B Y WILLIAM COW PER, Of the INNER TEMPLE, Efq. IN TWO VOLUMES. VOL I. Sicut aquæ tremulum labris ubi lumen ahenis So water trembling in a polish'd vase, its face, VIRG. EN. VIII. THE FOURTH EDITION. LONDON: Printed for J. JoHNSON, No. 72, St. Paul's Church Yard, M, D C C, LXXXVI 1 I. BIBLIOTHEK MUENGHEN A Comparison Page 41 73 103 140 180 212 258 299 302 304. Verses supposed to be written by Alexander Inland of Juan Fernandes On the Promotion of EDWARD THURLOW, 305 Efq. to the Lord High Chancellorship of England 309 Report of an adjudged Cafe not to be found in any of the Bocks 315 in the BIOGRAPHIA BRITANNICA MUINONEN TABLE TALK. Si te fortè mea gravis uret farcina charte Abjicito. HOR. LIB. I. EPIST. 13. A. You OU told me, I remember, glory built The deeds that men admire as half divine, Strange doctrine this! that without fcruple tears VOL. I. B Brings |