
Will you be content with your lot, whatever it be; neither coveting what is another's, nor envying his prosperity, nor being glad at his calamities?

Lastly; will you do these things out of the love and reverence you bear to God, whose laws they are?

And will you seriously beg of him to write all these laws in your heart, and to incline and enable you to keep them?

An Examination concerning a lively FAITH in God's Mercy through Christ.

Do you stedfastly believe that Christians are saved by the blood of Jesus Christ, who died for you and all men on the cross?

Do you trust in Jesus Christ, and in what he has done and suffered for you, and in him only, for pardon and salvation?

Do you firmly believe that Jesus Christ is now in Heaven interceding with God for all such as on earth do religiously keep up the remembrance of his death, and receive the sacrament of the Lord's Supper worthily, until his coming again?

Your faith being built upon the promises of God in Jesus Christ, and all his promises

promises being on condition that we live as becomes Christians; will you seriously purpose to do so?

And will you remember, not to presume on God's mercy, or expect that he will communicate his grace, either in the Sacrament or in any other way, while you continue under the power of a sinful life?

An Examination concerning a THANKFUL REMEMBRANCE of Christ's death,

Do you desire to have a thankful remembrance of Christ's death?

Consider then what he has done for you and all mankind; to recover us from a state of sin and misery.

We were all enemies to God by wicked works. Jesus Christ undertook to restore us again to God's favour. God therefore laid on him the iniquities of us all: for the sake of his death, God was pleased to overlook the untowardliness of our nature, to forgive us our sins, to look upon us as his children, to give us all the grace and assistance we shall want; and if we behave ourselves like his children in this state of trial, he will for Christ's sake, pardon our

sins, and make us happy to all eternity when we die.

You see what reason we have to remember his death with thankful hearts.

Will you therefore keep these things in. your heart, and shew your thankfulness for them, by living like one who has been redeemed from death and from damnation?

And will you be sure to remember this: That Jesus Christ did indeed die to redeem us from death? But that he must first redeem us from this sinful world, from our vain conversation, and from all ini quity; that is, he must make us holy that we may be happy, for "without holiness no man can see the Lord."

An Examination concerning CHARITY with all Men.

Our Lord Jesus Christ having by his death restored all mankind to the favour of God, he only expects this of us; that we should love one another as he loved us.

To this end, he hath appointed, that in this Sacrament we should all, as members of one family of which he is the master, as members of one body of which he is


the head, that we should all eat of one bread in remembrance of his death, and in token of that strict union which there ought to be amongst all Christians.

Will you then walk in love as Christ hath loved us, and given himself for us? Will you consider whether you have given any just occasion of offence, or in. jured any body; so as that you ought to ask their pardon, and make them restitution or amends?

And that no worldly shame may hinder you from doing so, you shall hear the very direction of Christ himself:

Matt. v. 23, 24. If thou bring thy gift to the altar, and there remembrest that thy brother hath ought against thee; leave there thy gift before the altar, and go thy way; first be reconciled to thy brother, and then come and offer thy gift.

Will you therefore desire forgiveness of all such as you have offended ?

And do you forgive all that have offended you?

Can you heartily pray for every body; and will you do so?

Will you (as the Apostle directs) love, not in word only, but in deed and in truth; that is, doing good, as well as giving good words and making fair promises and professions?

You will see every day among Christians some naked, some hungry, some in affliction, some wanting comfort, others instruction: Will you, for Christ's sake, be kind to them, according to their wants and your power to help them?


If so, Then go with faith, and take the Holy Sacrament to your comfort.-And the peace of God which passeth all understanding, keep your heart and mind in the knowledge and love of God, and of his son Jesus Christ our Lord, and the blessing of God almighty, the Father, the Son, and the holy Ghost, be with you, and remain with you always.


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