

1649, 1650.

HE young king at the Hague. The States condole


with him he is proclaimed in Scotland. Character
of Lanrick, duke of Hamilton. Condition of Scotland.
the Scottish commissioners protest against the king's trial:
they are imprisoned. Middleton assembles troops in Scot-
land. Factions in the king's court. The marquis of
Mountrose goes into Germany: he arrives at the Hague.
The earl of Lautherdale's discourse against Mountrose.
Dorislaus killed at the Hague by some Scottish men. The
king requests an audience with the States, and delivers a
memorial: he asks advice of the States, and prepares to sail
for Ireland. Lord Cottington desires an embassy to the
court of Spain: the king appoints him and the chancellor
of the exchequer ambassadors. The king's arrangements
preparatory to his sailing for France. The marquis of
Mountrose goes to Hamburgh. The ambassadors for Spain
set out. They visit the duke of Lorrain at Brussels. The
queen is not pleased with the chancellor. The king re-
moves to Breda, thence to Antwerp and to Brussels.
Mr. Elliot comes to the king: his influence. Private audi-

ence of the chancellor with the queen. The chancellor re-
lates to the king his conversation with the queen. Cotting-
ton prevents Windham being made secretary. Affairs in
Ireland after Ormond's arrival. Dublin is blocked up.
Jones beats Ormond's army. Cromwell is made lord lieu-
tenant of Ireland: his movements delay the king's voyage
to Ireland. Affairs of France. The king leaves St.
Germain's. Lord Cottington and the chancellor arrive at
Bourdeaux. Their progress in Spain. Of sir B. Wright,

who received them at Madrid. The court take no notice
of their arrival. Of the Spanish masquerade and running
of the course. Account of the toros. Characters of the
different ambassadors at the court of Spain. Of don
Lewis de Haro, and of the duke of Medina de los Torres.
Of the members of the Spanish court. Of the conde of
Pignoranda. The ambassadors have a private audience.
Prince Rupert with his fleet escapes from Lisbon. Affairs
of Ireland. Cromwell takes Tredagh, and marches into
Munster. The king declines going into Ireland. Argyle
invites the king into Scotland. The queen's advice to the
king. The Scottish commissioners at Breda. The king
of Spain's opinion concerning his majesty's going into
Scotland. Mountrose, after soliciting forces at Hamburgh,
embarks for Scotland. Colonel Straghan sent against
Mountrose, who is taken prisoner: his behaviour before
the Scottish parliament: his discourse with the presbyte-
rian ministers: his execution, and that of his officers:
his character. Affairs of Ireland. The house refuses to
ratify Monk's treaty with Owen O'Neile. Cromwell
permits the Irish to go into foreign service. Low condition
of the loyal party in England. Fairfax suppresses the
mutiny of the levellers.



HE king arrives in Scotland, and takes the covenant:

arvet by character of the vernons

preached before the king. Argyle's behaviour. His ma-
jesty has some state, but no liberty in Scotland. The par-
liament send Ascham to Spain: he is killed at Madrid.
The ambassadors write to don Lewis about it. Some of

the murderers of Ascham are taken and imprisoned. Ro-
spigliosi required the delivery of Ascham's murderers
Lewis's opinion of Ascham's murder. Ireton is appointed
Cromwell's deputy in Ireland. Cromwell is made general:
he enters Scotland, and routs the Scots at Dunbar: he
goes to Edinburgh. The king's ambassadors are desired
to leave Spain. Lord Cottington is reconciled to the
church of Rome, and dies at Valladolid: his character.
The other ambassador is courteously dismissed. Death of
the prince of Orange. The duke of York left with the
queen: he goes to Brussels, and is advised to marry the
duke of Lorrain's daughter. The duke returns to Paris.
The king's affairs in Scotland. The Scottish parliament
meet at Stirling, and reconciles the lords. The coronation.
Cromwell endeavours to engage the king's army: he leaves
Monk in Scotland, and pursues the king. The earl of
Derby endeavours to raise forces in Lancashire. The king
summons Shrewsbury: he marches to Worcester. Ill suc-
cess of the earl of Derby. Lord Withrington is killed:
his character. Character of sir T. Tildesly. Transac-
tions of the king at Worcester. Ambition of the duke of
Buckingham. Ill disposition of the king's officers. His
majesty's defeat at Worcester. Hamilton is killed his
character. The king's retreat and concealment. Lesley
is taken. Earl of Derby's character and execution. The
king arrives at Paris, and communicates to the chancellor
the particulars of his deliverance. The affairs of Ireland :
marquis of Ormond's condition there. Death of Owen
Roe O'Neile. Popish bishops desire the lord lieutenant to
commit the government to a catholic. Ormond goes to the
king at Paris. Love, a presbyterian, is executed. Crom-
well erects courts of justice. The king's necessity at Paris.
Necessities and factions of the duke of York's family. The
king appoints a new council. Berkley claims the master-

HE state of parties. Cromwell erects another council

Cromwell dissolves the parliament: his method for com-

posing a government. Praise-God Barebone's parliament.

Cromwell calls them together, and invests them with au-
thority. Rouse chosen speaker. Cromwell made lord
protector, and installed in Westminster-hall: he is enter-
tained at Grocers' hall. A strong fleet set sail, and the
Dutch are beaten. Trump comes to sea with another
fleet he is slain. The Dutch are defeated. Cromwell

makes peace with the Dutch. General discontents in the
nation. A high court of justice erected. Mr. Gerard and
Mr. Vowel tried, condemned, and executed. Don Panta-
leon Sa is executed. State of Scotland and Ireland. The
levellers form a dangerous party. Cromwell's speech to
parliament. Lenthall chosen speaker. Unruly spirit of
the members. Cromwell addresses parliament again, and
dissolves it. Character of Wildman. John Lilburn is im-
prisoned and escapes: he asperses the protector, is in-
dicted of high treason, and acquitted. Cromwell's treaty
with France. The king wishes to leave that country.
Affairs of Scotland. Mr. Wogan proposes to march
through England and join Middleton. Wogan's death.
Petitions against the chancellor. Walsingham discovers
them to the king. De Retz sent to the Bastille. The
king and chancellor at a masque. Prince Rupert arrives
at Nantes. Herbert, lord keeper of the great seal. Prince
Rupert's account of his fleet. Mr. Long accuses the chan-
cellor of having conversed with Cromwell: the king acquits
the chancellor. He is again accused: his defence. The king
acquits him. His majesty is impatient to leave France.
The prince tries to sell the cannon.
The king proposes
to go to Spa. He receives three thousand pounds, and the
cardinal pays his arrears. The condition of king Charles the
First's children after his death. The duke of Gloucester
goes to Paris. Prince Rupert leaves the king. Lord
keeper Herbert resigns. The king left Paris June 1654.
Amour of the earl of Bristol. The designs of the earl

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