

Station 257 to 258, bearing north ten degrees fifteen minutes west, distance one-fifth mile, thence continues on said meander of Wind River to a point in said section 24.

Station 258 to 259, bearing north forty-six degrees no minutes west, distance one-fifth mile, thence continues on the left bank of Wind River to a meander corner in the section line between sections 13 and 24, township 2 north, range 1 east, Wind River meridian; said meander corner bears north eighty-nine degrees fifty-three minutes west, a distance of two thousand two hundred and seventy-seven feet from the township corner common to the before-said sections 13 and 24. Station 259 to 260, bearing east, distance eighteen one-hundredths mile, thence east on the above-described section line between sections 13 and 24 to the southeast corner of lot 1, of said section 13.

Station 260 to 261, bearing north, distance one-half mile from said lot corner, the boundary bears north on the east one-sixteenth line to the east one-sixteenth corner in the centerline of said section 13.

Station 261 to 262, bearing west, distance one-fourth mile, thence west to the center one-fourth corner of the aforesaid section 13.

Station 262 to 263, bearing north, distance one-eighth mile, from said center one-fourth corner of section 13, the course bears north to C-S-N one sixty-fourth corner thereof.

Station 263 to 264, bearing west, distance one-fourth mile, thence west to the C-S-NW one sixty-fourth corner of said section 13.

Station 264 to 265, bearing north, distance three-eighths mile, thence north from the before-described corner to the west onesixteenth corner in the boundary between sections 13 and 12, township 2 north, range 1 east, Wind River meridian.

Station 265 to 266, bearing east, distance one-fourth mile, thence east on said boundary to the one-fourth corner thereof.

Station 266 to 267, bearing north, distance one-fourth mile, the course then bears north on centerline of said section 12 to the south one-sixteenth corner thereof.

Station 267 to 268, bearing west, distance one-half mile, thence west to the south one-sixteenth corner in the boundary between sections 11 and 12.

Station 268 to 269, bearing north, distance three-fourths mile, thence north on the before-described boundary to a corner common to sections 1, 2, 11, and 12, township 2 north, range 1 east, Wind River meridian.

Station 269 to 270, bearing west, distance one-fourth mile, from said section corner, the course bears west on the boundary between sections 2 and 11 to the east one-sixteenth corner thereof.

Station 270 to 271, bearing north, distance one-fourth mile, thence north on the east one-sixteenth line to the southeast one-sixteenth corner of said section 2, township 2 north, range 1 east, Wind River meridian.

Station 271 to 272, bearing west, distance one-fourth mile, thence west to the south one-sixteenth corner in the centerline of the aforesaid section 2.

Station 272 to 273, bearing north, distance one-fourth mile, thence north to the center one-fourth corner of section 2.

Station 273 to 274, bearing west, distance one-fourth mile, thence west on the centerline of said section 2 to the west one-sixteenth corner thereof.

Station 274 to 275, bearing north, distance one-half mile, thence north on the west one-sixteenth line of the before-said section 2 to the west one-sixteenth corner thereof in the township boundary.

Station 275 to 276, bearing west, distance one-fourth mile, thence west along said township line to the corner common to sections 2 and 3, township 2 north, range 1 east, Wind River meridian, and sections 34 and 35, township 3 north, range 1 east, Wind River meridian.

Station 276 to 277, bearing north, distance one-fourth mile, from said corner the boundary of the Riverton project bears north on boundary between sections 34 and 35, above-described, to the south one-sixteenth corner thereof.

Station 277 to 278, bearing west, distance one and one-fourth miles, from said south one-sixteenth corner the course bears west on the respective south one-sixteenth lines of sections 34 and 33 to the southeast one-sixteenth corner of the aforesaid section 33, township 3 north, range 1 east, Wind River meridian.

Station 278 to 279, bearing north, distance one-fourth mile, thence north to the east one-sixteenth corner in the centerline of said section 33.

Station 279 to 280, bearing west, distance one mile, thence west on the respective centerlines of sections 33 and 32, township 3 north, range 1 east, Wind River meridian, to the east one-sixteenth corner in the before-described section 32.

Station 280 to 281, bearing north, distance one-fourth mile, thence north to the northeast one-sixteenth corner of section 32, aforesaid. Station 281 to 282, bearing west, distance one-half mile, thence west on the north one-sixteenth line of said section 32 to the northwest onesixteenth corner thereof.

Station 282 to 283, bearing north, distance one-fourth mile, thence north to the west one-sixteenth corner in the boundary between sections 29 and 32, township 3 north, range 1 east, Wind River meridian.

Station 283 to 284, bearing west, distance one-fourth mile, the course then bears west to the section corner common to sections 29, 30, 31, and 32, township 3 north, range 1 east, Wind River meridian.

Station 284 to 285, bearing south, distance one-fourth mile, thence south to the northeast corner of lot 5, section 31, of the before-said township and range.

Station 285 to 286, bearing west, distance one-fourth mile, thence west on the north side of lot 5 to the northwest corner thereof.

Station 286 to 287, bearing north, distance one-half mile, the project boundary then bears north on the respective east one-sixteenth lines of sections 31 and 30 to the southeast one-sixteenth corner of the aforesaid section 30, township 3 north, range 1 east, Wind River meridian.

Station 287 to 288, bearing west, distance one-fourth mile, thence west to the south one-sixteenth corner in the centerline of said section 30.

Station 288 to 289, bearing north, distance one-fourth mile, thence north to the center one-fourth corner of said section 30.

Station 289 to 290, bearing west, distance forty-seven one-hundredths mile, thence west on the centerline of section 30 to the onefourth corner between said section 30, township 3 north, range 1 east, Wind River meridian, and section 25, township 3 north, range 1 west, Wind River meridian.

1 Station 290 to 291, bearing north, distance one-fourth mile, thence north on the township line to the north one-sixteenth corner between the before-described sections.

Station 291 to 292, bearing west, distance three-fourths mile, the course then bears west on the north one-sixteenth line of said section 25 to the northwest one-sixteenth corner thereof.

Station 292 to 293, bearing north, distance one-fourth mile, thence north to the west one-sixteenth corner in the boundary between sections 25 and 24, township 3 north, range 1 west, Wind River meridian.

Station 293 to 294, bearing west, distance one-fourth mile, thence west to the corner common to sections 23, 24, 25, and 26, township 3 north, range 1 west, Wind River meridian.



Station 294 to 295, bearing north, distance one-fourth mile, thence north on the boundary between sections 23 and 24 to the south onesixteenth corner thereof.

Station 295 to 296, bearing west, distance one-half mile, thence west on the south one-sixteenth line of said section 23 to the south onesixteenth corner in the centerline thereof.

Station 296 to 297, bearing north, distance one-half mile, thence north on said centerline to the north one-sixteenth corner of beforesaid section 23.

Station 297 to 298, bearing west, distance one mile, from said north one-sixteenth corner, the project boundary bears west on the respective north one-sixteenth lines of sections 23 and 22, township 3 north, range 1 west, Wind River meridian, to the north one-sixteenth corner in the centerline of said section 22.

Station 298 to 299, bearing north, distance one-fourth mile, thence north on the centerline of said section to the one-fourth corner in the boundary between sections 22 and 15, township 3 north, range 1 west, Wind River meridian.

Station 299 to 300, bearing west, distance one and one-fourth miles, the course bears west, from said one-fourth corner, on the respective boundaries between sections 15 and 22, 16 and 21, to the west onesixteenth corner in the boundary between said sections 16 and 21, all in township 3 north, range 1 west, Wind River meridian.

Station 300 to 301, bearing south, distance one-fourth mile; thence south to the northwest one-sixteenth corner of section 21, aforesaid. Station 301 to 302, bearing west, distance one-half mile, thence west on the respective north one-sixteenth lines of sections 21 and 20 to the northeast one-sixteenth corner of section 20, township 3 north, range 1 west, Wind River meridian.

Station 302 to 303, bearing north, distance one-fourth mile, the course then bears north to the east one-sixteenth corner in the boundary between sections 17 and 20.

Station 303 to 304, bearing west, distance one-half mile, thence west on said boundary to the west one-sixteenth corner thereof.

Station 304 to 305, bearing north, distance on-fourth mile, thence north on the west one-sixteenth line of said section 17 to the southwest one-sixteenth corner therof.

Station 305 to 306, bearing west, distance one-fourth mile from the aforesaid one-sixteenth corner the course bears west to the south onesixteenth corner in the boundary between sections 17 and 18.

Station 306 to 307, bearing south, distance one-fourth mile, thence south on said boundary to the corner common to sections 17, 18, 19, and 20, township 3 north, range 1 west, Wind River meridian.

Station 307 to 308, bearing west, distance one mile, thence west on the boundary between sections 18 and 19 to the corner in the township line common to sections 18 and 19, township 3 north, range 1 west, Wind River meridian, and sections 13 and 24, township 3 north, range 2 west, Wind River meridian.

1Station 308 to 309, bearing west, distance one-fourth mile, thence from said corner the course bears west to the east one-sixteenth corner in the boundary between sections 13 and 24, aforesaid.

Station 309 to 310, bearing south, distance one-fourth mile, the course then bears south to the northeast one-sixteenth corner of said section 24.

Station 310 to 311, bearing west, distance three-fourths mile, thence west on the north one-sixteenth line of section 24 to the north onesixteenth corner in the boundary between sections 23 and 24, township 3 north, range 2 west, Wind River meridian, which point is the northwest corner of lot 4 section 24, aforesaid.

Station 311 to 312, bearing south, distance three one-hundredths mile, thence south on the boundary between sections 24 and 23 to the

southwest corner of lot 4 aforesaid, which point is a meander corner in the left bank of Wind River.

Station 312 to 313, bearing north seventy-five degrees forty-five minutes west, distance twenty-eight one-hundredths mile, thence to a meander corner on the left bank of Wind River.

Station 313 to 314, bearing south eighty-nine degrees forty-five minutes west, distance twenty-two one-hundredths mile, the course bears westerly to a meander corner.

Station 314 to 315, bearing north fifty-seven degrees no minutes west, distance fifteen one-hundredths mile, thence to a meander corner on the left bank of Wind River.

Station 315 to 316, bearing south eighty-one degrees no minutes west, distance eleven one-hundredths mile, the course continues upstream along the left bank of Wind River to a meander corner, and to the point of beginning:

Provided, That any member, or the heirs or assignees of any member, of either of said tribes, who on the 24th day of July 1952, had an existing and valid assignment on any part of the above-described land, shall have the right, at his or her option, within one year after the date of enactment of this Act, to enter into a contract with the United States, by and through the Bureau of Reclamation, for the purchase, at a price and on terms satisfactory to the Secretary of the Interior, of all or any contiguous part of such assignment, and upon final payment of the purchase price therefor, a fee patent accordingly shall be issued to such assignee, subject to reservations of all oil, gas, and minerals to the United States, and subject to section 5 of this Act, and if any part of the land so selected shall contain land irrigable under the Riverton reclamation project, then said patented land shall be subject to all irrigation charges, taxes, and liens imposed by Federal or State law, to the same extent and in like manner as other lands of the Riverton reclamation project: Provided further, That all existing contracts relating to irrigation charges, with respect to such irrigable land, shall remain in full force and effect: And provided further, That nothing in this Act shall be construed to affect the rights and interests in and to any land embraced within the tract described herein that has been allotted to an individual member of either of the said tribes which, on the date of enactment of this Act, is held by the United States in trust for such member or his or her heirs.

SEC. 2. Subject only to the existing rights and interests which are not extinguished and terminated by this Act, all unentered and vacant lands within the area described in section 1 hereof, are hereby restored to the public domain for administration, use, occupancy, and disposal under the reclamation and public land laws of the United States: Provided, That the sale or other disposition of such lands shall be at rates and upon terms and conditions approved by the Secretary of the Interior: Provided further, That the average price of all such lands disposed of by sale shall be not less than $6.25 per acre.

1SEC. 3. The sum transferred to the credit of the Shoshone and Arapahoe Tribes of Indians as aforesaid and the expenses of carrying out the provisions of this Act shall be nonreimbursable and nonreturnable under the reclamation laws of the United States. The net proceeds derived from the disposal of said lands shall be covered into the general fund of the Treasury or into the reclamation fund as the Secretary of the Interior shall find appropriate in the light of the source from which the funds transferred or expended in carrying out this Act are derived.

SEC. 4. Subject to any outstanding rights and interests, all of the ceded lands of the Wind River Reservation withdrawn pursuant to the Act of June 17, 1902, for the development of the Riverton reclamation project, Wyoming, not included within the boundaries of the tract described in section 1 of this Act, are hereby restored to the ownership

Purchase by member of tribe.

Lands restored to public domain.



Lands restored to tribes.

32 Stat. 388. 5 U. S. C. 485; 43 U. S. C. 391.

25 U. S. C. 571-577.

Gross receipts from leases, etc.

25 U. S. C. 611-613. Ante, p. 179.

Rejection privilege.

August 1, 1953 [H. Con. Res. 108] 67 Stat. B122

Freedom from Federal supervision.

of said tribes to the same extent as the ownership provided by the Act of July 27, 1939 (53 Stat. 1128), with respect to vacant lands ceded to the United States under the provisions of the Act of March 3, 1905 (33 Stat. 1016), but not subsequently withdrawn for reclamation purposes: Provided, That the compensation authorized in section 1 hereof shall also be deemed to release the United States from any and all claims for damages whatsoever arising out of withdrawal of lands herein restored to tribal ownership.

SEC. 5. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the United States shall deposit in the Treasury of the United States to the credit of said tribes, to be available for expenditure for the benefit of said tribes and their members, as provided by the Act of May 19, 1947 (61 Stat. 102), as amended by the Act of August 30, 1951 (65 Stat. 208), and by the Act of July 17, 1953 (Public Law 132, Eighty-third Congress), and as may be hereinafter amended, 90 per centum of the gross receipts of the United States, as they are received from time to time, from all leases, bonuses, royalties, or other proceeds derived under the mining and mineral-leasing laws of the United States from any and all lands in which all rights and interests of the tribes are terminated and extinguished by the terms and conditions of section 1 of this Act and which are embraced within the boundaries of the tract described in said section 1. Notwithstanding any other provision of law the remaining 10 per centum of such gross receipts shall be deposited in the Treasury of the United States to the credit of miscellaneous receipts. SEC. 6. Should this Act become law subsequent to June 30, 1954, there is hereby reserved to the Shoshone and Arapahoe Tribes the privilege of rejecting, within one hundred and twenty days after the date of the Act, the terms and conditions of its sections 1, 4, and 5. If those terms and conditions are rejected, no part of the Act shall become effective.

SEC. 7. The Secretary of the Interior is authorized to perform any and all acts to carry out the provisions and purposes of this Act. Approved, August 15, 1953.




Whereas it is the policy of Congress, as rapidly as possible, to make the Indians within the territorial limits of the United States subject to the same laws and entitled to the same privileges and responsibilities as are applicable to other citizens of the United States, to end their status as wards of the United States, and to grant them all of the rights and prerogatives pertaining to American citizenship; and Whereas the Indians within the territorial limits of the United States should assume their full responsibilities as American citizens: Now, therefore, be it

Resolved by the House of Representatives (the Senate concurring), That it is declared to be the sense of Congress that, at the earliest possible time, all of the Indian tribes and the individual members thereof located within the States of California, Florida, New York, and Texas, and all of the following named Indian tribes and individual members thereof, should be freed from Federal supervision and control and from all disabilities and limitations specially applicable to Indians: The Flathead Tribe of Montana, the Klamath Tribe of Oregon, the Menominee Tribe of Wisconsin, the Potowatamie Tribe of Kansas and Nebraska, and those members of the Chippewa Tribe who are on the Turtle Mountain Reservation, North Dakota. It is further declared to be the sense of Congress that, upon the release of such tribes and individual members thereof from such disabilities and

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