
Prayers and the same good ProPraises of thy vidence watch over Church, and

listen to our US, Duty with ho

nest Hearts, in

order to prac


and preserve Going - out,

and our Coming

tise it. And in. Defend us from give us Grace to dedicate this all Dangers and Day, as Thou Adversities, and be hast appointed

Souls. Direct

graciously pleas'd

us, to thy Service, and the to take us, and all Care of our Things belonging us in all our to us, into thy FaWays, and therly Care and guide our Feet Protection. These into thy Paths.

Things, O Lord, and whatever else Thou shalt see necessary and convenient either for our Souls, our Bodies, or Estates, we humbly beg of Thee, for the sake of thy Son


Jesus Christ, in whose Name and Words we conclude our imperfect Prayers.

Our Father which art in Heaven; Hallowed be thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy Will be done, in Earth, as it is in Heaven. Give us this Day our daily Bread; and forgive us our Trespasses, as we forgive them that trespass against us.

And lead us not

For thine is the

into Temptation, but deliver us

from Evil.

Kingdom, the Power and the Glory, for ever and ever.




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To be used in the Families of the Parish of LAMBETH.

The Family being together, a little before Bed-time, let the Master or Mistress, or any other whom they shall think most proper, say as follows; all kneeling.


Confession of Sins, with a Prayer for Contrition and Par



cious and

Merciful God, who

art of purer Eyes than to behold Iniquity, and hast promised


Mercy and Forgiveness to all them who confess and forsake their Sins; We come before Thee in an humble Sense of our own Unworthiness, acknowledging our manifold Transgressions of thy righteous Laws, in Thought, Word, and Deed. We have every Day been doing those Things which thou hast forbidden, and leaving undone the Things which Thou hast commanded; so that when we look back upon our past Lives, and remember that Thou art privy to our most secret Sins, we are afraid of thy Judgments, and ashamed to lift up our Eyes unto Thee.


• Here let him* But, O Gracious who reads, make a Father, who de

short Pause, that

every one may se- sirest not the Death cretly confess the

that Day.

Sins and Failings of of a Sinner, look upon us, we beseech Thee, in thy Son Jesus Christ, and for the Merits of his Sufferings be Thou merciful to our Sins. Make us deeply

sensible of the great Evil of them, and work in us a hearty Contrition, and let the Remembrance of them be more grievous and afflicting to us, than of any other evil whatsoever: That we worthily lamenting our Transgressions, and being brought to a Hatred of our Sins, and a hearty Repentance,

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