
any man who has shot over a good Clumber will never want to shoot over any other spaniel.

MR. W. T. S. TILLEY.—I am not satisfied with type if required for the work they were originally intended and bred for; they are bred too large to walk for two hours, instead of eight! And their St. Bernard-like jaws are too short to retrieve and carry game. This shape of jaw should be discouraged, and the real lemon markings more highly valued. More than five points should be given for the positive lemon, being so much harder to get than the orange; and points should be given for boldness and intelligence, many being exceedingly shy, which is fatal for a sportsman's dog. I like them because they are so intelligent, particularly showy, with usefulness combined; at work they can always be quickly seen in comparison with blacks and livercoloured. They work mutely, and are generally of an amiable disposition.

MR. T. A. PAGE. I am not altogether satisfied with type; I would like to see better heads, paler markings, and darker eyes. I consider Clumbers in appearance the most handsome of spaniels, and prefer them for the quick way they learn their work, their steadiness, good noses, and light mouths. values I think more should be apportioned to legs and feet.

In point

MR. CHARLES FRUEN. The tendency of to-day is to size instead of to type and substance. All over a given weight ought to be disqualified, as it tends to spoil the breed by going to leg and snipey head. The point values should be increased for head and hindquarter formation, also for Clumber carriage. The true type of Clumber is not sufficiently known amongst to-day breeders. Judges in awarding prizes should consider more the working points, and style and movement, which is so characteristic of the Clumber perfect. I have bred, broken, and shot over Clumbers hard for more than thirty years, and to-day like them better than ever; and with pleasure look back to the time when Psycho won for me his first champion prize. A brace or team for cover shooting cannot be bettered, as they are very easy to break and handle, and drop to wing, shot, or fur work close and mute. And they are gentle and companionable.

MR. F. SAUNDERS.-The Clumber being a sporting dog, I would not sacrifice type to head, as I have been disappointed at seeing done several times, when head has carried the day against body and legs. The Clumber is the most perfect companion. When properly broken and built on lines such as they should

be, it is the most perfect all-round dog for the gun to be found -steady, sure, and tender mouthed.

My illustration represents the celebrated Clumber spaniel Ch. Bailie Friar, by Sandy Friar out of Reckless Friar, generally considered by far the best Clumber of recent years. He was the property of Mr. Harding Cox, won eleven championships and over fifty first prizes, and came to a most unfortunate end, being suffocated in his travelling box on the way to Clacton Show in 1900. He was a large, heavy specimen of the breed ; white, with the true lemon markings, and of the grand, true old-fashioned type, with great skull measurement and enormous bone. His coat was perfection. He was the sire of many winners, including Bailie junior, who nearly suffered a similar fate to his father, with whom he was in the same box.

Thanks to the courtesy of Mr. J. S. Cowell, I am also able to give a vignette of the head of the Clumber spaniel Tower, who was considered to possess the most typical Clumber "expression" in the breed.


HEAD.-Large, square, and massive, of medium length, broad on top, with a decided occiput; heavy brows with a deep stop; heavy, freckled muzzle, with well-developed flew.

EYES.-Dark amber, slightly sunk, and showing haw.

EARS.-Large, vine-leaf shaped, and well covered with straight hair and hanging slightly forward, the feather not to extend below the leather. NECK. Very thick and powerful, and well feathered underneath.

BODY (including size and symmetry).—Long and heavy, and near the ground. Weight of dogs, about 55 lbs. to 65 lbs. ; bitches, about 45 lbs. to 55 lbs.

NOSE.-Square and flesh-coloured.

SHOULDERS AND CHEST.-Wide and deep; shoulders strong and


BACK AND LOIN.-Back straight, broad, and long; loin powerful, well let down in flank.

HINDQUARTERS.-Very powerful and well developed.

STERN.-Set low, well feathered, and carried about level with the back.

FEET AND LEGS.-Feet large and round, well covered with hair; legs short, thick, and strong; hocks low.

COAT.-Long, abundant, soft, and straight.

COLOUR.-Plain white, with lemon markings; orange permissible but not desirable; slight head markings with white body preferred.

GENERAL APPEARANCE.-Should be that of a long, low, heavy, very massive dog, with a thoughtful expression.

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