
1644 Fight at Cropredy Bridge, June.
Battle of Marston Moor, July.
Surrender of Parliamentary Army in
Cornwall, Sept.

Battle of Tippermuir, Sept.
Battle of Newbury, Oct.

1645 Self-renouncing Ordinance, April. New Model raised.

Battle of Naseby, June 14.
Battle of Philiphaugh, Sept.


1646 Charles surrenders to the Scots, May.
1647 Scots surrender Charles to
Houses, Feb.

Army elects Adjutators, April.
The King seized at Holmby House,

"Humble Representation" of the
Army, June.

Expulsion of the Eleven Members.
Army occupies London, Aug.
Flight of the King, Nov.

Secret Treaty of Charles with the
Scots, Dec.

1648 Outbreak of the Royalist Revolt, Feb.
Revolt of the Fleet, and of Kent,

Fairfax and Cromwell in Essex and
Wales, June-July.
Battle of Preston, Aug. 18.
Surrender of Colchester, Aug. 27.
Pride's Purge, Dec.

Royal Society begins at Oxford.
1649 Execution of Charles I., Jan. 30.
Scotland proclaims Charles II.
England proclaims itself a Common-

Cromwell storms Drogheda, Aug.
1650 Cromwell enters Scotland, May.
Battle of Dunbar, Sept. 3.
1651 Battle of Worcester, Sept. 3..

Union with Scotland and Ireland.
Hobbes's "Leviathan."
1652 Outbreak of Dutch War, May.
Victory of Van Tromp, Nov.
1653 Victory of Blake, Feb.

Cromwell drives out the Parliament,
April 19.

Constituent Convention (Barebones
Parliament), July.

Convention dissolves, Dec.
1654 The Instrument of Government.
Oliver Cromwell, Lord Protec-
tor, died 1658.

Peace concluded with Holland.
First Protectorate Parliament, Sept.
1655 Dissolution of the Parliament, Jan.
The Major-Generals.

Settlement of Scotland and Ireland.
Settlement of the Church.

1656 Blake in the Mediterranean.

War with Spain and Conquest of Jamaica.

Second Protectorate Parliament,


1657 Blake's victory at Santa Cruz. Cromwell refuses title of King. Act of Government.

1658 Parliament dissolved, Feb. Battle of the Dunes. Capture of Dunkirk.

Death of Cromwell, Sept. 3.
Richard Cromwell, Lord Protec-
tor, died 1712.

1659 Third Protectorate Parliament.
Parliament dissolved.

Long Parliament recalled.

Long Parliament again driven out. 1660 Monk enters London.

The "Convention" Parliament. Charles the Second, lands at Dover May, died 1685.

Union of Scotland and Ireland undone.

1661 Cavalier Parliament begins.

Act of Uniformity re-enacted. 1662 Puritan clergy driven out. Royal Society at London. 1663 Dispensing Bill fails. 1664 Conventicle Act.

Dutch War begins.

1665 Five-Mile Act.

Plague and Fire of London.
Newton's Theory of Fluxions.
1667 The Dutch in the Medway.
Dismissal of Clarendon.
Peace of Breda.

Lewis attacks Flanders. Milton's "Paradise Lost." 1668 The Triple Alliance.

Peace of Aix-la-Chapelle. 1669 Ashley shrinks back from toleration to Catholics.

1670 Treaty of Dover.

Bunyan's "Pilgrim's Progress"

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1679 New Parliament meets.
Habeas Corpus Act passed.
Exclusion Bill introduced.
Parliament dissolved.
Shaftesbury dismissed.

1680 Committee for agitation formed. Monmouth pretends to the throne. Petitioners and Abhorrers.

Exclusion Bill thrown out by the

Trial of Lord Stafford.

1681 Parliament at Oxford.

Limitation Bill rejected:

Monmouth and Shaftesbury arrested. 1682 Conspiracy and flight of Shaftesbury. Rye-house Plot.

1683 Death of Shaftesbury.

Lord Russell and Algernon Sidney executed.

1684 Town charters quashed. Army increased.

1685 James the Second, died 1701 Insurrection of Argyle and Monmouth.

Battle of Sedgemoor, July 6.
The Bloody Circuit.

1689 Convention Parliament. Declaration of Rights.

1685 Army raised to 20,000 men. Revocation of Edict of Nantes. 1686 Parliament refuses to repeal Test Act.

Test Act dispensed with by Royal authority.

Ecclesiastical Commission set up.

1687 Newton's "Principia."

Expulsion of the Fellows of Magda-

Dismissal of Lords Rochester and

Declaration of Indulgence.
The boroughs regulated.

William of Orange protests against
the Declaration.

Tyrconnell made Lord Deputy in

1688 Clergy refuse to read Declaration of Indulgence.

Threat of the Seven Bishops.
Irish troops brought over to Eng-

Lewis attacks Germany.

William of Orange lands at Torbay.
Flight of James.



William and Mary made King and Queen.

William forms the Grand Alliance against Lewis.

Battle of Killiecrankie, July 27.
Siege of Londonderry.

Mutiny Bill.

Toleration Bill.

Bill of Rights.

Secession of the Nonjurors.

1690 Abjuration Bill and Act of Grace. Battle of Beachy Head, June 29. Battle of the Boyne, July 6. William repulsed from Limerick. 1691 Battle of Aughrim, July.

Capitulation and Treaty of Limerick.

1692 Massacre of Glencoe.

Battle of La Hogue, May 19.

1693 Sunderland's plan of a Ministry. 1694 Bank of England set up.

Death of Mary.

1696 Currency restored.

1697 Peace of Ryswick.

1698 First Partition Treaty.

1700 Second Partition Treaty.

1701 Duke of Anjou becomes King of


Death of James the Second..
Act of Settlement passed.

1702 Anne, died 1714.

1704 Battle of Blenheim, Aug. 13.

Harley and St. John take office.

1705 Victories of Peterborough in Spain.

1706 Battle of Ramillies, May 23.
1707 Act of Union with Scotland.
1708 Battle of Oudenarde.

Dismissal of Harley and St. John.
1709 Battle of Malplaquet.
1710 Trial of Sacheverel.

Tory Ministry of Harley and St.

1712 Dismissal of Marlborough.
1713 Treaty of Utrecht.

1714 George the First, died 1727.

Ministry of Townshend and Walpole. 1715 Jacobite Revolt under Lord Mar. 1716 Ministry of Lord Stanhope.

The Septennial Bill.
1717 The Triple Alliance.
1718 The Quadruple Alliance.
1720 Failure of the Peerage Bill.

The South Sea Company.

1721 Ministry of Sir Robert Walpole.
1722 Exile of Bishop Atterbury.
1727 War with Austria and Spain.

George the Second, died 1760.
1729 Treaty of Seville.

1730 Free exportation of American rice allowed.

1731 Treaty of Vienna.

1733 Walpole's Excise Bill.

War of the Polish Succession.
Family Compact between France and

1737 Death of Queen Caroline.
1738 The Methodists appear in London.
1739 War declared with Spain.

1740 War of the Austrian Succession.

1742 Resignation of Walpole. 1743 Ministry of Henry Pelham.

Battle of Dettingen, June 27.
1745 Battle of Fontenoy, May 31.
Charles Edward lands in Scot-

Battle of Prestonpans, Sept. 21.
Charles Edward reaches Derby,
Dec. 4.

1746 Battle of Falkirk, Jan. 23.

Battle of Culloden, April 16. 1748 Peace of Aix-la-Chapelle. 1751 Clive's surprise of Arcot. 1754 Death of Henry Pelham.

Ministry of Duke of Newcastle. 1755 The Seven Years' War.

Defeat of General Braddock.

1756 Loss of Port Mahon.

Retreat of Admiral Byng.

1757 Convention of Closter-Seven.

Ministry of William Pitt.

Battle of Plassey, June 23,

1758 Capture of Louisburg and Cape Bre


Capture of Fort Duquesne.

1759 Battle of Minden, Aug. 1.

Battle of Quiberon Bay, Nov. 20. Capture of Fort Niagara and Ticonderoga.

Wolfe's Victory on Heights of Abra-

1760 George the Third, died 1820.
Battle of Wandewash.
1761 Ministry of Lord Bute.

Brindley's Canal over the Irwell. 1762 Peace of Paris.

1763 Wedgwood establishes Potteries.
1764 Hargreaves invents Spinning-Jenny.
1765 Stamp Act passed.

Ministry of Lord Rockingham.
Meeting and Protest of American

Watt invents Steam-Engine. 1766 Repeal of the Stamp Act.

Ministry of Lord Chatham.

1768 Ministry of the Duke of Grafton. Wilkes expelled from House of Com

[blocks in formation]

1774 Military occupation of Boston. Port closed.

Massachusetts Charter altered. Congress assembles at Philadelphia. 1775 Rejection of Chatham's plan of conciliation.

Skirmish at Lexington.
Americans,_under Washington, be-
siege Boston.

Battle of Bunker's Hill,

Southern Colonies expel their Gov


1776 Crompton invents the Mule.
Arnold invades Canada.
Evacuation of Boston.

Declaration of Independence, July 4.
Battles of Brooklyn and Trenton.
Adam Smith's "Wealth of Na-

1777 Battle of Brandywine.

Surrender of Saratoga, Oct. 13:
Chatham proposes Federal Union.
Washington at Valley Forge.

1778 Alliance of France with United

Death of Chatham, April 7.

1779 Alliance of Spain with United States. Siege of Gibraltar.

Armed Neutrality of Northern Pow


The Irish Volunteers.

1780 Cornwallis captures Charleston. Descent of Hyder Ali on the Carnatic.

1781 Defeat of Hyder at Porto Novo.

Surrender of Cornwallis at Yorktown, 1782 Ministry of Lord Rockingham. Victories of Rodney.

Repeal of Poyning's Act.

Pitt's Bill for Parliamentary Reform.
Burke's Bill of Economical Reform.
Shelburne Ministry.

Repulse of Allies from Gibraltar.
Treaties of Paris and Versailles.

1783 Coalition Ministry of Fox and North.
Fox's India Bill.
Ministry of Pitt.

1784 Pitt's India Bill.

Sinking Fund and Excise. 1785 Parliamentary Reform Bill.

Free-trade Bill between England and

1786 Trial of Warren Hastings.
1787 Treaty of Commerce with France.
1788 The Regency Bill.

1789 Meeting of States-General at Ver sailles.

New French Constitution.

Triple Alliance for defence of Turkey.

1790 Quarrel over Nootka Sound,

Pitt defends Poland,

Burke's "Reflections on the French

1791 Representative Government set up in Canada.

Fox's Libel Act.

1791 Burke's "Appeal from New to Old Whigs."

1792 Pitt hinders Holland from joining the Coalition.

France opens the Scheldt.
Pitt's efforts for peace.

The United Irishmen.

1793 France declares War on England. Part of Whigs join Pitt.

English army lands in Flanders. 1794 English driven from Toulon. English driven from Holland. Suspension of Habeas Corpus Act. Victory of Lord Howe, June 21. 1796 Battle of Cape St. Vincent.

Burke's "Letters on a Regicide

1797 England alone in the War with


Battle of Camperdown.

1798 Irish revolt crushed at Vinegar Hill. Battle of the Nile.

1799 Pitt revives the Coalition against France.

[blocks in formation]

1812 Storm of Ciudad Rodrigo and Badajoz
America declares War against Eng-

Battle of Salamanca, July 22.
Wellington retreats from Burgos.
Victories of American Frigates.
1813 Battle of Vittoria, June 21.
Battles of the Pyrenees.
Wellington enters France, Oct.
Americans attack Canada.
1814 Battle of Orthez.

Battle of Toulouse, April 10.
Battle of Chippewa, July.
Raid upon Washington.
British repulsed at Plattsburg and
New Orleans.

1815 Battle of Quatre Bras, June 16.
Battle of Waterloo, June 18.
Treaty of Vienna.

1819 Manchester Massacre.
1820 Cato Street Conspiracy.

George the Fourth, died 1830.
Bill for the Queen's Divorce.
1822 Canning Foreign Minister.
1823 Mr. Huskisson joins the Ministry.
1826 Expedition to Portugal.

Recognition of South American

1827 Ministry of Mr. Canning.
Ministry of Lord Goderich.
Battle of Navarino.

1828 Ministry of the Duke of Wellington.
1829 Catholic Emancipation Bill.
1830 William the Fourth, died 1837.
Ministry of Lord Grey.

Opening of Liverpool and Manches-
ter Railroad.
1831 Reform Agitation.

1832 Parliamentary Reform Bill passed,
June 7.

1833 Suppression of Colonial Slavery.
East India trade thrown open.

1834 Ministry of Lord Melbourne.
New Poor Law.

System of National Education begun.
Ministry of Sir Robert Peel.

1835 Ministry of Lord Melbourne re-

Municipal Corporation Act.

1836 General Registration Act.

Civil Marriage Act.

1837 Victoria.

1839 Committee of Privy Council for Ed

ucation instituted.

Demands for a People's Charter. Formation of Anti-Corn-Law League. Revolt in Canada.

War with China.

Occupation of Cabul.

1840 Quadruple Alliance with France, Portugal, and Spain. Bombardment of Acre.

1841 Ministry of Sir Robert Peel.

Income Tax revived.

Peace with China.

Massacre of English army in Afghanistan.

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