


ted they brought them forth to their Thia in order to their Condemnation. When th Time was come, they were brought befor their Enem es ard arraigned. The Judge Name was Lord Hate Good: Their I di ment was ore and and the fame inSubftance tho fomewhat varying in Fɔrm; the Com tents whereof was this:

That they were Enemies to, and Difturber Indictment of their Trade: That they had made Comm tions and Divifions in the Town, and had won a * Party to their own most dangerous Opinions, is t Faith Contempt of the Law of their Prince. ful's AnThen tFaithful began to answer, Tha fwer for he had only fet himself against that which himself. had fet it felf against him that is Higher than the Higheft. And, faid he, as for Di fturbance I make none, teing my felf a Man of Peace; the Parties that were wo to us, were won by beholding our Truth and Innocence, and they are only turned from the worse to the better. And as to the King you ta k of, fince he is Beelzebub the Enemy of our Lord, I defie him and all his Angels.



Then Proclamation was made, That they that had ought to fay for their Lord the King against the Prifoner at the Bar, fhould forthwithappear and give in their Evidence. So there came in three Witreffes, to wit, Envy, Sufpicion and Pick-thank: They were then asked, If they knew the Prifoner at the Bar? And what they had to fay for their Lord the King against him?

Then ftood forth Envy and faid to this Effe&t, My Lord, I have known this Man & lang Time, and will at:eft upon my Oath before

efore this honourable Bench, That he is
Judge. Hold,-Give him his Oath.
So they fear him: Then he said, My
ord, this Man,notwithst nding his plaufible
Jam:, is one of the vileft Men in our Coun.
"y, be neither regardeth Prin e norPeople,
aw nor Cuftom, b. tdo h all that he can to
offefs all Men with certain of his difloyal
Jotions, which he in the general calls Prin
iples of Faith and Holinef. And in particular
head him once myself affin, That Chri-
tiaty and theCustomesof our Town of Va.
ity were immediately oppofice, and couldnot
beeconciled. By which Saying, my lord,
se doth at once, not only condemn all our
laudable doings,bet us in the doing them.
Judge. Then did the Judge fay unto him,
Hast chou any more to fay?

Envy. My Lord, I could fay much more only I would not be tedicus to the Court. Yet if need be, when the other Gendemen have given in their Evidence, rather than any thing ball be wanting that will difpatch him, I will enlarge my- Testimony against him. So he was bid to fland by,

Then they call'd Superftition, and bid him look upon the Prifoner; they alfo asked, What he could fay for their Lord the King against him? Then they fwear him; fo he began: * Super. My Lord, I have no great Ac• Super. quintance with this Man, nor do I defire ftition to have further Knowledge of him; how. follows. ever, this I know, That he is a very pefti lent Fellow, from fome Difcourfe that the other Day I had with him in this Town; for then talking with him, I heard him fay, That

F 3


That our Religion was naught, and fuc by which a Man could by no means plea God. Which Saying of his my Lord you Lordship very well knows what neceffari thence will follow, to wit, that we ftill d worship in vain, are yet in our Sins, and finally fhall be damn 'd: And this is tha which I have to say.

Then was Pick.thank fworn, and did fay what he knew in the Behalf of their Lord the King against the Prifoner at the Bar. Pick. My Lord, and you Gentlemen all this Fellow I have known of a long time Teftimony, and have heard him fpead things that ough not to he spoke; for he hath railed on cu Noble Prince Beelzebub, a. d hath fpoked contemptibly of his honcurable Friends + Sins are whofe Names are, t the Lord Old-Man B Lords the Lord Carnal Delight, the Lord Luxuriand great out, the Lord Defire of Van-Glory, my o'd Lord Lechery, Sir Having Greedy, with all the rest of our Nobility; and he hath faid moreover That if all Men were of h's Mind if poffible, there is not one of these Noblemen thould have any longer a Being in this Town. Beides he hath not been afraid to rail on you, my Lord, who are now appointed to be his Judge, calling you an ungodly Villain, with many other fuchlike villifying Term with which he hath befpattered most of the Gentry of our Town.

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When thisPick-thank had told his Tale,the Judge directed his Speech to the Prifoner at the Bar, faying, Thou Runegade, Heretick, and Traytor, haft thou heard what chefe honeft Gentlemen have witness'd against thee?


Now, Faithful, play the Man, fpeak for thy God:
Fear not the Wicked's Malice, nor their Rod :
Speak boldly, Man, the Truth is on thy Side;
Die for it, and to Life in Triumph ride.



Faith. May I fpeak a few Words in my own Defence ?

Judge. Sirrab, Sirrah, thou deferveft to live no longer, but to be flain immediately upon the Place; yet that all Men may fee our Gentlenef, towards thee, let us hear what thou vile Runagade has to fay.

• FaithFaith. 1.1 fay then in Anfwer to what fui's De. Mr. Envy hath fpoken, I never faid nought but this, That what Rule, or Laws, or Cu fence of fiom, or People were flat again the Word of God, are diametrically oppofite to Chri ftianity. If I have faid amifs in this, convince me of my Error, and I am ready here before you to make my Recantation.

+ The Judge's Speech to

the Jury.

2. As to the Second, to wit, Mr. Super. fition, and his Charge g inft me, I faid on ly this, That in the Worship cf God there is required a Divine Faith, but there can be no Divine Faith without a Divine Revelacion of the Will of God. Therefore, whatever is thraft into the Worship of God, that is not agreeable to Divine Revelation, cannot be done by an human Faith, which Faith will not be profitable to Eter al Lif.

3. As to what Mr Pick-thank hath said, I fay (avoiding Terms, as that I am faid to rail, and the like) that the Prince of this Town, with all the Rabblement, his Attendants, by his Gent'eman named,are more fit for being in Hell, than in this Town and Country, and fo the Lord have mercy upon me,

Then he Judge called to the Jury (who all this while ftood by, to hear and obferve) + Gentlemen of the Jury, you fee this Man about whom f great an Uproar hath been made in this Town: You have also heard


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