
Chemistry and Physics.-On the Determination of high Melting and Boiling Points,

CARNELLEY, 315.-On the Vapor Density of Thallous chloride and Lead chloride,

ROSCOE: On the Action of Steam on ignited Charcoal, LONG, 316.-On the

Reduction-product of Gum Elemi by Zinc-dust, CIAMICIAN: On the Constitution

of Starch, MUSCULUS and GRUBER, 317.-Synthesis of Indigo-blue, BAEYER, 318.

On Anthrarufin, a third Dioxyanthraquinone, SCHUNCK and ROEMER: On a

Fluorescein-carbonic acid, SCHREDER, 319.-On new Coloring Matters, as Mala-

chite green, DOEBNER: Electrolytic methods of determining lead, copper, zinc

and nickel Alcoholic Fermentation, 320.-Vapor of Chloral Hydrate, 321.—

Solubility of Lime in Water, 322.-Oxygen in Metallic Silver, 323.

Geology and Mineralogy.-Occurrence of Fossiliferous Tertiary Rocks on the Grand

Bank and George's Bank, A. E. VERRILL, 323.-On Liquid Carbonic acid in

Syenite, G. W. HAWES.

Botany and Zoology.-Monographiæ Phanerogamarum Prodromi nunc continuatio,

nunc revisio, ALPHONSO et CASIMIR DECANDOLLE, 325.-The Flora of British

India, J. D. HOOKER: Blüthendiagramme [Flower diagrams] construirt und

erläutert, A. W. EICHLER, 326.-Repertorium Annuum Literaturæ Periodicæ,

G. BOHNENSIEG et W. BURCK: Synopsis of the Genus Aquilegia, J. G. BAKER,

327.-Note on the Reëstablishment of Forests, C. A. WHITE: Entomological

Contributions, J. A. LINTNER, 328.

Astronomy.-Observation of the new planet (189), C. H. F. PETERS: Annals of the

Harvard College Observatory, 329.

Miscellaneous Scientific Intelligence.-American Association, 329.-Pennsylvania

Geological Survey, 332.-Meeting of the British Association: A new form of

Telephone, A. F. DELAFIELD, 333.-Obituary.-Rev. W. B. CLARKE, 334.

Chemistry and Physics.-Behavior of Hydrogen peroxide with the Alkalies,

SCHÖNE, 380.-Series of Magnetic Compounds having the Formula R'Fe¿04,

LIST: On the Copper-zinc couple and on Nascent Hydrogen, GLADSTONE and

TRIBE, 381.-Action of Nitrous acid on Unsaturated Hydrocarbons, TÖNNIES:

Production of Methyl Aldehyde, HOFMANN, 382.-Determination of Phenol vol-

umetrically, DEGENER: Vanillin in Gum Benzoin from Siam, JANNASCH and

RUMP: Alkaloids of the Aconites, WRIGHT and LUFF, 383.-Supposed new ele-

ment Mosandrum, SMITH: Specific Heat of Glucinum, 384.-Photometric Meas-

urements of Electric Lights, ABNEY, 385.-A new Electric Lamp, REYNIER:

Strength of the Electric Telephonic Currents, BOSSCHA, 386.-Hypothesis of a

change of climate through changes in the obliquity of the ecliptic, CROLL, 387.

-Cause of the cold of a Glacial era, CROLL, 389.-Scientific Memoirs, by J. W.

DRAPER, 390.-Elements of Dynamic, by W. K. CLIFFORD, 391.-Sound. by A.

M. MAYER: Contribution to the History of Spectrum Analysis, BECKER, 392.

Geology and Mineralogy.-Oil-well Records in the Northern or Bradford Oil regions,

Penn., ASHBURNER, 393.-Region of the Great Lakes, Maw, 394.-Occurrence

in North America of rare Extinct Vertebrates found fragmentarily in England,

OWEN: The Erupted Rocks of Colorado, ENDLICH: Analyses of Saussurites, 395.

-On Leucoxene in the N. Hampshire Diorites, HAWES, 396.-Association of

Pyroxene and Hornblende, HAWES: Die Mineralien sammlung der Kaiser-Wil-

hems-Universität Strassburg, GROTH, 397.-Mineralogische und Petrographische

Mittheilungen, TSCHERMAK: Brief notices of recently described minerals, 398.-

Geology of New Hampshire, 399.-Manual of Mineralogy, DANA, 401.

Botany and Zoology.-Ueber apogame Farne und die Erscheinung der Apogamie im

allgemeinen, DE BARY, 401.-TODARO, Relazione sulla Cultura dei Cotoni in

Italia: Native Flowers and Ferns of the United States, 403.-Der Zoologische

Anzeiger, 405.-Borings of a Sponge in Italian Marble, VERRILL: Ophiuridæ and

Astrophytidæ of the Challenger Expedition: Pycnogonida of New England, WIL-

SON: U. S. National Museum, 406.-Hydroida collected during the exploration of

the Gulf Stream, ALLMAN, 407.

Miscellaneous Scientific Intelligence.-Report on Bridging of the River Mississippi,

WARREN: Translation of Weisbach's Mechanics, 407.-Report of the Survey of

the Connecticut River, WARREN, 408.-Report of the Superintendent of the

Coast Survey: Report of the Trustees of the Peabody Museum: A History of the

Growth of the Steam Engine, THURSTON: Elementary Quantitative Analysis,

CLASSEN: American Quarterly Microscopical Journal, 409.-Obituary.—Thomas

Belt: E. v. Asten: M. E. Quetelet: Thomas Grubb: Aug. H. Peterman, 410.

Chemistry and Physics.-Determination of Carbonic Acid in Mineral waters, BOR-

CHERS, 477.-Ultramarines of various metals, DEFORCRAND and BALLIN: Chrome

Steel, BOUSSINGAULT, 478.--Etherification of the Primary Alcohols, MENSCHUT-

KIN: Preparation of Allyl Bromide, GROSHEINTZ, 479.-New Method of preparing

Aldehydines, LADENBURG: Constituents of Corallin, ZULKOWSKY: New Organic

Base in the Animal Organism, SCHREINER: Persulphuric Oxide S2O, BERTHELOT,

480.-Acoustic Repulsion, 481.-Sand Filter, W. G. LEVISON, 482.

Geology and Mineralogy.-History and value of the term "Hudson River Group,"

in American Geological Nomenclature, J. HALL: Paleontological Report of the

Princeton Scientific Expedition, 482.-The Ancient Life-history of the Earth:

Manual of Mineralogy and Lithology, 483.

Botany and Zoology.-Shortia glacifolia re-discovered, 483.-Amount of Sugar

contained in the Nectar of various Flowers, A. S. WILSON: Absorption com-

pared with transpiration, 485.-On the causes of the abnormal shapes of plants

grown in the dark: Cryptogamic Flora of Silesia, Algæ, O. KIRCHNER, 486.-

New York State Museum of Natural History, Report of the Botanist: Ferns of

North America, 487.-Sarracenia purpurea: Professor Alexander Agassiz's

Zoological Laboratory at Newport, R. I. 488.

Miscellaneous Scientific Intelligence.-Report on the Arid Region of the United

States, with a more detailed account of the lands of Utah, 489.-United States

Geological Exploration of the Fortieth Parallel, CLARENCE KING: Annual Report

of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution for the year 1877:

The late Professor Henry, 490.





ART. I.-Contributions to Meteorology: being results derived from an examination of the Observations of the United States Signal Service, and from other sources; by ELIAS LOOMIS, Professor of Natural Philosophy in Yale College. Ninth paper. With Plates I, II and III.

[Read before the National Academy of Sciences, Washington, April 19, 1878.]

Low barometer at Portland, Oregon.

In my last paper, page 5, I showed that the great storms of the United States frequently come from British Columbia or its vicinity. In order to extend this part of the investigation I selected from the published volumes of the Signal Service observations (Sept., 1872, to Oct., 1874,) all those cases in which the barometer at Portland, Oregon, fell as low as 29-7 inches. These cases amount to sixty-three, and correspond to eighteen different storms, as is shown in the following table, in which column 1st shows the number of the storm; column 2d shows the date at which the barometer was below 29.7 inches; column 3d shows the height of the barometer at Portland at the date mentioned; column 4th shows the direction of the wind, and column 5th shows its velocity at Portland at the date mentioned; column 6th shows the rain-fall at Portland during the preceding eight hours; column 7th shows the least height of the barometer observed at that hour at any station within the same low area; column 8th shows the name of the station at which the barometer was lowest; column 9th indicates the region where the storm appears to have originated; Br. Co. denotes British Columbia; Can. denotes Canada, northwest; AM. JOUR. SCI.-THIRD SERIES, VOL. XVI, No. 91.-JULY, 1878.

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