
that were kept at Westminster, for the security of" counsellors, whom he had exposed to trial, he the two houses, ever since the news out of Scotland, to be dismissed; and shortly after published a proclamation, "for obedience to be given to the "laws established, for the exercise of religion."


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"had given sufficient testimony, that there was no "man so near unto him, in place or affection, "whom he would not leave to the justice of the "law, if they should bring sufficient proofs, and a particular charge against him: in the mean "time, he wished them to forbear such general aspersions, as, since they named none in par"ticular, might reflect upon all his council; that, "for the choice of his counsellors, and ministers "of state, it was the natural liberty all freemen "have, and the undoubted right of the crown, to "call such to his secret council, and public employment, as he should think fit; yet he would "be careful to make election of such, as should "have given good testimonies of their abilities and integrity, and against whom there [could] be no just cause of exception; that for the depriving "the bishops of their votes in parliament, they "should consider, that their right was grounded "upon the fundamental law of the kingdom, and "constitution of parliament."

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"For what concerned religion, church government, and the removing unnecessary ceremo"nies, if the parliament should advise him to call a national synod, he should consider of it, and give them due satisfaction therein; declaring his "resolution to maintain the doctrine and discipline established by law, as well against all in"vasions of popery, as from the irreverence of "schismatics and separatists; wherewith, of late,

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These proceedings of his majesty much troubled them; and the entertainment given to him by the city of London, in which their entire confidence" was, much dejected them; and made them apprehend, their friends there were not so powerful as they expected. However, they seemed to abate nothing of their mettle; and, shortly after his return, resolved to present their remonstrance, lately framed, to him, together with a petition; in which they complained of a malignant party, which prevailed so far, as to bring divers of their in"struments to be of his privy-council; and in "other employments of trust and nearness about "his majesty, the prince, and the rest of his chil"dren: to which malignant party, amongst other "wickedness, they imputed the insurrection of the papists in Ireland; and therefore, for the suppressing that wicked and malignant party, they besought his majesty, that he would concur with "his people, in a parliamentary way, for the depriving the bishops of their votes in parliament,' (when at that time the bill to that purpose had not passed the house of peers,)" and abridging their "immoderate power over the clergy: [and] for "the removing unnecessary ceremonies, by which "divers weak consciences had been scrupled; that "he would remove from his council such persons as persisted to favour any of those pressures "wherewith the people had been grieved; and "that he would for the future employ such persons in the public affairs, and take such to be near him in places of trust, as his parliament might have cause to confide in; and that he "would reject and refuse all mediation and soli"citation to the contrary, how powerful and near soever; that he would forbear to alienate any of "the forfeited and escheated lands in Ireland," "which should accrue to the crown, by reason of "this rebellion. Which desires of theirs being graciously fulfilled by his majesty, (they said,) they would apply themselves to such courses and counsels, as should support his royal estate with "honour and plenty at home, with power and reputation abroad; and by their loyal affection "and service lay a sure and lasting foundation of "the greatness and prosperity of his majesty, and "his royal posterity in future times."


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This petition, together with the remonstrance, was presented at Hampton-court, on the first day of December; and within few days after, both the petition and remonstrance were by order printed, and with great industry published throughout the kingdom. Albeit the king, at the receipt thereof, desired and forbade them to publish either, till he should send his answer: which he did shortly after, expressing,

"How sensible he was of that disrespect: repre"hending them for the unparliamentariness of "their remonstrance; in point whereof," he said, "he would reserve himself to take such course, as "he should think fit, in prudence and honour." But to their petition, he told them, "that if they "would make that wicked and malignant party, "whereof they complained, known to his majesty, "he would be as ready to suppress and punish it, as they could be to complain; that by those


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this kingdom and this city abounds, to the great "dishonour and hazard both of church and state; "for the suppression of whom, his majesty required their timely and active assistance.

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To their desire concerning Ireland, he told "them, he much doubted whether it were season"able to declare resolutions of that nature, before "the events of the war were seen: however, he "thanked them for their advice; and conjured "them to use all possible diligence and expedition in advancing the supplies thither; the insolence "and cruelty of the rebels daily increasing."

The graciousness and temper of this answer made no impression on them; but they proceeded in their usual manner; framing and encouraging, underhand, those whispers, by which the rebellion in Ireland might be understood to receive some extraordinary countenance from the court of England, the scandal whereof, they knew, would quickly fall upon the queen.

And the diligence and dexterity of the lord mayor caused an address to be prepared to his majesty from the court of aldermen; which was sent by the two sheriffs, and two others of that body; by which "his majesty was humbly desired to reside at "Whitehall:" which angered the governing party as much as the ceremonious reception had done. The petition was graciously received; all the aldermen knighted; and the court, within a day or two, removed to Whitehall.

The letters out of Ireland were very importunate for relief, of men, money, and provisions; the rebels very much increasing, and taking courage, from the slow proceeding here for their suppression: which indeed was not advanced equal to men's expectations; though the king, upon his first coming to the houses after his return from Scotland, with great earnestness recommended it to them. Only the propositions made from Scotland, "for the sending ten thousand men from

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"thence into Ulster, to be paid by the parliament,'
were consented to; whereby some soldiers were
despatched thither, to defend their own plantation;
and did in truth, at our charge, as much oppress
the English that were there, as the rebels could
have done; and had upon the matter the sole
government of that province committed to them,
the chief towns and garrisons, which were kept by
English, being delivered into their hands. The
lieutenant himself, the earl of Leicester, (who was
now grown gracious to the managers,) made not
that haste to his charge some men thought neces-
sary; pretending "that the rebels had yet some
"apprehensions and terror of his coming thither
"with great forces, and provisions of all kinds;
"but that if they should hear he were landed,
"with so small a strength as was yet raised, and
"in no better equipage than he was yet able to
go in, they would take courage and would op-
press him, before more succours could come;
"by reason, that those who yet stood upon their
guard, and publicly sided not with the rebels,"
"(till, by the resistance and opposition they found
prepared for them, they might guess who was
"like to prevail,) would then freely declare, and
"join with the rest."

In the mean time, letters came every day from Ireland, passionately bemoaning their condition; and multitudes of men, women, and children, who were despoiled of their estates, and forced into this kingdom for want of bread, spake more lamentably than the letters. In this strait, they knew not what to do; for whatever discourse they pleased themselves with, concerning the lords, it was evident the fault would lie at their own doors; besides that, his majesty might take that occasion, to take the whole business out of their hands, and manage it himself by his council; which would both lessen their reputation and interest, and indeed defeat much that they had projected.

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Hereupon, Mr. Saint-John, the king's solicitor, (a man that might be trusted in every company,) went privately to his majesty; and seemed to him much troubled "at the interruption given by the commons; and to consent, that the preamble was unreasonable, and ought to be insisted " [against] by the lords, on the behalf of his majesty's prerogative: however, he told him, since "he thought it impossible to rectify the commons "in their understandings, it would be a great blessing to his majesty, if he could offer an ex"pedient to remove that rub, which must prove The slow levies of men was imputed to the diffi- "fatal to Ireland in a short time; and might grow culty of getting volunteers; their numbers, who "to such a disunion between the two houses, as had commissions, upon beating their drums, rising might much cloud the happiness of this kingvery inconsiderably: and therefore they prepared dom; and, undoubtedly, could not but have a a bill for pressing; which quickly passed the com- Ivery popular influence upon both, when both mons' house, and was sent up to the lords. It"sides would be forwarder to acknowledge his cannot be supposed, that there could be then a scarcity of men, or that it could be hard, within three months after the disbanding the northern army, to gather together as many men as they had occasion to use: but their business was to get power, not men; and therefore this stratagem was used, to transfer the power of impressing men from the king to themselves; and to get the king, that he might be now able to raise men for Ireland," to disenable himself from pressing upon any other occasion. For, in the preamble of this bill, which they sent up to the lords, (as they had done before" in the first act for tonnage and poundage,) they declared, "that the king had in no case, or upon "any occasion, but the invasion from a foreign "power, authority to press the freeborn subject; "which could not consist with the freedom and "liberty of his person."



majesty's great wisdom and piety, than they "could be now made to retract any thing that was erroneous in themselves:" and then " ad"vised him to come to the houses; and to express "his princely zeal for the relief of Ireland; and "taking notice of the bill for pressing, depending "with the lords, and the dispute raised, concerning that ancient and undoubted prerogative, to avoid further debate, to offer, that the bill should pass with a salvo jure, both for the king and people; leaving such debates to a time that might better bear it."

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Which advice his majesty followed; and coming to the house, said the very words he had proposed to him. But now their business was done, (which truly, I think, no other way could have been compassed,) the divided lords and commons presently unite themselves in a petition to the king; acknowledging his royal favour and protection to "be a great blessing and security to them, for the enjoying and preserving all those private and public liberties and privileges which belong unto "them; and whensoever any of those liberties or privileges should be invaded, they were bound, "with humility and confidence, to resort to his princely justice for redress and satisfaction; because the rights and privileges of parliament were the birthright and inheritance, not only of themselves, but of the whole kingdom, wherein every one of his subjects was interested: that amongst the privileges of parliament, it was their "ancient and undoubted right, that his majesty

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This doctrine was new to the lords, and contrary to the usage and custom of all times; and seemed a great diminution of that regal power, which was necessary for the preservation of his own subjects, and assistance of his allies; which in many cases he was bound to yield. And the attorney general" took the courage "to desire the lords," (as he should often have done in other cases,) "that he "might be heard on the king's behalf, before they "consented to a clause so prejudicial to the king's "prerogative." This necessary stop was no sooner made, than the commons laid aside the consideration of Ireland; ordered their committee "to meet "no more about that business;" the levies, which were then making of volunteers, stood still; and they declared, "that the loss of Ireland must be "imputed to the lords." On the other side, the lords too well understood that logic, to be moved by it; and were rather sensible of the inconveniences they had incurred by their former compliance, than inclined to repeat the same error.

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sent, his approbation or dislike, of the same, "before it be presented to him in due course of parliament. They declared, that all those pri"vileges had been lately broken, to their great sorrow and grief, in that speech which his majesty had made to them; wherein he took notice "of a bill for pressing of soldiers, not yet agreed upon; and offered a salvo jure, and provisional "clause, to be added to it, before it was presented "to him and therefore they besought him, by "his royal power to protect them, in those and "the other privileges of his high court of parlia"ment; and that he would not, for the time to "come, break or interrupt them; and that, for the reparation of them in that their grievance and complaint, he would declare and make known "the name of such person, by whose misinformation, and evil counsel, his majesty was induced "to the same, that he might receive condign pu"nishment. And this they did desire, and, as his "greatest and most faithful council, did advise his majesty to perform, as a great advantage to him, by procuring and confirming a confidence and unity betwixt his majesty and his people," &c. And having delivered this petition, they no more considered Ireland, till this manifest breach should be repaired; which they resolved nothing should do, but the passing the bill: and therefore, when the king offered them, by a message sent by the earl of Essex, "that he would take care, by com"missions which he would grant, that ten thou"sand English volunteers should be speedily raised "for the service of Ireland, if the houses would "declare that they would pay them;" the overture was wholly rejected; they neither being willing that such a body of men should be raised by the king's direction, (which would probably be more at his devotion than they desired,) nor in any other way than they proposed: and so in the end (after other ill accidents intervening, which will be remembered in order) he was compelled to pass the bill for pressing, which they had prepared.

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carry on his service, because they presumed to undertake, at least to endeavour, (for they undertook nothing, nor looked for any thanks for their labour,) to do that which they ought to have done; and so they were upon this disadvantage, that whenever they pressed any thing in the house, which seemed immediately to advance the king's power and authority, some of the king's council, or his servants, most opposed it, under the notion "of being prejudicial to the king's interest:" whilst they who had used to govern and impose upon the house, made show of being more modest, and yet were more silent [insolent]; and endeavoured, by setting new counsels on foot, to entangle, and engage, and indeed to overreach the house; by cozening them into opinions which might hereafter be applicable to their ends, rather than to pursue their old designs, in hope to obtain in the end a success by their authority. The night of the remonstrance had humbled them in that point: and from that time, they rather contrived ways to silence those who opposed them, by traducing them abroad, and taking any advantage against them in the house, for any expressions they used in debate which might be misinterpreted; and so calling them to the bar, or committing them to the Tower: which did in truth strike such a terror into the minds of many, that they forbore to come to the house, rather than expose themselves to many uneasinesses there.

There was at this time, or thereabout, a debate started in the house, as if by mere chance, which produced many inconveniences after; and, if there had not been too many concurrent causes, might be thought the sole cause and ground of all the mischiefs which ensued. Upon some report, or discourse of some accident, which had happened upon or in the disbanding the late army, an obscure member moved, "That the house would "enter upon the consideration, whether the militia "of the kingdom was so settled by law, that a "sudden force, or army, could be drawn together, "for the defence of the kingdom, if it should be invaded, or to suppress an insurrection or re"bellion, if it should be attempted."

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and to prepare such a bill for the settling it, "as might provide for the public peace, and for "the suppressing any foreign enemy, or domestic "insurrection."

However, for all this, and the better, it may be, for all this, the king, upon his arrival at Whitehall," found both his houses of parliament of a much better temper than they had been; many having The house kept a long silence after the motion, great indignation to see his majesty so ill treated the newness of it amusing most men, and few in by his own servants, and those who were most truth understanding the meaning of it; until one obliged to his bounty and magnificence; and like- and another of the members, who were least taken wise to discern how much ambition and private notice of, seeming to be moved by the weight of interest was covered under public pretences. They what had been said, enlarged upon the same arguwho were in truth zealous for the preservation of ment: and in the end it was proposed, "That a the law, the religion, and true interest of the na- "committee might be appointed, to consider of tion, were solicitous to preserve the king's honour" the present state of the militia, and the power of from any indignity, and his regal power from violation; and so always opposed those who trenched upon either, and who could compass their ends by no other means than by trampling upon both. So that, in truth, that which was called the king's party, in both houses, was made up of persons who were strangers, or without any obligation, to the court; of the best fortunes, and the best reputation, in their several countries where they were known; as having always appeared very zealous in the maintenance of their just rights, and opposed, as much as in them lay, all illegal and grievous impositions: whilst his own privy-council, (two or three only excepted,) and much the greater number of all his own servants, either publicly opposed, or privately betrayed him; and so much the more virulently abhorred all those who now appeared to

And hereupon they were inclined to nominate a committee, to prepare such a bill as should be thought necessary: upon which Mr. Hyde spake against the making any such committee; said, "There could be no doubt, that the power of the "militia resided in the king, in whom the right of


making war and peace was invested; that there "had never yet appeared any defect of power, by "which the kingdom had been in danger, and we

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might reasonably expect the same security for "the future." With which the house seemed well satisfied and composed, and inclined to resume some other debate, until Saint-John, who was then

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was not; nor was there mention of any commis"sioners; but a blank was therefore left, that the "house might fill it up as they thought fit, and put the power into such hands as they thought proper; which, for aught he knew, might be "the king's; and he hoped it would be so. And with this answer the bill was received, notwithstanding all opposition, and read; all those persons who had formerly been deputy lieutenants, and lay under the terror of that vote, presuming, that this settlement would provide for the indemnity of all that had passed before; and the rest, who might still be exposed to the same hazards, if they should be required to act upon the like occasions, concurring in the desire, that somewhat might be done for a general security; and they who had contrived it, were well enough contented that it was once read; not desiring to prosecute it, till some more favourable conjuncture should be offered: and so it rested.

the king's solicitor, and the only man in the house
of his learned council, stood up, and said, "He
"could not suffer that debate, in which there had
"been so many weighty particularities mentioned,
"to be discontinued without some resolution:
"that he would be very glad there were that
power in the king, (whose rights he was bound
"to defend,) as the gentleman who spake last
"seemed to imagine; which, for his part, he knew
"there was not; that the question was not about
taking any power from the king, which was
"vested in him, (which was his duty always to
oppose,) but to inquire, whether there be such a
power in him, or any where else, as is necessary
"for the preservation of the king and the people,
"in many cases that may fall out; and if there
"be not, then to supply him with that power and
authority;" and he said, "he did take upon him
"with confidence to say, that there was a defect
"of such power and authority:" he put them in
mind, "how that power had been executed in the
age in which we live; that the crown had granted
"commissions to great men, to be lord lieutenants
"of counties; and they to gentlemen of quality,
"to be their deputy lieutenants; and to colonels,
"and other officers, to conduct and list soldiers;
" and then he wished them to consider, what votes
they had passed, of the illegality of all those
"commissions, and the unjustifiableness of all the
proceedings which had [been] by virtue of those
"commissions; so that let the occasion or neces-
sity be what it would, he did presume, no man
"would hereafter execute any such commission;
"and if there were any men so hardy, that nobody
"would obey them; and therefore desired them
"to consider, whether there be not a defect of
66 power, and whether it ought not to be supplied."
It was now evident enough, that the debate had
not begun by chance, but had been fully deliber-
ated; and what use they would make, upon occa-
sions, of those volumes of votes, they had often
poured out upon all accidental debates; and no
man durst take upon him to answer all that had
been alleged, by saying, all those votes were of no
validity; and that the king's right was, and would
be, judged the same it had been before, notwith-"
standing those votes; which is very true: but this
being urged by the king's own solicitor, they ap-
pointed him "to bring in and prepare such a bill
as he thought necessary;" few men imagining
that such a sworn officer would not be careful
and tender of all his master's prerogatives, which
he was expressly sworn to defend.

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About this time, the king not being well satisfied in the affection or fidelity of sir William Balfour, whom he had some years before, to the great and general scandal, and offence of the English nation, made lieutenant of the Tower; and finding that the seditious preachers every day prevailed in the city of London, and corrupted the affections and loyalty of the meaner people towards the government of church and state; resolved to put that place (which was looked upon as a bridle upon the city) into the hands of such a man upon whom he might rely: and yet, he was willing to be quit of the other, without any act of disobligation upon him; and therefore gave him three thousand pounds, ready money, which was raised by the sale of some of the queen's own jewels: and immediately caused colonel Lunsford to be sworn in his place, lieutenant of the Tower.

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This was no sooner known, than the house of commons found themselves concerned in it; and upon pretence "that so excellent a person as sir "William Balfour" (who in truth was very gracious to them, for the safe keeping the earl of Strafford) "could not be removed from that charge, but upon some eminent design against the city and the kingdom; and that the man "who was appointed for his successor was a person of great license, and known only by some " desperate acts; for which he had been formerly imprisoned by the state, and having made his escape, fled the kingdom: they desired the lords "to join with them in a petition to the king, to put the Tower into better hands;" making such Within few days after, he brought in a very arguments against the person of the man, as beshort bill, in which was mentioned by way of pre- fore spoken of. The lords replied to them, "That face, "That the power over the militia of the king- "it was an argument of that nature, they thought "dom was not settled in any such manner, that "not themselves competent advisers in it; the "the security of the kingdom was provided for, in I custody of the Tower being solely at the king's case of invasion or insurrection, or such like disposal, who was only to judge of the fitness of "accidents;" and then an enacting clause, "That "the person for such a charge." "But at the same henceforward the militia, and all the power time that they refused to join in a public desire to "thereof, should be vested in - &c." and then the king, they caused privately advice to be given a large blank left for inserting names; and after-to him," that he should make choice of a fitter wards, the "absolute authority to execute- &c." 66 The ill meaning whereof was easily understood; and with some warmth pressed, "That by this "bill all the power would be taken out of the 66 crown, and put into the hands of commissioners." To which the solicitor made answer, "That the bill took no power from any body who "had it, but was provided to give power where it


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since it had no reference to their recommendation; " and secured; the laws against priests and jesuits which they only looked after: but it gave them "fully executed; and the prelacy rooted up: that great delight, to see that the king's counsels were so the work of reformation might be prosperously not so fixed, but their clamour might alter them; "carried on; their distracting fears removed; that and that doing hurt, being as desirable a degree of "the freedom of commerce and trade might pass power [to some men] as doing good, and likely to on more cheerfully, for the encouragement of the gain them more proselytes, they had marred a man, 'petitioners," &c. though they could not make one. And without doubt, it was of great disadvantage to the king, that that counsel had not been formed with such deliberation, that there would need no alteration; which could not be made, without a kind of recog



This, and such stuff, being printed, and scattered amongst the people; multitudes of mean people flocked to Westminster-hall, and about the lords' house; crying, as they went up and down, No bishops, no bishops, "that so they might carry on "the reformation."


All this time the bill depended in the lords' I said before, that upon the king's return from house, " for the taking away the votes of bishops, Scotland, he discharged the guards that attended "and removing them from the house of peers;" upon the houses. Whereupon the house of comwhich was not like to make a more prosperous pro- mons (for the lords refused to join with them) petigress there, than it had six months before; it being tioned the king, "in regard of the fears they had evident, that the jurisdiction of the peerage was "of some design from the papists, that they might invaded by the commons; and therefore, that it" continue such a guard about them as they thought was not reasonable to part with any of their supporters. But the virulence against them still increased; and no churches frequented, but where they were preached against, as antichristian; the presses swelled with the most virulent invectives against them; and a sermon was preached at Westminster, and afterwards printed, under the title of The Protestation Protested, by the infamous Burton, whereby he declared, "That all men were obliged by their late protestation, by what means soever, "to remove both bishops and the common prayer "book out of the church of England, as impious "and papistical:" whilst all the learned and orthodox divines of England were looked upon under the notion of scandalous ministers; and if the meanest and most vicious parishioner they had could be brought to prefer a petition against either of them to the house of commons, (how false soever,) he was sure to be prosecuted as such.

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In the end, a petition was published, in the name "of the apprentices, and those whose apprenticeships were lately expired," in and about the city of London; and directed, "To the king's most ex"cellent majesty in the parliament now assembled; "shewing, 'That they found by experience, both by "their own and masters' tradings, the beginning "of great mischiefs coming upon them, to nip them "in the bud, when they were first entering into the "world; the cause of which they could attribute to no others but the papists, and the prelates, and "that malignant party which adhered to them: "that they stood solemnly engaged, with their "utmost of their lives and fortunes, to defend his "sacred majesty and royal issue, together with the rights and liberties of parliaments, against papists, and popish innovators; such as archbishops, bishops, and their dependents, appear to be. They "desired his majesty in parliament to take notice, "that notwithstanding the much unwearied pains "and industry of the house of commons, to subdue popery, and popish innovators; neither is popery yet subdued, nor prelates are yet re"moved; whereby many had taken encourage"ments desperately to plot against the peace and "safety of his dominions: witness the most bar"barous and inhuman cruelties perpetrated by the papists in Ireland; from whence (they said) a new spring of fears and jealousies arose in them: " and therefore they desired, that the popish lords, " and other eminent and dangerous papists, in all parts of the kingdom, might be looked unto,

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To which his majesty answered, "That he was "confident they had no just cause of fear; and "that they were as safe as himself and his chil"dren: but, since they did avow such an appre"hension of danger, that he would appoint a suf"ficient guard for them." And thereupon directed the train-bands of Westminster and Middlesex (which consisted of the most substantial householders, and were under known officers) in fit numbers to attend.

This security was not liked; and it was asked, Quis custodiet ipsos custodes ---? And when the disorderly rabble, spake of now, first came down, they resisted them, and would not suffer them to disturb the houses; and some of them, with great rudeness, pressing to the door of the house of peers, their lordships appointed the guard to be called up to remove them; and the earl of Dorset, being then lord lieutenant of Middlesex, (the crowd oppressing him, and refusing to leave the room,) in some passion, called upon the guard "to give fire upon "them;" whereupon the rabble, frighted, left the place, and hasted away.



The house of commons, much incensed that their friends should be so used, much inveighed against the earl of Dorset ; and talked "of accusing him of high treason;" at least, "of drawing up some impeachment against him;" for some judgment he had been party to in the star-chamber, or council-table: and so giving these hints of their displeasure, that he might have the more care hereafter to carry himself; they concluded, that since they could not have such a guard as pleased them, they would have none at all: and so sent to the lords for the discharge of the train-bands "that attended:" who willingly consented to it; which was done accordingly: the house of commons declaring, "That it should be lawful for every member to bring his own servants, to "attend at the door, armed with such weapons as "they thought fit."


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It was quickly understood abroad, that the commons liked well the visitations of their neighbours: so that the people assembled in greater numbers than before, about the house of peers; calling still out with one voice, No bishops, no popish lords; crowded and affronted such lords as came near them, and whom they knew affected not their ends, calling them rotten-hearted lords.

Hereupon the house of peers desired a confer

« ForrigeFortsett »