
New Mexico and California. Message from the President
of the United States communicating information,
with extensive correspondence, in relation to


Ocean steamers. (See Steam vessels.)

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Vol. No. Page.

9 18



1 255


26 51


Officers of the navy. Report in relation to allowances to
Ordnance. Annual report of the Colonel of
Ordnance stores. (See Navy yards.)
Ordnance, in relation to the mode of manufacturing per-
cussion caps, small arms, &c., in France, Bel-
gium, Holland, and England. Report of P. V.
Hagner, Brevet Major and First Lieutenant of 1 1 375
Oregon. Correspondence embracing further information.
in relation to the formation of a State government
in California; and also in relation to the condition
of civil affairs in

Overflowed lands. (See Lands.)


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52 1

Page, on electro-magnetic power as a mechanical agent
for the purposes of navigation and locomotion. Re-
port of Professor Charles G.

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Patents in relation to arts and manufactures for the year
1849. Annual report of Commissioner of
Patents in relation to agricultural statistics, American agri-
culture, agricultural meteorology, breadstuffs, crops,
&c. Report of the Commissioner of
Paymaster General of the army, for 1849. Annual report
of the
Pensions, showing the operations of that office during
the year 1849. Annual report of the Commis-
sioner of


Pensioners in the different States under the several pension
acts of 1818, 1828, 1832, 1836, 1838, 1843, 1844,
February 2, July 21 and 29, 1848. Statement of
the number of
Pensioners added to the rolls of the several States
since the last annual report. Statement of the
number of

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Pensioners whose deaths have been reported since the
last annual return. Statement of the number of -
Pensioners who have been paid in the first and second
quarters of 1849. Statement of the number of
Pension agents at the dates of their last returns, on ac
count of invalid, widows' and revolutionary pen-
sions. Statement of balances in the hands of the

Pensioners complete to November 7, 1849. Alphabetical
list of invalid navy

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Pensions during the year 1849. Report of rejected ap

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propriations for
Pensioners complete to November 7, 1849. Alphabetical
list of persons restored to the roll of privateer
Pensions under the act of August 11, 1848.
list of widows who are now drawing
Pensioned under the act of August 11, 1848. Alphabetical
list of the orphan children of officers, seamen, and
marines who have been -

Peruvian indemnity under the convention of March, 1841.
Report in relation to the payment of

Peruvian guano. Report respecting the commercial

privileges of United States citizens in relation to the
trade in

Peruvian guano. Despatch from J. R. Clay, chargé
d'affaires at Lima, respecting

Pope's exploration of the Territory of Minnesota. Re-
port of Captain

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Port of Brazos de St. Jago. Report of the Secretary of
the Treasury relative to the commerce of the
Ports of the United States. Correspondence relating to
suits instituted in courts of admiralty against
foreign vessels entering the

Postmaster General of the condition and operations of

the Post Office Department during the year 1849.
Report of the

Postmaster General in relation to the mail service for the
year ending June 30, 1849. Report of the First

Postmaster General respecting the failure of the mail be-
tween New York and New Orleans in the year
1849 Report of the

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Postmaster General in relation to an alleged non-compli-
ance of contract concerning steam vessels carrying
the United States mail. Report of the
Postmasters by the Postmaster General, which, by law,
only belong to the President. Report in relation
to the appointment of
Post Office Departments of Great Britain and the United
States in relation to the exchange of mails. Regu-
lations agreed upon between the -
President of the United States, with the accompanying
documents, in three parts, on the state of the Union.
Message from the


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President of the United States, communicating copies of
a correspondence with the lady of Sir John Frank-
lin relative to the expedition to the Arctic regions
under the command of her husband. Message from
President of the United States, communicating informa-
tion in relation to the abduction of Rey, alias Gar-
cia, from New Orleans. Message from the

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6 13 1


President of the United States, communicating informa
tion in relation to California and New Mexico.
Message from the
President of the United States, communicating the report
of the director of the mint for the year 1849,
Message from the
President of the United States, with copies of the corre
spondence in relation to the boundary of Texas.
Message from the -

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Vol. No. Page.

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President of the United States, communicating a copy of

the constitution of California. Message from the
President of the United States, showing the amount of

prize money paid into the treasury under the Sth
section of the act of March 3, 1849. Message
from the
President of the United States, communicating copies of
the correspondence with the British minister rela-
tive to the trade in British vessels between the At-
lantic and Pacific ports of the United States, and
the granting of American registers to British-built
vessels purchased by citizens of the United States;
also to an increase of duty on British produce or
manufactures. Message from the

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President of the United States, in relation to the appoint-
ment of postmasters. Message from the
President of the United States, communicating a transla-
tion of a note from the Mexican minister in rela
tion to the wild Indians of the United States on
the frontier of Mexico. Message from the
President of the United States, transmitting a memorial of
Count de Bronno Bronski, in relation to an im
proved breed of silk-worms, which he desires to
have introduced into the United States. Message
from the

President of the United States, communicating informa-
tion in relation to military orders issued to the
United States officers at Santa Fe, and correspond-
ence between those officers and the War Depart-
ment in relation to the claims of Texas to jurisdic-
tion over that country. Message from the
President of the United States, relative to the payment of
the Peruvian indemnity. Message from the
President of the United States, in answer to a resolution
calling for information in relation to the formation
of a State government in New Mexico, (parts 1
and 2.) Message from the

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President of the United States, communicating the report
of Lieutenant Webster of a survey of the gulf
coast at the mouth of the Rio Grande. Message
from the

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Vol. No. Page.

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President of the United States, relative to the searching
of American vessels by British ships of war. Mes-
sage from the
President of the United States, relative to the claim of
Texas to jurisdiction over part of New Mexico.
Message from the -

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President of the United States, relative to the commerce
of the port of Brazos de St. Iago... Message from
President of the United States, communicating the report
of the commissioner to China, made in pursuance
of the provisions of the act to carry into effect cer-
tain provisions of the treaties between the United
States and China and the Ottoman Porte. Mes.
sage from the
President of the United States, transmitting a copy of the
constitution adopted by the inhabitants of New
Mexico, together with a digest of the votes for
and against it; also a letter to the late President
of the United States. Message from the -
President of the United States, communicating a copy of
the correspondence between the Department of
State and the Turkish government, on the subject
of the Hungarian exiles. Message from the
President of the United States, communicating further
information in relation to the formation of a State
government in California, and also in relation to
the condition of civil affairs in Oregon.
from the
President of the United States, communicating informa-

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49 1


tion relative to hostilities committed by the Semi-
nole Indians in Florida during the past year, their
removal, &c. Message from the -
President of the United States, in relation to alleged rev
olutionary movements in Cuba. Message from the 13
President of the United States, communicating copies of
correspondence with the agent employed to visit
Hungary during the recent war between that
country and Austria. Message from the -
President of the United States, with correspondence in
relation to the assemblage, dispersion, &c., of
persons on Round island, coast of Mississippi.
Message from the -

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Printing for the Interior Department. Report in relation
to the

Privateer pensions. (See Pensions.)

Prize money paid into the treasury under the 8th section
of the act of March 3, 1849. Statement of the
amount of -


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Proclamation of the President of the United States, in re-
lation to an armed expedition for the invasion of
Cuba, or some of the provinces of Mexico

Proposals. (See Contracts.)


Quartermaster General of the army for the year 1849.
Annual report of the


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Railroad mail service. (See Mail Service.)

Reconnaissances of Lieutenant Colonel Johnson, and
Lieutenants Smith, Bryan, and Michlor, of routes
from San Antonio to El Paso; of the western fron-
tier of Texas; from Fort Smith to Santa Fe; and of
an expedition to the Navajo country. Reports of 14
Register of the Treasury, of the commerce and naviga
tion of the States for the year ending 30th June,
1849. Report of the

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Resignations. (See Navy.)
Revenue since the passage of the act of 1846. State-
ment of the measures adopted to prevent frauds
upon the
Revenue in California, &c. Report of the Secretary of
the Treasury, in relation to the security and col-
lection of the

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Rey, alias Garcia, from New Orleans, by the Spanish con-
sul at that port. Correspondence in relation to
the abduction of
(See list of correspondence at page 2 of the above.)
Rio Grande. Report of the operations of the army on the 14
Rivers and harbors for the year ending June 30, 1851.

Estimates for the improvement of

River. Survey, by Lieutenant Smith, of the Savannah
River, and Grand river. Report of topographical engi-
neers, with plans and estimates for improving the
entrance from Lake Michigan into Maskegon lake,

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Roads, from the valley of the Mississippi to the Pacific
ocean. Report in relation to surveys of routes for
Road from Fort Smith, Arkansas, to Santa Fe, in New
Mexico. Report and map by Lieutenant Simp-
son of a

Round island, on the coast of Mississippi, in the sum-
mer of 1849. Correspondence in relation to the
assemblage, &c., of persons on

Russian minister. (See Bodisco.)


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