
present liberal constitution. My connection with it must soon cease, but before it does I shall hope through the liberality of the legislature to see it placed on a more satisfactory footing, and as such will enable it to meet the present wants of the Province.

I remain, yours very sincerely,


Owing to financial considerations the Senate have resolved to withdraw the allowance to the Collegiate School. The school was never in a more efficient state and I bear willing testimony to the steady and faithful way in which the teachers have performed their duties.

University Extension work has been successfully carried on in St. John. Particulars as to the work of the year 1892 will be found in the accompanying Calendar. A list of Graduates, Undergraduates and Matriculants is appended to this report. The Accounts of the Registrar and Treasurer herewith submitted will show the various items of Income and Expenditure.

I have the honor to be,

Your Honor's most obedient servant,

THE UNIVERSITY, January, 1893.



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There shall be in each school year one session of the Normal School, consisting of two terms. The first term (except for the French Department) shall begin on the first teaching day in September, and close on the last teaching day in December. The second term shall begin on the first teaching day in January and close on the Friday next preceding the second Tuesday in June.

Times and Stations of Examination: (1) Examinations for admission to the Normal School shall be held in each year at Fredericton, St. John, Moncton, St. Stephen, Chatham, Bathurst, Campbellton, Woodstock, Andover, and such other places as the Board of Education may hereafter determine, on the first Tuesday of July, beginning at 9 o'clock in the forenoon.

A supplementary entrance examination will (on application to the Principal not later than the 15th day of August) be held at the opening of the Normal School in Fredericton in September, 1893, for those candidates who shall have failed to present themselves for examination in July, or having attended shall have failed to pass.

(2) Closing examinations shall be held each year at Fredericton, St. John and Chatham, beginning at 9 o'clock a. m., on the second Tuesday in June. For Student-Teachers in the French Department, and other candidates for Third Class License, a closing examination for Third Class only shall be held at Fredericton twice each year, beginning respectively on the Tuesday next preceding the last Friday of May, and on the Tuesday next preceding the week in which Christmas falls. All candidates, other than those presented by the Principal of the Normal School, required to be examined in Reading at the Fredericton station shall present themselves in the Assembly Hall of the Normal School at 2 o'clock p. m., on the day immediately preceding the date fixed for the opening of the written examination, for examination in Reading.

Application for admission to the Normal School Entrance Examinations should be addressed to the Inspector within whose Inspectoral District the Candidate wishes to write, not later than the 24th day of May in each year. The application shall state the Class for which the Candidate wishes to be examined. An Examination Fee of $1 must accompany each application.




JAMES R. INCH, Esq., LL. D.,

Chief Supt. of Education,

Fredericton, N. B.)

SIR: I beg leave to submit for the information of the Hon. the Board of Education, my Annual Report on the Provincial, Normal and Model Schools for the year closing June 30th, 1892.


The enrolment for the year reached the highest point yet attained. The table given below shows the number annually enrolled since the annual session was resumed

in 1887:

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Large as this enrolment of 269 is, that of the current year will show that it is

likely to be


Below I give the details of the enrolment and classification for the year of the Student Teachers in the usual way:


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The figures given above include 30 students of the French Department divided among the Counties represented as follows:-Gloucester, 17; Kent, 8; Madawaska, 1;

and Westmorland, 4.

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