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FRANCE holds about the same position till near the close of the century, when the Revolution breaks out, and the Republic makes large accessions of territory in the Austrian Netherlands, Savoy, Piedmont, and the islands of the Mediterranean.

GREAT BRITAIN is engaged in foreign wars, and loses a large part of her American colonies, which win their independence in 1783. Her dominion in India is greatly extended during this period.

SPAIN rises very considerably in importance.

The UNITED PROVINCES become in the last years of the century a dependency of France.

The TURKISH dominion, though with occasional successes, is on the decline.

PRUSSIA becomes an important European state under her king, Frederick the Great.

AUSTRIA is engaged in frequent wars, which somewhat diminish her power.

The GERMAN EMPIRE, though still in existence, is more a dignity than a power, its functions being wielded chiefly by the great kingdoms of Austria and Prussia.

RUSSIA, under Peter the Great, rises to a front rank among the states of Europe and makes large gains of territory.

The UNITED STATES of America come into being as an independent nation in 1783.

ITALY makes some progress toward freedom, but her territory is still divided among foreign princes.

The republic of VENICE comes to an end.

The kingdom of POLAND is partitioned between Russia, Prussia, and Austria, and destroyed in 1795.

The NORTHERN kingdoms sink to an inferior position, but without much geographical change.

SWITZERLAND, in 1798, becomes a league of states, under the name of the Helvetic Republic.

PORTUGAL is of little account at this time.


1701. Prussia recognized as a kingdom. 1702 Beginning of war of the Spanish succession between the Allies and France.

1703. St. Petersburg founded by Peter the Great.

1704. Battle of Blenheim. Defeat of the French.

1704. Capture of Gibraltar by the English. 1706. Battle of Ramillies. Defeat of the French.

1708. Battle of Oudenarde.

1709. Battle of Malplaquet.

1709. Battle of Paltowa.

1713. Treaty of Utrecht, between the Al-
lies and France.

1733. Georgia settled by the English.
1739. Nadir Shah takes Delhi.
1740-1742 First Silesian war.
1743. Battle of Dettingen.

1745. The French victorious at Fontenoy.
1748. Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle.
1752. New Style adopted in England.
1754. Beginning of the French and Indian


1755. Great earthquake in Lisbon. 1756-1763. Seven Years' War.

1759. Capture of Quebec by the English.
1761. End of the Mogul Empire in India.
1763. Treaty of Paris. Canada given up
to England by France.

1765. The Stamp Act passed.
1765. Colonial Congress at New York.
1766. The Stamp Act repealed.
1767. The spinning-jenny invented in

1769. Steam-engine patented by James

1772. First partition of Poland.
1774. Congress of the American colonies
met at Philadelphia.

1775. Battle of Lexington.
1775. Battle of Bunker Hill.

1776. Declaration of American Indepen-

1777. Burgoyne's army surrenders at Saratoga.

1781. Cornwallis surrenders at Yorktown.
1783. England acknowledges the indepen-
dence of the American colonies.
1787. The Constitution of the United
States adopted.

1789. Storming of the Bastile.
1789. French Revolution; ended 1792-93.
1791. Vermont admitted into the United


1792. Kentucky admitted into the United

1792. Second partition of Poland.
1792-1794. Reign of Terror.

1793. Louis XVI. executed.

1793. Cotton-gin invented by Eli Whitney. 1795. Third and final partition of Poland. 1796. Tennessee admitted into the United States.

1796. Vaccination successfully tried in England by Jenner.

1798. Battle of the Nile. French fleet defeated by Nelson.

1799. Napoleon becomes First Consul.


Kings. -Louis XIV., Louis XV., Louis XVI., the Republic.


Kings. — William and Mary, Anne, George I., George II., George III.

[blocks in formation]

PRESIDENTS OF THE UNITED STATES. George Washington, John Adams.

Dryden, Locke, Bayle, Bossnet, Boileau, Fénelon, Burnet, Leibnitz, Addison, Marlborough, Newton, Steele, De Foe, Pope, Swift, Le Sage, Montesquieu, Jonathan Edwards, Handel, Wolfe, Gray, Swedenborg, Goldsmith, Hume, Voltaire, Rousseau, Chatham, Linnæus, Lessing, D'Alembert, Johnson, Buffon, Franklin, Arkwright, Wesley, Mozart, Lavoisier, Gibbon, Burns, Burke, Galvani, Marmontel, Washington, Cowper, Samuel Adams, Priestley, Kant, Nelson, Schiller, Paley, Fox, Pitt, Fisher Ames, Haydn, Wieland, Madame de Staël, Watt, Grattan, Canova, Béranger, Herschel, Erskine, Richter, Hamilton, Jefferson, Eli Whitney, Beethoven, Canning, Laplace, Hegel, Goethe, Scott, Cuvier, Coleridge, Thorwaldsen, John Quincy Adams, Wordsworth, Wellington, Humboldt.

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