
When you have put on your Cloaths, say the following Prayer.


ALMIGHTY God, who madest and governest

all Things in Heaven and Earth, and whose Mercy is over all thy Works; I give Thee humble Thanks for that thou hast deliver'd me from the Perils and Dangers of the past Night, and brought me safely to the Beginning of this Day. Protect me in it, I beseech Thee, by thy good Providence, and give me Grace to be diligent in my Business, and dutiful and obedient to my Parents and Governors. Preserve

Preserve me from Sickness and Dangers, and all evil Accidents, but especially from Sin and Vice, and from the Snares and Temptations of profane Company and evil Examples. Keep up in me an awful Reverence of Thee, and thy Name, that I may at all Times behave myself in the Holy Offices of Religion with Seriousness and Attention, and carefully abstain from Vanity and Profaneness of all Kinds. Imprint upon my Mind such a Sense and Fear of thy All-seeing Eye, as may keep me from Falshood and Lying, and every evil Way; remembering that Thou beholdest the most secret Thoughts

Thoughts and Actions of my Heart and Life. That walking always in thy Fear, and being protected by thy good Providence, both in Body and Soul, I may evermore serve and please Thee; and as I grow in Age, may also grow in Grace and Goodness. Grant this, O merciful Father, for the Sake of Thy Son Jesus Christ, my only Mediator and Advocate. Amen.



A whom I live, and

move, and have my Being, and

and to whose gracious Providence over me, I owe all the Blessings and Benefits which I enjoy; I give Thee humble Thanks for thy Preservation of me, and for all thy other Mercies towards me, from the Beginning of my Life to this Day; beseeching thee to pardon all the Sins and Failings, by which I have at any time offended Thee, and to give me Grace to avoid them for the Time to come. I thank Thee more especially for the Blessing which thou hast vouchsafed me, of a pious and virtuous Education; and I and I pray thee to make me sensible of the great Benefit of it, and careful


to improve it, in a sober, serious, and regular Life; that so I may lay a sure Foundation for my own Happiness, and be a faithful Servant to Thee, and a

Comfort to my

*To my dear Father or Mother, dear Parents, if one be dead; or,

To my Relations whom I beseech

and Governors, if

the Parents be both thee evermore to bless and reward


for all their Care and Love towards me. I thank Thee, in particular for thy Preservation of me throughout the past Day, and beseech thee to continue thy gracious Protection to me this Night, and to give me such quiet and refreshing Sleep, as may fit me for the Duties of the following Day.


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