
and positive; though, as it is set down above, (in | together to draw up a petition disavowing the forwhich words it passed, and was delivered to the mer, and to desire, "that the settled laws might be king,) it was thought by standers-by to be very "observed;" of which the lord Say having notice, unagreeable to the gravity of a wise court, and to he procured the chief gentlemen to be sent for as the duty of subjects. delinquents, and so suppressed that address: and this was the measure of their justice in many other particulars of the same nature, receiving and cherishing all mutinous and seditious petitions, and discountenancing such as besought the continuance and vindication of the so long celebrated and happy government in church and state; the prime leaders of that faction not blushing, in public debates in the house, to aver, "that no men ought to petition for the government established by law, "because he had already his wish; but they that "desired an alteration, could not otherwise have "their desires known; and therefore were to be countenanced."

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But in this particular, in oppressing all those who were of different opinions from them, their carriage was so notorious and terrible, that spies were set upon, and inquiries made upon all private, light, casual discourses, which fell from those who were not gracious to them as one Mr. Trelawny, a member of the house of commons, and a merchant of great reputation, was expelled the house, and committed to prison, for having said, in a private discourse in the city, to a friend, "that the house could not appoint a guard for themselves "without the king's consent, under pain of high "treason:" which was proved by a fellow, who pretended to overhear him; when the person himself, with whom the conference was held, declared, "that he said, it might be imputed to them for "treason:" and it was confessed on all parts, that the words were spoken long before the discovery, and some days before the house had resolved, "that they would have a guard." And afterwards, upon the old stock of their dislike, when the war began to break out, they again imprisoned this poor gentleman; seized upon all his estate, which was very good; and suffered him to die in prison for want of ordinary relief and refreshment.


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The committee, which presented the declaration to the king at Newmarket, presented likewise additional reasons, as they called them, for his majesty's return, and continuance near the parliament; as a matter, in their apprehension, of so great necessity and importance towards the preservation of his person, and his kingdom: and they said,


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"They could not think they discharged their "duties in the single expression of their desire, "unless they added some further reasons to back "it with. 1. His majesty's absence would cause men to believe, that it was out of design to discourage the undertakers, and hinder the other provisions for raising money for defence of "Ireland. 2. It would very much hearten the rebels there, and disaffected persons in this kingdom, as being an evidence, and effect of the jealousy and division between his majesty and "his people. 3. That it would much weaken and "withdraw the affection of the subject from his

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And in this very time we speak of, and in the very business of the militia, when every day very great multitudes with petitions from most of the counties of England, and from the city of London," were presented to both houses, to desire them to be put into a posture of defence; and that they would cause the ordinance for the militia to be speedily executed, which was alleged to be an instance of the people's desire throughout the kingdom, and majesty; without which, a prince is deprived of the chief ground of their proceeding; the most "his chiefest strength and lustre, and left naked substantial citizens of London, both in reputation "to the greatest dangers and miseries that can be and estate, finding that the militia of that city, "imagined. 4. That it would invite and encouwith which by their charter, and constant practice, rage the enemies of our religion and the state in the lord mayor had been always intrusted, was now foreign parts, to the attempting, and acting of with a most extravagant power to be committed to "their evil designs and intentions towards us. a number of factious persons of the city, the major 5. That it did cause a great interruption in the part of whom consisted of men of no fortune, or proceedings of parliament. Those considerations, reputation, resolved to petition both houses "not "they said, threatened so great danger to his per"to alter their original constitution and right of" son, and to all his dominions, that, as his great "their city:" and, to that purpose, a petition was "council, they held it necessary to represent to him signed by some hundreds, and very probably would "that their faithful advice, that so, whatsoever in few days have been subscribed by all, or most of" should follow, they might be excused before God the substantial citizens of London. The house " and man." had notice of this petition, which they called another conspiracy and plot against the parliament, and immediately employed a member of their own to procure a sight of it; who, under a trust of redelivering it, got it into his hands, and brought it to the house of commons; upon which, some principal citizens, who had subscribed it, were examined, and committed to prison; and a direction given, that a charge and impeachment should be prepared against the recorder of London, who, they heard, had been of council in the drawing up and preparing that petition, and, they knew, was opposite to their tumultuary proceedings. So when the chief gentlemen of Oxfordshire heard, that a petition had been delivered to the house of commons in their name, and the name of that county, against the established government of the church, and for the exercise of the militia, they assembled

Whilst that declaration was reading, his majesty expressed some passion upon particular expressions; and once, when that passage was read, that takes notice "of the transportation of Mr. Jermyn

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by his majesty's own warrant, after he had given " his word, that he had commanded that none of "his servants should depart from court," interrupted the earl of Holland, who read it, and said, "That's false;" and when he was told, "it re"lated not to the date, but the execution of the

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warrant," his majesty said, "It might have been "better expressed then it is a high thing to tax a king with breach of promise.' "But after both the declaration and reasons were read, the king, after a short pause, said to them,

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"I am confident that you expect not I should give you a speedy answer to this strange and unexpected declaration; and I am sorry, in the





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"distraction of this kingdom, you should think this ported what answer they had received, and in what way of address to be more convenient, than that disposition and temper they found and left the propounded, by my message of the twentieth of king; it was ordered, that their declaration, which January last, to both houses. As concerning the they had sent to him, should be speedily printed, "grounds of your fears and jealousies, I will take and carefully dispersed throughout the kingdom, "time to answer [them] particularly; and doubt that the people might see upon what terms they "not but I shall do it to the satisfaction of all the stood; and all other possible courses were taken "world. God, in his good time, will, I hope, to poison the hearts and affections of the subjects, "discover the secrets and bottoms of all plots and and to suppress all those, who, in any degree, "treasons; and then I shall stand right in the eyes seemed to dislike their high proceedings. Above "of all my people. In the mean time I must tell all, care was taken to place such preachers and you, that I rather expected a vindication for the lecturers in the most populous towns and parishes, imputation laid on me in Mr. Pym's speech, than as were well known to abhor the present govern"that any more general rumours and discourses ment, and temperature of church and state; many "should get credit with you. For my fears and of whom were recommended, and positively endoubts, I did not think they should have been joined, and imposed upon parishes, by the house thought so trivial and groundless, whilst so many of commons; and others, by such factious mem"seditious pamphlets and sermons are looked bers, whose reputation was most current: and all upon, and so great tumults are remembered, canonical clergymen, and orthodox divines, were, unpunished, uninquired into. I still confess with equal industry, discountenanced, imprisoned, my fears, and call God to witness, that they are or forced to a long attendance upon committees, greater for the true protestant profession, my or the house, (which was worse than imprisonpeople and laws, than for my own rights, or ment,) under the notion and imputation of scansafety; though I must tell you, I conceive none dalous ministers. Which charge and reproach "of these are free from danger. What would you reached all men, whose inclinations they liked not, "have? Have I violated your laws? Have I or whose opinions they suspected. And that they "denied to pass any one bill for the ease and might be sure to be as strong and absolute at sea, security of my subjects? I do not ask you what as at land, they appointed the lord admiral to send you have done for me. Are my people trans- the names of all those captains of ships, who were ported with fears and apprehensions? I have to attend the fleet for that summer service, to "offered as free and general pardon as your them, to the end they might have such men, in "selves can devise. There is a judgment from whom they might confide; which his lordship "heaven upon this nation, if these distractions most punctually observed. By which they helped "continue. God so deal with me, and mine, as to free him of those officers whom he could not "all my thoughts, and intentions, are upright for plausibly have discharged; and struck out the "the maintenance of the true protestant profes-names of those, whose affections or relations they sion, and for the observation and preservation thought themselves not secure in. "of the laws of the land: and I hope God will "bless and assist those laws for my preservation." This being suddenly, and with some vehemence, spoken by his majesty, and he having taken further time to answer the declaration, and the reasons, the committee besought him," since they were to 66 carry back with them no other answer, that his majesty would vouchsafe to give them what he "had spoken in writing;" which, the next morning, he did: and then the earl of Holland again" residence for some time, he thought fit to send desired him, "that he would reside nearer his par"liament;" whereunto the king shortly answered, "I would you had given me cause; but I am sure "this declaration is not the way to it." Then being asked by the earl of Pembroke, whether the militia might not be granted, as was desired by the parliament, for a time? he answered, " By God, not for an hour. You have asked that of me in this," was never asked of a king, and with which I will "not trust my wife and children." He told them," " he could not have believed the parliament would "have sent him such a declaration, if he had not seen it brought by such persons: and said he was sorry for the parliament, but glad he had it; "for by that he doubted not to satisfy his people. "He said they spake of ill councils; but he was "confident they had worse informations, than he "had councils. He told them, the business of "Ireland would never be done in the way they "were in; four hundred would never do that "work; it must be put into the hands of one: " and, he said, if he were trusted with it, he would pawn his head to end that work."




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"that message to them, and very earnestly to de"sire them, that they would use all possible in"dustry in expediting the business of Ireland; "in which they should find so cheerful a concurrence from his majesty, that no inconvenience "should happen to that service by his absence, he having all that passion for the reducing that kingdom, which he had expressed in his former messages, and being, by words, unable to manifest more affection to it, than he had endeavoured "to do by those messages: having likewise done "all such acts, as he had been moved unto by his parliament. Therefore, if the misfortunes and "calamities of his poor protestant subjects there "should grow upon them, (though he should be

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"had been ready and forward to retract any act "of his own, which he had been informed had "trenched upon their privileges; so he expected an equal tenderness in them of his known and unquestionable prerogatives, which are the privileges of the kingdom; amongst which, he was assured, it was a fundamental one, that his subjects could not be obliged to obey any act, order, or injunction, to which he had not given his





66 consent.

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obeyed by the fundamental laws of the kingdom; "and that such persons, as should be nominated "deputy lieutenants, and approved of by both houses, should receive the commands of both houses, to take upon them to execute their of"fices." All which resolutions were ordered, the same night, to be printed and published. So that, when the king's message from Huntington was read the next morning, and seemed to be against their votes of the day before, they concluded, And, therefore, he thought it necessary to pub- "that it could not be sent from the king, but that "lish, that he expected, and thereby required, "it had been inserted in blanks left in the town "obedience from all his loving subjects to the "for such purposes;" and immediately made a "laws established; and that they presumed not committee," to find out by whom that message upon any pretence of order, or ordinance, to was framed." But when they remembered, that " which his majesty was no party, concerning the they had voted as much a week before, and had militia, or any other thing, to do, or execute examined the gentleman who brought it, and had "what was not warrantable by those laws; he received it from the king's own hand, they probeing resolved to keep the laws himself, and to ceeded no further in that inquisition; but satisfied require obedience to them from all his subjects, themselves with a new vote," that those persons, "And he once more recommended unto them the "who advised his majesty to absent himself from "substance of his message of the twentieth of Ja- "the parliament, and those that advised him to nuary last; that they would compose, and digest" that message, were enemies to the peace of the "with all speed, such acts as they should think fit" kingdom, and justly to be suspected to be favour"for their present and future establishment of "their privileges, the free and quiet enjoying their "estates and fortunes, the liberties of their persons, "the security of the true religion then professed in "the church of England, the maintaining his regal "and just authority, and settling his revenue; he being most desirous to take all fitting and just ways, which might beget a happy understanding "between him and his parliament, in which he "conceived his greatest power and riches did "consist."


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"ers of the rebellion in Ireland." And for the matter itself they resolved to insist upon their former votes; and withal declared, "that when "the lords and commons in parliament, which is "the supreme court of judicature in the kingdom,

should declare what the law of the land is, to "have that not only questioned and controverted, "but contradicted, and a command that it should "not be obeyed, was a high breach of the privilege "of parliament."

And this likewise they caused to be speedily printed; lest the king should be able to persuade the subjects, that an order of theirs, without his consent, was no law to compel their obedience. And from this last resolution, by which the law of the land, and consequently the liberty of the subject, was resolved into a vote of the two houses, which passed without any dispute or hesitation, all sober men discerned the fatal period of both, and saw a foundation laid for all the anarchy and confusion that hath followed.


I have not known both houses in more choler and rage, than upon the receiving this message, which came early to them on Wednesday the sixteenth of March. Now the day before had been spent in preparing all things ready for the execution of the ordinance of the militia; they had voted, and resolved, "that it was not any way against the oath of allegiance, that all the com"missions to lieutenants under the great seal were 66 illegal and void; and that whosoever should "execute any power over the militia by colour of It was now known, that the king was gone any commission of lieutenancy, without consent to York, which made them apprehend their prin"of both houses of parliament, should be accounted cipality of Hull might be in danger; and therefore 66 a disturber of the peace of the kingdom." Then they immediately resolve, "that no forces whatthey agreed upon this proposition, "That the soever shall be admitted in that town, without kingdom had been of late, and still was, in so" the immediate consent of both houses:" which "evident and imminent danger, both from enemies order was sent thither by an express. And having abroad, and a popish and discontented party at prepared the people to be ready for the militia, by "home, that there was an urgent and inevitable publishing, "that, in case of extreme danger, they necessity of putting his majesty's subjects into a posture of defence, for the safeguard both of the king and his people; and that the lords and commons, apprehending that danger, and being "sensible of their own duty to provide a suitable prevention, had, in several petitions, addressed "themselves to his majesty for the ordering and disposing the militia of the kingdom in such a way, as was agreed upon, by the wisdom of both "houses, to be most proper for the present exigence of the kingdom: yet they could not ob"tain it; but his majesty did several times refuse "to give his royal assent thereunto." Upon this proposition, they resolved, "that in that case of "extreme danger, and of his majesty's refusal, the "ordinance agreed on by both houses for the "militia did oblige the people, and ought to be

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ported into England, and was to be landed at "Hull; which, they said, had been confirmed to "them by a person of reputation, from Newmarket, "who confirmed the intelligence of Denmark: and "added, that there [were] likewise forces ready "in France to be likewise landed at Hull."

And of this, how gross and ridiculous soever it appeared to wise men, they made a double use, (besides the general impression in the people,) the one to colour and countenance their orders to their governor there; the other, to make the king's

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"positions;" which, having passed both houses, were presented to the king, who (it being about the beginning of February, when the breach of their privileges rang in all men's ears) answered, "that as he had offered, and was still ready to "venture, his own person for the recovery of that "kingdom, if his parliament should advise him "thereunto; so he would not deny to contribute any other assistance he could to that service, by parting with any profit or advantage of his own "there; and therefore, relying upon the wisdom "of his parliament, he did consent to every pro" position, now made to him, without taking time "to consider and examine, whether that course "might not retard the reducing that kingdom, by exasperating the rebels, and rendering them desperate of being received into grace, if they "should return to their obedience. And, he said, "he would be ready to give his royal assent to "such bills, as should be tendered to him by his "parliament for the confirmation of those propositions."

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residence in those parts suspected and grievous, as
if he came thither only to bring in foreign forces
upon them. With these alarums of foreign forces,
they mingled other intelligence of the papists in
England, "that they had a purpose of making an
"insurrection;" and therefore they proceeded in
preparing a bill to secure the persons of those of
the best quality, and greatest interest, and enjoin-
ing the oath of supremacy to be taken with great
rigour; and, amongst other stratagems they had to
humble the papists, I remember, upon an informa-
tion that they used their protestant tenants worse
in the raising their rents, than they did those of
their own religion, there was an order, "that they
"should not raise the rents of their tenants, above
"the rates that the protestant landlords adjoining
"received from their tenants:" by virtue of which,"
in some places, they undertook to determine what
rents their tenants should pay to them. But, in
this zeal against the papists, they could not endure
that the king should have any share; and there-
fore, when they found, that his majesty had pub-
lished a proclamation in his journey towards York,
commanding all the judges and justices of peace,
" and other officers, to put in due execution all the
"laws and statutes of the kingdom, against popish
"recusants, without favour or connivance," they
presently sent for the sheriffs of London to the
house of commons, and examined them, "why
seven priests, who were in Newgate, and had
"been long condemned, were not executed?" the
reason whereof they well knew: and when they
said, "that they had received a reprieve for them
"under the king's hand," they published that with
great care in their prints, to take off the credit of
the new proclamation; and appointed their mes-
sengers, whom they were then sending to the king
with a new declaration, to move his majesty, "that
" he would take off his reprieve, and suffer those
seven condemned priests to be executed, accord-
"ing to the judgments they had received."

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Which answer, together with their propositions, they caused forthwith to be printed; made their committees, in all places, to solicit subscriptions, and to receive the monies, the principal and most active persons subscribing first, for the example of others; and delayed the framing and presenting the bill to the king, till they had received great sums of money, and procured very many persons of all conditions to subscribe, many coming in out of pure covetousness to raise great fortunes; five hundred acres of land being assigned for one hundred pound in some counties, and not much under that proportion in others; some out of pure fear, and to win credit with the powerful party, which made this new project a measure of men's affections, and a trial how far they might be trusted, and relied on.

Then they sent those propositions digested into a bill to the king, with such clauses of power to They proceeded now to provide all necessary them, and diminution of his own, that, upon the means for the raising great sums of money, by the matter, he put the making a peace with the rebels diligent collection of what was granted by former there out of his own power, though upon the most acts, and by a new bill for the raising of four hun-advantageous terms; which he was likewise nedred thousand pounds for the payment of the great cessitated to pass. debts of the kingdom, (by which they meant the remainder of the three hundred thousand pounds, they had bountifully given to their brethren of Scotland,) and the support of the war of Ireland: all which monies were to be received and disposed as the two houses should direct; of which though the king saw the danger, that might, and after did ensue to them, yet he thought that probable inconvenience and mischief to be less, than that, which the scandal of denying any thing, upon which the recovery of Ireland seemed to depend, would inevitably bring upon him; and so ratified whatsoever they brought to him of that kind.


Amongst other expedients for raising of money for the war of Ireland, about this time, they made certain propositions to encourage men to be adventurers in that traffick, thus: they concluded "that, in so general a rebellion, very much land must "escheat to the crown by the forfeiture of treason, "and that, out of such forfeitures, satisfaction might be given to those, who should disburse money towards the suppression of the rebels; so many acres of land to be allowed for so much money, according to the value of the lands in the "several provinces, which was specified in the pro


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But notwithstanding all these preparations on this side the sea, the relief and provision was very slowly supplied to the other side: where the rebels still increased in strength, and by the fame of these propositions enlarged their power, very many persons of honour and fortune, who till then had sat still, and either were, or seemed to be, averse to the rebellion, joining with them, as being desperate, and conceiving the utter suppressing their religion, and the very extirpation of their nation, to be decreed against them. And, without doubt, the great reformers here were willing enough to drive them to any extremity, both out of revenge and contempt, as a people easy to be rooted out, and that the war might be kept still up; since they feared an union in that kingdom might much prejudice their designs in this, both as it might supply the king with power, and take away much of theirs; whereas now they had opportunity, with reference to Ireland, to raise both men and money, which they might be able to employ upon more pressing occasions, as they will be found afterwards to have done. Neither was it out of their expectation and view, that, by the king's consenting to that severe decree, he might very probably

discourage his catholic subjects, in his other do- whole business of Ireland to be managed by comminions, from any extraordinary acts of duty and mission under the great seal of England, by four affection: at least, that it would render him less lords and eight commoners, whom they recomconsidered by the most catholic princes. And they mended to the king, and who were always to reknew well what use to make of any diminution of ceive instructions from themselves. And in this his interest or reputation. These matters thus state and disposition were the affairs of Ireland, settled, for the ease of the two houses, who were when the king went to York, where let us now now like to have much to do, they appointed the resort to him.





S soon as the king came to York, which was
about the end of the year 1641, and found his
reception there to be equal to his expectation, the
gentry, and men of ability of that great and popu-
lous county, (some very few excepted,) expressing
great alacrity for his majesty's being with them,
and no less sense of the insolent proceedings of
the parliament; whereupon he resolved to treat
with the two houses in another manner than he
had done, and to let them clearly know, "that as
"he would deny them nothing that was fit for
"them to ask, so he would yield to nothing that
was unreasonable for him to grant; and that he
"would have nothing extorted from him, that he
was not very well inclined to consent to." So,
within few days after his coming thither, he sent a
declaration (which he caused to be printed, and,
in the frontispiece, recommended to the considera-
tion of all his loving subjects) to them, in answer
to that presented to him at Newmarket some days
before he told them,


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they would make a law without him, and impose "it upon his people,) would not think that sudden answer could be excepted to. He said, he had "little encouragement to replies of that nature, "when he was told of how little value his words were like to be with them, though they came accompanied with all the actions of love and justice, (where there was room for actions to accompany them;) yet he could not but disavow "the having any such evil counsel, or counsellors "about him, to his knowledge, as were mentioned

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For his

by them; and, if any such should be discovered, "he would leave them to the censure and judg"ment of his parliament. In the mean time he "could wish, that his own immediate actions, "which he did avow, and his own honour, might "not be so roughly censured and wounded, under "that common style of evil counsellors. "faithful and zealous affection to the true pro"testant profession, and his resolution to concur "with his parliament in any possible course for "That, though that declaration, presented to "the propagation of it, and the suppression of "him at Newmarket from both houses of parlia- popery, he said he could say no more than he "ment, [was] of so strange a nature, in respect of" had already expressed in his declaration to all "what he expected, (after so many acts of grace "his loving subjects, published in January last, "and favour to his people,) and some expressions" by the advice of his privy council; in which he "in it so different from the usual language to "endeavoured to make as lively a confession of princes, that he might well take a very long time "himself in that point as he was able, being most "to consider it; yet the clearness and uprightness "assured, that the constant practice of his life "of his conscience to God, and love to his subjects, had supplied him with a speedy answer; "and his unalterable affection to his people pre"vailed with him to suppress that passion, which might well enough become him upon such an "invitation. He said, he had considered his an66 swer of the first of that month at Theobalds, "which was said to have given just cause of sorrow to his subjects: but, he said, whoever looked over that message, (which was in effect to tell "As for the Scots' troubles, he told them, he "him, that if he would not join with them in an "had thought, that those unhappy differences had act, which he conceived might prove prejudicial "been wrapped up in perpetual silence by the act " and dangerous to him, and the whole kingdom, "of oblivion; which, being solemnly passed in the


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"had been answerable thereunto: and therefore "he did rather expect a testimony, and acknowledgment of such his zeal and piety, than those "expressions he met with in that declaration of "any design of altering religion in this kingdom. "And he said, he did, out of the innocency of his "soul, wish, that the judgments of Heaven might "be manifested upon those, who have or had any "such design.

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