
An act for the appointment of printers to the state.

An act in amendment of an act entitled "an act to regulate the survey and admeasurement of lumber, brought by water or imported into this state."

An act to establish a state normal school.

An act in amendment of an act entitled "an act for the preservation of oysters and other shell-fish within this state."

An act to establish a court of magistrates in the city of Providence.

An act in addition to an act entitled "an act concerning crimes and punishments."

Acts passed June session, 1854.

An act in amendment of an act entitled "an act prescribing the forms of writs, and manner of serving them."

An act in addition to an act to revise and amend laws regulating public schools.
An act in relation to the appropriation for the indigent insane.

An act in amendment of an act entitled "an act providing for the relief, employment and removal of the poor."

An act in addition to an act entitled "an act in amendment of an act entitled an act prescribing the manner of proceedings in courts," passed at the January session, a. D. 1854.

An act in amendment of an act entitled "an act in amendment of an act entitled an act establishing and regulating fees."

An act in amendment of an act entitled "an act in amendment of an act for the preservation of oysters and other shell-fish within this state."

An act in addition to and in amendment of the act entitled "an act establishing courts of probate, and the acts in addition to and in amendment thereof."

An act in amendment of an act entitled “an act to regulate the powers of institutions for savings in this state."

An act further to protect personal liberty.

An act in amendment of an act entitled "an act further to protect personal liberty," passed at the January session, A. D. 1848.

An act enlarging the powers and duties of the court of justices in the city of Newport. An act in addition to an act entitled "an act for the more effectual suppression of drinking-houses and tippling-shops," passed at the January session, A. D. 1853.

Acts passed October session, 1854.

An act in addition to an act entitled "an act in relation to the supreme court and the courts of common pleas," passed at the June session, 1852.

An act in amendment of and in addition to an act entitled "an act concerning slaughter houses," passed at the January session, A. D. 1853.

An act in amendment of the several acts heretofore passed for the preservation of oysters and other shell-fish within this state.

An act in addition to and amendment of an act entitled "an act to regulate the militia," and the acts in addition to and amendment thereof.

An act to provide for a registration of births, marriages and deaths.

An act repealing an act entitled "an act in amendment of an act entitled an act to regulate the militia."

An act in relation to foreign insurance companies.

An act increasing the salary of the general treasurer.

An act in amendment of an act entitled "an act in amendment of an act entitled an act in relation to the supreme court," passed at the May session, A. D. 1848.

An act in relation to the salary of the commissioner of public schools.

Acts passed January session, 1855.

An act in relation to the pardoning power.

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An act in amendment of an act entitled an act to prevent fraud in fire-wood and charcoal exposed for sale."

An act regulating the custody of insane paupers.

An act in relation to the indigent insane.

An act in addition to and in amendment of an act entitled " an act substituting net weight for gross weight, and for ascertaining the weight of certain articles.”

An act in amendment of an act entitled "an act concerning dogs."

An act authorizing the commissioners of shell-fisheries to purchase a watch boat, to be located on Great Bed.

An act to regulate the powers of institutions for savings in this state.
An act in amendment of an act entitled "an act in relation to jurors."

An act in addition to an act entitled "an act concerning crimes and punishments." An act in addition to an act entitled "an act in explanation and amendment of an act in relation to banks."

An act restricting the powers and duties of courts of record of the state.

An act to regulate the fishery on Point Judith ponds.

An act in relation to railroad corporations and the transportation of freight and pas


An act in amendment of "an act in relation to the discharge of fire-arms, and the firing and selling of fire-works."

An act in amendment of "an act in relation to the discharge of fire-arms, and the firing and selling of fire-works."

An act in amendment of " an act to establish the limits of the several jail yards.” An act to prevent seine fishing in Allen's harbor and Potowomut river.

An act in amendment of an act entitled "an act regulating the assessing and collecting of taxes."

An act in amendment of an act entitled "an act to regulate the organization of the general assembly."

An act in relation to reports and returns to the general assembly.

An act in amendment of "an act for the more effectual suppression of drinking-houses and tippling-shops," passed January, 1853, and of the act in amendment thereof, passed June, 1854.

An act in amendment of and in addition to an act entitled "an act concerning crimes and punishments."

An act in amendment of an act in relation to the board of prisoners in jail.

An act in addition to an act entitled "an act in relation to foreign insurance companies."

An act in relation to appeals to the general assembly on petitions for the benefit of an act entitled "an act for the relief of insolvent debtors.'

An act in amendment of an act entitled "an act in relation to jurors."

An act to prevent seine fishing in the harbor of Wickford.

An act in amendment of an act entitled "an act to revise and amend the several acts in relation to the election of civil officers."

An act for the more effectual suppression of gambling houses and games of chance. An act to regulate the assessing and collecting of taxes.

An act to repeal the act entitled "an act establishing a court of magistrates in the village of Woonsocket, in the town of Cumberland.”

An act in addition to an act entitled "an act concerning crimes and punishments."

Acts passed May session, 1855.

An act to establish a court of magistrates in the village of Woonsocket.

An act in amendment of an act entitled "an act to regulate the assessing and collecting of taxes."

An act in amendment of an act entitled "an act to provide for a registration of births, marriages and deaths."

An act in amendment of an act entitled "an act to establish a court of magistrates in the city of Providence."

An act in amendment of an act entitled "an act for the more effectual suppression of drinking-houses and tippling-shops."

An act in amendment of an act entitled "an act in relation to gauging, and for the appointment of gaugers."

An act establishing the salaries of the governor and lieutenant-governor.

An act in relation to wrecks and shipwrecked goods cast upon Block Island.

An act in amendment of an act entitled "an act for the more effectual suppression of drinking-houses and tippling-shops."

An act for the appointment of a printer to the state.

An act in addition to the several acts in relation to hawking and peddling without license.

Acts passed January session, 1856.

An act in relation to the treasury of the state, and the duties of the officers thereof. An act to regulate the militia.

An act in amendment of and in addition to an act entitled "an act for the more effectual suppression of drinking-houses and tippling-shops."

An act in relation to the returns of banks and institutions for savings.

An act in amendment of an act entitled "an act in relation to certain fisheries."

An act in amendment of an act entitled "an act concerning partition and estates holden in common and in joint-tenancy."

An act in addition to an act entitled "an act in amendment of an act entitled an act concerning partition and estates holden in common and joint-tenancy."

An act in addition to an act entitled "an act authorizing and regulating the taking of depositions."

An act in amendment of an act entitled "an act to regulate the fishery in Point Judith ponds."

An act in amendment of an act entitled "an act to prevent clandestine marriages.” An act for the prevention of counterfeiting.

An act in amendment of an act entitled "an act in relation to wills of real and personal estate."

An act in amendment of an act entitled "an act to regulate powers of institutions for savings."

An act in addition to an act entitled "an act in amendment of an act entitled an act in amendment of an act directing the times and places of holding the terms of the supreme court and the court of common pleas, contained in the digest of 1844."

An act in addition to an act entitled " an act in amendment of the several acts heretofore passed for the preservation of oysters and other shell-fish within the waters of this


An act in relation to gaming.

An act in addition to an act entitled "an act in relation to the supreme court."

An act in relation to the holding of the terms of the court of common pleas for the county of Providence.

An act in amendment of an act entitled "an act in relation to the duties of town officers."

An act in amendment of an act entitled "an act in relation to gauging and for the appointment of gaugers."

An act in amendment of an act entitled "an act concerning the property of married women,"

An act in amendment of the act entitled "an act concerning crimes and punishments." An act in amendment of an act entitled "an act in addition to an act entitled an act establishing courts of probate."

An act in amendment of an act entitled "an act in relation to foreign insurance companies."

A resolution making an annual appropriation for printing the registration report.

Acts passed May session, 1856.

An act explanatory of an act entitled "an act to regulate the assessing and collecting of taxes," passed at the January session, a. D. 1855.

An act in amendment of an act entitled "an act enlarging the powers and duties of the court of justices of the city of Newport."

An act in amendment of an act entitled "an act in amendment of an act in relation to the supreme court," passed at the October session, A. D. 1854.

An act in amendment of an act entitled "an act in relation to the holding of the court of common pleas for the county of Providence."

An act in amendment of an act entitled "an act in relation to foreign insurance companies."

An act in amendment of an act entitled "an act to regulate the militia."

An act in addition to an act entitled "an act in addition to an act concerning crimes and punishments."

An act in relation to bank commissioners.

An act concerning truant children and absentees from school.

An act in amendment of an act entitled "an act in relation to senators and representatives to represent this state in congress, and of electors of president and vice-president of the United States."

A resolution directing the secretary of state, and other officers, to employ the state printer to do all the printing for the state.

Acts passed January session, 1857.

An act establishing bank commissioners.

An act to regulate the liability of hotel keepers.

An act to provide for the safety of passengers on railroads.

An act for the suppression of certain common nuisances.

An act in addition to an act entitled "an act in relation to the supreme court."

An act in amendment of an act entitled "an act in relation to the supreme court."

An act in amendment of "an act relative to senators and representatives to represent this state in congress, and of electors for the election of president and vice-president of the United States."

An act in amendment of an act entitled "an act regulating ferries."

An act in amendment of an act entitled "an act for the relief of poor persons impris oned for debt."


ABATEMENT, actions brought in wrong county, liable to, 425.

time of limitation of actions extended by, 430.

death of one or more plaintiffs or defendants, no cause of, if cause of action
survives for or against surviving plaintiffs or defendants, but to proceed for or
against them, 446.

action of dower, when not to abate by death of defendant in, 505.

partition, not to abate by death of tenant for life or years when joined
with tenant in reversion or remainder in fee in, 508.

not to abate by omission of party, and proceedings in case
omission is pleaded, 509.

not to abate by death of any party to it, and proceedings in
case of, 509.

death of either party, marriage of plaintiff, or sale by one cotenant to another,
no cause of, in actions for damages caused by mill-dams, 218.

of nuisances and of causes injurious to health, 180, 182.

ACCIDENTS ON RAILROADS. See Railroad Commissioners.

ACCOUNT, limitation of actions of, except concerning trade and merchandise be-
tween merchant and merchant, 429.

action of, when lies between joint owners of property real and personal, 522.
appeal from judgment in action of, 523.

appointment, qualifying, powers and duties of auditors in actions of, 523.
judgment and costs in report of auditors in action of, and their compensation,


auditors in action of, to act by majority, though all must meet and accept, 523.
ACCOUNTS, allowed by courts, when to be transmitted to state auditor, 59.

against the state to be examined and adjusted by state auditor, 58.
to the state auditor, by whom, how and when to be rendered, 59, 60.
penalty for neglect to render, 62.

of taxable property, to be rendered to assessors of taxes, 108, 114.

no remedy for overtax in case of neglect to render, 108, 114.
of guardian, when and how to be rendered to court of probate, 324.
citation to guardian to render, 324.

penalty upon guardian for neglect to render, 324.

settlement of guardians by court, final, 325.

power of court of probate to examine, allow and settle accounts of executors,
administrators and guardians, 349.

duty of court as to such accounts in case of sale of lands, &c., under license, and
notice to be given before settlement of, 351, 354.

of executor, administrator and guardian, must be settled before resignation, 352.
notice to be given by court of probate before settlement of accounts of executor,
administrator or guardian, 353.

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