

Names of ebmmissioners.


Governor may appoint in case of neglect or refusal to serve.


An Act to authorize the extension of the Buildings of the
Soldiers' Children's Home.

WHEREAS, the buildings erected by the three commissioners for the use of the Soldiers' Children's Home, are now crowded with the orphan children of our deceased soldiers, and many applications have been made to the board of managers for admission of others, which they have been compelled to refuse for want of room to accommodate them; therefore

1. BE IT ENACTED by the Senate and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey, That Henry D. Johnson, William M. Lenox and Thomas J. Corson, be and they are hereby appointed commissioners, and they are hereby authorized to build an additional wing or wings to said buildings, sufficient to provide accommodations for one hundred additional children, and that for the purpose of defraying the expenses thereof the treasurer of the state is hereby directed to pay to the said commissioners, on the warrant of the comptroller, out of any moneys in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, such sum or sums of money as they may require for the purpose of defraying the expense thereof, and also for the purpose of improving the buildings already erected; provided, that the whole cost of such extensions and improvements shall not exceed the sum of twenty thousand dollars.

2. And be it enacted, That if either of said commissioners shall neglect or refuse to serve, the governor shall appoint other commissioners to fill the place of such as may neglect or refuse to serve; and that such commissioners shall give bond, and make a detailed report of all moneys expended by virtue of this act, and shall have the same compensation for their services as provided in the act entitled "An Act to relieve and sustain the Soldiers' Children's Home," approved March seventh, eighteen hundred and sixty-six.

3. And be it enacted, That this act shall take effect immediately.

Approved April 3, 1868.


An Act to incorporate the Paterson and Haledon Horse Railroad Company.

1. BE IT ENACTED by the Senate and General Assembly of Corporators. the State of New Jersey, That Edwin T. Prall, M. H. Chapin, Edward A. Stansbury, Elisha Bloomer, Thomas D. Hoxsey and Benjamin W. Hoxsey, and such other persons as may hereafter be associated with them, shall be and are hereby made, constituted and declared a body politic and corporate, in fact and in law, by the name of "The Paterson and Haledon Horse Railroad Company," and by that name shall be capable of purchasing, holding and conveying any lands, tenements, real estate, goods and chattels, necessary or proper for the purposes of said corporation.


2. And be it enacted, That the amount of the capital stock Capital stock. of said corporation shall be forty thousand dollars, and shall be divided into shares of one hundred dollars each, which shall be deemed personal property, and transferable in such manner as the said corporation shall by their by-laws direct.

ers to open

3. And be it enacted, That the above named persons, or a Commissionmajority of them, shall be commissioners to open books to re- books of subceive subscriptions to the capital stock of said corporation, at scription. such time or times and place or places in the city of Paterson and elsewhere, at their discretion, as they or a majority of them may think proper, giving at least twenty days' notice of the same in the newspapers published in the city of Paterson; and at subscribing ten per centum shall be paid in cash for each share subscribed for to the commissioners, or some one of them, and as soon as five thousand dollars of the capital stock shall be subscribed, said commissioners shall give like notice for a meeting of the stockholders to choose not less Election of dithan seven nor more than nine directors, a majority of whom shall be residents of this state and citizens thereof, and such election shall be made at the time and place appointed, by such of the stockholders as shall attend for that purpose, either in person or by proxy, each share of the capital stock entitling the holder thereof to one vote, and the above named persons, o any three of them, shall be inspectors of the first election of directors of the said corporation, and shall certify,


Failure to elect directors


under their hands, the names of the persons duly elected, and deliver over the subscription books and all moneys paid in (after deducting all expenses previously incurred) to such directors so elected, and the time and place of holding the first meeting of said directors shall be fixed by the said persons named in the first section of this act, or a majority of them, and the directors chosen at such meeting, or at the annual election of said corporation, shall, as soon as may be after every election, choose out of their own number a president, who shall be a resident of this state; and in case of the death, resignation or removal of the president or any director, such vacancy or vacancies may be filled for the remainder of the year in which they may happen, by the said board of directors, or a majority of them; and in case of the absence of the president, the said board of directors, or a majority of them, may appoint a president pro tempore, who shall have such power and functions as the by-laws of the said corporation shall provide.

4. And be it enacted, That in case it shall happen that an not to work a election of directors shall not be made during the day when, pursuant to this act, it ought to be made, the said corporation shall not, for that cause, be deemed to be dissolved, but such election may be held at any other time in the manner provided by law in such cases, and the directors for the time being shall continue to hold their offices until others shall have been chosen in their places.

General pow.


May lay cut and construct


5. And be it enacted, That a majority of the directors of said corporation shall be competent to transact all business of the said corporation, and shall have power to call in the capital stock of said company by such installments and at such times as they may direct, and to make and prescribe such by-laws, rules and regulations as to them shall appear needful and proper touching the management and regulation of the stock, property, estate and effects of the said corporation, and shall also have power to appoint such officers, clerks and servants as to them shall seem meet, and to establish and to fix such salaries to them, and also to the president, as to the said board shall appear proper.

6. And be it enacted, That the said corporation shall have a railroad and power and authority to lay down and construct a railroad with the necessary turnouts and switches; beginning at a point on Hamburgh avenue in the city of Paterson at or near the present bridge crossing the Passaic river; thence along

said Hamburgh avenue, Rip Van Winkle avenue, and terminating in the old Pompton road, near the Haledon store, in the township of Manchester.

7. And be it enacted, That the track laid by the said corpo- width of track ration shall be of the same width as the wagon track now established by law, and the same shall in all cases be laid level with the surface of the streets through which the same may pass, and in conformity with the grades of such streets as now or hereafter may be established in the city of Paterson, and so as to present no unnecessary obstructions to, or in any way interfere with the wagons or other vehicles turning in or crossing said streets or roads through which said road or its turnouts or switches may be laid.

estate, &c.

8. And be it enacted, That the said corporation may pur- May purchase chase, have and hold, real estate at each terminus of said road and hold real not exceeding one acre in the aggregate, and may erect and build thereon, houses, depots, stables, and such other buildings and improvements as may be necessary for carrying out the objects of the said corporation.

9. And be it enacted, That the president and directors of Dividends. said corporation shall declare and make such dividends as they may deem prudent and proper, from time to time, out of the net profits of the said railroad.


10. And be it enacted, That the president and directors of May operate said corporation shall have power to purchase, or to have constructed with the funds of said corporation, all such machinery, cars, wagons, carriages, or other vehicles for the transportation of persons and property on their railroad as they may think fit, expedient or right, and also to purchase such horses or mules as they shall deem fit for the purpose of said corporation; provided, however, that no steam power shall be used as Proviso. a motive power upon said railroad except that known as the dummy engine; and that they are hereby authorized to demand and receive such sum or sums of money for the transfer of persons or property upon said railroad as they shall think reasonable and proper.

injuring road and works.

11. And be it enacted, That if any person or persons shall Penalty for wilfully or maliciously impair, injure, destroy or obstruct said railroad or any of its works, turnouts, switches, carriages, animals or machines, such person or persons shall forfeit and pay therefor to said corporation three times the amount of damage sustained by means of such injury, to be recovered

May borrow Money on bond and mortgage.


in the name of said corporation, with costs of suit, in any court having cognizance of the same.

12. And be it enacted, That the said corporation shall have power to borrow such sum or sums of money from time to time as shall be necessary to build, construct, repair or equip said road, and to secure the payment thereof by bond and mortgage, or otherwise, on the said railroad, lands, privileges, franchises and appurtenances of the said corporation, at a rate of interest not exceeding seven per centum per annum.

13. And be it enacted, That if the said railroad shall not be completed by the fourth of July, eighteen hundred and seventy, then and in that case so much of the railroad as remains unbuilt shall not come under the provisions of this act. 14. And be it enacted, That this act shall take effect immediately.

Approved April 3, 1868.

Limitations in section thirty

nal act re



A Further Supplement to "An Act to incorporate the City of Hudson," approved April eleventh, eighteen hundred and fifty-five.

1. BE IT ENACTED by the Senate and General Assembly of four of origi- the State of New Jersey, That it shall be lawful for the common council of the city of Hudson to raise by tax so much money as they may deem expedient for the purpose in the thirty-fourth (34) section of the act to which this act is supplementary as indicated, and that all limitations of the amount of said tax on the value of property assessed, mentioned in the act to which this act is supplementary, or in any supplement thereto, are hereby repealed.

Certificates to bear interest.

Fire department conimis

2. And be it enacted, That all certificates for street improvements hereafter to be issued by the mayor and common council of said city shall bear interest from the date of issue.

3. And be it enacted, That there shall be elected by the one to be firemen of the city of Hudson fire department commissioners, at the time and in the manner hereinafter provided, to be de


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