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1781. On the 26th of May, Mr. Morris, twelve days after May 26. he had fignified his acceptance of the office of fuperintendant of finance, had the fatisfaction of learning, that the congress had that day approved of the plan for eftablishing a national bank in the United States, which he had fubmitted to their confideration on the 17th. They refolved to promote and support it; and that the subscribers should be incorporated under the name of-The prefident, directors and company of the bank of North America. They also recommended to the several states the making of proper laws for the prevention of other banks or bankers being established or allowed within the said states respectively during the war. It is thought,



that this bank will be of eminent fervice to the United States, and tend greatly to leffen their embarrassments; and that it will be no lefs beneficial to the public than to the individual fubfcribers.

Congrefs agreed "That the minifter plenipotentiary at Versailles, be authorized to offer lieut. gen. Burgoyne in exchange for the honorable Henry Laurens. On 23. July the 23d, they refolved-" That five fuitable per


fons be appointed and authorized to open a fubfcription for a loan of 30,000 dollars, for the fupport of fuch of the citizens of South Carolina and Georgia, as have been driven from their country and poffeffions by the enemy, the said states respectively, by their delegates in congress, pledging their faith for the repayment of the fums fo lent with intereft, in proportion to the fums which fhall be received by their refpective citizens, as foon as the legislatures of the faid ftates fhall feverally be in condition to make provifion for fo doing, and congrefs hereby guaranteeing this obligation:-That the

faid five perfons do alfo receive voluntary and free dona- 1781. tions to be applied to the further relief of the faid fufferers:-Ordered, That the president send a copy of the above refolution to the executives of the feveral states not in the power of the enemy, requefting them to promote the fuccefs of the faid loan and donation in fuch way as they shall think beft.”

To your comprehending this refolution, you must be informed of the following particulars. In June, a general exchange of prisoners was agreed to for the fouthern ftates, in which the militia on both fides were refpectively exchanged for each other. Notwithstanding every difficulty, a confiderable number of the inhabitants had perfeveringly refused to become British fubjects. These being exchanged, were delivered, as well as the continental officers, at the American posts in Virginia and Pennfylvania. The fuffering friends of independence exulted at the profpect of their being released from confinement, and restored to activity in their country's cause: but their prospects were obscured by the distresses brought on their families by this otherwise defirable event. On the 25th of June the British commandant at Charlestown, lieut. col. Balfour, iffued the following order-" As many perfons lately exchanged as prisoners of war, and others who have long chose to refide in the colonies now in rebellion, have, notwithstanding fuch their abfence, wives and families ftill remaining here, the weight of which, on all accounts, it is equally impolitic as inconfiftent should longer be fuffered to rest on the government established here and the resources of it-The commandant is therefore pleased to direct, that all fuch women, children and others as above described,


1781. fhould quit this town and province on or before the firft

day of Auguft next enfuing; of which regulation all fuch perfons are hereby ordered to take notice, and to remove themselves accordingly."

Here let me introduce an account of the manner in which moft of the whig ladies conducted while they remained in Charlestown. They showed an amazing fortitude, and the ftrongest attachment to the cause of their country, and gloried in the appellation of rebel ladies. Neither foothing perfuafions, nor menacing hints, nor their own natural turn for gaiety and amufement, could prevail on them to grace the ball or affembly with their prefence, to oblige the British officers with their hand in a dance, or even to accompany them, notwithstanding the engaging qualities that many of them poffeffed. But no fooner was an American officer introduced as a prifoner, than his company was fought for and his perfon treated with every poffible mark of attention and refpect. They even vifited the prison ships and other places of confinement to folace their fuffering countrymen. At other seasons they retired in a great meafure from the public eye, wept over the diftreffes of their country, and gave every proof of the warmest attachment to its fuffering caufe. In the height of the British conquefts, when poverty and ruin seemed the unavoidable portion of every adherent to the independence of America, they difcovered more firmness than the men. Many of them, like guardian angels, preferved their hufbands from falling in the hour of temptation, when intereft and convenience had almoft gotten the better of honor and patriotifm. Many examples could be produced of their cheerfully

cheerfully parting with their fons, husbands and brothers 1781. (among those who were banished, and whose property was feized by the conquerors) exhorting them to forti tude, and repeatedly entreating them never to fuffer family attachments to interfere with the duty they owed to their country. Such exemplary patriotism excited in feveral British officers a mean refentment, which put them upon employing the negroes in rude infults on thofe distinguished heroines. When the fucceffes of gen. Greene afforded the latter an opportunity, they adopted a genteel retaliation by dreffing in green and ornamenting their perfons with green feathers and ribbons, and thus parading the streets in triumph.

The gentlemen, who had been removed from Charleftown to St. Auguftine, as has been already related, obtained their release by the general exchange, and were delivered at Philadelphia. They had fuffered greatly fince they were fent off. Lieut. gov. Gadsden, to exprefs his indignation at the ungenerous treatment he had met with, refused to accept an offered parole in St. Auguftine; and with the greatest fortitude, bore a close confinement in the caftle for forty-two weeks, rather than give a fecond parole to a power which he confidered as having plainly violated the engagement contained in the first. The other gentlemen renewed their paroles and had the liberty of the town, but were treated with much indignity. As if no dependence could be placed on their honor, they were ordered every day to appear on the public parade, and to answer to their names at roll calling. For upward of ten months they were debarred from correfponding with their wives and families, unless they would fubject every letter to exami


781. nation. Deftitute of gold and filver, they could scarcely

support themselves; and were less able to provide for their connections, who were left in want and in the power of the conquerors. The earliest alleviation of their forrows, after the cartel had been fettled, was denied to them. Though their wives and children, who had been left in Charlestown, were ordered to Philadelphia at the fame time with themselves, Balfour gave express direction that they should not be fuffered to touch at Charlestown. More than a thousand persons were, by the measures of the commandant, exiled from their homes, and thrown on the charity of strangers for their fupport. Hufbands and wives, parents and children, fome of whom had been for feveral months separated from each other, were doomed to have their first interview in a diftant land. To alleviate the diftreffes of thefe and fimilar fufferers, congrefs paffed the preceding refolution. The propriety of it was still more apparent fome time after, when what had been tranfacted at Charlestown was known. Several of the exchanged perfons were owners of landed property in that town; and by the capitulation had an undoubted right to dispose of it for their own advantage. They were however debarred that liberty by the following order, iffued on the 11th of July-" The commandant is pleased to direct, that no perfon, living under the rebel government, fhall have liberty, or grant power to others for fo doing, to let or lease any house within this town without a special license for so doing, as it is intended to take all fuch houses as may be wanted for the public fervice, paying to the owners of thofe fecured by the capitulation a reasonable rent for the fame, as by this means govern


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