureau of Medicines and Surgery from the list of surgeons of the navy. These chiefs of Bureaus have the rank and pay of commodore while serving as such.


By and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate-

All line officers on the active list, and all officers in the several staff corps of the navy are appointed as fol. lows:


Admiral, Vice Admiral, Rear-Admirals, Commodores,

Captains, Commanders, Lieutenant-Commanders, Lieu. tenants, Masters, Ensigns, Midshipmen.


Medical Corps.-Medical Directors, Medical Inspectors, Surgeons, Assistant Surgeons.

Pay Corps.-Pay Directors, Pay Inspectors, Pay. masters, Passed Assistant Paymasters, Assistant Pay


Engineer Corps.--Chief Engineers of the three grades, viz.: Captains, Commanders, Lieutenant-Commanders, or Lieutenants; First Assistant Engineers, with rank of Lieutenants or Masters; Second Assistant Engineers, with rank of Masters or Ensigns. Chaplains. Naval Constructors and Assistant Naval Constructors. Civil Engineers and Naval Storekeepers. Professors of Mathe



By and with the Advice and Consent of the SenateTERM UNLIMITED.

Secretary of the Interior. Assistant Secretary of the Interior. Architect of the Capitol Extension. Assistant Commissioner of Patents. Assistant Inspector of Gas Meters in the District of Columbia. Auditor of Railroad Accounts. Commissioner of Education. Commissioner of General Land Office. Commissioner of Indian Affairs Commissioner of Patents. Commissioner of Pensions. Deputy Commissioner of Pensions. Director of Geological Survey. Examiners-in-Chief of Patent Office. Inspector of Gas Meters in the District of Columbia. Principal Clerk of Private Land Claims. Principal Clerk of Public Lands. Principal Clerk of Surveys. Recorder of Deeds for the District of Columbia. Recorder of General Land Office. Register of Wills for the District of Columbia. Superintendent of the Census. Supervisors of

the Census.

By and with the Advi e and Consent of the SenateTERM OF FOUR YEARS.

Governors of Territories. Indian Agents. Indian Inspectors. Pension Agents. Receivers of Public Moneys. Registers of Land Offices. Secretaries of Territories. Surveyors-General.

By and with the Advice and Consent of the SenateTERM OF ONE YEAR.

Members of the Hot Spring Commission (Arkansas). By the President.

Commissioners to Codify the Land Laws, for an unlimited term. Members of Board of Indian Commissioners, for an unlimited term. Government Directors of the Union Pacific Railroad Company, for a term of one year. Visitors to the Government Hospital for the Insane, for a term of six years.


By and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate.

who serves for and during the term of the President who appoints him, and for one month thereupon, thus differing from the terms of the other cabinet officers.

By and with the Advice and Consent of the SenateTERM UNLIMITED.

First, Second, and Third Assistant Postmasters-Gen. eral.

By and with the Advice and Consent of the SenateTERM OF FOUR YEARS, UNLESS SOONER REMOVED.

The Postmaster at New York City.

Postmasters of the first, second, and third classes. The commissions of all Postmasters appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, are made out and recorded in the Post-Office Department, and are under the seal of the Department, and countersigned by the Postmaster-General.


By and with the Advice and Consent of the SenateTERM UNLIMITED.

The Attorney-General of the United States. Assistant Attorneys-General, of which there are three. SolicitorGeneral. Examiner of Claims in the Department of State. Solicitor of Internal Revenue. Solicitor of the Treasury. Assistant Solicitor of the Treasury.


By and with the Advice and Consent of the SenateTERM UNLIMITED.

The Commissioner of Agriculture.


By and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate-TO HOLD THeir offiCES DURING GOOD BEHAVIOR..

The Chief Justice and the Associate Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States. Circuit Judges of the United States. District Judges of the United States. Chief-Justice and Judges of the Court of Claims. ChiefJustice, and Associate Justices of the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia.

By and with the Advice and Consent of the SenateTERM OF FOUR YEARS.

Chief-Justice and Associate Justices of the Supreme Courts of the Territories. District Attorneys of the United States. Marshals of the United States Courts. Attorneys of the United States in the Territories. Marshals of the United States in the Territories.

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Time and Manner of Electing Senators.

The Legislature of each State which is chosen next preceding the expiration of the time for which any Senator was elected, on the second Tuesday after meeting, proceeds to elect a Senator. A viva-voce vote is taken in each House of the Legislature, and the name of the person receiving a majority of the whole number of votes cast, is entered on the journal.

At twelve o'clock, next day, the members of each house convene in joint assembly, and if the same person has received a majority of votes in both houses he is declared elected. But if not, the joint assembly proceeds to choose, and the person receiving a majority of all the votes, a majority of all the members elected to both houses being present and voting, is elected.

If on the first day no election is made, the joint assembly meets on each succeeding day, and must take at least one vote until a Senator is elected.

Principal Officers of the Senate.

A President (the Vice-President of the United States, or a Senator, elected President pro tem), a Secretary, a Chief Clerk, a Sergeant at Arms, a Chaplain.

Senators, each... Secretary... Chief Clerk.


5 Principal Clerks.. Librarian.........

Assistant Librarian..

1 Special Policeman..

4 Laborers in Secretary's office.. Chaplain of Senate






6 Clerks in Secretary's office.


5 Clerks in Secretary's office.. Stationery Keeper... Assistant....




2 Messengers, each....

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Secretary to Vice-President.
Sergeant-at-Arms and Doorkeeper.
Clerk to the Sergeant-at-Arms..
Assistant Doorkeeper..

Acting Assistant Doorkeeper..........

3 Acting Assistant Doorkeepers, each Postmaster to the Senate.

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There is one Legate from each of the...owing intories: Arizona, Dakota, Idaho, Montana, New Mexico, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming.

Time and Manner of Election.

Representatives in Congress are elected by ballot in districts composed of contiguous territory. The day for electing Congressmen is the Tuesday next after the first Monday in November, every second year. Delegates from the Territories are elected by a majority of the votes of the qualified voters of the Territories, respectively. They have seats in the house with the right of debating, but not of voting


A Speaker, a Clerk of the House, a Chief Clerk, a Chaplain.

Clerk to Committee on District of Columbia
Clerk to Joint Committee on the Library
Clerk to Committee on the Census..
Superintendent Document-Room..

2 Assistants in Document-Room, each..
1 Page in Document-Room...

Superintendent of Folding-Room...

1 Assistant in Folding-Room..

24 Messengers (Assistant Doorkeepers), each..

i Messenger to Committee on Appropriations. Messenger in charge of Store-Room...

Messenger in Official Reporter's Room.......... Chief Engineer...

3 Assistant Engineers, each...

2 Firemen, each.

3 Laborers in Engineer's Department, each.

2 Telegraph Operators..

22 Clerks to Committees during Sessions, each at

$6 per diem.

14 Pages for the Senate Chamber;

3 Riding Pages; and

I Page for the Office of the Secretary, at the rate of $2.50 per day, each, when employed.

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1,200 1,440

... 1,440







Chief Clerk..


Journal Clerk..

2 Reading Clerks

Tally Clerk....

Printing Clerk...


Assistant to Chief Clerk.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Newspaper Clerk

Superintendent of Document-Room. Index Clerk.


1 Female Attendant in Charge of Ladies' RetiringRoom.

[blocks in formation]


Stationery Clerk

[blocks in formation]

Reporters of Debates, paying own Assistants... 25,000


The House of Representatives consists of two hundred and ninety-three Representatives and eight Delegates, apportioned among the States and Territories as follows: Maine, 5; New Hampshire, 3; Vermont, 3; Massachusetts, 11; Rhode Island, 2; Connecticut, 4; New York, 33; New Jersey, 7; Pennsylvania, 27; Delaware 1; Maryland, 6; Virginia, 9, North Carolina, 8; South Carolina, 5; Georgia, 9; Alabama, 8; Mississippi, 6; Louisiana, 6; Ohio, 20; Kentucky, 10; Tennessee, io; Indiana, 13; Illinois, 19; Missouri, 13; Arkansas, 4; Michigan, 9; Florida, 2; Texas, 6; Iowa, 9; Wisconsin, 8; California, 4; Minnesota, 3; Oregon, 1; Kansas, 3; West Virginia, 3; Nevada, 1; Nebraska, 1; Colorado, L.


Document Clerk.



2 Assistant Librarians, each.

1 Book-keeper

4 Clerks, each..


Clerk to Committee on Claims.
Clerk to Committee on Public Lands.
Clerk to Committee on War Claims.
Clerk to Committee on Invalid Pensions.
Clerk to Committee on Judiciary..
Clerk to Committee on District of Columbia
Clerk to Committee on Appropriations.
Clerk to Committee on Ways and Means........
Sergeant-at-Arms of the House..
Clerk to Sergeant-at-Arms of the House.
Paying Teller for Sergeant-at-Arms of

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