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" ... filing his claim, to commence proceedings in a court of competent jurisdiction to determine the question of the right of possession and prosecute the same with reasonable diligence to final judgment; and a failure so to do shall be a waiver of his... "
The Law of Mines and Mining in the United States - Side 385
av Daniel Moreau Barringer, John Stokes Adams - 1897
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House Documents, Otherwise Publ. as Executive Documents: 13th ..., Volum 9

United States. Congress. House - 1881 - 1188 sider
...with reasonable diligence to final judgment, and a failure to do so will be a waiver of his adverse claim. After such judgment shall have been rendered,...entitled to the possession of the claim, or any portion there«!', may, without giving further notice, file a certified copy of the judgment-roll with tin»...
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Statistics of Mines and Mining in the States and Territories West ..., Utgave 3

1872 - 600 sider
...with reasonable diligence to final judgment, and a failure so to do shall be a waiver of his adverse claim. After such judgment shall have been rendered,...possession of the claim, or any portion thereof, may file a certified copy of the judgment-roll with the register of tho land office, together with the...
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Statistics of Mines and Mining in the States and Territories West ..., Volum 3

Rossiter Worthington Raymond - 1872 - 602 sider
...with reasonable diligence t<> final judgment, and a failure so to do Shall be a waiver of his adverse claim. After such judgment shall have been rendered, the party entitled to the possession of tbe claim, or any portion thereof, may filo a certified copy of the judgment-roll with the register...
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The Congressional Globe, Volum 4;Volum 66,Del 4

United States. Congress - 1872 - 912 sider
...with reasonable diligence to final judgment; and a failure so to do ph:ill be a waiver of his adverse claim. After such judgment shall have been rendered, the party entitled to the possession of thu claim, or any purtiou thereof, may, without giving further notice, file i certified copy of the...
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The Abridgment ... Containing the Annual Message of the President of the ...

United States. President - 1872 - 786 sider
...rendered, the party entitled to the possession of the claim, or any portion thereof, may, without giviai further notice, file a certified copy of the judgment-roll with the register of the bun office, together with the certificate of the surveyor general that the requisite amount of labor...
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The Abridgment ... Containing the Annual Message of the President of the ...

United States. President - 1872 - 1104 sider
...do shall be и waiver of his adverse claim. After such judgment shall have been rendered, the part» entitled to the possession of the claim, or any portion thereof, may, without givin: further notice, file u certified copy of the judgment-roll with the register of the lamí office,...
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Statistics of Mines and Mining in the States and Territories West of the ...

United States. Department of the Treasury - 1872 - 604 sider
...with reasonable diligence to final judgment, and a failure so to do shall be a waiver of his adverse claim. After such judgment shall have been rendered, the party entitled to tho possession of the chum, or ¡шу portion thereof, may file a certified copy of the judgment-roll...
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House Documents, Otherwise Publ. as Executive Documents: 13th ..., Volum 3,Del 1

United States. Congress. House - 1873 - 992 sider
...with reasonable diligence to final judgment ; and a failure so to do shall be» waiver of his adverse claim. After such judgment shall have been rendered,...land office, together with the certificate of the surveyor general that the requisite amount of labor has been expended, or improvements made thereon,...
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Silver and Gold: An Account of the Mining and Metallurgical Industry of the ...

Rossiter Worthington Raymond - 1873 - 584 sider
...with reasonable diligence to final judgment ; and a failure so to do shall be a waiver of his adverse claim. After such judgment shall have been rendered, the party entitled to the possession of tbe claim, or any portion thereof, may, without giving farther notice, file a certified copy of the...
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The Statutes at Large and Proclamations of the United States of ..., Volum 17

United States - 1873 - 1188 sider
...™ent< patent to sion of the claim, or any portion thereof, may, without giving further t^Vt'o'posse^11" notice, file a certified copy of the judgment-roll with the register of the sion upon, &c. land-office, together with the certificate of the surveyor-general that the requisite...
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