
KENT. This growing town is laying the foundation of permanent prosperity in the erection of a fine school building. The building is 60 by 122 feet, is three stories high above the basement, and is to cost the sum of $34,507. An additional sum of $5,000 was paid for the lot, and it is estimated that $10,000 will be required for furnishing the school rooms and fitting up the grounds. Joseph F. Lukens, late of Harmar, O., has taken charge of the schools, at a salary of $1,200.

CAMP WASHINGTON.-There are few small towns in Ohio that have better schools than Camp Washington, near Cincinnati. The Union school, which enrolls 300 pupils, has been for three years past in charge of Mr. J. M. Miller, assisted by six teachers, all of whose names are in our subscription book. Mr. Miller's salary this year is $1,250.

LONDON. The new building is one of the finest school edifices in the West. The first two stories, above the basement, furnish each four large, well-lighted, and (what is important) well-ventilated school rooms. In the upper story is a nicely frescoed hall, some twenty feet high, and capable of seating from 600 to 800 persons. The cost of building and grounds was about $50,000.

LANCASTER.-L. Hartzler has resigned the position of teacher in the South Grammar School, and S. S. Knabenshue has been appointed to fill the vacancy. D. Cole remains in charge of the North Grammar School.

WHEELING.-While present at the late meeting of the West Virginia Teachers' Association, we formed the acquaintance of several of the Wheeling teachers. We were pleased with their evident culture and professional spirit, and received a very favorable impression of the condition and progress of the city schools. A letter from Supt. Williams, enclosing the names of thirty-two subscribers, is proof, pleasing and positive, that our good impressions were well founded. We recently cut from a Wheeling paper the minutes of a special meeting of the Board of Education from which we learned that Mr. Williams was unanimously elected superintendent, and his salary raised to $1,500. He is a capable and efficient officer.

INDIANAPOLIS.-The number of pupils enrolled in the public schools in September of this year (3,432), is twice the number enrolled in 1865-showing either a rapid increase of population in the city or a marked increase in the popularity of the schools. We think the latter is the true explanation. Several fine school buildings have been erected, and the schools are efficiently managed. Mr. Shortridge is a capital superintendent. We notice that 95 per cent. of the pupils enrolled in September were not absent, and more than half were neither absent nor tardy. What city in Ohio can excel this?

KENYON COLLEGE.-We are glad to learn that it is the desire of the present Faculty to bring this institution into closer contact with the public school system of the State. President Stone and Prof. Sterling both bring to the college a lively and earnest interest in popular education.

MARIETTA COLLEGE.-The prizes for excellence of scholarship for the last college year, amounting in all to $160, have been awarded to Wm. G. Ballantine and Wm. H. Pearce, Seniors; Jos. M. Rees and Chas. P. Currie, Juniors; and F. F. Oldham and S. S. Sisson, Sophomores. The new Freshman class is larger than any former class, and the whole number of students in the four classes is greater than in any year since 1861. The preparatory class is also greater than heretofore. No college in the West is worthier of patronage than Marietta.

WESTERN RESERVE COLLEGE.-The trustees have granted President Hitchcock a leave of absence, and he has gone to Europe with the hope of restoring his health which is much impaired by excessive labor. He sailed last month. The Freshman class tn the college has 29 students, being the largest class that has entered for several years.

THE METRIC SYSTEM.-The National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D. C., recommends the introduction of the study of the metrical system of weights and measures into the common schools of the country as a means of preparing the people for its general adoption and use. It also recommends to universities and colleges to make a knowledge of the subject a necessary qualification for admission. These suggestions are worthy of consideration.

"GRADE A" IN SPRINGFIELD.-At the meeting of the State Teachers' Association in July last, Mr. Nichols, of the Republic, prophetically hinted that the goodly city of Springfield was soon to have a High School. We see that he spoke "by the card." The school has been established some two months, under the title of "Grade A", and has 85 pupils enrolled!

"A rose by any other name would smell as sweet."

The next step is the erection of a suitable building. We expect soon to hear that the "structure" is completed. A change of terms is often as good as a change of base.

A SCHOOL JOURNAL RECONSTRUCTED.-The Maryland Educational Journal, a neat 32 pp. magazine, published at Baltimore by E. S. Zeveley, has recently been " reconstructed." The former editorial committee with Drs. Van Bokkelen and McJilton at the head, bave all been "retired", and Dr. Nelson, Vice Pres. St. John's College, called to take the editorial quill. The publisher tells us that this change has been made "to convince all that the Journal is based on a broad and liberal foundation." The last number indicates its "liberal" spirit by suggesting the removal of the teachers of Baltimore "who were appointed for no other reason than that they could take the iron oath." This ought to secure a "liberal" patronage.

IN ASHES.-Dr. Dio Lewis's beautiful school building at Lexington, Mass., was recently destroyed by fire. The indomitable Doctor, nothing daunted, has opened his school in the Spy Pond House, near Boston, with the announcement that next year he shall "resume operations in Lexington on an extended scale."

PERSONAL. We have been obliged this year to decline most of the invitations we have received to conduct teachers' institutes. Had we accepted them we should have spent some twenty weeks in Ohio, six or seven weeks in Indiana, two weeks in Michigan, and several weeks in Pennsylvania. Many of these calls we have found it difficult to decline. The institute work is rapidly growing in importance.

PROF. M. C. STEVENS, formerly Professor of Mathematics at Haverford College, Pa., has taken charge of the Salem High School. Prof. S. is an experienced teacher, and the people of Salem have been fortunate in securing his services.

HON. ANSON SMYTH has accepted the general agency of the Hahnemann Life Insurance Company of Cleveland. We will insure his success.

HON. DAVID REES died recently at his residence near Cardington, O., at the age of 55 years. He was an active and zealous friend of education.

REV. SAMUEL H. MCMULLEN, of Philadelphia, has been appointed professor of Greek in Miami University.

H. O. NEWCOMB, of Warren, Ohio, has been appointed professor of modern languages and history in Eureka College, Ill.


A GRAMMAR OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. By SAMUEL S. GREENE, A.M., Author of "Introduction to the Study of English Grammar," "Analysis of Sentences," etc. Philadelphia: Cowperthwait & Co. 1867.

Greene's grammatical text-books stand unquestionably well toward the head of the long list of American works on English grammar. In our judgment they have few, if any, superiors. They are characterized by logical and systematic arrangement, simplicity of nomenclature, clearness and accuracy of definitions, fullness and variety of exercises and models, and, pre-eminently, by the prominence given to thoughts and ideas as determining all grammatical forms. The pupil is made to take an interior view of the sentence-to grasp the essential elements of the thought and arrange the modifying elements about them. Great prominence is also given to synthesis.

The work whose title-page we give above, is not a new treatise, but a careful and thorough revision of the second or middle book of the series. By comparing it with the excellent edition of 1860, we find that the order of the topics has not been disturbed, but that the method in which many of them was treated, has been much improved. The most noticeable change is in the typographical appearance, which, in the new edition, is superior in every respect. In short, we pronounce this treatise, both in matter and manner, equal to the best.

THE ENGLISH OF SHAKESPEARE. Illustrated by a Philological Commentary on his Julius Cæsar. By GEORGE L. CRAIK, Professor of History and of English Literature in Queen's, College, Belfast. Edited by W. J. ROLFE, Master of the High School, Cambridge, Mass. Boston: Crosby & Ainsworth. 1867.

We much regret that so good a book as this has been so long in our possession without receiving merited attention. The editor has given us the portions of the original work which he has retained, precisely as the author wrote them, and has enclosed his own notes in brackets so that the reader may easily recognize them. The text of the play is left both by the author and editor without material change, their aim being to ascertain what Shakespeare really wrote, and how this is to be read and construed. The commentary is largely philological. Every skillful teacher who uses this book, will be rewarded with satisfactory results. We know of no means of interesting a class in Shakespeare more worthy of commendation.

MITCHELL'S NEW OUTLINE MAPS. Designed to accompany Mitchell's New School Geographies. Philadelphia: E. H. Butler & Co.

These maps represent both the physical features and the political divisions of the earth's surface-the former being shown by different colors and tints, and the latter by bold boundary lines. We are specially pleased with the harmony and softness of the coloring-the water, plains, plateaus, mountain systems, etc., being accurately set forth, and yet the different tints employed blending together so as to produce a most pleasing effect. The relative elevation of mountain chains and plateaus is shown by a greater depth of shading or coloring. The names of the more important localites are engraved in clear letters-a feature which few outline maps possess. An examination of these maps shows that they are remarkably full, and accurate. We have seen maps possessing four times as much surface, and yet much inferior to them in fullness of detail as well as in clearness and boldness of outline. They are small (24 by 28 inches), light, and strongly mounted-are just the thing for our primary and country schools.

THE METRIC SYSTEM OF WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. Prepared to accompany Eaton's Common School Arithmetic. By H. A. NEWTON, Professor of Mathematics, Yale College. Boston: Taggard & Thompson. 1867. Price 10 cents.

This neat brochure of sixteen pages contains a clear and practical exposition of the metric system.with the usual French nomenclature. The problems are well selected, and are sufficiently numerous to elucidate the system.

The October number of this standard Quarterly presents the following excellent
table of contents: I. George the Third and Lord North, C. C. Hazewell: II. The
United States Naval Observatory, Simon Newcomb; III. Bank of England Restric-
tion, 1797-1821; IV. Arthur Hugh Clough, C. E. Norton; V. Civil Service of the
United States; VI. Our National Schools of Science, D. C. Gilman; VII. Key and
Oppert on Indo-European Philology, Prof. Whitney; VIII. The Reformation of
Prison Discipline, F. B. Sanborn; IX. The Winthrop Papers, James Russell Lowell;
X. Critical Notices.

Edited by Prof. JAMES RUSSELL LOWELL and
Boston: Ticknor & Fields, Publishers.

THE LITTLE CORPORAL for November contains its usual variety of original and sparkling matter. All new subscribers for 1868 sent before the close of November, will receive the November and December numbers of 1867 free. Great inducements are offered to those who raise clubs. Terms, one dollar a year. Sample copies sent post paid to all who apply before the close of the year, whether the usual ten cents are enclosed or not. Address : ALFRED L. SEWELL, Publisher, Chicago, Ill.

MARRIAGE CERTIFICATE.-We advise those of our readers who wish a fit memento of the greatest event of life, to send to the Republic Printing Co., Springfield, O., for their beautifully engraved Marriage Certificate. It is printed on a tinted plate, 18 by 21 inches, and ornamented in an exquisite manner. Sent, post paid, for $1.00.

THE BOOK BUYER.-Those of our readers who would like to pay twenty-five cents a year for information respecting the works published by Charles Scribner & Co. and those imported by Scribner, Welford & Co., can not do better than subscribe for "The Book Buyer," a little paper published monthly by Charles Scribner & Co., New York. It also contains an interesting resume of foreign literary intelligence.

THE TEACHER OF PENMANSHIP. This is the title of a paper published monthly by L. S. Thompson, Sandusky, O., and specially devoted to the development and art of penmanship. It is illustrated with cuts, and yet afforded at the low price of $1.00 a year. We heartily commend it to teachers of writing.


LORD BACON'S LIFE AND ESSAYS. By James R. Boyd. New York: A. S. Barnes & Co. 1867.

THE ART OF ENGLISH COMPOSITION. By Henry N. Day. New York: Charles Scribner & Co. 1867.

THE ART OF DISCOURSE. By Henry N. Day. New York: Charles Scribner & Co. 1867.

INTERMEDIATE ARITHMETIC. By P. A. Towne, Louisville, Ky.: John P. Morton & Co. 1867.

KATHRINA: Her Life and Mine. By J. G. Holland. New York: Charles Scribner & Co. 1867.

MISTAKES OF EDUCATED MEN. By John S. Hart, LL.D. Philadelphia: J. C. Garrigues. 1867.

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"Real knowledge must take precedence of word-teaching and mere talk." So, in his downright way, wrote Pestalozzi, a man who, though esteemed a visionary by his contemporaries, was really one of the most practical of educational reformers. Real knowledge, knowledge that shall take hold upon the understanding and work into character, and be reproduced in the conduct of life; not "mere talk," not empty words stored up in the memory, like useless furniture packed away in the garret for safe keeping,—real knowledge is what our pupils need and what our teachers should supply. Knowledge is good because it is always useful in the affairs of daily life, good because it satisfies the natural hunger of the mind as bread does that of the body, good because it furnishes the fulcrum upon which rests the lever we call mental discipline. If knowledge is so valuable, it is of immense importance that we find out the best methods of acquiring it. By what means is real knowledge to be had? What instruments has the Creator furnished us with for the collection of the elements of knowledge?

Evidently our primary notions are all received through the medium of the senses. External objects affect the nerves and

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