
Dr. J. H. Harris of Green Township, Clark County, was elected president, and Dr. E. B. Starr, health officer of Springfield, secretary, of the Clark County Health Officers' Association at a recent meeting. A set of rules to be followed by all of the health officers in the county for co-operation.

The Springfield News has this to say of the Association:

County Health Work.

There is much work that can be done by the Clark County Health Officers' Association.

The health officers of Clark county have the distinction of being the first in Ohio to organize for effective work. Much enthusiasm was shown at the meeting which was held in Springfield. It is felt that by all cooperating_that much more good can be accomplished than through individual efforts. Ideas will be exchanged and thus one community may benefit from what is being done in other sections of the country.

Health work is now occupying more attention than ever before. In Springfield, the citizens are giving their cooperation, and as a result it is felt that more headway is being made. The Clark County Health Association should receive the same support that is being given the Springfield health officials.

In order to accomplish the good that should be accomplished, every citizen in Clark county should cooperate with all of the health officials and physicians in bettering the health of the community. The Clark county people have always shown a willingness to give support to every worthy cause, and if the Clark County Health Association takes up any campaign working for the good of the people it can rest assured that cooperation will be forthcoming from the citizens.

Sanitary Inspector R. W. Hilliker of Ashtabula started a campaign for better milk in his city after attending the recent conference of health officers with the State Board of Health in Columbus. He has the city law department working on regulations governing the production and sale of milk in the city. A milk tester has also been purchased and a demonstration was recently made before members of council by Mr. Hilliker. Council was surprised at the impurities found in the samples of milk tested, and promised quick action on regulations governing the distribution of milk in Ashtabula.

As a result of the campaign a number of milk dealers have voluntarily gone to the health officer for advice, saying that they did not know the law governing the bottling of milk and cream but were anxious to do their part in securing better milk.

The annual report made public at the meeting of the Board of Health gives Chillicothe the greatest boost she has ever had. It also shows that intelligent and scientific work in the fight against tuberculosis is making headway and has resulted in a very material cutting down in the number of fatalities from this dread disease. The records show that in 1911 there were 38 deaths from tuberculosis in Chillicothe, while in 1916 there only 12, but more than that, the descending scale in the number of deaths is material evidence that not luck, but preventive measures, as well as intelligent treatment of incipients has given a much smaller mortality than was formerly the case from the white plague, for each year since 1911 shows a decrease in the number. — Chillicothe Gazette,

The Port Clinton board of health has adopted the following regulations for quarantine in all cases of measles:

For the parentIsolation until the recovery is complete, provided such isolation shall not cease before ten days have elapsed from occurrence of the disease.

For exposed persons Quarantine of children who have not had measles for a period of 14 days from last exposure to the disease. By Order of The Board of Health.


Health Officer.

Nearly 500 pupils recently were vaccinated at East Madison. school, Addison road and Carl avenue, N. E., by Sergt. August Kadell of the health department and school doctors, and nurses. Vaccination was prompted by the illness of an East Madison pupil with smallpox.

Öne hundred and fifty more are to be vaccinated at this school. The vaccinating squad will then transfer its activities to East Technical High school where the second case of smallpov has developed. - Cleveland Plain Dealer.

Arrests are expected following an investigation of the sale of diseased meats in Toledo. Dr. L. M. Cole, city food inspector, confiscated the carcass of a tubercular cow prepared for sale by West End wholesaler. Cole refused to disclose the name of the offender until he arranges his evidence to warrant prosecution.

The cow was in the advanced stages of tuberculosis. Its glands have been preserved in alcohol. Dr. Cole seized the animal after he noticed that certain parts had been cut away to disguise the real condition of the meat.

Cole says the dealer has threatened to force him from office. Health Commissioner Selby is backing the food inspector. He declared that those who eat the meat of tuberculous animalss will contract the plague themselves unless the meat has been cooked thoroughly.

"Even then the danger to health remains," asserted Selby. "There is not a penalty too severe for dealers who commit such crimes. It is simply murder on the installment plan."

Dr. J. M. Hanley, health officer of Chillicothe, has issued a warning that all dogs and pet animals be carefully watched for symptoms of rabies following an attack on a girl by a dog in that city recently. Examination of the dog's head at the laboratory of the State Health department showed the animal to have been rabid.

A meeting for the purpose of promoting and discussing plans for the improvement of health conditions in this, was held in the assembly room at the public library.

It is the desire of those interested in the movement to place the public health nurse and the social service secretary under the control of the board of health.

Representatives from the board of health, city council, the chamber of commerce, Marion Social Service league, King's Daughters and the federated clubs were in attendance. Marion Star.

Health officers were more than busy yesterday arresting violators of spitting ordinance.

And, incidentally, police officers of the First and Second Districts "wielded the pen" with much action and few words, and Municipal Court clerks, too, were busy recording written pleas of guilty and collecting the one dollar fines.

Those arrested ranged in occupation from the student to the merchant and even the private policeman was not immune from the keen. eyes of the health officers.

Those who did not plead guilty yesterday will be arraigned in the Municipal Court today. All are charged with spitting on the sidewalk. -Cincinnati Tribune.

Another organization of county health officers is under way as a result of the meeting of Marion county health officials held in Marion, February 16th. Nineteen health officers and members of township and city boards of health were in attendance.

Following a discussion of various questions connected with health administration, Mayor A. J. Sautter was authorized to appoint a committee of three men who should take preliminary steps toward the formation of a permanent organization of all the health officers in Marion county.

The Miami Valley Health Officers' Rountable held a session in The Miami Valley Health Officers' Roundtable held a session in Health Officer of Cincinnati, who spoke on "Health Needs of a Growing City." Dr. John R. McDowell of the State Health Department gave an outline of pending legislation affecting public health administration. Following the formal part of the program which was held in the City Club, a roundtable session of informal discussion. was held, at which Dr. Carroll Fox of the United States Public Health Service was present. Dr. Fox is at present engaged in making a health survey of Piqua. There was a good attendance and much interest displayed at the conference.

Many health officers and boards of health have been using their local papers extensively in the past few weeks. Abstracts of the annual reports of the departments and reports of the health officers upon the recent Health Officers' Conference in Columbus have appeared in many newspapers throughout the state.

Dr. Carroll Fox of the United States Public Health Service, who is making a health survey of Piqua, has been stirring up that

community by his informal reports on conditions found there. While his criticism of some things has been severe, he has commended other features, such as the visiting nursing service.

According to a Fremont newspaper the local health department is complaining that local physicians are not reporting cases of contagious and infectious diseases. It was said that several cases of pneumonia and typhoid fever went unreported recently, and the health department is reminding the doctors and others that a fine is provided for those who violate the law governing the reporting of notifiable disease cases.

The Tiffin Board of Health and the City Solicitor plan to get together on ordinances governing the display of food by merchants. Elimination of rats through a general rat hunt is also planned for the near future.

A survey of the Columbus city government was made recently by experts employed by the city council. Among other recommendations were that a full-time health officer, appointed after competitive examination be employed; that an advisory health council be created to be made up of officially designated representatives of the tuberculosis society, visiting nurses' association, academy of medicine, labor council, civic league and other bodies interested in the improvement of the health conditions of the city; that medical inspection of the public schools be made a function of the city board. of health and it be done by district nurses under the direction of the health officer; also that the nurses of the tuberculosis society and the visiting nurses' association be transferred to the board of health, and this city divided into districts with a nurse for each district and the nurse required to do all the health work in her district including school and child welfare work.

It was also recommended that appointment of members of the board of health be not confined to members of the medical profession but that members be appointed who would represent a wider range of community health interests.

It was also suggested that Columbus take steps to determine the efficacy of disinfection by fumigation following the dismissal of contagious cases, some cities having found this method inefficient. The early erection of the new isolation hospital; elimination of private wells, supervision of bakeries and restaurants, the grading of milk, and inauguration of a campaign of education along the line of public health were also recommended, in addition to changes in the administrative organization of the department by combining in charge of one person duties now performed by several employes.

Dr. R. H. Bishop, Jr., Commissioner of Health, Cleveland, plans to open seven clinics for the diagnosis of social diseases in connection with city dispensaries. The establishment of the clinics follows.

the action of Lakeside Hospital in opening evening pay clinics for treatment given three nights a week at Lakeside for persons unable to leave their employment during the day. A committee of the Federated Churches is co-operating with the commissioner in the distribution of literature.

The patient will be given advice regarding treatment of his particular disease and will be referred to a physician. Special treatment will be furnished when needed, and the patient who is unable to pay will be given treatment at one of the free dispensaries.

In considering appropriations for the city's expenses, the council of Bowling Green recently recommended that the salary of the health officer be increased and a full-time officer be employed. Appointment of the health officer will, of course, be made by the board of health. That body favors the change.

Akron's health department will hire a dentist who will install and operate a free dental clinic for pupils in the public schools, according to a report from that city. School nurses finding children with defective teeth will send them to the clinic for treatment of minor defects.

A sanitary survey of Springfield is to be made by Dr. Carroll Fox of the United States Public Health Service. The local health department is enthusiastic over the project, and the co-operation of all city officials has been promised. Dr. Fox has recently completed a survey of Piqua.

At the recently formed Clarke County Health Officers' Association meeting, held on February 13th in Springfield, the committee on constitution and by-laws was not ready to report and another meeting will be held in the near future. Most of the meeting was devoted to a discussion of health conditions in the county.


The Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Company has sent the following letter to its officials and employes, at the same time notifying health officers and departments of its action and offering fullest co-operation in disense prevention and general public health work:

In an effort to stimulate thought, action and co-operation between company's officials, employes and various municipal, county and state health boards, it is intended from time to time to advise you as to the total number of cases, days lost and character of communicable disease affecting our employes all over the System.

The management of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, feeling a proper sense of duty toward its employes and realizing its ambition and obligation to make use of whatever disease preventive facilities may be warranted, nevertheless realizes that the greater obligation, in the promotion and preservation of health among its employes rests not only chiefly upon the individual employe

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