
Translate into Gaelic

Section 3.

1. "Who hath measured the waters in the hollow of his hand, and meted out heaven with a span, and comprehended the dust of the earth in a measure, and weighed the mountains in scales, and the hills in a balance?" 2. "One man "two men"-" three men"-" twenty men"

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dred men;" and describe and illustrate any peculiarity in the plural form of nouns qualified by numerals.

Section 4.

1. How are adverbs formed from adjectives in Gaelic?

2. What cases are governed respectively by the indicative and infinitive moods of an active verb? Explain the apparent anomaly herein presented in Gaelic grammar.

3. What is the root of the Gaelic verb; what tenses has it; what errors against English idiom are, accordingly, apt to be committed by those who habitually speak Gaelic; and how would you provide against these errors in a Highland school?

N.B.-The same papers were used for the examination of male and female candidates, with the exception of the two following papers on domestic economy and arithmetic, which were used for the females specially.


(Three Hours allowed for this Paper.)

Section 1.

1. Give directions for keeping the air in a sleeping apartment in a wholesome condition.

2. Account for the difficulties experienced in keeping apartments at once warm and well-aired, and mention some means employed for overcoming them. 3. Mention the chief points to be kept in view by a working man in the choice of a house, and the proportion which the rent should bear to his income.

Section 2.

1. Explain the nature of soap and the way in which it acts in cleansing. 2. Mention the various natural substances of which clothes are formed and their comparative advantages,

3. Write heads of a lesson on dress as indicating the character of a young


Section 3.

1. Give rules for preserving butter, eggs, and milk.

2. State the advantages, in regard to health and economy, of different ways of cooking butcher's meat.

3. How should the preparation of farinaceous food be varied with regard differences of age and health, (e. g.) for infants, adults, and invalids.

Section 4.

Give directions for the making of poultices, and mention the purposes

for which they are used.

2. How may mustard be employed for medical purposes?

3. Describe the symptoms of croup and measles, and the manner in which they ought to be treated.


(Three Hours allowed for this Paper.)

Section 1.

Explain distinctly the various steps in the working of one of the following questions:-

1. Add together 3645, 578, 67893, and 36.

2. If 27 men perform a piece of work in 32 days, in what time will 12 men do it?

3. Find the sum of 3, 4, and 51.

Section 2.

1. Divide 115 yds. 2 qrs. by 3 yds. 2 qrs.

2. If 15 reapers in 12 days earn 277., in what time will 6 reapers earn 187.? 3. Divide 112537. among 3 men and a boy, giving a boy of a man's share.

Section 3.

1. Find, in as many different ways as you can, the price of 56 yards of cloth at 17s. 11 d. per yard.

2. Required the difference and product of 0825 and ⚫0625.

3. What principal will amount to 7201. 6s. 6d. in four years, at three per cent, compound interest?

Section 4.

1. Reduce, 1, and 13 to equivalent decimal fractions.

2. Find the square root of 937024.

3. A, B, and C together, can build a wall in 12 weeks; C can do it alone in 24 weeks, and A in 34 weeks. In what time could B do it?

Section 5.

1. What books are most essential in book-keeping by single and double entry respectively?


2. What do you understand by

'fictitious or nominal accounts."

66 sundries," "real accounts," and

3. Distinguish the terms "trial balance" and " general balance."

Explain the method of forming the latter.

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