

BOSTON, May 28, 1889.

Ordered to be printed.






BOSTON, May 28, 1889.

The Committee on Text-Books, in accordance with the rules, submit their annual report:

The committee recommend such changes only as the best interests and needs of the schools require, and such as may be effected with a proper regard for the economical administration of the department.

In the Latin Schools, the committee recommend that Tweed's Grammar for Common Schools be authorized for use as a text-book in the fifth and sixth classes. These classes correspond in the work in grammar to the classes of the Grammar Schools where the book is used. On account of the changes made in the examinations for admission to Harvard College, it is very desirable that the full Greek text of Homer's Iliad be authorized in the Latin Schools, and Beaumlein's edition is recommended.

In the department of modern languages, the committee have for the past three years endeavored to effect the desired changes in text-books in as economical a manner as is possible, and have therefore recommended each year such changes as were most needed. This year your committee recommend the substitution of Super's French Reader for Keetel's Analytical French Reader, and the addition of Daudet's Extraits to the list. They also recommend the substitution of Collar's Eysenbach for Otto's German Grammar, and the addition of Im Zwielicht, Traumereien, and

Buchheim's German Poetry for Repetition. The three lastmentioned books are needed to supplement the work of the regular text-books, and but comparatively few copies of each will be required.

In the High Schools, the committee recommend that Strang's English Lessons be transferred from the list of text-books to the list of reference-books. Collar & Daniell's Beginner's Book in Latin is recommended as a text-book in the Roxbury, West Roxbury, and Brighton High Schools, at the urgent request of the principals of these schools. The change is desirable, and will allow of a better adjustment of the books to the present course of study. Gage's Introduction to Physical Science is recommended in place of Gage's Physics, as being much better suited to the work in the High Schools; the change can be made at moderate expense. In the department of chemistry the committee recommend the addition to the list of Williams's Chemistry, Williams's Laboratory Manual, and White's Outlines of Chemical Theory. It is not proposed to drop from the list any text-book in chemistry, as in the opinion of the committee it is wiser that the change should be made as economically as is possible, and they therefore suggest that Williams's Chemistry be furnished as new books are needed, and that no more copies of Eliot & Storer's Chemistry be purchased. The manuals for laboratory work are very much needed, and are inexpensive.

In the Grammar Schools, the most important recommendation is that of placing Worcester's Comprehensive Dictionary in the fourth class. This measure is unanimously recommended by the Board of Supervisors, and such an exceptional proposition has been received from the publishers, - to furnish the book at half-price for introduction, that this committee are of the unanimous opinion that the measure should be favorably acted upon by the Board. The committee have continued the judicious and economical policy adopted by the Board two years ago in

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regard to the adoption of the new Franklin Readers, and recommend the addition to the list this year of one book of the new series, the books to be furnished at the discretion of the Committee on Supplies. The committee recommend the addition to the list of Jackson's Manual of Astronomical

Geography-one set of sixty copies to each Grammar School—and of Physiography published by Longmans & Co., as a desk-book for the teachers of the first and second classes. These books are admirably written and specially adapted to supplement the regular text-books in the study of geography.

In the Primary Schools, the committee recommend that Observation Lessons in the Primary Schools by Mrs. Hopkins, Simple Object Lessons by W. Hewitt Beck, and Natural History Object Lessons by G. Ricks, be added to the list as desk-books for the teachers. These books are much desired for the observation lessons in the Primary Schools, and the moderate expense required will, we believe, be justified in the increased interest and superior results attained in this department.

The committee ask for further time in which to present their recommendations on supplementary reading, and on a text-book in history for the High Schools.

The committee recommend the passage of the following orders.

For the Committee,



1. Ordered, That Tweed's Grammar for Common Schools be authorized for use as a text-book in the fifth and sixth classes of the Latin Schools.

2. Ordered, That the following changes be made in the present list of authorized text-books for the Latin and High Schools:

French. Super's French Reader substituted for Keetel's

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Analytical French Reader. Daudet's Extraits added to the list.

German.-Collar's Eysenbach substituted for Otto's German Grammar. Im Zwielicht added to the list. Traümereien added to the list. Buchheim's German Poetry for Repetition added to the list.

3. Ordered, That Beaumlein's edition of Homer's Iliad be authorized for use as a text-book in the Latin Schools.

4. Ordered, That Strang's English Lessons be dropped from the list of authorized text-books in the Latin and High Schools; and that said book be added to the list of reference books for the Latin and High Schools for use on the teachers' desks.

5. Ordered, That Collar & Daniell's Beginners' Latin Book be authorized for use as a text-book in the Roxbury, West Roxbury, and Brighton High Schools.

6. Ordered, That Gage's Introduction to Physical Science be authorized for use as a text-book in the High Schools in place of Gage's Physics.

7. Ordered, That Meiklejohn's English Language be authorized for use as a text-book in the High Schools in place of Meiklejohn's Rhetoric.

8. Ordered, That White's Outlines of Chemical Theory be authorized for use as a text-book in the High Schools.

9. Ordered, That Williams's Chemistry and Williams's Laboratory Manual be authorized for use as text-books in the High Schools; and that no more copies of Eliot & Storer's Elementary Manual of Chemistry be purchased.

10. Ordered, That Guyot & Cameron's maps of the Roman Empire, Greece, and Italy be authorized for use in the High Schools.

11. Ordered, That Worcester's Comprehensive Dictionary be authorized for use as a text-book in the fourth class of the Grammar Schools, provided that satisfactory arrangements be made with the Committee on Supplies.

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