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On Tuesday afternoon, December 21st, Archdeacon CLERKE distributed the prizes to the students of this School who distinguished themselves at the annual examination. The Archdeacon presided, and amongst those present were the Rev. Dr. Warburton, Rural Dean; Rev. W. G. Sawyer, Rev. J. H. Ashhurst, Rev. W. Pearson, Rev. E. Elton, and several ladies.

The SECRETARY (the Rev. W. G. Sawyer) read the following Summary of the Examiners' Reports

Prayer Book-The Rev. J. H. BLUNT reports that the examination in the Prayer Book and Catechism has given him great satisfaction.

Scripture-Dr. WARBURTON was well pleased with the answers as to the Facts of Scripture, but he would have been glad to have seen a little more thought shown. The questions as to the Parables and Miracles were well answered. Two boys of the first division received full marks. In the second division G. Hallifax did a good paper.

Arithmetic Mr. SAWYER reports that the papers of the first division are on the whole well done. Some of them are very good. Most of the boys seem to understand the working of the sums; but many are inaccurate in small details.

In the second division the papers are very unequal, but for the most part are fairly satisfactory.

Algebra-Mr. SPOONER reports that the papers of the two senior boys were very satisfactory, and that

some of the other boys did creditably. In the second division the papers, with one or two exceptions, came to nothing.

Euclid Mr. STURGES reports that the Euclid papers are not satisfactory. Those in the first division show signs of industry since the last examination. Some of the boys seem however hardly to have mastered thoroughly the Propositions they have attempted.

In History-Mr. ELTON reports that in the first division the work is well done, and shows great improvement on what was sent in last year. In the second division the work is not so satisfactorily done.

In Geography-Mr. PEARSON is sorry to be obliged to speak unfavourably of the answers to his questions. One boy's paper only has attained over half marks.

Grammar-Mr. CoxE speaks well of the work done, though he thinks the parsing throughout to be a weak point.

Dictation-Mr. SAWYER reports the spelling and punctuation to be very fair in the first division; but the writing to be poor. In the second division the writing and spelling is in many cases bad. He would recommend that much attention be paid to these subjects.

Some of the examiners speak in unfavourable terms of the writing and spelling in the lower divisions; and also as to the carelessness with which some of the answers are given.

In estimating the marks for the different divisions, it must be borne in mind that the same papers were set for the younger as for the elder boys.

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