

Are arranged beforehand. At the beginning of the game each player puts the sum decided on into the pool. After each spoil every player puts down the same amount again; or, only the dealer does so, according as agreed on before the commencement of the game.

When a game is won by a player making three tricks in one hand, he takes all the accumulated stakes.

If a player makes the three first tricks in a hand, and thus wins the game, he is at liberty to go for a Jink that is, to win the two remaining tricks. If he succeeds in doing so each player pays him the same stakes as put down at the commencement of the game, in addition to what is in the pool. If he fails in winning these two tricks, he loses the game, and it is considered a spoil, just as if he had not won three tricks.

Unless a player has two trumps, or a trump and a king of something else left in his hand, after winning the first three tricks, and knows that the trumps of the other players are exhausted, it is a hazardous thing to go for a Jink.


When only three players can be got there may be a very good game by making it necessary to get four tricks in one hand, in order to win. It is about as difficult to do this with three players as to make three tricks with five players. The rules in both cases are the same.

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