


In January, during an epidemic of smallpox, it occurred to the health officers of the various cities, villages and townships of Clark County that an organization of all the health officials of the county would aid in the uniform method of handling contagious diseases, and bring about a closer spirit of co-operation in preventing the spread of disease. An organization was formed, and since that time similar organizations have been formed in Logan, Marion and Greene


Such an organization is of inestimable value to a community. It stimulates the adoption of uniform orders and regulations for cooperation, and uniform methods of handling problems. It affords an opportunity for those who are engaged in public health work to get acquainted with one another. It affords an opportunity to discuss health problems. Through it a uniform method of reporting to the health officials of neighboing townships and municipalities of communicable diseases and exposures may be brought about so that an early knowledge of them may be obtained. It affords a personal touch between local health officials and the State Board of Health.

The organizations are composed of health officers, and boards of health of municipalities, health officers of townships, township trustees and clerks of townships. The State Department of Health heartily approves of these organizations and would be glad to send. representatives to any meetings, furnish copies of orders and regulations recommended for adoption by townships and villages, and also furnish a list of health officials of their county to any interested in the formation of such an organization.

[blocks in formation]


Director, Division of Child Hygiene, Ohio State Department of Health.

Ohio is once again in the toils of the national movement for the reduction of infant mortality and morbidity. The campaign for this year will be along the same general lines as the last one, but the age period has been extended to cover the first six years of life, and although there has been an especial week designated for the celebration, May 1st-6th, inclusive, the greatest amount of leeway will be exercised in the actual time of the celebration for individual communities. Any campaign which shall be held during the spring and

summer will be regarded as part of Ohio's activity. Last year Ohio had a very creditable record for work accomplished but she must have a much better one this year. The Federal Bulletin gives to Kansas the credit for holding one hundred and eighty-six celebrations last year while Ohio is only credited with sixty-five. This is, we know, not a correct estimate but Ohio did not send in reports properly. Let us this year come much nearer the top of the list and let every place in the state make a careful report.

The two special features of interest will be the matter of birth registration and the mothers' health conference for babies. Ohio must be put on the map as a registration state. We have the model law and let us all help to enforce it. This is a part of the responsibility of the members of the medical profession. The slogan adopted for the present campaign is "Complete Birth Registration for Ohio's Baby Population."

The men and women of the entire medical profession are needed to help in the work of the babies' health conference. Now is the time to begin to save the babies whose lives will be needed to fill the gaps which will inevitably follow after the terrible war which we are now facing. The mothers must be taught not how to care for the children when they are ill so much as to prevent their becoming ill. This is a purely economic problem. If every physician in the state will do his or her mite to teach prophylaxis to mothers in the community Baby Week will bear fruit in a very practical and rapid manner.

The State Bureau of Vital Statistics will aid in the work by publishing a leaflet bearing a reprint of the actual certificate which will be used in the campaigns over the state.

It is the natural thing for the women in these clubs to turn to the members of the medical profession for help in the work, and we feel confident that a generous response will be forthcoming wherever help is sought. There are a number of practical ways in which physicians, dentists, aurists and ophthalmologists may help. There is the public address along the line of the routine care of babies, the methods for the reduction of infant mortality, children and the tuberculosis problem, medical supervision of schools, and other kindred subjects. There is the health conference at which the baby is registered and brought by the mother at the appointed time for conference as to its physical condition. There is the intelligent compilation of local health statistics, the birth registration test, the study of the local milk supply, the dental clinic, and the health work in schools. Any or all of these may command as much or as little time from the generous physician as he or she is willing to give. Nothing will do more to bring about tangible results in public health work than will the widest possible public education.

This is not a small local affair but is a part, however small, of a nation-wide movement and as such deserves the consideration of every thoughtful physician and health officer. Let us hope that when the call comes for the individual assistance the whole profession will be ready to respond. It is, after all, only the first step in an aggres

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