
reasonably provide for the immediate future, but to-day would prove inadequate. A new primary school-house in the Lowell District is an imperative necessity. To relieve the George Putnam District it is recommended that a new four-room primary school-house be erected near the junction of Crawford street and Humboldt avenue. This location is decided upon with the view of anticipating the certain increase in the number of pupils in the adjoining districts. To give the necessary temporary relief to this district it is recommended that the building in the rear of the George Putnam school-house be hired and fitted for the accommodation of pupils until the new primary school-house is erected. For the relief of the Dudley District it is recommended that the estate on the corner of Vernon and Auburn streets, adjoining the present Vernon-street schoolhouse, be purchased, and the building thereon fitted for the temporary accommodation of primary-school pupils, until a new building can be erected on the property.

In the eighth division the demands for additional and improved school accommodations are very great. The schools of Jamaica Plain are overcrowded, and the primary schoolhouses inadequate and unsuitable. The Hillside and Agassiz Districts are contiguous to the George Putnam and Lowell Districts. For the much-needed relief of all four districts, it is recommended that a ten-room grammar-school house be erected in the vicinity of Boylston Station, at which point the four districts above-mentioned meet. To meet the demands for increased primary-school accommodations in the Charles Sumner District, the Florence-street school-house should be enlarged and made an eight-room building, and a new two-room primary school-house should be erected in the vicinity of the junction of Washington and Beech streets. For the relief of the Hillside District, in which at present there are seventy-five children without school accommodations, and where a class is temporarily accommodated in

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a store hired for the purpose, it is recommended that the primary school-house at the corner of Washington and Green streets be enlarged and made a four-room building. In the Mt. Vernon District a new primary school-house is needed in place of the present Baker-street building, which is unfit for school purposes, and should be condemned. In the Brighton section of the division attention has been recently called to the improvement in primary-school accommodations in the Bennett District. It has been urged that the present Winship-place school building is unfit for further occupancy on account of its present location and condition, and that some improvement in the primary-school accommodations is very desirable. The subject has been recently called to the attention of the City Council. That something should be done to remove the present unsatisfactory condition of this building there can be no doubt, and your committee recommend that the attention of the City Council be called again to the matter.

In the ninth division two new grammar school-houses are needed, one for the Gibson and one for the Pierce District. Requests for a new grammar school-house in the Pierce District have been previously forwarded to the City Council, and their attention called to the great need for a new building. At present the school is accommodated in several buildings, which are insufficient, inconvenient, and undesirable. The Gibson District is also suffering for the much-needed new grammar-school building. Your committee recommend that these buildings be erected as soon as possible.

By examination it will be observed that a large part of the recommendations herein contained are not new, but have been previously presented and urged, and submitted to the City Council. Although the committee have given special consideration to the existing and pronounced wants for school accommodations, they have kept in mind the future demands as far as possible, and have recommended such

locations of new buildings and improvements in old ones as will secure the greatest benefits to the schools, and insure a wise and economical expenditure of the public money. They propose to make use of all available school property, by enlarging and improving the buildigns, where this is possible. They have suggested that small buildings be erected in those localities in the suburban districts where the people have congregated in villages.

Your committee recommend the passage of the following order.

For the Committee,


Ordered, That the City Council be requested to erect new school buildings, and to enlarge and improve present school buildings and premises, and to provide temporary school accommodations, as follows:

1. New grammar school-house in the Pierce District. 2. New grammar school-house in the Gibson District. 3. New ten-room grammar school-house at the Boylston Station.

4. New primary school-house in the Adams District.

5. New six-room primary school-house in the Bunker Hill District.

6. New six or eight-room primary school-house in the Prince District.

7. New eight-room primary school-house in the Lowell District.

8. New four-room primary school-house in the George Putnam District.

9. New two-room primary school-house in the Charles

Sumner District.

10. New two-room primary school-house in the Mt. Vernon


11. Alteration and repairs of Austin primary school-house, Paris street, East Boston.

12. Enlargement of yard of Prince school-house.

13. Grading and paving of yard, and suitable fence provided for the H-street school-house, South Boston.

14. Enlargement of Florence-street school-house.

15. Enlargement of primary school-house, corner of Washington and Green streets, Jamaica Plain.

16. Enlargement of lot of Vernon street school-house, by purchase of adjoining estate, on the corner of Vernon

and Auburn streets, and altering the building on said estate, for temporary accommodation of primary-school pupils.

17. Additional school accommodations at Orient Heights, six or eight rooms.

18. Additional temporary school accommodations in the Hancock District.

19. Additional temporary school accommodations in the George Putnam District.

20. Improved primary-school accommodations in the Bennett. District.

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