


fegments of the circle AE, EB, BF, FC, CG, GD, DH, HA. there- Book XII. fore the reft of the cylinder, that is the prifm of which the bafe is the polygon AEBFCGDH, and of which the altitude is the fame with that of the cylinder, is greater than the triple of the cone. but this prifm is triple d of the pyramid upon the fame bafe, of which d. 1. Cor. the vertex is the fame with the vertex of the cone; therefore the pyramid upon the base AEBFCGDH, having the fame vertex with the cone, is greater than the cone, of which the base is the circle ABCD. but it is alfo lefs, for the pyramid is contained within the cone; which is impoffible. Nor can the cylinder be less than the triple of the cone. let it be lefs if poffible. therefore, inversely, the cone is greater than the third part of the cylinder. In the circle ABCD describe a fquare, this fquare is greater than the half of the circle. and upon the fquare ABCD erect a pyramid having the fame vertex with the cone; this pyramid is greater than the half of the cone; because, as was before demonftrated, if a square be described about the circle, the fquare ABCD is the half of it; and if upon these squares there be erected folid parallelepipeds of the fame altitude with the cone, which are also prifms, the prifm upon the fquare ABCD fhall be the half of that E which is upon the fquare described about the circle; for they are to one another as their bafes ; as are also the third parts of them. therefore the pyramid the base of which is the square ABCD is half of the pyramid upon the fquare described about the circle. but this last pyramid is greater than the cone which it contains; therefore the pyramid upon the fquare ABCD having the fame vertex with the cone, is greater than the half of the cone. Bifect the circumferences AB, BC, CD, DA in the points E, F, G, H, and join AE, EB, BF, FC, CG, GD, DH, HA. therefore each of the triangles AEB, BFC, CGD, DHA is greater than half of the fegment of the circle in which it is. upon each of these triangles erect pyramids having the fame vertex with the cone. therefore each of these pyramids is greater than the half of the fegment of the cone in which it is, as before was demonftrated of the prifms and fegments of the cylinder. and thus dividing each of the circumferences into two equal parts, and joining the points of division and their extremi


2. 32. II.


Book XII. ties by straight lines, and upon the triangles erecting pyramids having their vertices the fame with that of the cone, and so on, there must at length remain fome fegments of the cone which together fhall be less than the excefs of the cone above the third part of the cylinder. let these be the fegments upon AE, EB, BF, FC, CG, GD, DH, HA. therefore the rest of the cone, that is the pyramid, of which the bafe is the polygon AEBFCGDH, and of which the vertex is the fame with that of the cone, is greater than the third part of the cylinder. but this py-E ramid is the third part of the prifm upon the fame bafe AEBFCGDH, and of the fame altitude with the cylinder. therefore this prism is greater than the cylinder of which the bafe is the circle ABCD. but it is also less, for it is contained within the cylinder; which is impoffible. there, fore the cylinder is not lefs than the triple of the cone. and it has been demonftrated that neither is it greater than the triple. therefore the cylinder is triple of the cone, or, the cone is the third part of the cylinder. Wherefore every cone, &c. Q. E. D.

See N.





NONES and cylinders of the fame altitude, are to one another as their bafes.


Let the cones and cylinders, of which the bases are the circles ABCD, EFGH, and the axes KL, MN, and AC, EG the diameters of their bafes, be of the fame altitude. as the circle ABCD to the circle EFGH, fo is the cone AL to the cone EN.

If it be not fo, let the circle ABCD be to the circle EFGH, as the cone AL to fome folid either lefs than the cone EN, or greater than it. First, let it be to a folid less than LN, viz. to the folid X; and let Z be the folid which is equal to the excefs of the cone EN above the folid X; therefore the cone EN is equal to the folids X, Z together. in the circle EFGH defcribe the fquare EFGH, therefore this fquare is greater than the half of the circle. upon the fquare EFGH erect a pyramid of the fame altitude with the cone; this pyramid is greater than half of the cone. for if a square be defcribed about the circle, and a pyramid be erected upon it, having the

fame vertex with the conet, the pyramid infcribed in the cone is half Book XII. of the pyramid circumfcribed about it, because they are to one another as their bases 2. but the cone is lefs than the circumfcribed py- a. 6. 12. ramid; therefore the pyramid of which the base is the fquare EFGH, and its vertex the fame with that of the cone, is greater than half of the cone. divide the circumferences EF, FG, GH, HE, each into two equal parts in the points O, P, R, S, and join EO, OF, FP, PG, GR, RH, HS, SE. therefore each of the triangles EOF, FPG, GRH, HSE is greater than half of the segment of the circle

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in which it is. upon each of these triangles erect a pyramid having the fame vertex with the cone; each of thefe pyramids is greater than the half of the fegment of the cone in which it is. and thus dividing each of thefe circumferences into two equal parts, and from the points of divifion drawing straight lines to the extremities of the circumferences, and upon each of the triangles thus made erecting pyramids having the fame vertex with the cone, and fo on, there must at length remain fome fegments of the cone which are together lefsb b. Lemma. than the folid Z. let these be the fegments upon EO, OF, FP, PG,

Vertex is put in place of altitude which is in the Greek, because the pyramid, in what follows, is fuppofed to be circumfcribed about the cone, and fo must havę the fame vertex, and the fame change is made in fome places following.

Book XII. GR, RH, HS, SE. therefore the remainder of the cone, viz. the pyramid of which the base is the polygon EOFPGRHS, and its vertex the fame with that of the cone, is greater than the solid X. In the circle ABCD defcribe the polygon ATBYCVDQ_fimilar to the polygon EOFPGRHS, and upon it erect a pyramid of the same altitude with the cone AL. and because as the fquare of AC is to the fquare of EG, fo is the polygon ATBYCVDQ to the polygon EOFPGRHS; and as the fquare of AC to the square of EG, so is d the circle ABCD to the circle EFGH; therefore the circle ABCD is to the circle EFGH, as the polygon ATBYCVDQ_to

C. I. 12.

d. 2. 12. e. II. 5.

[blocks in formation]

the polygon EOFPGRHS. but as the circle ABCD to the circle EFGH, fo is the cone AL to the folid X; and as the polygon a. 6. 12. ATBYCVDQ to the polygon EOFPGRHS, fo is a the pyramid of

f. 14. 5.

which the bafe is the firft of thofe polygons, and vertex L, to the pyramid of which the base is the other polygon, and its vertex N. therefore as the cone AL to the folid X, fo is the pyramid of which the base is the polygon ATBYCVDQ, and vertex L to the pyramid the base of which is the polygon EOFPGRHS, and vertex N. but the cone AL is greater than the pyramid contained in it; therefore the folid X is greater than the pyramid in the cone EN. but it is lefs, as was fhewn; which is abfurd. therefore the circle ABCD is

not to the circle EFGH, as the cone AL to any folid which is lefs Book XII. than the cone EN. In the fame manner it may be demonftrated that the circle EFGH is not to the circle ABCD, as the cone EN



folid lefs than the cone AL. Nor can the circle ABCD be to the circle EFGH, as the cone AL to any folid greater than the cone EN. for, if it be poffible, let it be fo to the folid I which is greater than the cone EN. therefore, by inverfion, as the circle EFGH to the circle ABCD, so is the folid I to the cone AL. but as the folid I to the cone AL, fo is the cone EN to fome folid, which must be less f than the cone AL, because the folid I is greater f. 14. 5. than the cone EN. therefore as the circle EFGH is to the circle ABCD, fo is the cone EN to a folid less than the cone AL, which was fhewn to be impoffible. therefore the circle ABCD is not to the circle EFGH, as the cone AL is to any folid greater than the cone EN. and it has been demonstrated that neither is the circle ABCD to the circle EFGH, as the cone AL to any folid less than the cone EN. therefore the circle ABCD is to the circle EFGH, as the cone AL to the cone EN. but as the cone is to the cone, fo 8 is the cylinder to the cylinder; because the cylinders are triple g. 15. 5. h of the cones, each of each. Therefore as the circle ABCD to h. 10. 12. the circle EFGH, so are the cylinders upon them of the same altitude. Wherefore cones and cylinders of the fame altitude, are to one another as their bases. Q. E. D.


IMILAR cones and cylinders have to one another see N.

S the triplicate ratio of that which the diameters of

their bases have.

Let the cones and cylinders of which the bases are the circles ABCD, EFGH, and the diameters of the bafes AC, EG, and KL, MN the axes of the cones or cylinders, be fimilar. the cone of which the bafe is the circle ABCD, and vertex the point L, has to the cone of which the bafe is the circle EFGH, and vertex N, the triplicate ratio of that which AC has to EG.

For if the cone ABCDL has not to the cone EFGHN the triplicate ratio of that which AC has to EG, the cone ABCDL fhall have the triplicate of that ratio to fome folid which is lefs or greater

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