


"action of the great affairs of the kingdom, at a
"time when a foreign army was ready to invade
"it that he heard the payment of ship-money,
notwithstanding that it was adjudged his right,
"was not willingly submitted to by the people; to
"manifest therefore his good affection to his sub-
"if the parliament would grant him twelve subsi-
in general, he made this proposition: that
dies to be paid in three years, in the manner
proposed, (that was, five subsidies to be paid the
"first year, four the second, and three to be paid
"in the last year,) his majesty would then release
"all his title or pretence to ship-money for the fu-
"ture, in such a manner as his parliament should

The King's Message to the Commons asking twelve Subsidies.




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prayers were read, it resolved again into a grand committee, the same person being again called to the chair: it was expected, and hoped, that there would have been some new message from the king, that might have facilitated the debate; but nothing The next day as soon as the house met, and read, and men of all sides discoursed much of what appearing of that kind, the proposition was again had been said before, and many spoke with more reflection upon the judgment of ship-money than they had done the day past, and seemed to wish, "that whatsoever we should give the king should gree with the sense of so great a part of the house, "be a free testimony of our affection and duty, that Mr. Hambden, the most popular man in the "without any release of ship-money, which dehouse, (and the same who had defended the suit "served no consideration, but in a short time would against the king in his own name, upon the illeappear void and null." gality of ship-money,) thought the matter ripe for the question, and desired that the question might And this seemed to abe put, "Whether the house would consent to the sure to have found a negative from all who thought the sum too great, or were not pleased that it should be given in recompense of ship-money. proposition made by the king, as it was con"tained in the message?" which would have been



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geant Glanvile, the speaker, (who sat by amongst
the other members whilst the house was in a com-
mittee, and hath rarely used to speak in such sea-
sons,) rose up, and in a most pathetical speech, in
When many called to have this question, ser-
which he excelled, endeavoured to persuade the
house "to comply with the king's desire, for the
able a sum twelve subsidies amounted to, by tell-
good of the nation, and to reconcile him to par-
ing them,
"liaments for ever, which this seasonable testi-
He made it manifest to them how very inconsider-
of their affections would infallibly do."
named the sum, and he being known to be
possessed of a great estate, it seemed not worth
any further deliberation. And in the warmth of
his discourse, which he plainly discerned made a
pay for those twelve subsidies ;" and when he
"that he had computed what he was to
wonderful impression upon the house, he let fall
some sharp expressions against the imposition of
ship-money, and the judgment in the point, which
he said plainly "was against the law, if he under-
very learned,) which expression, how necessary
and artificial soever to reconcile the affections of
the house to the matter in question, very much
irreconciled him at court, and to those upon whom
"stood what law was," (who was known to be
he had the greatest dependence.

Though exceptions might have been taken again in point of privilege, because his majesty took notice of the difference between the two houses; yet that spirit had not then taken so deep root: so that they resolved to enter, the next day after the delivery of it, upon a full debate of his majesty's message; they who desired to obstruct the giving any supply, believing they should easily prevail to reject this proposition upon the greatness of the sum demanded, without appearing not to favour the cause in which it was to be employed, which they could not have done with any advantage to themselves, the number of that classis of men being then not considerable in the house. It was about the first day of May that the message was delivered, and the next day it was resumed about nine of the clock in the morning, and the debate continued till four of the clock in the afternoon; which had been seldom used before, but afterwards grew into custom. Many observed, "that they were to purchase a release of an impo"sition very unjustly laid upon the kingdom, and "by purchasing it, they should upon the matter "confess it had been just;" which no man in his heart acknowledged; and therefore wished, "the judgment might be first examined, and being once declared void, what they should present the king with would appear a gift, and not a recom"that pense:" but this was rather modestly insinuated than insisted upon; and the greater number reflected more of the proportion demanded, which some of those who were thought very well to understand the state of the kingdom, confidently affirmed to be more than the whole stock in money of the kingdom amounted to; which appeared shortly after to be a very gross miscomputation. There were very few, except those of the court, (who were ready to give all that the king would ask, and indeed had little to give of their own,) who did not believe the sum demanded to be too great, and wished that a less might be accepted, and therefore were willing, when the day was so far spent, that the debate might be adjourned till the next morning; which was willingly consented to by all, and so the house rose. this agitation had been in a committee of the whole council to the speaker: and if the question had house, the speaker having left the chair, to which been presently put, it was believed the number of Mr. Lenthall, a lawyer of no eminent account, was All thered up and united the inclinations of a popular There was scarce ever a speech that more gacalled. But there was not, in the whole day, in all after a short silence, some men, who wished well the variety of contradictions, an offensive or angry to the main, expressed a dislike of the way, so that word spoken: except only that one private country other men recovered new courage, and called again gentleman, little known, said, "He observed that with some earnestness, "That the question forthe dissenters would not have appeared great. But the supply was to be employed in the supporting "bellum episcopale, which he thought the bishops "were fittest to do themselves:" but as there was Mr. Hyde then stood up, and desired, who seconded that envious reflection, nor any other no reply, or notice taken of it, so there was nobody" tion might not be put; said, it was a captious "put: merly proposed by Mr. Hambden should be :" which seemed to meet with a concurrence "that ques

expression of that kind.

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question, to which only one sort of men
clearly give their vote, which were they who


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"were for a rejection of the king's proposition, | "and no more resuming the debate upon that subject: but that they who desired to give the king a supply, as he believed most did, though "not in such a proportion, nor, it may be, in that manner, could receive no satisfaction by that question; and therefore he proposed, to the end "that every man might frankly give his yea, or "his no, that the question might be put only, upon the giving the king a supply: which being "carried in the affirmative, another question might "be upon the proportion, and the manner; and "if the first were carried in the negative, it would produce the same effect, as the other question proposed by Mr. Hambden would do."

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hatred against the earl of Strafford, lieutenant of Ireland, whose destruction was then upon the anvil. But what transported the solicitor, who had none of the ends of the other, could not be imagined, except it was his pride and peevishness, when he found that he was like to be of less authority there, than he looked to be; and yet he was heard with great attention, though his parts were most prevalent in puzzling and perplexing that discourse he meant to cross. Let their motives be what they would, they two, and they only, wrought so far with the king, that, without so much deliberation as the affair was worthy of, his majesty the next morning, which was on the fourth or fifth of May, not three weeks from their first meeting, sent for the speaker to attend him, and took care that he should go directly to the house of peers, upon some apprehension that if he had gone to the house of commons, that house would have entered upon some ingrateful discourse; which they were not inclined to do; and then sending for that house to attend him, the keeper, by his majesty's command, dissolved the parliament.

There could not a greater damp have seized upon the spirits of the whole nation, than this dissolution caused; and men had much of the misery in view, which shortly after fell out. It could never be hoped, that more sober and dispassionate men would ever meet together in that place, or fewer who brought ill purposes with them; nor could any man imagine what offence they had given, which put the king to that resolution. But it was observed, that in the countenances of those who had most opposed all that was desired by his majesty, there was a marvellous serenity; nor could they conceal the joy of their hearts: for they knew enough of what was to come, to conclude that the king would be shortly compelled to call another parliament; and they were as sure, that so many grave and unbiassed men would never be elected again.

This method was received with great approbation, but opposed by others with more than ordinary passion, and diverted by other propositions, which being seconded took much time, without pointing to any conclusion. In the end sergeant Glanvile said, "That there had been a question proposed by his countryman, that agreed very "well with his sense, and moved that the gentleman might be called upon to propose it again." Whereupon Mr. Hyde stated the case again as he had done, answered somewhat that had been said against it, and moved, "that question might be "put." Whereupon for a long time there was nothing said, but a confused clamour, and call, "Mr. Hambden's question," "Mr. Hyde's ques"tion;" the call appearing much stronger for the last, than the former: and it was generally believed, that the question had been put, and carried in the affirmative, though it was positively opposed by Herbert the solicitor general, for what reason no man could imagine, if sir Henry Vane the secretary had not stood up, and said, "That, as it had "been always his custom to deal plainly and "clearly with that house in all things, so he could "not but now assure them, that the putting and "carrying that question could be of no use; for "that he was most sure, and had authority to tell Within an hour after the dissolving, Mr. Hyde "them so, that if they should pass a vote for the met Mr. Saint-John, who had naturally a great "giving the king a supply, if it were not in the cloud in his face, and very seldom was known to "proportion and manner proposed in his majesty's smile, but then had a most cheerful aspect, and message, it would not be accepted by him; and seeing the other melancholic, as in truth he was "therefore desired that question might be laid from his heart, asked him, "What troubled him?" "aside;" which being again urged by the solicitor who answered, "That the same that troubled him, general upon the authority of what the other had "he believed, troubled most good men; that in declared, and the other privy-counsellors saying" such a time of confusion, so wise a parliament, nothing, though they were much displeased with "which could only have found remedy for it, was the secretary's averment, the business was no more so unseasonably dismissed: the other answered pressed; but it being near five of the clock in the with a little warmth, "That all was well and afternoon, and every body weary, it was willingly "that it must be worse, before it could be better; consented to that the house should be adjourned" and that this parliament would never have done till the next morning. "what was necessary to be done;" as indeed it would not, what he and his friends thought necessary.

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Both sir Henry Vane, and the solicitor general Herbert, (whose opinion was of more weight with the king than the others,) had made a worse repre- The king, when he had better reflected upon sentation of the humour and affection of the house what was like to fall out, and was better informed than it deserved, and undertook to know, that if of the temper and duty of the house of commons, they came together again, they would pass such a and that they had voted a supply, if sir Henry vote against ship-money, as would blast that Vane had not hindered it by so positive a declararevenue and other branches of the receipt; which tion that his majesty would refuse it, was heartily others believed they would not have had the confi- sorry for what he had done; declared with great dence to have attempted; and very few, that they anger, "That he had never given him such authorwould have had the credit to have compassed."ity; and that he knew well that the giving him What followed in the next parliament, within less any supply would have been welcome to him, than a year, made it believed, that sir Henry Vane "because the reputation of his subjects assisting acted that part maliciously, and to bring all into "him in that conjuncture was all that he looked confusion; he being known to have an implacable" for and considered." He consulted the same

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day, or the next, whether he might by his proclamation recall them to meet together again: but finding that impossible, he fell roundly to find out all expedients for the raising of money, in which he had so wonderful success, that, in less than three weeks, by the voluntary loan of the particular lords of the council, and of other private gentlemen about the city, some relating to the court, and others strangers to it, there was no less than three hundred thousand pounds paid into the exchequer to be issued out as his majesty should direct a sum that sufficiently manifests the plenty of that time, and greater than any prince in Europe could have commanded in so short a time; and was an unanswerable evidence, that the hearts of his subjects were not then aliened from their duty to the king, or a just jealousy for his honour.

All diligence was used in making levies, in which few of the general officers which had been employed the year before were made use of; though it was great pity that the earl of Essex was not again taken in; which had infallibly preserved him from swerving from his duty, and he would have discharged his trust with courage and fidelity, and therefore probably with success: but he was of a rough, proud nature, and did not think his last summer's service so well requited that he was earnestly to solicit for another office; though there was no doubt but he would have accepted it, if it had been offered.

A general was appointed, the earl of Northumberland; and the lord Conway general of the horse: which made the great officers of the former year, the earl of Arundel, the earl of Essex, and the earl of Holland, (who thought themselves free from any oversights that had been committed,) more capable of infusions by those who were ready to work according to the occurrences upon their several constitutions, and I am persuaded if this war had been left to the managery of the same officers, or rather if the earl of Essex had been made general, (who, notwithstanding the trivial disobligation he had received in being denied the command of Beedon-forest, might easily have been caressed,) it would have been more prosperously carried on. But the reputation of the earl of Northumberland, who had indeed arrived at a wonderful general estimation, was believed to be most instrumental: and the lord Conway by as gentle and as general a concurrence was thought an able soldier, and of great parts. Besides, the earls of Essex and Holland (for, for the earl of Arundel, there was neither reason why he was general in the first expedition, and why he was not in this;) were thought less governable by those councils to which the main was then to be intrusted, the earl of Strafford bearing a part in them; to whom the first was very averse, and the latter irreconcilable.

Despatches were sent into Ireland to quicken the preparations there, which the earl had left in a great forwardness, under the care of the earl of Ormond, his lieutenant-general: monies issued out for the levies of horse and foot there, and for the making a train: all which were as well advanced as, considering the general discomposure, could be reasonably expected.

And the king, the earl of Northumberland, and the earl of Strafford, thought they had well provided for the worst in making choice of the lord Conway to be general of the horse: a man very

dear to the two earls; and indeed, by a very extraordinary fate, [he had] got a very particular interest and esteem in many worthy men of very different qualifications. He had been born a soldier in his father's garrison of the Brill, when he was governor there; and bred up, in several commands, under the particular care of the lord Vere, whose nephew he was; and though he was married young, when his father was secretary of state, there was no action of the English either at sea or land, in which he had not a considerable command; and always preserved a more than ordinary reputation, in spite of some great infirmities, which use to be a great allay to the credit of active men; for he was a voluptuous man in eating and drinking, and of great license in all other excesses, and yet was very acceptable to the strictest and the gravest men of all conditions. And which was stranger than all this, he had always (from his pleasure, to which his nature excessively inclined him, and from his profession, in which he was diligent enough) reserved so much time for his books and study, that he was well versed in all parts of learning, at least appeared like such a one in all occasions, and in the best companies. He was of a very pleasant and inoffensive conversation, which made him generally very acceptable: so that the court being at that time full of faction, very few loving one another, or those who resorted to any who were not loved by them, he alone was even domestic with all, and not suspected by either of the lords' or the ladies' factions.

The war was generally thought to be as well provided for, as, after the last year's miscarriage, it could be, by his being made general of the horse; and no man was more pleased with it than the archbishop of Canterbury, who had contracted an extraordinary opinion of this man, and took great delight in his company, he being well able to speak in the affairs of the church, and taking care to be thought by him a very zealous defender of it; when they who knew him better, knew he had no kind of sense of religion, and thought all was alike. He was sent down with the first troops of horse and foot which were levied, to the borders of Scotland, to attend the motion of the enemy, and had a strength sufficient to stop them, if they should attempt to pass the river, which was not fordable in above one or two places, there being good garrisons in Berwick and Carlisle. And in this posture he lay near Newburn in the outskirts of Northumberland.

Whilst these things were thus publicly acted, private agitations were not less vigorously intended. The treaty and pacification of the former year had given an opportunity of forming correspondences, and contriving designs, which before had been more clandestine; and the late meeting in parliament had brought many together, who could not otherwise have met, and discovered humours and affections, which could not else have been so easily communicated. The court was full of faction and animosity, each man more intending the ruin of his adversary, and satisfying his private malice, than advancing his master's service, or complying with his public duty, and to that purpose directing all their endeavours, and forming all their intercourse; whilst every man sottishly thought him whom he found an enemy to his enemies, a friend to all his other affections: or


rather by the narrowness of his understanding, and extent of his passion, having contracted all his other affections to that one of revenge.

And by this means those emissaries and agents for the confusion which was to follow were furnished with opportunity and art to entangle all those (and God knows they were a great people) who were transported with those vulgar and vile considerations: cheap, senseless libels were scattered about the city, and fixed upon gates and public remarkable places, traducing some, and proscribing others of those who were in highest trust and employment: tumults were raised, and all license both in actions and words taken; insomuch as a rabble of mean, unknown, dissolute persons, to the number of some thousands, attempted the house of the lord archbishop of Canterbury at Lambeth, with open profession and protestation, "that they would tear him in pieces;" which (though one of that rabble, a sailor, was apprehended and executed in Southwark, upon an indictment of high treason) was so just à cause of terror, that the archbishop, by the king's command, lodged for some days and nights in Whitehall; which place likewise was not unthreatened in their seditious meetings and discourses. This infamous, scandalous, headless insurrection, quashed by the deserved death of that one varlet, was not then thought to be contrived or fomented by any persons of quality: yet it was discoursed after in the house of commons by Mr. Strode (one of those ephori who most avowed the curbing and suppressing of majesty) with much pleasure and content; and it was mentioned in the first draught of the first remonstrance (when the same was brought in by Mr. Pym) not without a touch of approbation, which was for that reason somewhat altered, though it still carried nothing of judgment upon it in that piece.

Things standing thus both in the court and city, and the Scots preparing amain for an invasion, and we, at least, for a defence, on a sudden the lord Lowden, (who before was said to be committed for desiring protection and aid from the French king, by a letter under his hand) was discharged from his imprisonment; without imparting that resolution to the council; and after a few days admittance and kind reception at Whitehall, was dismissed into Scotland; his authority and power with that people being as considerable as any man's, and his conduct as necessary for the enterprises they had in hand. This stratagem was never understood, and was then variously spoken of; many believing he had undertaken great matters for the king in Scotland, and to quiet that distemper others, that it was an act entirely compassed by the marquis of Hamilton, who was like to stand in need of great supporters, by that extraordinary obligation to endear himself with that nation; or to communicate somewhat to that nation, if his condition before were so good that it needed no endearment. They who published their thoughts least, made no scruple of saying," that "if the policy were good and necessary of his first "commitment, it seemed as just and prudent to "have continued him in that restraint."

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The progress in the king's advance for Scotland was exceedingly hindered by the great and dangerous sickness of the earl of Northumberland the general, whose recovery was either totally despaired

of by the physician, or pronounced to be expected very slowly; so that there would be no possibility for him to perform the service of the north: whereupon he sent to the king, that he would make choice of another general. And though the lord Conway in all his letters sent advertisement, "that "the Scots had not advanced their preparations to "that degree, that they would be able to march "that year," yet the king had much better intelligence that they were in readiness to move; and so concluded, that it was necessary to send another general; and designed the earl of Strafford for that command, and to leave the forces in Ireland, which were raised to make a diversion in Scotland, to be governed by the earl of Ormond. The earl of Strafford was scarce recovered from a great sickness, yet was willing to undertake the charge, out of pure indignation to see how few men were forward to serve the king with that vigour of mind they ought to do, and knowing well the malicious designs which were contrived against himself, but he would rather serve as lieutenant-general under the earl of Northumberland, than that he should resign his commission: and so, with and under that qualification, he made all possible_haste towards the north, before he had strength enough for the journey.

And before he could arrive with the army, that infamous irreparable rout at Newburn was fallen out; where the enemy marched at a time and place, when and where they were expected, through a river deep though fordable, and up a hill, where our army was ranged to receive them: through those difficulties and disadvantages, without giving or taking any blows, (for the five or six men of ours who were killed, fell by their cannon, before the passing of the river,) they put our whole army to the most shameful and confounding flight that was ever heard of; our foot making no less haste from Newcastle, than our horse from Newburn; both leaving the honour, and the coal, to those who had not confidence enough (notwithstanding the evidence they had seen of our fear) to possess that town in two days after; not believing it possible that such a place, which was able to have waged war with their nation, could be so kindly quit to them: the lord Conway never after turning his face towards the enemy, or doing any thing like a commander, though his troops were quickly brought together again, without the loss of a dozen men, and were so ashamed of their flight, that they were very willing as well as able to have taken what revenge they would upon the enemy, who were possessed with all the fears imaginable, and could hardly believe their own success, till they were [assured that the lord Conway with all his army rested quietly in Durham, and then they presumed to enter into Newcastle.]

But it seemed afterwards to be a full vindication to the honour of the nation, that, from this infamous defeat at Newburn, to the last entire conquest of Scotland by Cromwell, the Scots' army never performed one signal action against the English, but were always beaten by great inequality of numbers as oft as they approached to any encounter, if they were not supported by English troops.

In this posture the earl of Strafford found the army about Durham, bringing with him a body much broken with his late sickness, which was not clearly shaken off, and a mind and temper confess

ing the dregs of it, which being marvellously provoked and inflamed with indignation at the late dishonour, rendered him less gracious, that is, less inclined to make himself so, to the officers, upon his first entrance into his first charge; it may be, in that mass of disorder and unsoldierliness, not quickly discerning to whom kindness and respect was justly due. But those who by this time no doubt were retained for that purpose, took that opportunity to incense the army against him; and so far prevailed in it, that in a short time it was more inflamed against him than against the enemy; and was willing to have their want of courage imputed to excess of conscience, and that their being not satisfied in the grounds of the quarrel was the only cause that they fought no better. And in this disposition in all parts, the earl found it necessary to retire with the army to the skirts of Yorkshire, and himself to York, (whither the king was come,) leaving Northumberland and the bishopric of Durham to be possessed by the victors; who being abundantly satisfied with what they never hoped to possess, made no haste to advance their new conquests. It was then and is now very much wondered at, that the earl of Strafford, upon his first arrival at the army, called no persons to a council of war for that shameful business of Newburn, or the more shameful quitting of Newcastle, (where were not ten barrels of musquet bullets, nor moulds to make any; the enemy having been long expected there, and our army not less than a month in that town; time enough, if nothing had been done before, to have made that place tenable for a longer time than it could have been distressed.) Whether the earl saw that it would not have been in his power to have proceeded finally and exemplarily upon that inquisition, and therefore chose rather not to enter upon it; or whether he found the guilt to be so involved, that though some were more obnoxious, few were unfaulty; or whether he plainly discerned whither the whole tended, and so would not trouble himself further in discovering of that, which, instead of a reproach, might prove a benefit to the persons concerned; I know not: but any public examination it never had.

The Scots needed not now advance their progress; their game was in the hands (no prejudice to their skill) of better gamesters. Besides, they were not to make the least inroad, or do the least trespass to their neighbours of Yorkshire; who were as solicitous, that, by any access or concurrence of the strength of that large county, they should not be driven further back; and therefore, instead of drawing their trained bands together (which of themselves would have been a greater or a better army than was to contend with them) to defend their county, or the person of the king then with them, they prepared petitions of advice and good counsel to him to call a parliament, and to remove all other grievances but the Scots. At the same time some lords from London (of known and since published affections to that invasion) attended his majesty at York with a petition, signed by others, eight or ten in the whole, who were craftily persuaded by the liegers there, Mr. Pym, Mr. Hambden, and Mr. Saint-John, to concur in it, being full of duty and modesty enough; without considering, that nothing else at that time could have done mischief; and so suffered themselves to be made instruments towards those ends, which in truth they abhorred.

In these distractions and discomposures, between an enemy proud and insolent in success, an army corrupted, or at best disheartened, a country mutinous and inclined to the rebels, at least not inclined to reduce them, and a court infected with all three, the king could not but find himself in great straits; besides that his treasure, which had hitherto kept that which was best from being worse, was quite spent. The raising and disbanding the first army so unfortunately and wretchedly, had cost full three hundred thousand pounds, which the good husbandry of the ministers of the revenue had treasured up for an emergent occasion; and the borrowing so much money for the raising and supplying this latter army had drawn assignments and anticipations upon the revenue to that degree, that there was not left wherewithal to defray the constant necessary expense of the king's household. A parliament would not be easily thought of for many other considerations than that it could not come together speedily enough to prevent that mischief, to which it should be chiefly applied: for if we were not then in a condition to defend ourselves, in forty days (the soonest a parliament could meet) an army elate with victory, when no town was fortified, or pass secured, would run over the kingdom; especially the people being every where so like to bid them welcome.


A new convention (not before heard of, that is, so old, that it had not been practised in some hundreds of years) was thought of, to call a great council of all the peers of England to meet and attend his majesty at York, that by their advice that great affair might be the more prosperously managed. Whether it was then conceived, that the honour of the king and kingdom being so visibly upon the stage, those branches of honour, which could not outlive the root, would undoubtedly rescue and preserve it; or whether it was believed, that upon so extraordinary an occasion the peers would suffice to raise money; as it was in that meeting proposed by one of them, "that they might give subsidies" whether the advice was given by those who had not the confidence in plain terms to propose a parliament, but were confident that would produce one; or whether a parliament was then resolved on, and they called to be obliged by it, and so to be obliged to some sober undertaking in it; or what other ground or intention there was of that council, was never known or whether indeed it was resolved out of the trouble and agony of afflicted thoughts, because no other way occurred: but such a resolution was taken, and writs immediately issued under the great seal of England to all the peers to attend his majesty at York within twenty days; and preparations were made in all places accordingly.

Whilst the lords are on their way thither, it will not be amiss to consider the general state of affairs in that time, and the persons to whom the managing the public business was principally then, and for some time had been, intrusted; that so, upon view of the materials, we may be the better enabled to guess how those dexterous workmen were like to employ themselves. It is told you before, that, upon the dissolution of the parliament but four months before, the lords of the council bestirred themselves in levying the ship-money, and in lending great sums of money for the war.

The convocation house (the regular and legal

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