





BEG leave to present to YOUR MAJESTY the Difcourfes of a Per

fon, who, when living, had the Honour to be distinguish'd by YOUR ROYAL FAVOUR.

The Occafion of making them Publick is too well known to be diffem.

A 2

diffembled, and too affecting to be mentioned without Concern. The Title Page contains the Hiftory of my Misfortunes, and, as it bespeaks the Compassion of the Readers on account of Perfonal Circumstances, fo it will (I hope) befpeak their Candour with regard to the Performance, which had never otherwife been communicated to the World.

That an Addrefs on this Occafion, from one of your meaneft Subjects, fhould be directed to YOUR MAJESTY, will appear ftrange to none, but fuch as are Strangers in ENGLAND, fuch as are unacquainted with YOUR MAJESTY'S Condefcenfion and Generofity.

rofity. The frequent Offerings of this Kind made to YOUR MAJESTY, are so many Testimonies of your MAJESTY's Goodness, which we have feen moft laudably displayed, both in the Relief of the Distreffed, and the Encouragement of the Learned the Clergy in general; and thofe efpecially, who bear a nearer Relation to YOUR ROYAL PERSON, have amply experienced the gracious Influence of thefe Virtues. Would to God that your dutiful Chaplain, the Author of these Discourses, had liv'd to have made this grateful Acknowledgment, which is now on a fad Occafion, and in an imperfect Man


ner attempted by his unfortunate Widow.

The Nature of the Cafe fpeaks itself better than any Words I can use, and YOUR MAJESTY'S known Goodness confirms my Hopes of Your Favourable Acceptance of these Discourses, with all Humility presented by,


YOUR MAJESTY's moft Dutiful,

and moft Obedient Subject,

and Humble Servant,


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