
diately to comply, and will forfeit all claim to the prize by not doing so. The weathermost ice-yacht must, however, bear away as soon as the one she hails, if she can do so without coming into contact.

RULE VIII-Rounding Buoys, etc. When rounding a mark, boat, or buoy, the ice-yacht nearest thereto is to be considered the head most ice-yacht; and should any other ice-yacht in the race compel the ice-yacht which is nearest to any mark, boat or buoy, to touch said mark, boat, or buoy, the iceyacht so compelling her shall forfeit all claim to the prize; her owner shall pay for all damages that may occur; and the ice-yacht so compelled to touch a mark, boat, or buoy, shall not suffer any penalty for such contact.

distance assigned for the race shall not have been performed in the time specified by the Regatta Committee, the race shall be repeated at such time as the Regatta Committee may appoint.

SEC. 2. If any ice-yacht, however, shall perform the distance in time specified for her class, it shall be deemed a race for that class.


History. Ice-boats have used in the north of Europe for several centuries, but they have never been brought to such perfection there as in the United States. In Holland and Russia they are hardly more than sleds with sails, and sometimes they are sail-boats mounted on runners. The principal improvements in ice-boat building have been made by the clubs on the Hudson River, the first of which was formed in Poughkeepsie, N. Y., in 1861, but the sport is practised on harbors, lakes, and streams throughout the northern United States and

RULE IX.-Courses. Ice-yachts going free must invariably give way for those by the wind on either tack. RULE X.-Courses. When two ice-yachts (by the wind) are ap-in Canada. proaching the shore, a mark, boat, or buoy, together, and so close to each other that the leewardmost cannot tack clear of the weather most, and by standing further on would be in danger of running on shore, or touching a mark, boat, or buoy; such weathermost ice-yacht, on being requested to put about, is immediately to comply, and will forfeit all claim to a prize by not doing so. The leewardmost iceyacht must, however, tack at the same time as the one she hails, if she can do so without coming into


RULE XI.-Pushing. Unfair pushing is strictly forbidden in any race for a prize; any ice-yacht infringing upon this Rule, in the opinion of the Regatta Committee, shall forfeit all claim to the prize.

RULE XII.-Ballast. No iceyacht shall increase or diminish ballast during a race.

RULE XIII.-Time of Performance. SECTION 1. In case the

IDENTIFICATION, GAMES OF, games in which part of the players try to guess the names of the others from the appearance of their eyes, ears, noses, or fingers. The players are divided into two parties, and stand in adjoining rooms, in the doorway, between the posts of which is stretched a sheet of cloth or paper with a hole in the middle. Each of one party now puts a finger through the hole, and each of the other party guesses who its owner is. As the guesses are made, they are recorded, and when all have guessed, he who has made the most correct guesses is declared the winner. The parties then change places. Instead of fingers, noses, ears, or hands may be put through the hole, or each may apply one eye to it. There may be only one guesser, and as soon as he makes a correct guess the person guessed may take his place.

In another game those whose names are to be guessed kneel down

in a row, and their heads and faces are covered with long paper funnels, each having two holes for the eyes. To the bottoms of the funnels is

pinned a sheet, which hangs to the ground, concealing their bodies. Each one of the guessers now takes a lighted candle, and looking at the


eyes through the holes in the paper and treated her to apples and ale funnels, guesses who each one is. When all have guessed, the paper funnels are removed. Another method of identification is by the voice. French BLIND MAN'S BUFF is a game of this kind.

Her name is Anna, and she lives in Andover." The words in italics may be varied as the speaker chooses, but must always begin with A, and if the player is a girl, she must of course speak of her ILLUSTRATED BALLADS, ballads love as a boy. When the first playillustrated by PANTOMIME or TAB- er has finished, the one on his left LEAUX. The ballad is read or repeats the sentence, and so on till sung by a concealed person. If it all have done so, but the words in be illustrated by pantomime, the ac-italics must be entirely new in each tion should accompany the ballad from beginning to end; but if by tableaux, they may be shown at intervals, when required. Any ballad telling a simple story may be thus illustrated. Instead of a ballad, a narrative poem may be taken, such as Longfellow's "Evangeline," or "Miles Standish."

I LOVE MY LOVE, a game played by any number of persons, who usually sit in a circle. The one who begins says, for instance, "I love my love with an A, because she is amiable; I hate her with an A, because she is avaricious. I took her to the sign of the Antelope,

case. When a player mentions any one of them a second time, or cannot think of a suitable word, he must pay a forfeit. When all the players have used the letter A, the sentence is repeated again by all in turn, using words that begin with B, and so on through the alphabet, except that X, Y, and Z, and sometimes U, V, and W, are omitted. When a large number play the game, it is often difficult for those whose turns come last to think of words that have not been used, and the turns should therefore be taken alternately in different directions; that is, to the right for A, to the

left for B, and so on. The sentence given above is very commonly used in the game, but it may be varied at the pleasure of the company.

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History. The game of I Love my Love was formerly very simple, and consisted in saying "I love my love with an A, because he is agreeable, amiable, attentive," and so on, using all possible adjectives beginning with an A, while the next player took up B in the same way. The game is called in France "Le jeu de l'alphabet" (The Alphabet Game). It is sometimes called Alphabetical Compliments." The game can be varied in many ways. For instance, each player may represent a merchant, the first saying "My name is Atreus, I come from Attica, I deal in Antiquities, and am going to Etna;" the second," My name is Byron, I come from Barbary, I deal in Bananas, and am going to Boston;" and so on through the alphabet. Games of this kind are called in Germany Spielen mit gegebenen Anfangsbuchstaben (Games with Given Initials).



INITIALS, a game played by any number of persons. The leader begins by addressing to any player a remark whose words begin with the initials of that player's name in their proper order, or some epithet beginning with those initials. The others, one by one, address the same player in like manner. Whenever the player so addressed can answer one of the others with a sentence or epithet beginning with the latter's initials, before the next player can speak, the players must all address the one so answered, and so the game goes on. For instance, if the player's initials are A. E. B., he may be addressed with “An exquisite beau!" "Are eggs breakable?" "Apples excite boils." "An early bird," etc.

A similar game is known in Germany as Namenspiel (The Name

Game). In it the names or epithets are given one by one by each player to his neighbor, who must guess to whom they refer. They may apply to some one in the company or to some well-known person or historical character.

INK, Experiment with. Dissolve one half teaspoonful of salt in a tumblerful of water. Dip a pen in ink, filling it not too full, and touch with it the surface of the water. The ink will descend into the tumbler in curiously shaped drops.

INTELLECTUAL SALAD, a guessing game played by any number of persons. Any number of cards are first prepared, on each of which is written a quotation, with its author's name. The cards are decorated with green leaves of tissue paper, and placed in a salad bowl. One of the company takes them out one by one and reads the quotations, while the others guess the authors' names. The first one who guesses correctly, in each case, is given the card to keep as a memento.

IODIDE OF MERCURY, Experiment with. Mix together solutions of iodide of potassium and corrosive sublimate (the latter should be used with care, as it is very poisonous). A bright scarlet powder will be formed, which may be separated by filtering (see CHEMICAL EXPERIMENTS). This powder is iodide of mercury. When rubbed on paper it leaves a beautiful scarlet stain, but on heating the paper over an alcohol lamp, the stain turns yellow. If the stain be rubbed over with the fingers it will turn scarlet again. The change takes place gradually if the yellow stain be scratched with a pin. The reason is that iodide of mercury crystallizes in two forms, one of which is red and the other yellow. The red form is changed to the yellow by heat, and the yellow crystals are broken up into red ones again by rubbing,

IODINE, Experiments with. The iodine used in these experiments

is a bluish black solid. The liquid iodine used in medicine is really iodine dissolved in alcohol.

1. Take a piece of iodine and heat it in a bottle. It will not melt, but give off a beautiful purple vapor.

or whoever it may be. Both now run for the goal. If the hider touch it first, without being touched himself, he is safe. If the seeker can not catch any of the players he spies, nor touch the goal before them after he spies them, he must close his eyes again while they all hide as before; but if he has caught or touched the goal before one or more players, the first one of them must take the seeker's place in the second game. The hiding players need not wait to be spied, but may run in and touch the goal whenever they think they can do so safely.

2. Powder some iodine fine, and put a very little of it (about as much as will lie on quarter of an inch of the small blade of a knife) into a small saucer. Pour in enough strong ammonia water to cover it, and let it stand for about 20 minutes. Then either stir the powder up, and filter it (see CHEMICAL EXPERIMENTS) or pour off most of the ammonia, and then pour the powder on a piece of blotting-paper. Place the filter-paper or blottingpaper where it will dry in the sun. When it is perfectly dry, rub a stick on the powder, or even brush a feather over it, and it will explode with a crackling noise. Though it has not changed in looks, the iodine has been made by the ammonia into a very explosive substance called Nitrogen Iodide. The reason why" Whoop!" when they are ready, so little iodine was used, is that otherwise the explosion might be dangerous.

IRON BURNED IN A CANDLE. Take any piece of iron, as a bit of wire, or a nail, and scrape it with a knife above the flame of a candle. Very small bits of the iron are scraped off which, although they cannot be seen with the naked eye, take fire as they, fall into the flame, and burn with beautiful sparks.

I SPY, an out-door hiding game played by any number of persons. One of the players, who is usually chosen by COUNTING OUT, remains near the goal (which may be a tree, stone, or other object) and, shutting his eyes, counts a number previously agreed upon, generally one hundred. Meanwhile, the others hide, each where he pleases, and when the player at the goal has finished counting, he goes out in search of them. When he sees one he names him, saying, "I spy James Smith,"

This game is sometimes played in England by dividing into two parties, one of which hides and the other seeks. If the seeking party spy two of the hiders before two others reach goal, they hide in the next game, otherwise the same party hide again.

Hide and Whoop or Hide and Seek, a kind of I Spy played by little children. Those who hide call out

and the seeker then looks for them. In the simplest form of the game there is no goal, and the one that is found first becomes seeker in the next game. Another game sometimes called Hide and Seek, is called in this book HIDE THE HANDKERCHIEF.

The Greeks played a game of Hide and Seek called Apodidraskinda (The Shunning Game), where one sat down and closed his eyes, while the others hid. He who was found first took_the_seeker's place. IMPERIAL. See PIQUET.

SUSPECT, a game of cards played by any number of persons with one or more full packs. The cards are dealt one by one, so as to be as evenly distributed as possible. The eldest hand leads a card, face downward, calling out at the same time the name of a card, which may be the one he laid down or some other. The next player to the left now plays in like manner,

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When King is reached the next player begins at "One" again. This goes on till some one suspects that the card played is not the same as the card called, when he must say "I suspect." The suspected person then shows the card he played. If the suspicion is correct, the offender must take into his hand all the cards on the table; if it was unfounded, the accuser receives the cards. He who first gets rid of all his cards is the winner.

A just accusation may always be avoided by playing the proper cards in order, but this is impossible with a small hand, hence it is always safe to suspect the holder of a few cards. The last card should always be suspected, since there is only one chance in thirteen of its being right. If a player can get all four cards of the same name into his hand, he is


JACK-STONES, a game played by one or more persons with five small pebbles, or little pieces of iron

shaped as in the illustration. These are thrown up and caught in various Jack-stone. ways, and if more than one plays, he wins who first succeeds in going through in order with a certain number of exercises. These exercises differ in kind and number in different places; but some of them are given below.


of course, certain to suspect rightly any one whose turn it is to play one of those cards. A skilful player rarely plays the right card unless he thinks some one is watching him, and saves as many kinds of cards as he can, getting rid of duplicates. When his hand is small, he tries to hide the fact by diverting the attention of the company to some one else.


1. No player can be suspected after the next in order has played his card.

2. A player may conceal his hand as he pleases, to hide the fact that it is small, but he must always show it on demand of any one of the company.

3. The game may be continued after one player's cards are gone, till all the cards are in one hand. In this case any one out of the game may suspect, and if he suspect wrongly he must enter the game again.

This game is called also “I Doubt it," and " You Lie."

1. The five Jack-stones are thrown into the air and caught all together on the back of the hand.

2. One of the Stones is tossed up and caught in the hand and on its back alternately. At the successive catches the player calls out "Five!" "Ten!" "Fifteen!" "Twenty!" and so on by fives up to One Hundred.

3. Ones. The Jack-stones are held in the hand, and one, called the "Jack," is thrown into the air, while the four others are laid on the floor or table in time to catch the Jack as he comes down. These are then picked up, one by one, each one while the Jack is thrown into the air. When all have been taken into the hand they must be laid down

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