

tion Price's Candle Company), yet pains had to be taken to make such bonuses mere gratuities, so keeping them out of the sphere of legal contract. The important Act I have mentioned provided (amongst other relaxations of the law) that contract for the remuneration of a servant or agent of any person engaged in any trade or undertaking by a share of the profits of such trade or undertaking shall, of itself, render such servant or agent responsible as a partner therein, nor give him the rights of partner." This enactment is the true foundation of all legal "bonus to labour" irrespective of sharebolding. Such bonus was fixed, in "Henry Briggs, Son, & Co., limited," at 10l. per cent. on wages to workers who are also shareholders; 51. per cent. to those who are not; facilities being moreover afforded to the men to form clubs among themselves for the purchase of shares.


"Greening & Co., limited," of Manchester, are constituted on a similar basis. The firm was a wellknown one of manufacturers of iron and wire-fences and gates. On its passing into the hands of Messrs. Greening Brothers, as sole surviving partners, these gentlemen determined to turn their establishment into a joint-stock company, in which the hands should have special facilities for becoming shareholders during three years, and in which, after paying an average of 157. per cent. dividend on capital, all surplus profits should be divided equally between capital and labour. In this instance also such arrangements were not embodied in the "Arfides of Association"(which were simply those comprised in "Table A." to the Joint-stock Companies Act, but were carried out by what is termed a "pecial resolution" under the Act. But by the adoption of Table A.," with its scale of voting, the overwhelming preponderance given to the emplayers in Crossleys & Co. and Briggs' & Co. was taken away, the statutory scale being one vote for every share up to ten, one additional for every five after the first ten up to 100, and one additional for every ten beyond, the first hundred. Thus, where 500 shares would give 500 votes in the former companies, the same number would only give sixtyeight in Greening & Co.'s. Whether due or not to the larger amount of confidence thus exhibited in them, the co-operation of the workers in the undertaking seems to have been especially hearty in this instance. To quote Mr. Greening's words,"The hands immediately formed themselves into a club to assist us, elected their own chairman, treasurer, and secretary, subscribed their shillings weekly to take p shares, and discussed at their monthly meetings vawus moves for increasing the profits of the concern. liter working half-a-year, we balanced the books and took stock to ascertain the result, and were greatly graed to find that, notwithstanding the disastrous effects of the cattle plague upon our trade, which lies almost Elusively amongst agriculturists and landed propritars, the profits had been maintained considerably above the average, by the united exertions of all parties conned, and we felt ourselves warranted in declaring a ividend at the rate of 15 per cent. per annum on capital, nd voting a bonus of 5 per cent, on wages to our


The next experiment was also one in coal-mining.


South Buckley Coal and Fire-brick Company, limited," was formed substantially for the working of certain mining properties in Flintshire, on a capital of 50,000%., in 107. shares. The revised Articles of Association, as in the case of Greening & Co., authorised the directors during the first five years to reserve shares for allotment to the company's managers, secretaries, foremen, colliers, brickmakers, and other persons engaged in the service of the company, exclusively; such shares to be issued at par value either to individuals, or to subscription clubs formed by the men amongst themselves. The scale of voting was, in this instance, still more liberal towards the smaller shareholders, the additional votes beyond the first 100 being only at the rate of one in twenty. 500 shares would thus only give forty-eight votes to a single shareholder. directors were empowered, before recommending a dividend, to set apart a reserve fund for the following amongst other purposes, viz.,—

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"For or towards creating and maintaining a sick fund in favour or for the benefit of the servants of the company establishing and supporting a library, news-room, work"For or towards creating and maintaining a fund for men's club, or other educational benefits for the servants of the company."

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And, subject to any appropriation to the reserved fund, all profits over 51. per cent. on paid-up capital were to be divided equally between capital and labour;-terms more liberal than any yet offered to

the worker.


In the Cobden Memorial Mills Company, limited" ("Memorandum of Association" dated 29 September, 1866, later than one or two other bodies of which I shall presently speak), co-operation is placed in the very fore-front, among the objects for which the company is constituted, and one of which, says the "Memorandum of Association," dated 29 September, 1866, is "to secure the co-operation of all persons in the employment of the company by dividing amongst them, in such proportions as shall be fixed from time to time in general meeting, one half of all surplus profits, after payment of 107. per 100%. on the subscribed capital of the company. The capital is 80,000l., in 107. shares, of which 2000 (representing one-fourth of the whole) are to be set apart as "reserved shares" for allotment" among the clerks, overlookers, spinners, weavers, and other persons in the employment of the company. upon such conditions. determine, but so that every reasonable facility be given to all persons in the employment of the company to purchase one or more of such reserved shares." In making calls, the holders of such reserved shares are not, in any case," to be "deprived of the right of paying by weekly or monthly. instalments." It is provided, moreover, that " one fourth, at least, of every issue of new shares, or such larger portion as may be determined in general meeting, shall be reserved shares." The scale of. voting (which appears to have been borrowed from

as the board shall

that of the " Jamaica Commercial Agency Company," to be presently noticed), gives one vote for every share up to ten, one additional for every ten beyond the first ten to 100, one additional for every twenty-five beyond the first 100 up to 200, and one additional for every fifty beyond the first 200 up to 300, with a limitation of the maximum number of votes to twenty-five.

capital is, I believe, all that has ever been put in,and working under most unfavourable conditions, since they are scarcely ever in contact with the actual customer, had last year reached one of the foremost places in their trade, employed regularly seventeen men, under conditions more favourable than they could get anywhere else in the trade, did business to the amount of 25007. in the year, and had latterly divided a bonus on the earnings of non-associates. This little group of co-operative producers, having received overtures from their landlord, a master framemaker, who is also one of their employers, have formed themselves with him into a “Frame-makers' and Gilders' Association, limited," under the Joint Stock Companies Act, on a capital of 60002., almost the whole of which is contributed in stock or money by him, by themselves, or by their workmen. The articles of association are modelled on the pattern of those of the Cobden Memorial Mills," the provisions as to reserved shares, and an ultimate division of profits equally between capital and labour, being equivalent. The rent to be paid to capital is fixed at 74 per cent, but a concession is made to it in the scale of voting, which is at the rate of one vote each for the ten first shares, and one for every ten additional ones. Fixity of man

I need hardly observe that these "industrial partnerships," or "partnerships of industry,"to use the terms now applied to undertakings which are based on a sharing of profits between capital and labour, -are simply developments of what is, perhaps, over-well known in modern political economy books as The Léclaire experiment," from the name of a Parisian house-painter, who, for a time successfully, shared profits with his men. The same system has been adopted in several large continental establishments, and it has with us nothing really new but its practical application, within the limits of the English law. If we examine its latest features amongst ourselves, we may perhaps sum them up as follows-1st. Reservation of a certain amount of share capital for the workers of all grades in the establishment, with encouragement to the formation of share-clubs, or facilities for payment by weekly or other easy instalments; 2nd. A scale of votingagement (in the hands of three managing directors sufficient to give some substantial participation in the government of the concern to the many; 3rd. A distribution of profits such that, when labour has received its wages, and capital its fixed hire, the residue, subject to a deduction for a reserve fund, shall be divided, generally in halves, between both these elements of production; 4th. If thought fit, a provision that among the purposes of a reserve fund may be included any institution for the common benefit, physical or moral, of the workers."

is provided for by a five years' term of office. may add, as a remarkable feature of the amal gamation, that two out of three of the managing directors of the company belong to the Gilders Association, and that the whole control of the work shops is vested in one of them, hitherto foreman o the co-operative shop. datojan na


So alive, on the other hand, are the employers becoming to the value of the principle of the "part nership of industry," that a bold attempt has bee made by one firm to use it for the direct puttin down of trades' unions. [The following advertis ment (from which I omit the list of prices) appeare

It is interesting to observe that this scheme, elaborated at first by capitalists, is now being adopted more or less exactly by bodies founded by working men themselves. Thus the "London Co-repeatedly in the newspapers for October, 1866 +-operative Cabinet-manufacturing Industrial Society, limited," (which was certified under the Industrial and Provident Societies Act, July, 1865,) propose, after setting aside a reserve and depreciation fund, and paying 51. per cent. interest on capital, to divide all profits equally between capital and labour, -their capital being raised in 17. shares. A North-day-wages paid to the men not included in the above ampton Boot and Shoe Manufacturing Society, limited," seems to be working on similar principles. A yet more interesting case is that of the "Working Gilders' Association," a small body of London working men who, beginning with nothing,-8. of

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Besides the above undertakings, Mr. Greening's paper also mentions a cotton-mill in Manchester "which adopts the industrial partnership principle of dividing profits between shareholders and workers," now "making 17 per cent. on its capital, and rapidly wiping off arrears of loss and debts incurred in the cotton panic." To the list must now be added Wardle & Co.'s Pottery, Denaby, near Rotherham C. Goodall's Printing Establishment, Leeds; the "Lloyd & Summerfield Co-partnership, limited," Birmingham; &c. I

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of Newport Rolling Mills, Middlesboro', hereby give m "Co-operative Ironworks.-Messrs. Fox, Head, & Co tice that their works will henceforth be open to operativ on the above system, coupled with the abandonment their unions by both masters and men. The followi prices will be paid, subject to any general advance or r duction in this district [here follows the price-list). T the strike. In some cases no reduction will be ma will be 10 per cent. less than the rates paid previous After making reasonable allowances to meet bad de and other contingencies, and apportioning 10 per cent. capital as interest, the whole of the remaining pro will be equally divided between capital and labour."

I cannot help doubting the policy of the abe offer. A point of honour would probably hinder t best men from deserting their union in the mid of a strike, for a share in the employers' profits. require them to do so at all appears to me, moreov a putting of the cart before the horse. The work enter into a trade-society for the purpose of ma taining or bettering their condition. From moment they find in the "partnership of industry


division of profits, however, after 7 per cent, has been divided on paid-up capital, any excess is to be apportioned, 50 per cent. on paid-up capital, 25 per cent. on labour (on the same terms as in the "South Buckley"), and 25 per cent."amongst the customers of the company, rateably in proportion to the amount paid to the company by each customer for goods supplied to him or her by the said company" but customers are not to interfere in the business, or be deemed members, or subject to the liabilities of the company.

This is an exceedingly interesting experiment. The only doubt is whether it is completely legal or safe, since the law certainly nowhere exempts customers from the responsibilities attaching to a sharing of nett profits; and if they do become thereby partners with the company beyond the number of nineteen, it may be contended that a new partnership or company is formed, illegal unless registered under the Joint Stock Companies Act. The practice, indeed, of admitting customers

a more efficacious means of attaining this end, the trade-societies will fall to pieces of themselves, or assume a totally different character. Let the men go into such an establishment as red-hot unionists, --if it be honestly carried on, they will soon find that association in labour is better than association in abstinence from labour; let them once handle a fair “bonus,” and they will be the first to deprecate astrike.* mmma esilt to syned o babird o'q,++ F But when the "partnership of industry" has been built up so far, it stands as it were over against the co-operative store, as did the smaller. “working men's associations," or other societies for co-operative trades or manufactures, before it. The one is based upon production, the other on consumption. The one gives all profits (whether called such or not) to the seller and those interested under him, the other gives all to the buyer and his allies. The old discord between employer and employed may be solved by Messrs. Briggs or Messrs. Greening; that between buyer and seller remains as harsh as ever. Yet consumption and production are inter-depen-who are not shareholders to profits is not a new dent. Custom alone completes production. The marriage' of abundant and benevolent capital with skilled and willing labour must remain unfruitful, if both are starved for want of orders. Hence the further idea sprang up of interesting the consumer also in associated production, by means of a share in profits. That idea has long been afloat, but was, I believe, first sought to be practically realised some years ago by a body of Co-operative Box and | Packing-case Manufacturers," somewhere near Houndsditch, which I fear has long since disappeared. A more important attempt in this directin, had it been carried out, was the projected *Clayton / Plate and Bar Iron Company" (1865), which proposed, after dividing 10 per cent. on capital, to apportion the surplus profits equally between purchasers from the company in proportion to their custom, shareholders in proportion to their shares, and officers, clerks, and workmen, in proportion to their wages. I do not know what caused the failure of this scheme, which was supported by several good names; at any rate, the idea has been since taken up by an enterprising body, which has already made no small stir in the world-the "Industrial Partnership of Clothiers, limited." It is constituted upon a capital of 25,0000., in shares of the low denomination of 11. each. The clause as to the reservation of shares for persons employed is identical (except as respects the special designation of such persons) with that in the "South Buckley" articles, and the scale of voting is also the same, as . well as the "reserve fund" provisions. In the

one. Mr. Tidd Pratt's last return shows nearly
forty societies registered under the Industrial and
Provident Societies Act, including several of the
most influential, which allow a share of profits
to non-members; and since it is difficult to see
what ground remains for excluding mere cus-
tomers from the benefit already allowed to
workers, it is probable that a further amendment
of the law to this effect would, if properly urged,
be willingly assented to by Parliament.
this is done, it may be said that for the first time
full legal means are afforded for the working of a
system in which the three hitherto jarring interests
of the capitalist, the worker, and the consumer, are
sought to be brought into harmony.


The development of the co-operative principle has now to be considered under another aspect, that of its application, as distinct from its form. The bodies I have hitherto spoken of belong all to the sphere of trade and trading industry. They have no connection with agriculture, except incidentally; as in the case of the farms which are owned by some of the great co-operative stores. Mr. Tidd Pratt's return of 1866 includes, indeed, one society, the

Self-help Industrial Co-operative," of Moston, in Lancashire, founded in 1863 for the purpose of "farming," which, as the return stands, would appear to possess seven members, and exactly 11. of capital; but I should infer that the return is defective, and that a figure of 77, which appears in another column, would be nearer the mark for the latter item. This is, however, a solitary exception amongst the 417 returning societies. Since writing the above, I find similar advice given result appears singular, when one remembers that by Mr. Greening in his "monthly share-list" of "part- the land was the chief field of the old socialist and nerships of industry," for December, 1866. It appears from this that Messrs. Fox, Head, & Co., do not invite communist experiments, from Mr. Owen's different their workpeople to take shares, but simply offer to re- establishments to the farm of the communists of ceive their capital at 5 per cent. interest-they taking the Leeds Redemption Society." In several quar10. It is difficult to believe that terms like these, which seem devised to place the worker in the entire depend-ters, however, there are indications that the tide of ence of the capitalist, will meet with much acceptance." co-operation may before very long be expected to


flow towards the land. Mr. Gurdon's experience in Suffolk has shown that farms may be safely and profitably let to partnerships or small companies of agricultural labourers. His experiment has now outlasted the received average of a generation, since it was in 1831 that he first allowed thirty labourers to occupy a farm, lending them money for cultiva tion in the first instance without interest, and the farm is still a co-operative one, having borne, Mr. William Lawson, of Carlisle, has said from personal inspection, "great and glorious" effects. The experiments attempted by the latter-named gentleman himself are no less interesting, though I have not space to detail them. He proposes to divide among the workers at his various establishments, farms included, one-tenth of the profits realised. And we have seen lately a duke's son, Lord George Manners, astonish his father and the squires and farmers around him, at an agricultural dinner, by a suggestion to the same effect as Mr. Lawson's practice, that the labourers should receive a share of farming profits, by way of checking that dearth of hands which is pressing more and more upon the labour-market in many directions at once. Even at the Christmas dinner of the Royal Agricultural Society the same idea has been mentioned, though of course pooh-poohed.


is to be considered a charge on gross profits, and is to take precedence of all commissions or per-centages to the company's officers. Nett profits are to be divided, one-third upon paid-up capital, and the other two-thirds among colonial members only, upon the total amount of the nett proceeds of their cus tom, as sellers or consignors of produc, and upon the amount of their purchases of goods. The colonial producer has thus every incentive offered to him to subscribe to the company, and to give to it the full benefit both of his production and consump tion, and the company may be said to unite a "part nership of industry" in colonial farming with a colonial co-operative store. Care has moreover been taken to stimulate the energies of the leading officials-two managing directors here, two mana gers in each colonial district by giving them, over and above salaries of a low figure, to the one class a commission on orders for goods or sales of produce, to the other a per-centage on the nett profits of their respective districts.

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Arising out of an association of small producers, who are believed to need special help, but have shown themselves capable of vigorous efforts to help themselves, the "Jamaica Commercial Agency Company" requires the directors to limit, from time to time, the amount of advances on single

or from any single person; whilst its scale of voting by limiting the maximum of votes to be held by a single person to twenty-five, removes all temptation to any large landowner or capitalist to take more than 300 shares (6001) for the sake of influence alone, or otherwise than as a simple investment of capital.

Meanwhile a very peculiar application of the co-consignments and of purchases of produce made to operative principle is being made to a novel field of trade, and to a combined system of production and consumption. Out of the " Cornwall Agricultural and Commercial Association " of Jamaica, of which I have spoken in a previous number of GOOD WORDS,* has arisen the "Jamaica Commercial Agency Company, limited" (registered 24th August, 1866), which has for its present objects the collection and exportation in and from the island of Jamaica, of the produce of the island, the importation of goods into the island, and the sale of such produce and goods, with power to extend the operations of the company to other British colonies; the capital being 20,0004, in 21. shares (10,000%. to be paid up within two years), with power to increase. The company represents in effect a combination of European capitalists with Colonial producers, whose custom is at the same time sought to be secured. Thus the shares may be subscribed for in produce sold to or through the company; one-fifth of every issue of shares is to be reserved for three months at least for colonial members of the company, who are organised in districts, appointing each its "Local Board; and although the supreme control is reserved to the London Board of Directors and to the general meetings of the company at home, care is taken to secure the interests of colonial members by providing (except in cases of grave emergency) a long term of notice (two months) before any step can be taken which may seriously affect their speeial interests. The distribution of profits is peculiar; 67. per cent. per annum upon paid-up capital

October, 1866.

The fact that the producer members of the Jamaica Commercial Agency Company" will be almost all of them actual cultivators, sufficiently establishes its title to rank as a scheme of industrial as well as trading co-operation. It may, however, be observed, that in the event of the profits attaining more than 101. per cent, upon paid-up capital, the directors have power to apply, out of the excess of profits, such sums as they may think fit, "for er towards the education or moral improvement of the officers, clerks, or servants employed by or under the company in any district, or of their children;" or by way of bonus on wages or salaries, amongst the officers, clerks, and servants of the company, either in Europe or in any district," except managing directors and managers; with a provision (also incorporated in the Cobden Memorial Mills " articles) "that if any invention or improved process useful to the company shall be placed at its disposal by any officer, clerk, or servant to whom a bonus might be given the value of such invention or improved process shall be taken into account in fixing the amount of bonus to be given to him." It will thus be seen that the principle of co-operation pervades the whole scheme of the company. The value of the last provision will be recognised by those who know the heart-burnings often occasioned amongst working-men by the non

recognition of improvements suggested by them in machinery or processes, although often of the most profitable character to the establishment.

It is satisfactory to learn that the "Jamaica Commercial Agency Company" is being warmly supported by the coloured population of the island; that in addition to 1000 shares subscribed for before leaving England, by the deputation from the "Cornwall Agricultural and Commercial Association," many have been taken up in all parts of the "Black River colony; and that besides the District," already formed, the Directors have issued circulars inviting subscriptions for a second, which should include the city of Kingston.

up beside it another body for similar purposes,
the "Civil Service Co-operative Society, limited,"
having for objects, as its "Memorandum of Asso-
ciation" (under the Joint Stock Companies Act)
states, to import or purchase wholesale articles of
general consumption and utility, and to retail them
at prices sufficient only to cover the original cost,
the expenses of management and distribution, and
to pay a moderate rate of interest (limited to 5 per
cent.) upon the capital necessarily employed in the
undertaking; also to make arrangements with ma-
nufacturers, wholesale houses, and others, to supply
articles not kept in store by the company at whole-
sale or reduced prices." The capital is 5000% in
5 shares. The association is still more exclusive
Not only are no shares to
than the previous one.
be "allotted to, or held by, or transferred to any
person or persons other than a member or members
of the civil service, except in the case of the death
of a shareholder, when same [sic] may be held by
his executors or administrators for a period not
exceeding one year," but the issue of its yearly
half crown tickets is confined to members of the
civil service, or the widows or orphan children of
deceased members. md.

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Two or three other recent applications of the cooperative principle, in a somewhat different form from any hitherto spoken of, deserve to be noticed, though I have been somewhat at a loss where to place them. The "Civil Service Supply Association, limited," has been established, says its fifth price list, for the quarter ending 31st December, 1866, "for the purpose of supplying officers of the civil service and their friends with articles of all kinds, both for domestic consumption and general use, at the lowest possible prices." The capital is contributed by members of the civil service only, in 17. shares, which are paid up by instalments of 5 the first year, and 2s. 6d. every subsequent year till the amount is paid up; such shares not bearing interest, but entitling the holders to all the benefits of the association, including participation in its government. Tickets are given to each shareholder; but such tickets can also be obtained by other members of the civil service, on payment of 2s. 6d. * year, or by their friends on payment of 5s. a year; but no mere ticket holder can have any voice in the government of the association. (A-somewhat similar practice as to tickets prevails in one of the French consumers associations.) The pricelist proper contains,1st, articles kept in stock at the stores; od 2nd articles supplied from patterns through the storekeeper;" 3rd, "articles sold on the premises by firms appointed by the association." These are followed by a list of "firms with whom the association has established beneficial arrangements,” i. e., which allow reductions, ranging apparently from 5 to 60 per cent., or simply supply their goods at wholesale prices. The association has its solicitor, architect and surveyor, stock-of insurance, &c."* brokers, doctors, and accountants; and it is stated that "advantageous arrangements have been made with the professional officers." Its present stores are in Monkwell Street, City, but it is in con-portant groups of the middle class, which it is templation to open a West-end store as soon as the necessary arrangements can be made.”menta

The Civil Service Supply Association "seems to have been in great measure set on foot by gentlemen connected with the Post Office. Whilst it has succeeded in maintaining itself for upwards of a twelvemonth, it is to be presumed that it has not given entire satisfaction to the class for whose benefit it was established, since there has grown

The society is said to be highly successful. It has a large store at the West end, and its price-list (I have before me that of July, 1866,) like that of the "Civil Service Supply Association," besides enumerating the various articles kept in store, with their respective prices, contains a long list of wholesale and retail traders (beginning with Messrs. Allsopp & Sons, the brewers), who have agreed to supply members of the service either at wholesale or trade prices, or at a specified reduction, amounting in one case to 35 per cent., with a note appended, that other leading firms, who do not wish their names to appear, have agreed to grant similar terms. It has the usual professional officers (including a physician, surgeon, and surgeon-dentist), and has made arrangements with an insuranceoffice for a return of 5. per cent. on premiums of members of the civil service assuring through its medium; and it promises that "advice and assistance will be given gratuitously to the widows or families of deceased members of the service, în connection with probates of wills, letters of administration, residuary accounts, claims under policies

The two bodies I have just noticed are in fact co-operative stores, with some peculiar features, formed for the benefit of one of the most im

interesting to see thus taking up an idea carried into successful practice by the working classes, under a new form adapted to its own habits. For the two civil service societies, with their subscribed share-capital, and outside of the circle of their shareholders, the larger one of ticketholders at half-a-crown or five shillings a-year, reproduce in fact the type of an insurance-office with a small proprietary capital, and a number of

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