
Aldine ed., port., 6 vol., mor. ex., t. e. g., W. Pickering, 1845, 8vo. (34) Hornstein, £7 10s. 5767 Congreve (William). Works, Baskerville ed., port. after Kneller and plates, mor. ex., G. Baskerville, Birmingham, 1761, 8vo. (36) Hatchard, £7 15s. 5768 Crowe (J. A.) and Cavalcaselle (G. B.) History of Painting in Italy and North Italy, first eds., illustrations, 5 vol., cl., uncut, 1864-72, 8vo. (39) Bain, £6 15s. 5769 Curzon (Lord). Persia and the Persian Question, map, 2 vol., cl., 1892-Problems of the Far East, maps and illustrations, cl., 1894, together 3 vol., 8vo. (41)

Sotheran, £6 17s. 6d. 5770 Encyclopædia Britannica, tenth ed., 36 vol., hf. mor., 18751903, 8vo. (173) Bumpus, £5 5771 Essayists (British), by L. T. Berguer, 45 vol., contemp. mor. ex., 1823, 8vo. (49) Bumpus, L12 10s. 5772 Fielding (Henry). Tom Jones, 6 vol., 1749-Joseph Andrews (title repaired), 2 vol., 1742--Amelia, 4 vol., 1752-Journal of a Voyage to Lisbon, 1755, together 13 vol., first eds., old cf., 1742-55, 8vo. (50) Bain, £15 10s. 5773 Freeman (Edward A.) History of the Norman Conquest, 6 vol., cl., uncut, Oxford, 1877-79, 8vo. (54) Hill, £5 5s. 5774 Galerie de Florence, et du Palais Pitti, plates, 2 vol., mor. ex., 1789, folio (229) Thorpe, £110s. 5775 Goethe (J. W. von). Sämmtliche Werke, 40 vol., mor., g. e., by Rivière, Stuttgart und Tubingen, 1840, 8vo. (61) Hatchard, £9 158.

5776 Grote (George). History of Greece, Library ed., maps, 12 vol., cf. ex., 1846-56, 8vo. (66)

5777 Hamerton (P. G.) Landscape, LARGE India paper, 1885, folio (230)

Amor, £6 10s. PAPER, plates on

Thorpe, £ 10S.

5778 Johnson (S.) Dictionary, first ed., 2 vol., old cf. (joints cracked), 1755, folio (201)

Bumpus, £2 16s.

5779 Johnson (S.) Life of, by Boswell, Oxford ed., edited by G. Birkbeck Hill, D.C.L., first ed., ports., etc., 6 vol., hf. roan, uncut, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1887, 8vo. (72)

Hill, £2 10s. 5780 Jonson (Ben). Works, by W. Gifford, with Introduction and Appendices by Cunningham, port., 9 vol., mor. ex., uncut, t.e.g., by Zaehnsdorf, 1875, 8vo. (73) G. H. Brown, £10 5s. 5781 Keats (John). Endymion, first ed., with the half-title and one-line errata, orig. bds., uncut, with label, Taylor and Hessey, 1818, 8vo. (74) Dobell, £27

Works from the Kelmscott Press.

5782 Blunt (W. S.) Love Lyrics and Songs of Proteus, vell., with ties, 1892, 8vo. (75)

Hollings, 2 8s.

5783 Morris (William). Poems by the Way, vell., with ties, 1891,

8vo. (76)

5784 Morris (W.) Story of the Glittering

1891, 8vo. (77)

Hollings, £2 7s. 6d. Plain, vell., with ties, Hollings, £2 12s. 6d.

5785 Ruskin (John). The Nature of Gothic, vell., with ties, G.

[blocks in formation]

5787 Caxton (William). The Golden Legend, 3 vol., hf. linen, as issued, 1892 (175)

Dobell, £10

5788 Caxton (W.) Recuyell of the Historyes of Troy, 2 vol., vell., with ties, 1892, 4to. (176) Hollings, £3 12s. 6d. 5789 Chaucer (Geoffrey). Works, orig. hf. canvas, 1896, folio (202) Cox, £64

5790 La Fontaine (J. de). Contes et Nouvelles en Vers, Édition de Fermiers Généraux, 2 ports., unlettered proofs of the 80 plates by Eisen (the "Cas de Conscience" découvertes), vignettes after Choffard, 2 vol., contemp. mor. ex., by Derome, Amst. [Paris], 1762, 8vo. (82) Hatchard, £56 5791 La Fontaine (J. de). Fables Choisies, par M. Coste, front. after Cochin, and over 200 half-page vignettes by Fessard, 2 vol., contemp. mor. ex., Paris, 1746, 8vo. (83) Bain, £12 5792 Lamb (Charles). Works, first collected ed., 2 vol., hf. cf., C. and J. Ollier, 1818, 8vo. (84) Jolly, £2 7s. 6d. 5793 Lamb (C.) Essays of Elia-Last Essays, first eds., 2 vol., mor. ex., Taylor and Hessey, 1823-Moxon, 1833 (85) Dobell, £22 10S. 5794 Lingard (John). History of England, Library ed., ports., 10 vol., mor. ex., uncut, t. e. g., by Zaehnsdorf, Nimmo, 1883, 8vo. (95) Brown, £6 5s. 5795 Lowell (J. R.) Works, Riverside ed., LARGE PAPER (25) copies printed for Europe), with Latest Essays and Addresses, ports., 11 vol., orig. hf. buckram, uncut, Cambridge, Mass., 1890-1, 8vo. (97) Brown, £4 16s. 5796 Mantegna (A.) Euvre, reproduit par Amand-Durand, texte par G. Duplessis, plates, unbd. in portfolio, Paris, 1878 (203) Bain, LI IOS. 5797 Marlborough Gems, engravings by Bartolozzi, 2 vol. in 1, mor., g. e., 1845, folio (231) 5798 Marlowe (Christopher). Works, ed. by A. H. Bullen, 3 vol., mor. ex., uncut, t. e. g., by Rivière, Nimmo, 1885, 8vo. (101) Cox, £6 5s. 5799 Milton (J.) Paradise Lost, first ed., seventh title-page, mor. ex. (7%in. by 51⁄4in.), S. Simmons, 1669, 4to. (180)

Agnew, £2

Sabin, £34 5800 Molière (J. B. P. de). Euvres, par M. Bret, port. after Mignard, and plates and vignettes after Moreau, 6 vol., cf. ex., Paris, par la Compagnie des Libraires Associés, 1773, 8vo. (103) Isaacs, £28 10S. 5801 Montaigne (M. E.) Essays, ed. by G. Saintsbury, Tudor trans. with the cancel leaves, 3 vol., orig. cl., 1892-3, 4to. (182) Hatchard, £5 158. 5802 Morris (William). Story of Grettir the Strong, LARGE PAPER (25 copies printed), mor. ex., finely tooled, silken fly-leaves, uncut, t. e. g., 1869, 8vo. (109)

Maggs, £6

5803 Paul (Jean). Ausgewählte Werke, port., 16 vol. in 8, mor., t. e. g., by Rivière, Berlin, 1847-49, 8vo. (110)

Brown, £3 105. 5804 Ottley (W. Y.) History of Engraving upon Copper and Wood, LARGE PAPER (60 copies printed), facs. on India paper, many in two or more states, some col.; also Ottley's own tracings, orig. drawings, and an orig. page from a Block Book, inserted, 2 vol., mor. ex., the Gosford copy with arms, 1816, folio (204) Quaritch, £12 5805 Pepys (Samuel). Diary, by Henry B. Wheatley, with Supplement, Index and Pepysiana, LARGE PAPER (limited to 250 copies), port., map, etc., 10 vol., hf. vell., uncut, 1893-9, 8vo. (i) Quaritch, £15 10s. 5806 Prayer. Book of Common Prayer, Baskerville's ed., contemp. mor. ex., inlaid, J. Baskerville, Cambridge, 1761, 8vo. (114) Sotheran, £4 18s. 5807 Prévost d'Exiles (Abbé Antoine François). Manon Lescaut et du Chevalier des Grieux, plates in three states, mor. ex., Paris, 1875, 8vo. (115) Bain, £3 5s.

5808 Punch, orig. issue, from its commencement to 1902, 62 vol., hf. mor., g. e., 1841-1902, 4to. (224) Baird, £16 10S. 5809 Quincey (Thomas de). Confessions of an English OpiumEater, ed. by Garnett, LARGE PAPER (50 copies printed), mor. ex., g. e. on rough edges, by Zaehnsdorf, 1885, 8vo. (116) Sotheran, 2 16s. 5810 Rabelais (François). Euvres, port., plates by Devéria, and the series of grotesque figures for the "Songes," 9 vol., hf. mor., uncut, t. e. g., Paris, 1823, 8vo. (117) Bain, £3 3s. 5811 Redford (G.) Art Sales, 2 vol., cl., 1888, 4to. Smith, £5 5s. 5812 Restif de la Bretonne (N. E.) Le Paysan et la Paysane pervertis, plates by Binet, the 16 parts in 4 vol., mor. ex., g. e., by Chambolle-Duru, Imprimé à La-Haie, 1776-84, 8vo. (120) Jessel, £20 5813 Richardson (Thomas). Works, by Sir Leslie Stephen, port., 12 vol., mor. ex., uncut, t. e. g., by Zaehnsdorf, Sotheran, 1883, 8vo. (121) Bumpus, £12 55. Ballads and Sonnets, first eds., LARGE PAPER, 25 copies printed, 2 vol., orig. bds., uncut, 1870-81, 8vo. (124) Pearson, £36 5815 Rossetti (C. G.) The Prince's Progress and other Poems, first ed., 2 designs by D. G. Rossetti, mor. ex., finely tooled, g. e., by Rivière, 1866, 8vo. (127) Sotheran, £4 105.

5814 Rossetti (D. G.) Poems.

5816 Ruskin (John). Seven Lamps of Architecture, first ed., cl., uncut, 1849, 4to. (187)

Edwards, 16s. 5817 Ruskin (J.) Stones of Venice, first ed., 3 vol., cl., uncut, 1851-3, 4to. (188) Edwards, £2 55. 5818 Shakespeare (W.) Works, "Cambridge" ed., by W. Aldis Wright, LARGE PAPER, 40 vol., mor. ex., uncut, by Rivière, 1893-5, 8vo. (132) Agnew, £37 5819 Shakespeare (W.) Comedies, Histories, Tragedies and Poems, ed. by Charles Knight, second ed., 12 vol., mor. ex., uncut, t. e. g., by Zaehnsdorf, 1842-4, 8vo. (133) Soames, £7 10s.

5820 Shelley (Percy Bysshe). The Revolt of Islam, first ed., orig. bds. (broken), uncut, C. and J. Ollier, 1818, 8vo. (134)

Tregaskis, £8 5s. 5821 Sidney (Sir Philip). The Countesse of Pembroke's Arcadia, etc. (title and few leaves repaired), mor. ex., by Zaehnsdorf, J. Waterson and R. Young, 1638, folio (206) Young, £3 10s. 5822 Smollett (Tobias). Works, by John Moore, port., 8 vol., old cf., 1797, 8vo. (137) Bain, £2 11s. 5823 Sterne (Laurence). Tristram Shandy, vol. i. and ii. second eds., vol. iii. to ix. first eds., 9 vol., 1760-7—A Sentimental Journey through France and Italy, first ed., 2 vol., 1768, together 11 vol., contemp. cf. gt. (five half-titles wanted from Tristram Shandy and name written on others), 1760-8, 8vo. (140) Agnew, £9 1OS. 5824 Stirling-Maxwell (Sir W.) Annals of the Artists of Spain, first ed., 3 vol., cl., uncut, 1848, 8vo. (141) Bumpus, £2 25. 5825 Stow (John). Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster, engravings and maps, old cf. (repaired), arms on sides, 1720, folio (207) Sotheran, £2 10s. 5826 Swinburne (A. C.) Atalanta in Calydon, first ed., finely bound in mor. super ex., by Zaehnsdorf, 1865, 4to. (190) Sotheran, £17 5827 Swinburne (A. C.) Songs before Sunrise, first ed., LARGE PAPER (25 copies for private circulation), buckram, uncut, 1871, 8vo. (145) Stevens & Brown, £26 5828 Swift (Dean). Gulliver's Travels, first eds. of both vols., separate pagination, 2 vol., orig. cf., B. Motte, 1726, 8vo. (147) Maggs, £46 5829 [Swift (Dean).] A Complete Collection of Genteel and Ingenious Conversations, by Simon Wagstaff, Esq., first ed., cf. ex., B. Motte and C. Bathurst, 1738, 8vo. (148) Quaritch, L2 16s. 5830 Tennyson (Alfred Lord). Poems, 2 vol., 1842—The Princess, 1847-In Memoriam, 1850-Maud, etc., 1855-Idylls of the King, 1859-Enoch Arden, 1864-The Holy Grail, 1870Gareth and Lynette, 1872-Queen Mary, 1875-Harold, 1877-The Lover's Tale, 1879-Becket, 1884-The Cup and the Falcon, 1884-Tiresias, 1885-Locksley Hall, 1886Demeter, etc., 1889-The Foresters, 1892-The Death of Enone, 1892-Tennysoniana, second ed., 1879, mor. ex., inlaid, uncut, t. e. g., by Zaehnsdorf (150) Hatchard, £21 5831 Thackeray (W. M.) Vanity Fair, first ed., illustrations by the author, including the suppressed woodcut, hf. cf. gt., 1848, 8vo. (152) Maggs, £2 10S. 5832 Turner (J. M. W.) Picturesque Views on the Southern Coast of England, LARGE PAPER, plates and vignettes on India paper (some spotted), 2 vol., mor., uncut, t. e. g., 1826, 4to. (223) Rimell, £2 8s: 5833 Veneres et Priapi, text in English and French, plates of gems, cf. gt., Lugd. Bat., n. d., 8vo.

Amor, £5

5834 Voltaire (F. M. A. de). La Henriade, first illustrated ed., Dutch paper, plates and vignettes, after De Troy and others, contemp. mor. ex., Londres, 1728, 4to. (192) Bumpus, £5 5s.

5835 Wycherley (William). Plays, fronts. to each play, 2 vol., cf. ex., M. Wellington, 1720, 8vo. (164)

Hatchard, £3 105.

[MARCH 27TH AND 28TH, 1911.]



(No. of Lots, 644; amount realised, £1,350 IIS.)

(a) Mr. Hilton Price's Library, £573 12s. 6d.

5836 Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland. Journal, vol. i.-xxxviii., part i., 1871-1908, 26 vol., hf. cf., remainder as issued, 8vo. (2) Quaritch, £15 10s. 5837 Anthropological Society of London. Publications, plates, 9 vol., 1863-70-Folk-Lore, a Quarterly Review of Myth, Tradition, etc., vol. i.-iii., 3 vol., 1890-92, together 17 vol., 8vo. (3) Quaritch, £2 25. 5838 Apperley (C. J.) Life of John Mytton, third ed., col. plates, orig. cl., 1851, roy. 8vo. (4) Quaritch, £6 5s. 5839 Archæological Journal (The), plates, vol. xlv.-lxv., 21 vol., hf. cf. gt. (vol. lxv. in parts), 1888-1908, 8vo. (7)

Quaritch, £3 12s. 6d. 5840 Basile (G. B.) I Pentamerone, trans. by Burton, 2 vol., 1893, 8vo. (9) Joseph, £ 11S. 5841 Bernard (S.) Traité de l'Amour de Dieu, traduit par F. Antoine de S. Gabriel, contemp. mor., arms of Hardoin de Beaumont de Perefixe, and autograph inscription on title, Paris, 1667, 8vo. (12) Leighton, £4 5842 Boccaccio (G.) Decameron, trans. by John Payne, with the extra plates, 2 vol., uncut, 1893, imp. 8vo. (20) Tregaskis, £2 6s. 5843 Brand (John). Popular Antiquities, ed. by W. Carew Hazlitt, 3 vol., one of 350 copies, 1870, roy. 8vo. (22) Harding, 16s. 5844 Bremond (M. S.) The Pilgrim, trans. by P. Belon, front., old English mor., g. e., 1680 (23) Tregaskis, 105. 5845 British Museum. The Tell El-Amarna Tablets in the British Museum, autotype facs., 1892, imp. 8vo. (24) 5846 Budge (E. A. W.) The Book of Governors. Monastica of Thomas Bishop of Marga, cf. ex., presentation copy, 1893, 8vo. (27) Harding, £1 45.

Edwards, 115. The Historia A.D. 840, 2 vol.,

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