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HE Employment I have the
Happiness to enjoy in Your Ma-

T jefty's Maritime Service, and the Subject of the following Sheets, have embolden'd me, with the utmost Humility, to lay my felf and them at Your Royal Feet.



They contain, Sir, An Account of Remarkable Tranfactions at Sea from the first Ages to the prefent Times; and as Your Majesty's Kingdom of Great Britain must neceffarily make the most confiderable Figure therein, fo do its Naval Actions, thofe efpecially fince the happy Revolution, furnish out great part of the enfuing Hiftory, and, in this refpect, by much the more valuable, in that it exhibits to Your Royal View the gallant Behaviour of great Numbers of Your Majefty's Subjects, yet living, who, in fighting for the Prefervation of Religion, Laws, and Liberty, have given a glorious Earneft how ready they will always be to expofe their Lives in Defence of Your Sacred Perfon and Dignity.

As this Your Kingdom, Sir, hath in all Times been remarkable for its Naval Power, fo is that Power fo much augmented since the beginning of the Reign of Your Majesty's Royal Predeceffor, and Great-Grandfather, King James the First, that it hath not been equalled in any Age or Nation.

For if we look back to the most flourishing Maritime Potentates of old, as Tyre, Athens, Carthage, or even Rome itself, when in her moft flourishing State, we fhall find them fall fo very fhort of Your Majefty's Naval Strength, as not to admit of any Comparison; and among the Moderns, which of them is there that it doth not greatly exceed?


So vaft indeed is that Part of Your Majefty's Power, that were it poffible for you, Sir, to be influenced by other Principles than those of the most confummate Juftice, and of being actuated by the lawless Defire of Univerfal Sway, instead of a generous Love of Liberty, and a noble Ambition of Patronising it throughout the World, and Britain fhould, under Your Majesty's Influence, launch forth her utmost Strength on the Seas, what Alliances could be entered into, what Confederacies formed, fufficient to withstand fo mighty a Force?

But You, Sir, ferenely content with thofe Dominions which Heaven, and the Confent of willing Nations have called you to Rule, far from disturbing Europe with fuch Pursuits, are only watchful for its Repofe, and employ that awful Strength you are poffeffed of to no other purpose, than to preserve such a Ballance among its Princes as is abfolutely neceffary to its Peace, and reduce to Reason those who, by their boundless Ambition, would involve it in War and Defolation: So that, in Your Majesty's Hands, this Power resembles that which is invested in a miniftring Angel over the Elements, who doth not make use of it to lay wafte the World, and destroy Mankind at pleasure, but to procure the Good of the Whole, by the Punishment of particular Nations that are guilty; which yet he forbears to inflict, unless repeated Provocations force him, unwillingly, thereunto.

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And as Your Majefty doth thus piously endeavour to establish a lasting Tranquillity among others, fo is Your Tenderness towards Your own Subjects without Example; infomuch that it hath been abundantly extended even to those who, regardless of their Duty to God, and You their rightful Sovereign, were unhappily wrought upon to appear openly in Arms against Your Royal Perfon and Go


Long may Your Majesty prefide, in this Your high Station, over the Interests of Europe, and when late, very late, You fhall cease to labour here on Earth, not only for the Happiness of the People of thefe Your Kingdoms, but the Univerfal Good of Mankind, and ascend to the Poffeffion of an Immortal Crown, may that You leave behind flourish for ever on the Heads of Your Illuftrious Offfpring. Which is the ardent Prayer of,

May it pleafe Your Majesty,

Your Majesty's moft Dutiful,

and moft Obedient

Subject and Servant,

J. Burchett.

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