
thought, no other way to escape them; until they | [that earl] to put his whole interest into their plainly saw the ship entering into a narrow creek hands, and to have run their fortune; to which he out of the Humber, which declined Hull, and led was naturally too much inclined: and then his into the country some miles above it; which was a majesty foresaw, that there would have been no place well known to the captain, and designed by fleet at all set out that year, by their having the him from the beginning. It was in vain for them command of all the money, which was to be applied then to hasten their pursuit; for they quickly found to that service. Whereas, by his majesty's conthat their great ships could not enter into that cealing his resentment, there was a good fleet made passage, and that the river was too shallow to ready, and set out; and many gentlemen settled follow him; and so, with shame and anger, they in the command of ships, of whose affection and gave over the chase, whilst the captain continued fidelity his majesty was assured, that no superior his course; and having never thought of saving officer could corrupt it; but that they would, at all the ship, run it on shore near Burlington; and, times, repair to his service, whenever he required with all expedition, gave notice to the king of his it. And, indeed, his majesty had an opinion of the arrival; who, immediately, caused the persons of devotion of the whole body of the common seamen quality in the parts adjacent to draw the trained to his service, because he had, bountifully, so much bands of the country together, to secure the mended their condition, and increased their pay, incursions from Hull; and, by this means, the that he thought they would have thrown the earl arms, ammunition, and artillery were quickly of Warwick overboard, when he should command brought to York. them; and so the respiting the doing of it would The king was well content that it should be be of little importance. But now, that a ship of generally believed, that this small ship, the size his own, in the execution of his commands, should whereof was known to few, had brought a greater be chased by his own fleet as an enemy, made such quantity and proportion of provisions for the war, a noise in all places, even to his reproach and disthan in truth it had; and therefore, though it had honour, that he could no longer defer the doing brought no money, which he expected, he forth- what he had so long thought of. He resolved, with granted commissions, to raise regiments of therefore, to revoke the earl of Northumberland's horse and foot, to such persons of quality and commission of the office of high admiral of Enginterest, as were able to comply with their obliga- land, and to send the revocation to him under the tions. He declared the earl of Lindsey, lord high great seal of England: then, to send sir John chamberlain of England, his general of the army; Pennington, who was then at York, on board the a person of great honour and courage, and gene- fleet, and to take the charge of it: and letters rally beloved; who had many years before had good were prepared, and signed by the king, to every command in Holland and Germany, and had been one of the captains; whereby they were required admiral at sea in several expeditions. Sir Jacob" to observe the orders of sir John Pennington." Ashley was declared major general of the foot, a command he was very equal to, and had exercised before, and executed after, with great approbation. The generalship of the horse his majesty preserved for his nephew prince Rupert; who was daily expected, and arrived soon after: and all levies were hastened with as much expedition as was possible in so great a scarcity, and notorious want of money; of which no more need be said, after it is remembered that all the lords, and council about the king, with several other persons of quality, voluntarily made a subscription for the payment of so many horse for three months; in which time they would needs believe, that the war should be at an end; every one paying down what the three months' pay would amount to, into the hands of a treasurer appointed to receive it; and this money was presently paid for the making those levies of horse which were designed; and which could not have been made but by those monies.

And all this was carried with all possible secrecy, that none, but those few who were trusted, knew, or suspected any such alteration.

But the king thought fit, first to advise with sir John Pennington; of whose integrity he was confident, and whose judgment he always principally relied on in all his maritime actions; and thought him the only person fit immediately to take the fleet out of the earl of Warwick's possession; who had dispossessed him of the command that year, which he had usually exercised. Sir John Pennington, finding the matter full of difficulty, and the execution like to meet with some interruptions, expressed no alacrity to undertake it in his own person; alleging, "that himself stood in the parliament's disfavour and jealousy, (which was


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true,) and that therefore his motion, and journey "towards the Downs, where the fleet then lay, "would be immediately taken notice of; and his majesty's design be so much guessed at, that "there would need no other discovery:" but propounded to his majesty," that he would send a "letter to sir Robert Mansel, who lived at Green"wich, speedily to go to the fleet, and to take

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And now the king thought it time to execute a resolution he had long intended, and which many men wondered he neglected so long; which was, as much as in him lay, to take the admiralty into his own hands. He had long too much cause to charge of it; and that his authority, being vicebe unsatisfied and displeased with the earl of "admiral of England, and his known and great Northumberland; whom he thought he had obliged reputation with the seamen, would be like to above any man whatsoever. His delivering the "meet with the least resistance." His majesty, fleet into the hands and command of the earl of imparting this counsel to those whom he had Warwick, after his majesty had expressly refused made privy to his purpose, entered upon new it to the parliament, he resolved never to forgive; considerations; and concluded, "that sir Robert however, he thought it not then seasonable to re- "Mansel's age, (though his courage and integrity sent it, because he had nothing to object against" were unquestionable,) and the accidents that dehim, but his compliance with the command of the parliament, which would have made and owned it as their own quarrel; and must have obliged him

66 pended upon that, would render that expedient "most hazardous; and that, in truth, there needed 66 no such absolute and supreme officer to be

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appointed in the first article; but rather, that navy, and who lived by the Downs, "immediately "his majesty should direct his special letter to the "to go aboard the admiral; and [that he] himself "captain of every ship, requiring him immediately "would make all possible haste to him, setting "to weigh anchor, and to bring away his ship to "out at the same time with Mr. Villiers; but "such a place as his majesty might appoint, where journeying a further and more private way." "he should receive further orders and to that Mr. Villiers, lest, by his stay for the alteration "place he might send such an officer, as he of his despatches, his companion's coming to Lon"thought fit to trust with the command of the don sooner than was expected at their parting "whole navy so assembled." According to this might produce some inconvenience to the service, resolution the whole despatch was prepared. First, slept not till he came to sir Henry Palmer; who, a revocation of the earl of Northumberland's com- being infirm in his health, and surprised with the mission of admiral, under the great seal of Eng- command, could not make that expedition aboard, land; of which there was a duplicate; the one to as might have been requisite; though he was loybe sent to his lordship; the other to the earl of ally and zealously affected to his majesty's service. Warwick; whose commission was founded upon, However, Mr. Villiers hastened to the ships which and so determined by, the other. Then a several lay then at anchor, and, according to his instrucletter to each of the captains of his ships, inform- tions, delivered his several letters to the captains; ing them "of his majesty's revocation of the the greatest part whereof received them with great admiral's patent, and consequently of the deter- expressions of duty and submission, expecting only "mination of the earl of Warwick's commission,' to receive sir John Pennington's orders, for which (to whom his majesty likewise writ, to "inhibit they staid; and, without doubt, if either the first "him from further meddling in that charge,") letters had been sent, or sir John Pennington been and therefore commanding them to yield no present, when these others were delivered, his mafurther obedience to either of their orders; but jesty had been possessed of his whole fleet; the that, immediately upon the receipt of those his earl of Warwick being at that time, according to royal letters, he should weigh anchor; and, with his usual licenses, with some officers, whose comwhat speed he might, repair to Burlington-bay pany he liked, on shore making merry; so that upon the coast of Yorkshire; where he should there was only his vice-admiral, captain Batten, on receive his majesty's further pleasure: and so each board, who was of eminent disaffection to his macommander, without relation to any other com-jesty; the rear-admiral, sir John Mennes, being of mands, had no more to look after but his own ship, and his own duty, by which the king might expect, at least, so many ships as were under the government of those, who had any affection or fidelity to his service.

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unquestionable integrity.

But after five or six hours, (in which time nothing could be acted, for want of advice and direction; enough being ready to obey, but none having authority to command,) the earl of Warwick came aboard 'his ship, to whom Mr. Villiers likewise gave his majesty's letters of discharge; who, without any declaration of disobeying it, applied himself to the confirming those whom he thought true to his party, and diligently to watch the rest; presuming, that he should speedily hear from those by whom he had been originally trusted.

Accordingly, all things being prepared, and signed by the king, and sealed, what immediately concerned the earl of Northumberland was delivered to Mr. May, his majesty's page, to be given to the earl of Northumberland at London; and the whole despatch to the fleet to Mr. Edward Villiers, whose diligence and dexterity his majesty found fit for any trust; the former being directed" not In the mean time, the captains expected orders "to make such haste, but that the other might from sir John Pennington; who likewise privately "be at least as soon at the Downs, as he at expected such an account from sir Henry Palmer, "London ;" and Mr. Villiers again being ap- as might encourage him to come to the ships. But pointed what letters he should first deliver to this unfortunate delay lost all; for the other genthe captains; and that he should visit the tleman, according to his instructions, having reach"earl of Warwick in the last place;" that his ed London in the evening after the houses were activity might have no influence upon the seamen, risen, delivered the king's letter, and the discharge to prevent their obedience to his majesty. And of his commission, to the earl of Northumberland; surely if this resolution had been pursued, it is who, with all shows of duty and submission, exvery probable that the king had been master of pressed "his resolution to obey his majesty; and a very many of his ships again. But, when the "hearty sorrow, that he had, by any misfortune, messengers were despatched and well-instructed," incurred his majesty's displeasure." How inand he that was for London gone on his journey, there was a sudden and unexpected change of the whole direction to the fleet, by sir John Pennington's repair to his majesty; and, upon second thoughts, offering "to go himself to the Downs, "and to take charge of the fleet:" which changed the forms of the letters to the several captains; and, instead of leaving every one to use his best expedition to bring away his own ship to Burlington, required them only to observe such "orders, as they should receive by sir John Pen"nington;" who thought not fit (for the reasons formerly given of his being taken notice of) to go with Mr. Villiers; but, by him, writ to sir Henry Palmer, to whom likewise his majesty sent a letter to that purpose, being an officer of the

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genuous soever this demeanour of his lordship's was, the business was quickly known to those who were more concerned in it; who were exceedingly perplexed with the apprehension of being dispossessed of so great a part of their strength, as the royal fleet; and earnestly pressed the earl of Northumberland, "that, notwithstanding such his majesty's revocation, he would still continue the "execution of his office of lord high admiral; in "which they would assist him with their utmost "and full power and authority." But his lordship alleging, "that it would ill become him, "who had received that charge from the king, "with so notable circumstances of trust and favour, "to continue the possession thereof against his express pleasure, there being a clause in his

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grant, that it should be only during such time as "his majesty thought fit to use his service;" and utterly refusing to meddle further in it;" as soon as they could get the houses together the next morning, they easily agreed to pass an ordinance, as they call it, "to appoint the earl of "Warwick to be admiral of that fleet, with as full " and ample authority, as he had before had from "the earl of Northumberland." Which ordinance, together with letters, and votes of encouragement to his lordship, and to the officers and seamen, they speedily sent, by a member of their own; who arrived therewith, the next morning, after Mr. Villiers had delivered the king's letters; sir John Pennington in the mean time neither coming, or sending any further advice.


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Pennington, upon whom the king depended;" it was resolved likewise, "that captain Carteret, con"troller of his majesty's navy, a man of great eminency and reputation in naval command, "should be vice-admiral;" he thinking it became his near relation to his majesty's service, to receive his royal pleasure, before he engaged himself in any employment of that nature, addressed himself for his princely directions. The king thought his fleet upon the matter taken from him, when another, whose disaffection to his service was very notorious, was, contrary to his express pleasure, presumptuously put into the command of it, and his own minister displaced for no other reason (his sufficiency and ability for command being by all men confessed) but his zeal, and integrity to him, and therefore he would not countenance that fleet, and that admiral, with suffering an officer of his own to command in it under the other; and so which he prudently, and without noise, did; and thereupon, another officer of the navy, even the surveyor general, captain Batten, a man of very different inclinations to his master, and his service, and furious in the new fancies of religion, was substituted in the place: whereas if captain Carteret had been suffered to have taken that charge, his interest and reputation in the navy was so great, and his diligence and dexterity in command so eminent, that I verily believe, he would, against whatsoever the earl of Warwick could have done, have preserved a major part of the fleet in their duty to the king. The misfortunes which happened after, and are mentioned before, are not in justice to be imputed to sir John Pennington; who, sure, was a very honest gentleman, and of unshaken faithfulness and integrity to the king; but to the little time he had to think of it: and the perplexity he was in (besides his true zeal to the service) to think that so great a service, as the recovery of the royal navy, should be done by his personal engagement, and to look so vigilantly to his own security, that, instead of taking the fleet from the earl of Warwick, he was not himself taken by the earl, and sent to the parliament; where the carrying over the lord Digby, and some other jealousies, had left a great arrear of displeasure against him.

The earl of Warwick, being thus armed, found himself master of his work; and immediately summoned all the captains, to attend him on board his ship in council; the which all but two did, (cap-wished captain Carteret to decline the employment, tain Slingsby and captain Wake,) who, being by his majesty's letters, as the rest were, expressly charged to yield no further obedience to the earl of Warwick, refused to repair to him; making themselves ready to resist any violence, and putting their ships in order to go out to sea, that they might be at liberty to attend his majesty's commands: but they were so encompassed by the whole fleet, and the dexterity of the earl's ministers was such, and the devotion, generally, of the seamen so tainted, and corrupted to the king's service, that, instead of carrying away the ships, the captains themselves were seized, taken, and carried by their own men to the earl; who immediately committed them to custody, and sent them up prisoners to the parliament. Then his lordship communicated the ordinance, letters, and votes from the two houses to the rest of the officers; of whom only two more refused to continue their charge against the signification they had received from the king, (sir John Mennes and captain Burly,) who were quickly discharged, and set on shore; and the rest, without any scruple or hesitation, "obliged themselves to obey the earl "of Warwick, in the service of the parliament;" so that the storm was now over, and the parliament fully and entirely possessed of the whole royal navy, and militia by sea; for they quickly disposed of two other honest captains, Kettleby and Stradlin, (whom they could not corrupt,) who guarded the Irish seas; and got those ships likewise into their service. And thus his majesty was without one ship of his own, in his three kingdoms, at his devotion.

As this loss of the whole navy was of unspeakable ill consequence to the king's affairs, and made his condition much the less considered by his allies, and neighbour princes; who saw the sovereignty of the sea now in other hands, who were more imperious upon the apprehension of any discourtesies, than regular and lawful monarchs used to be; I cannot but observe some unhappy circumstances and accidents in this important business of the navy, which looked like the hand of Providence to take that strength, of which his majesty was most confident, out of his hands. When the resolution of the house of commons, and, after, the concurrence of the lords, was peremptory, and the earl of Northumberland's compliance with them as obstinate, "for the sending the earl of Warwick "admiral of that fleet, in the place of sir John

The truth is, the king was so confident upon the general affections of the seamen, who were a tribe of people more particularly countenanced and obliged by him than other men, his majesty having increased their allowance, in provision and money, above the old establishment of the navy, that he did believe no activity of ill officers could have corrupted them; but that, when the parliament had set out and victualled the fleet, it would, upon any occasion, declare itself at his devotion. On the other side, they had been taught to believe, that all the king's bounty and grace towards them had flowed from the mediation of those officers, who were now engaged against the king; and that, the parliament having seized the customs, and all other the revenues of the king, they had no other hope of pay or subsistence, but by absolutely devoting themselves to their service; so that a greater or more general defection of any one order of men was never known, than that, at this time, of the seamen; though many gentlemen, and some few of the common sort, to their lasting honour and reputation, either addressed themselves to the


active service of their sovereign, or suffered impri- | lord Pawlet, the lord Seymour, sir Ralph Hopton, sonment, and the loss of all they had, for refusing to serve against him.

The news of this diminution of his majesty's power, and terrible addition of strength to his enemies, was a great allay to the brisk hopes at York, upon the arrival of their ammunition, and wise men easily discerned the fatal consequence of it in opposition to the most hopeful designs; yet in a very short time, all visible sense of it so much vanished, that (as there was a marvellous alacrity at that time, in despising all advantages of the parliament) men publicly, and with great confidence, averred," that the king was a gainer by the loss "of his fleet, because he had no money to pay the seamen, or keep them together; and that one victory at land, of which there was no doubt, "would restore him to his dominion at sea, and to "whatsoever had been unjustly taken from his 'majesty."



sir John Berkley, sir Hugh Pollard, and other very
good officers, to form an army if it should be found
expedient. And so, much of the lustre of the
court being abated by the remove of so many per-
sons of honour and quality, though it was spread
farther by their necessary absence, the king began
to think of increasing and forming his train into a
more useful posture, than it was yet; and, without
any noise of raising an army, to make the scene of
his first action to be the recovery of Hull (whither
new forces were sent from London) by the ordinary
forces and trained bands of that county; by colour
whereof, he hoped to have such resort, that he
should need no other industry to raise such an
army as should be sufficient to preserve himself
from the violence which threatened his safety; and
accordingly, that the people might fully understand
his intentions, he summoned some of the trained
bands to attend him at Beverley, a town within four
miles of Hull, whither he removed his court, and
published a proclamation, briefly containing "the
"rebellion of sir John Hotham, in holding that
"town by a garrison against him; his demanding
"justice from the two houses without effect; the.
seizing his fleet at sea; and the hostile acts of
"sir John Hotham upon the inhabitants of that
town, many of whom he turned out of their habi-
"tations; and upon the neighbour county, by im-
prisoning many, and driving others for fear from
"their houses: and therefore that he was resolved
"to reduce the same by force: inhibiting all com-
merce or traffic with the said town, whilst it con-
"tinued in rebellion."


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Which proclamation he likewise sent to both houses of parliament, with this further signification, "That, before he would use force to reduce "that place to its due obedience, he had thought "fit once more to require them, that it might be "forthwith delivered to him; wherein if they

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should conform themselves, his majesty would be "then willing to admit such addresses from them, "and return such propositions to them, as might "be proper to settle the peace of the kingdom, and compose the present distractions. He wished "them to do their duty, and to be assured from "him, on the word of a king, that nothing should "be wanting on his part, that might prevent the "calamities which threatened the nation, and might "render his people truly happy; but if that his

But the king found it was now time to do more than write declarations, that they [parliament] were now entirely possessed of the militia by sea, and made such a progress in the attempt to resume the same at land, that though the people generally, (except in great towns and corporations, where, besides the natural malignity, the factious lecturers and emissaries from the parliament had poisoned their affections,) and especially those of quality, were loyally inclined; yet the terror of the house" of commons was so great, which sent for and grievously punished those sheriffs and mayors, who published, according to their duties and express oaths, his majesty's proclamations, and those ministers, who, according to his injunctions, read and divulged his declarations, that all such, and indeed all others eminently affected to the king, were forced to fly to York for protection, or to hide themselves in corners from that inquisition which was made for them. And therefore his majesty, in the first place, that he might have one harbour to resort to in his kingdom, sent the earl of Newcastle, privately, with a commission to take the government of Newcastle; who against the little opposition, that was prepared by the schismatical party in the town, by his lordship's great interest in those parts, the ready compliance of the best of the gentry, and the general good inclinations of the place, speedily and dexterously assured that most important rich town and harbour to the king; which, if it had been omitted but very few days, had been seized on by the parliament, who had then given direction to that purpose. Then for the protection of the general parts of the kingdom, and keeping up their affections, his majesty appointed and sent many of the nobility and prime gentlemen of the several counties, who attended him, into their [respective] counties to execute the commission of array, making the marquis of Hertford, by commission under the great seal of England, (which he was to keep secret in reserve, till he found, either by the growth, or extraordinary practice of the parliament in raising forces, that the commission of array was not enough,) "his lieutenant general of all the western "parts of the kingdom, with power to levy such a "body of horse and foot, as he found necessary "for his majesty's service, and the containing the "people within the limits of their duty." With the marquis went the earl of Bath, (thought then to be of notable power and interest in Devonshire,) the

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gracious invitation should be declined, God and "all good men must judge between them:" and assigned a day, by which he would expect their answer at Beverley.

In the mean time, to encourage the good affections of Nottinghamshire, which seemed almost entirely to be devoted to his service, and to countenance and give some life to those in Lincolnshire, where, in contempt of his proclamations, the ordinance of the militia had been boldly executed by the lord Willoughby of Parham, and some members of the house of commons, his majesty took a short progress to Newark; and, after a day's stay, from thence to Lincoln; and so, by the day appointed, returned to Beverley; having, in both those places, been attended with such an appearance of the gentlemen and men of quality, and so full a concourse of the people, as one might reasonably have guessed the affections of both those counties would have seconded any just and regular service for the king.

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They at London were not less active; but, upon “and, with much sorrow, do perceive that your their success in the business of the navy, proceeded majesty, incensed by many false calumnies and to make themselves strong enough, at least, to keep "slanders, doth continue to raise forces against us, what they had; and therefore, having, by their " and your other peaceable and loyal subjects; and ordinance of the militia, many voluntary companies" to make great preparations for war, both in the formed of men according to their own hearts; and, 'kingdom, and from beyond the seas; and, by by their subscriptions, being supplied with a good "arms and violence, to overrule the judgment and stock of money, and a good number of horse; "advice of your great council; and by force to before the king's message from Beverley came to "determine the questions there depending, conthem, on the twelfth of July, being the same day cerning the government and liberty of the kingthe message went from the king, both houses voted "dom: yet, such is our earnest desire of dischargand declared, "That an army should be forthwith "ing our duty to your majesty and the kingdom, "raised for the safety of the king's person; defence "to preserve the peace thereof, and to prevent the "of both houses of parliament, and of those who "miseries of civil war amongst your subjects, that, "had obeyed their orders and commands; and notwithstanding we hold ourselves bound to use "preserving of the true religion, the laws, liberty, "all the means and power, which, by the laws and "and peace of the kingdom. That the earl of "constitutions of this kingdom, we are trusted with "Essex should be their general, and that they for defence and protection thereof, and of the "would live and die with him." And, having put subjects from force and violence, we do, in this themselves into this posture of treating, the same our humble and loyal petition, prostrate ourselves day they agreed that a petition should be framed, at your majesty's feet; beseeching your royal "to move the king to a good accord with the majesty, that you will be pleased to forbear and parliament, to prevent a civil war ;" the which remove all preparations and actions of war; was purposely then consented to, that the people" particularly the forces from about Hull, from might believe, the other talk of an army and a Newcastle, Tinmouth, Lincoln, and Lincolnshire, general was only to draw the king to the more "and all other places. And that your majesty reasonable concessions. And it is certain, the first "will recall the commissions of array, which are was consented to by many, especially of the house "illegal; dismiss troops, and extraordinary guards of peers, (in hope the better to compass the other,) by you raised: that your majesty will come with the perfect horror of the thought of a war. nearer to your parliament, and hearken to their Though the king's message came to them before "faithful advice and humble petitions; which their own was despatched, yet, without the least "shall only tend to the defence and advancement notice taken of it, and lest the contents of their "of religion, your own royal honour and safety, petition might be known before the arrival of their "the preservation of our laws and liberties. And own messengers, the earl of Holland, sir John "we have been, and ever shall be, careful to preHolland, and sir Philip Stapleton, being the com- "vent and punish all tumults, and seditious acmittee appointed for the same, made a speedy and tions, speeches, and writings, which may give quick journey to Beverley; and arrived in the same your majesty just cause of distaste, or apprehenminute that the king came thither from Lincoln: "sion of danger. From which public aims and so that his majesty no sooner heard of the raising "resolutions no sinister or private respect shall an army, and declaring a general against him, but he was encountered by the messengers for peace; who reported to all whom they met, and with whom they conversed, "that they had brought so "absolute a submission from the parliament to the king, that there could be no doubt of a firm and happy peace:" and when the earl of Holland presented the petition, he first made a short speech to the king, telling him, " that the glorious motto "of his blessed father, king James, was Beati pacifici, which he hoped his majesty would con"tinue; that they presented him with the humble duty of his two houses of parliament, who desired nothing from him but his consent, and acceptance "of peace; they aiming at nothing but his majesty's honour and happiness:" and then read their message aloud, in these words:

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kingdom, and the defence of the parliament from "force and violence; so we shall most willingly "leave the town of Hull in the state it was, before "sir John Hotham drew any forces into it; delivering your majesty's magazine into the tower "of London, and supplying whatsoever hath been disposed by us for the service of the kingdom. "We shall be ready to settle the militia by a bill, "in such a way as shall be honourable and safe " for your majesty, most agreeable to the duty of parliament, and effectual for the good of the kingdom; that the strength thereof be not employed against itself, and that which ought to be "for our security, applied to our destruction; and "desire still to preserve the protestant religion, "that the parliament, and those who profess and "both in this realm and in Ireland, may not be " left naked, and indefensible to the mischievous


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