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" ... [Provided, That the period within which the work required to be done annually on all unpatented mineral claims shall commence on the first day of January succeeding the date of location of such claim, and this section shall apply to all claims located... "
The Law of Mines and Mining in the United States - Side 261
av Daniel Moreau Barringer, John Stokes Adams - 1897
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House Documents, Otherwise Publ. as Executive Documents: 13th ..., Volum 9

United States. Congress. House - 1881 - 1188 sider
...since April 8, 1879. The second section of the. act to which yon refer is as follows : * * * 1'rorided, That the period within which the work required to be done annually on all unpateuted mineral claims shall commence on the tirst day of January succeeding the date of location...
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The Federal Reporter: Cases Argued and Determined in the ..., Volumer 7-8

1881 - 1900 sider
...congress amended the mining law by adding the following words to section 2324, Rev. St. : "Protridrd, that the period within which the work required to...mineral claims shall commence on the first day of January Ruccefdinjj tin- date of location of such claim : and this section shall apply to all claims...
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The Existing Laws of the United States of a General and Permanent Character ...

United States - 1880 - 216 sider
...hundred dollars' worth of labor shall be performed or improvements made during each year : Provided, That the period within which the work required to be done annually on all unpatented claims, so located, shall commence on the first day of January succeeding the date of location of such...
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The Federal Reporter: Cases Argued and Determined in the ..., Volumer 97-98

1900 - 2044 sider
...location." By an amendment of the latter act made on the 22d day of January, 1880, it was declared : "That the period within which the work required to be done annually on all uupatented mineral claims shall commence on the 1st day of January succeeding the date of location...
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Report of the Department of the Interior ... [with Accompanying ..., Volum 1

United States. Dept. of the Interior - 1880
...ginee April 8, 1879. Thf second section of the act to which you refer is as follows : * * * Provided, That the period within which the work required to be done annually on all unpatent«d mineral claims shall commence on the first day of January succeeding the date of location...
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Pomeroy's Mining Manual for Prospectors, Miners and Schools: Showing where ...

Henry R. Pomeroy - 1881 - 136 sider
...within which the work required to be done annually on all unpateuted mineral claims shall commence the first day of January succeeding the date of location...to all claims located since the tenth day of May, AD eighteen hundred and seventy-two. (That section two thousand three hundred and twenty-four of the...
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The Mining Laws of the United States, Colorado, New Mexico and Arizona ...

Charles S. Wilson - 1881 - 126 sider
...2324 of the Revised Statutes of the United States be amended by adding the following words: Provided, that the period within which the work required to...all unpatented mineral claims shall commence on the ist day of January succeeding the date of location of such claim, and this section shall apply to all...
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The Existing Laws of the United States of a General and Permanent Character ...

United States - 1881 - 216 sider
...hundred dollars' worth of labor shall be performed or improvements made during each year: Provided, That the period within which the work required to be done annually on all unpatented claims, so located, shall commence on the first day of January succeeding the date of location of such...
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The U. S. Mining Laws: And the Decisions of the Commissioner of the General ...

Dennis Kingsley Sickels - 1881 - 704 sider
...since April 8, 1879?" The second section of the act to which you refer is as follows: * * * "Provided, That the period within which the work required to be done annually on all uupatented mineral claims shall commence on the first day of January succeeding the date of location...
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The Public Statutes at Large of the United States of America, Volum 1

United States - 1881 - 746 sider
...required to be uary l after looadone annually on all unpatented mineral claims shall commence on the tion. first day of January succeeding the date of location of such claim, and K< s-> $ 2324< this section shall apply to all claims located since the tenth day of May, anno Domini...
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