
up alternately so as to keep one or that one ball is always seen moving the other always in air, and then from left to right above two others,

[blocks in formation]

Fig. 6.

8. Triple Pass. (Fig. 8.) The same as the last, with the addition of a third ball, which simply follows in the path of the others. The introduction of a third ball will complicate matters and require even more practice than the preceding exercises.

Fig. 8.

follow exactly the same path, going from one hand to the other by the

Fig. 9.

9. Triple Over and Under Pass. Like the last (Fig. 9), except that one of the balls from the left hand to the right is sent higher than either of the others, so tal Pass. Showers can be performed

Inside Fall and back by the Horizon

with two, three, or four balls. A twoball shower may be performed with one hand, in which case either the

Fig. 10.

Inside or Outside Fall is used, and one of the balls, after being caught, is carried by the hand back to the

Fig. 11.

Single Fountain (Fig. 11), a ball is used by each hand and with each the outside fall is performed. In the Double Fountain (Fig. 12), each hand showers two balls, and the balls do not pass from one hand to the other.

The natives of the South Sea Islands are said to be very skillful at ball juggling, using small round fruits, or balls made of rolled leaves, and keeping as many as five in the air at once. Sometimes, also, a sort of bat, made of a stick of wood with a short cross-piece at the end, is used to strike the ball, instead of tossing it up with the hand.

BALLS AND BALL GAMES. Games in which a ball is used have been played since the most ancient times. Greek and Roman writers tell different stories about the invention of such games, but probably none of these are true. The ball is such a simple toy, and so easily made, that it has doubtless been used by all nations from the earliest times, and it is not necessary to suppose that it was derived by them all from one tribe or people. It was known to the Egyptians, and the picture, from an old wall-painting, shows a game played by them, in which two of the players sat on others' backs. Homer describes in the "Odyssey" a game of ball played by a Greek princess

throwing place, while the other is in and her companions to the sound of the air.

Fig. 12.

II. Fountains, combinations of the Inside and Outside Falls. In the

music. The Greeks called the ball Sphaira, from which we get the word sphere, and the Roman name for it was Pila. Both nations were very fond of playing with it, and both had many games, in most of which a small ball was thrown from one player to another. The Greeks valued it so highly that they had special teachers of the game in their gymnasiums; and the Athenians erected a statue to a skillful ball-player named Aristonicus. The Emperor Augustus was fond of the sport, and after his time it was commonly played just before taking a bath, in a room attached to the bathing house, The Romans also played with a large ball

like a foot-ball, called Follis, but they seem to have thrown instead of kicked it. In one game, called Harpastum (from a Greek word meaning to snatch), each player tried to get possession of the ball, as in modern FOOT-BALL. In Brittany, a game like Harpastum was played till modern times with a sort of foot-ball stuffed with hay, called Soule. Two communes usually fought for it, each try

ing to carry it home, and men were so often maimed and wounded in the struggle that the game was suppressed by law. The Australian natives have a similar game, where a ball of opossum skin is "hunted out" as in FOOT-BALL and then struggled for. They call it Marn Gook. In another class of games, played with a large ball, the players try to put it across the enemy's boundary instead


Egyptian Ball.

[blocks in formation]

Roman Ball.

or Rome, and this kind of game seems to have originated in the East. The bat and ball games, such as CRICKET, BASE BALL, and CAT, seem to be still later, like the various TENNIS games, including Racket, Fives, and HAND BALL, where the ball is sent against a wall. But all these forms of Ball have so many points in common that it is difficult to trace their history, and authorities generally differ as to the exact course of their development. What is known of each is told in the separate article treating of it. The illustration, from a painting in the baths of Titus, shows four persons playing some kind of a ball game before entering the bath.


BANDILORE, a toy consisting of may be distant by several miles. The two discs joined at the center and struggle for possession of the ball is having a string wound between them. often severe and the game is very The player takes one end of the rough. No ball game played with a string and allows the bandilore to stick, like HOCKEY, POLO, or CRO- fall, revolving as the string unwinds. QUET, was known in Ancient Greece | Just before it reaches the end of the

string he gives it a quick jerk upwards, and the spin it has acquired will then wind the string in the opposite direction, and cause the toy to ascend. It can thus be kept moving up and down as long as the player pleases.

They then stop, and rubbing their hands together to imitate the washing of dishes, sing:

This is the way we wash our clothes,
Wash our clothes, wash our clothes,
This is the way we wash our clothes,
So early on Monday morning.

The players then circle as before, singing the chorus with "Tuesday substituted for Monday. So the game goes on, the successive verses being generally as follows:

History. The origin of the Bandilore is not certainly known, though some say it was invented to amuse an East Indian princess. It was brought in 1790 from Bengal to England, where it became fashionable under the name of the "Quiz." Thence it was taken to Normandy, where it was called "Joujou." Soon afterward it became the fashion in Paris. The toys were made of all kinds of materials, from sugar to gold, and some of them were as large as dinner plates. The Duke of Orleans gave to a French lady a Bandilore set with or diamonds, valued at 2400 livres. The toy is now known in France as L'Émigrant (The Emigrant), because it was in favor with the nobility at the beginning of the French Revolution, when many of them were forced to emigrate to other countries.


BANJO, Experiments with. VIOLIN.


BARBERRY BUSH, a singing game played by any number of children. All join hands in a ring, and circle around, singing:

This is the way we iron our clothes,
So early on Tuesday morning.
This is the way we scrub our floor,
So early on Wednesday morning.
This is the way we mend our clothes,
So early on Thursday morning.
This is the way we sweep the house,
So early on Friday morning.
This is the way we bake our bread,
So early on Saturday morning.
This is the way we go to church,
So early on Sunday morning.

The chorus is repeated before each verse, with the insertion of the proper day of the week.

Sometimes the Mulberry bush is mentioned instead of the Barberry bush. The last line is also sung,

All of a Monday morning,

All on a frosty morning. BAROMETER. The barometer and its history are told of in C. C. T. To make a mercury barometer, take a glass tube four feet long, and about a quarter of an inch in inside diameter, and bend it into a U shape, at about a foot from one end, so that the longer branch shall measure at least 33 inches. Make the bend gradually, allowing several inches at the turn (see directions for glass working, under CHEMICAL EXPERIMENTS).

Here we

go round the bar-berry bush, the barberry bush, the bar-ber-ry bush.

Here we go round the bar-berry bush so

early on Monday morn-ing.

Seal the long end air-tight by melt-
ing it, and then fill that end with
mercury by pouring it little by little
into the short end, then turning
the tube so that the mercury will
run around the bend. This will re-
quire much patience, as the long end
of the tube is full of air which finds
difficulty in bubbling past the heavy
mercury in a small tube. The tube
and mercury should both be warmed
so as to be dry, and the mercury
must be perfectly clean. When the
long end of the tube and the bend are
full, hold the tube upright and the
mercury in the long end will fall a
little way, leaving an empty space
at the top. If it does not, pour a
little mercury out of the short end.
The distance between the level of
the mercury in the short end and that
in the long end will be about 30 inches.
To measure the height readily, and
so tell whether the barometer is ris-
ing or falling, fasten the tube to a
smooth board by bands of cloth,
tacked at ends, and nail to the
board. '
he branches of the
rule. Then if the
nch stands at 4
e other at 33 inches
ce, in this case 29 inches,
t of the barometer.
BALL, a game played by
ersons, nine on a side, on
marked with bases as in the



The field and implements are fully described in the appended rules.

has choice of the innings. The players on the side that goes to the field, who are often called the "outs," take up the positions shown on the diagram. Each baseman generally stands near his base; the other players may vary their positions considerably, except the Pitcher, who, while delivering the ball, must stand within certain limits, as shown in Rules 8 and 29 below.

[ocr errors]

The Pitcher now throws the ball toward one of the other side, called the "Batsman," who stands at home base. If the Batsman strike at the ball without hitting it, he is said to have made a "strike." If the ball is good," that is, passes over the home base not higher than the Batsman's shoulder and not lower than his knee, -it is counted a "called strike," although he make no attempt to hit at it. A strike is also called, as a penalty, on the batsman in certain other cases. (See Rule 43, below.)


If the ball is not good and the player does not strike at it, it is said to be a "ball," or a "called ball." All" strikes " and "balls" are called by an umpire, who stands near the Batsman and decides each point as it comes up. (Two umpires are sometimes necessary. See Rule 56, below.) If the player strike the ball and it fall within the lines in the diagram called the " foul lines," it is said to be a "fair ball," and the player becomes a “base-runner The players on the side in the and immediately starts toward the field are named the Pitcher and the "first base." If the batted ball be Catcher (who together are often a "ground hit" to the infield, the called the "battery"); the First, Sec-player getting the ball should throw ond, and Third Base-keepers or Base- it quickly to the First Baseman. men; the Short-Stop; and the Right, Balls hit along the ground to the Center, and Left Fielders. The three outfielders are seldom thrown to last mentioned are called the Out- First Base, because the runner field; the others, the In-field. Before the game the two leaders or captains usually decide by lot which shall have the choice of innings, and he winner may choose to go to the bat or into the field. In match games the captain of the home club

would reach the base long before the ball. It is oftentimes a better play to throw the ball to some other base when there are other runners on base. This will be explained later.

If the Batsman can touch first base before the Baseman standing

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