





THE Committee on Durham Short Horn Cattle respectfully report: The show of animals in this class was very respectable in numbers and general appearance. Among the bulls, your committee notice many very fine specimens of this valuable race, combining the good qualities for which they are remarkable. The prize bulls, your committee would say, combine good size and fine handling. Their general appearance in regard to proportion, symmetry and style, is remarkably good. They are also prompt and active in their movements; and your committee are of opinion that much good stock may be produced from them. The prize cows, heifers and calves, also combine the qualities spoken of in the bulls, in a good degree, and many of the cows show that the milking properties are not entirely lost sight of, which in the opinion of your committee, is of the first importance in New England. It is to be regretted that so many of this class of stock are sold and driven out of the state, but the prices generally paid, tempt the owners to part with them. About thirty head of this class were viewed by your committee. Taken as a whole, they are very creditable to their several owners and to the state generally. Your committee tender their thanks to the owners and persons having this stock in charge, for their promptness and system in showing off their animals, which very much lightened the duties and facilitated the business of the commit


Your committee have awarded as follows:

Bulls three years old and over.

1st premium, T. S. Gold, West Cornwall, Col. Fremont, Linus Birdsey, Meriden, Mount Hope,

2d do.

3d do.


Thomas Cowles, Farmington, Monarch,

Bulls two years old.

1st premium, Bishop & Son, New Haven, Rocket,
do. Thomas Cowles, Farmington, Prince of Orange,
No competitor for the third premium.

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1st premium, Frederick H. North, New Britain, Tornado, Second and third, no competition.

Bull Calves.

1st premium, George C. Hitchcock, New Preston, Henry

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1st premium, Elias Bishop & Son, New Haven, Isabella,





Thomas Cowles, Farmington, Marchioness,
George H. Townsend, East Haven, Beauty,

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George C. Hitchcock, New Preston, Cream Pot, $10
George C. Hitchcock, do.


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1st premium, T. S. Gold, West Cornwall, Dutchess, do. George H. Townsend, East Haven,

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do. George H. Townsend, East Haven, All of which is respectfully submitted.



NEW HAVEN, Oct. 12, 1854.


The Committee on Devon Cattle respectfully report: That they have examined all that class of cattle that have been presented for premiums, and have awarded as follows:

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No other two year old bulls were offered for examination.

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1st premium, S. & L. Hurlbut, Winchester, Stanley Griswold, Torringford,



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Heifers two years old.


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Heifer Calves.

1st, Premium, S. & L. Hurlbut, Winchester,

2d do. E. S. Linsley, Meriden,



Your committee do not deem it necessary to make any remarks respecting the value of Devon cattle in preference to other breeds of stock.

We are satisfied that the Devon stock now on exhibition, is a sufficient proof that their value is fully appreciated.

ADAMS WHITE, Chairman.


The Committee on Alderneys respectfully report, that the entries in this class are only four in number, viz., one bull, twenty-two months old; one cow, six years old; one heifer, twenty-two months old; one heifer-calf, three months old. These animals, (except the young calf which had evidently suffered from being taken from home) are of great excellence, and superior specimens of this valuable breed of cattle. They were all offered by John T. Norton, Esq., of Farmington, and are of the importation of John A. Taintor, Esq., of Hartford. They are of full medium size, and as one sees them in front, with their clean throats and beautiful, game-like heads and countenances, they are certainly handsome animals, though in their whole appearance they would be classed as ordinary looking. The heifer, nearly two years old, appears to possess all the fine qualities of the breed, and is evidently an animal of much value.

The Alderney or Jersey cows are remarkable for the richness of their milk. Mr. Norton assured the committee, that from six to seven quarts of the milk of his cows, would make a pound of butter. The deep yellow color imparted to the butter, is another peculiarity of this breed of cows, as may be seen in the fine specimens of butter exbibited by Mr. Norton.

It has been supposed that coming from the island of Jersey, a comparatively mild though moist climate, that the Alderneys would not be sufficiently hardy for New England. Mr. Norton thinks, on the contrary, that they will prove to be adapted to our climate, and

is so well satisfied with the breed in all respects; that he intends to keep these full bloods alone upon his farm for dairy purposes.

Experiments with the different breeds of cattle, in different localities and for various purposes, carefully conducted by gentlemen of good judgment and of means, (for such experiments are usually expensive,) are of great benefit to the community, if the results are made available by being widely published.

Your committee are clearly of opinion that cattle should be bred distinctly for the purposes for which they are wanted; and when butter is the principal product derived from the dairy, they are inclined to think that a cross at least of the Alderneys, and perhaps, (if they should prove well adapted to the climate,) the introduction of the full bloods would be attended with decidedly good results. The committee award to Mr. Norton the first premiums as follows: To his bull, one year old,

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The Committee on Ayrshires report :-That as but one cow, five years old, and one heifer, one year old, were submitted to their inspection, there was no competition, and it only devolved upon them to decide if these animals were entitled to any premium, and if so to which of the premiums.

After due examination and inquiry, the committee have no hesitation in pronouncing them first class animals. Their pedigree is undoubted, and they possess, in a high degree, the points which constitute perfection in the Ayrshire stock. The committee therefore award to Robbins Battell, for his cow, $12, being the highest premium on Ayrshire cows, three years old and over; and $8 for his heifer, being the highest on Ayrshire heifers, one year old.

One bull only was presented for premium under this class, eleven months old. No written pedigree was furnished, and the committee

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