
Oxygen. Exp. 2. Place a green branch in a vessel of Carbonic Acid Gas over water in the sunshine. After some hours, a lighted paper will shew that the Oxygen part only is left.

CARBONIC OXIDE-CO. Atomic weight 14. Pass Carbonic Acid through a tube of red-hot iron. The tube withdraws one atom of Oxygen from one atom of Carbonic Acid (CO2), and thus converts it into Carbonic Oxide (CO). The usual mode of obtaining this gas for experiments is by heating Oxalic Acid in Sulphuric Acid, when large quantities of both Carbonic Acid and Carbonic Oxide are rapidly thrown off. To separate the former, the whole is caused, by an arrangement made for the purpose, to pass through a Solution of Potash, which abstracts the Carbonic Acid and disengages the Carbonic Oxide.

PROPERTIES.-Colourless, invisible, having little or no colour or taste. Deadly poisonous, forming a part of the destructive elements of the fumes of burning Charcoal. Combustible, forming CO2 with the Oxygen of the Atmosphere. Mixed with an equal volume of Oxygen, detonates loudly, when fired.


Lates of Lessons.

Geugraphy of England, Lv. V.


What a mineral is, and why found | from the necessity of coal to smelt the in the west, and not in the east of England.

The minerals constitute the great source of England's wealth-plenty of iron to make machinery-and plenty of coal to work it with. The chief are coal, iron, copper, lead, tin and salt; in the useful metals, England is richer than any other country.

Coal is found in immense quantities; show Northumberland and Durham coalfields. These supply all the cast coast, and the south as far as Plymouth; besides London, France, Holland and foreign parts. Show that of Yorkshire, Derbyshire, and Notts, supplying all that inland district. South Lancashire, supplying Manchester and district. Warwick, supplying Birmingham and district. South Wales supplying also the south of England.

Iron is found in most of the Coal districts; show the advantage of this

iron, and then to work the machinery --and how the coal and iron districts are now the centres of great population -as Newcastle, Leeds, Sheffield, Manchester and Birmingham.

Copper is found chiefly in Cornwall and Devon; Lead in the north of England, Wales, and Derbyshire; Tin in Cornwall and Devon; Salt in Cheshire and neighbourhood.

Bring out clearly the vast importance of the minerals to England-that they afford subsistence to about two-thirds of the inhabitants, either in procuring, manufacturing, carrying or selling them, or their results. Bring out moreover, more clearly these four distinct classes supported by the produce of our mines; that is miners, manufacturers, carriers either by land or water, and the sellers, either merchants or retailers.

Scripture Illustrations Po. V.


I. Purposes of Travelling. The Jews, like all scattered populations, had but few shops; hence the greater part of the merchandize was supplied to them by travelling merchants, respectablo hawkers, or pedlars. The Jews were required, Deut. xvI. 16, to go up to Jerusalem thrice in the year: this led the whole of the males to travel much more than we do. As there were no posts for conveyance, nor regular water carriage, many persons were employed as messengers and car riers of goods.

II. Modes of Transit.-The common people on foot,-there being then, as row, no regular means of conveying passengers. Others rode on asses, a much finer animal there, then here. Thus the Gibeonites travelled, Josh. IX. 4. Even persons of rank and prophets rode on them, Judg. xII. 14, and i Kings XII. 23. Our Saviour himself did when He entered triumphantly into Jerusalem. Horses were forbidden to the Jews, Deut. XVII. 16. and Solomon sinned in buying these from Egypt. For the sake of security people travelled in companies; so the parents of Jesus were travelling when they missed Him,

and returning to Jerusalem found Him in the Temple, Luke II. 44. When merchandize was to be carried, asses and camels were used. Joseph's brethren carried their corn on asses, Gen. XL. 26, 27. and the Ishmaelites their goods on camels, Gen. xxxvII. 25., chariots were occasionally used by those of high rank, 11 Kings v. 9.

III. Resting Places.-Parties travelling, mostly rested by the side of some stream or well, Exo. 11. 15., and John IV. 6. There were at some places inns or caravanseras, not inns like ours, but a large yard, with high walls, to the inside of which were attached rooms and stables. These inns were open to any one, but nothing was to be had but water; each one found his own mattress, food, and cooking utensils. When the rooms were full, the last comers took shelter in the stables. It was in one of these stables that Christ was born, because the rooms in the inn were full, Luke II. 7. The want of inns is not much felt in eastern countries as the people are very hospitable, and freely entertain strangers. Thus Abraham entertained three men, Gen. XVII. 1-8. St. Paul exhorts to this practice, Heb. xi. 2.

Seripture Lesson for an Enfant Gallerg.

"I press forward towards the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. EPISTLE TO THE PHILIPPIANS III. 14.


I Subject and illustration of the of Greece. In a country a great way from our own, the people used to have certain games,-running was one of these.

II Application.

1. Introduce the lesson by picturing out to the children the ancient games

1. The scene of the Race.These

races were carried on in a very large, building, with an open space in the middle, so that any one standing in the middle, if he were to look round, could see nothing but the faces of the people, who were looking on. Along this open space is a kind of path or course, over which they are going to run. (Illustrate this by reference to the school room and gallery.)

2 The Runners.-At one end of the open space, in the centre, stands a man with something in his hand; at the other, stand those who are going to run. They have only a part of their clothes on, and what they have on is very light. Obtain from children that it is in order that they may not be hindered from running very swiftly by heavy clothes.

3. The Race. -Obtain from the children the conduct (which they have observed) in two boys running a race. They run as quickly as they can; they do not even venture to look back, but press on and on. So with these runners. As soon as they are ready they start, and the race begins. On they run as fast as they can; they never pause for anything, nor think of looking back, but press forward.

4. The Mark. At the end of the course, in which they are running, they see a man. He has got something in his hand, and there is a post by the side of him, as a mark. When the men begun to run they could only just see this man and this mark, perhaps they could not see it at all, but they know he is there; they have been told that he is there, and as they run they begin to see him more plainly, and what he has got in his hand-and they press onward, faster than ever, and keep this mark in their eye all the while they are running; if they turn their heads they will be behind, but they will not do that. If they were to stop now, or look back, what would happen? Now they have just reached the man-watch to see what he will do. 5 The Prize. Now they have reached the man they see what he has got in his hand, and now he puts it

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upon the head of the winner, upon the head of the one that ran the most swiftly, and reached him first. What is it? Obtain from children that it is a crown; the winner is rewarded with a crown. He has worked hard, but now he has got the prize, and he does not think or care about that. II. Application.

1. The Scene.-Christians are all running a race, but they do not run like the runners we have been speaking of. They do not run in a building like the one we mentioned, but they are running in the world; they are placed in the world as their race course, and they have witnesses all round,-many more than there were to see those runners we have been speaking about-some in Heaven (Heb. XII. v. 1), and mankind on earth. The Christian's life is his race, and he must run it; he must either win or lose.

2. The Runners.-All Christians. At

one end of the Christian's race course, or his death, there is One standing with something in His hand, to give it to the Christian when he gets there, and He calls upon him to press on. As the runners took off everything that would hinder them from running, so the Christian must put ff everything that hinders him from running his race. What is that which hinders the Christian? Heb. XII. 1.

3. The Race.-As in the race those men ran, so must the Christian in his race; he must press on and never tire; he cannot wait; to wait is to lose; he mast press forward with good hopes and holy desire.

4. The Mark-As there was one standing at the end of the race, to welcome and reward the winner, so is there at the end of the Christian's race, to welcome and reward him. The mark to which the Christian presses onward, is Heaven; Heaver must be in his eye during the whole of his race; he must not turn away his face or eye, or he would be in danger of losing his race. His mark is Heaven.

5. The Prize.-When the Christian

has reached the mark, he is rewarded. | The crown is placed upon his head; he is rewarded with everlasting life; if he reaches the mark he is a winner. All may be winners here, but in a

worldly race, there can be but one winner. Obtain from the children what means we should take to run and win this race.

J. H.

Annual Motion of the Earth.


I. Introduction. - Revise previous lessons.-Earth at rest-motion communicated-in a straight line-how produce two motions, one in space, the other rotatory.

II. Orbit. Object-Earth to move round the Sun. How could it be accomplished.

1. Earth must be placed where sun could attract; but if this were all, the earth would fall into the sun, like a marble to the earth.

2. Suppose a globe with a string fastened at the top, and a ball tied to string; stretch the string, then let go; the ball falls to the globe. How keep it from doing so-send it from you-it will go round the globe. Apply to earth, within reach of the sun's attraction, how kept from falling to it-give it motion-In what direction? At right angles.

3. By last illustration show how ball falls.- Apply, Sun's attraction constant, then the earth must approach nearer; if it kept at an equal distance,

its orbit a circle. ellipse.

What is it? An

4. Objects at a distance appear less, then if an ellipse, the sun will appear less. III. Continuance of Motion.

1. Laws of motion.-At every point earth has a tendency to go off at a tangent.-A string and stone, mop, grindstone, wheels, centrifugal, centripetal.

2. Two forces acting at right angles, the object goes between, compare a boat on a pond and on a stream.

3. How it is earth does not fall to the sun; compare with stone falling from height, and with pendulum. Velocity overcomes attraction, and afterwards attraction overcomes velocity. IV. Inferences.

1 This arrangement manifests the wisdom and goodness of God-too near, fall in; too far, go off into space.

2. As it approaches the sun, the earth moves quickly; when recedingslowly, hence motion is not uniform. G.


One frequent deficiency in our edu- | unreality which seems to say, "The cation is a want of appreciation of playground is not the especial place of the necessity and use of games. Either a schoolmaster takes no interest atall in games and leaves the hour passed in the playground the greatest blank of the day, or if he takes part in either, it is with that kind of stiff, awkward

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the schoolmaster;" and acting on this as a trite proverbial text, he goes about his work, giving as much impression to all around that it is unnatural to him as it would be for an Elephant to dance. Now, the latter is a degree worse than

the former; better not do it at all, than, do it uneasily; and this arises from a radical evil, the inclination of the English mind to snub games as part of English education; and seen in contrast with the population of the Continent, in this respect England stands in very poor comparison. Her European neighbours have clearly the advantage of her, down to their lowest peasantry. There is a grace and elasticity, a cheerfulness and refinement, about the poorest Swiss chalet, or the simplest French village, which speaks loudly in favour of that gaiety of life which attention to games has clearly given. These games are natural and hereditary; they are part of life, and the government takes as much care to recognize them as they do every other part of the management of the body politic. In England, the game of the peasant or the schoolboy is always a πapɛpyov, and generally there is an impression that a man should be rather ashamed than otherwise of being seen concerned in them. It is often hard to form a cricket club for the labouring man at all; the clergyman suspects it, the farmer slights it; and unless some wealthy squire, who has been brought up at Winchester or Eton, with a respect for the tradition of cricket, devotes a portion of his park to a cricket ground, and gives a dinner once a year, there is small chance of there being any decent club at all. In the same way skittles and quoits shrink into a corner of the publichouse yard, and music, the soul of the Austrian evening, and the joyous echo of Lucerne and Chamouni, dies away into the vulgar jingle of a violin in a tap-room. You go to Mayence, and you find men of all classes promenading with the peasants to the sound of a full orchestra; and you go to a country

village in England, and overhear the rich squire as he passes the tavern, on hearing the heavy tread of the foot which tries to respond to the sound of tune, say "Poor things! it is hard they should not have their enjoyment; there is something natural in the love for music;" unless, perhaps, he altogether condemns it as a vulgar and sinful pastime. Now, why should this be? why should not that same squire not only apologize for the innocent enjoyment, but feel it his actual conscientious duty to promote the musical longing as he may have done the tendency to cricket, by taking the lead in its promotion, and retrieving it from the incubus of vulgarity by making it his own? But I am not writing on political economy; I am speaking of the schoolmaster and his work, which is to correct this among other evils inherent in our national character. Let him come to the country village, feeling games among his first works; let him come to help the clergyman to promote not only the petty games of the school-playground, but also to throw himself into a club for the young men of the village. Let him head and lead youths of eighteen as well as children of eight, and he will be of double value; and if he is to do this, our training-colleges must not neglect these games as they do. They must recognize them, use them, promote them, honour them. If they are to send out efficient schoolmasters to our country clergy, they must not be content with sending out good mathematicians and accurate geographers; they must send out good cricketers, good football-players, good musicians, and hearty, real, cheerful, good-natured men.— The Christian Student.

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