


the former of which his first efforts are directed. ter the varied and pleasant months which we have sed together and the numerous kind offices which as a physician, a fellow traveller, a friend, and Christian brother, he has been most diligent in rendering, I cannot tear myself away without regret. The voice of duty, however, as we both of us are persuaded, is clearly to be heard, and I would arise and cheerfully obey the call. At the same time I will freely confess, that I more and more concur in the sentiments of our brethren in Malta-Missionaries should become " "fix tures," and cease from their wandering habits. The Missionary traveller, may have more entertaining matter for his journals, but he who is in some good degree stationary, is more likely to exert an influence which will" live after him." In the infancy of Missionary operations, exploring tours, are undoubtedly necessary, yet many of these might advantageously be performed by those who are permanently established. At least such is the opinion of not a few sober friends of our enterprise, both clerical, and others in the Mediteranean. Health, curiosity and various other causes may safely be set down to counterbalance the love of ease, and domestic cares which would operate, to prevent a stationary clergyman from undertaking many journeys. "The reason why I have not travelled more," says one of the missionaries in Syria, " is not because I was unwilling, but because I could never get my brethren to advise me. 99 On the other hand, a man who has formed the habit of wandering from place to place, brings himself with difficulty to fix down in one spot, even after his judgment has pronounced it to be expedient. Having also the roaming spirit, he will the more rea

dily find excuses to justify his unsettled habits. These thoughts have been suggested in part, by hearing the remarks of some Smyrniote gentlemen, not very friendly to the missionary cause; and I feel that it is a subject of importance, to myself, and my Mediterranean brethren, surrounded as we are with such peculiar temptations to travel.

During the short time we have been here, besides making the acquaintance of the friends of our former missionaries-Messrs. Parsons, Fisk and King, and familiarizing ourselves with the new objects in this oriental world, I have also been taking lessons of an Italian master. On the Sabbath, we have improved several opportunities of preaching to the English and American seamen, and on one occasion, I have with Mr. G. attended public worship on board the U. S. sloop of war Ontario, Capt. Nicholson. After service, Capt. N. led us through the groupes of men as they were seated on the deck at dinner. It was truly gratifying to see the orderly, cleanly, and healthy condition of so great a number. Only two of the crew have died, during their whole absence from America. Still more to the credit of the worthy commander, is the pains which he takes by personal addresses and in other ways, to discountenance profaneness and intemperance. When no clergyman is present, he himself reads the church service on the Sabbath. Such an example is more likely to have weight with his brother officers, exhibited as it is by one, who has shared alike with them, in the laurels which are gathered from bloodier fields.

We have had the satisfaction of meeting here with two Boston gentlemen, Messrs. Langdon and Walley, to whom, as well as Mr. Purdey, an English gentle

man in the house of Mr. L. we are under much obligation for their friendly attentions. Messrs. Wherry, Van Lenneps and Offley, the English, Dutch, Swedish and American Consuls, have expressed their readiness to serve us. We have also experienced the civilities of Mr. Lee, an English merchant, who has resided. here forty years, and whose valuable library has been open to American missionaries before us; of Rev. Mr. Arundel, the British chaplain, who is preparing a volume on Smyrna, and the seven churches of Asia; and Mr. Barker, the agent of the British and Foreign Bible Society, who has travelled through every part of Turkey, distributing the scriptures. With Messrs. Van Lenneps, Lee, Arundel and Barker, you have become acquainted through the journals of our predecessors. The same friendly co-operation in promoting the objects of our mission, we also experience.



An apostle's route retraced-Entrance of the Hellespont-Abydos -Hill of Xerxes-Castles and town of the Dardanelles-European side of the straits-Maita-Example of a pious Captain -Parium.

Sea of Marmora, Jan. 30, 1827.

I sailed from Smyrna on the 30th, in the English schooner, Ann & Mary, Capt. March, of Bristol. We had taken on the deck of our vessel, a large portrait of the king of France, for his ambassador at Constan

nople. His majesty and ourselves, were in consequence, convoyed by a French man-of-war to the mouth of the Dardanelles.

After a whole day spent in beating past the castle of Smyrna, a fair and fresh breeze filled our sails, and bore us rapidly on our way, while we reversed the order of the Apostle Paul's last voyage to Jerusalem. On the following morning, we found ourselves "over against Chios," and thence in a few hours "came to Mitylene." We took the inner passage between the latter island and the main, and in the afternoon were opposite the ruins of Haivali. The situation was concealed from our view, but I sat on the deck of our vessel, and read with awakened sympathies, the account which is given of its once flourishing college, in Jowett's Researches, and of its subsequent destruction by the Turkish armies. During the night we passed Assos," which is at some distance up the northern side of the gulf of Adramittium.


At the midnight watch we doubled Cape Baba, the Lectum Promontory. The officer called me according to request, and I hastened above, to look out on the land of Priam. As the weather was very mild, and a wakeful mood was over me, I continued on deck until morning, observing as well as I was able, its low line of coast. While we were passing the "Troas" of the New Testament, the sun arose upon us, and we entered the Hellespont, eagerly watching the tumuli, and other interesting objects around Sigeum. Keeping too near this classic soil, we grounded for a few moments on a sand bank, which the turbid waters of the Mendere, had extended farther than our book of directions intimated. Without ever having heard the names

of Scamander, Xanthus or Simois, our crew clustered together, to praise the Trojan coast, and wonder at its yellow current which seemed to cover half the Hellespont. At the inner or old castles of the Dardanelles, we were boarded, as is customary, by the Turkish officer. He asked if I were an Englishman, to which I replied in the affirmative, meaning by it one under English protection. He then asked for my passports, when I presented my certificate of citizenship from the governor of Massachusetts, countersigned by the American consul at Smyrna. The British consul was ready to furnish me with other passports, but I chose to use American whenever they would answer. This or any other paper with a seal, was sufficient to prove me an Englishman, and accordingly after opening it, his Turkship applied the seal of his finger ring, and proceeded to count the number of the crew. Scarcely had he completed his examination, and we had passed the castles a mile or two, when the south wind wholly failed us. Without this, it is impossible to stem the current, whose waters set outward "as rapid as if they flowed beneath a bridge." We came to an anchor therefore, just below the site of ancient Abydos, on the Asiatic side, and near where Xerxes crossed the strait for the invasion of Greece.

As soon as our sails were furled, Capt. M. and myself went on shore and climbed the hill, from which the haughty Persian is said to have surveyed his marshalled millions. It is near the northern extremity of a low and narrow ridge, that extends towards the castle as a sort of natural embankment to the shore. On the one side is an immense plain, where the land forces were drawn up nation by nation; on the other, the

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