
and the Speaker having resumed his chair, the teller on the part of the Senate, makes report: "That the members of the Senate and House of Representatives assembled in joint convention, and elected State Trea

surer;" and hands to the clerk the result of the election, which is entered upon the journals. In the House of Representatives a similar report is made, and ordered to be entered upon the journal thereof.

Of the nomination and election of United States' Senator.

Constitution, Art. I. sect. 4. The times, places and manner of holding elections for Senators shall be prescribed in each state, by the legislature thereof.

"SECT. I. Whenever a vacancy is about to take place in the representation of this state, in the Senate of the United States, in consequence of the expiration of the time for which a Senator was chosen, the legislature shall proceed to supply such vacancy in the following manner, to wit: The members of both houses shall assemble in the chamber of the house of representatives, at the hour of twelve, on the second Tuesday in December, preced

ing the month of March, in any year, wherein a vacancy shall happen by the expiration of the constitutional term, for which such senator was elected, and then and there elect a senator or senators, as the case may be, to represent this state in the senate of the United States, which election shall be conducted in the following manner, viz. Before the time of meeting, each house shall appoint one teller, and nominate one or more candidate or candidates for senator, and two days previously to the said meeting, communicate to each other the names of the persons so by them respectively appointed and nominated; at the meeting, the Speaker of the Senate, in his absence, the Speaker of the House of Representatives shall preside; the names of the persons voted for, and the members voting, shall be entered in writing by the tellers, who shall report to the president the number of votes given for each candidate: if neither of the candidates shall have a majority of votes of the whole number of the members present, a second poll shall be taken, and so from time to time, until some one of the candidates shall have a majority of votes of the whole number of the members present: if the election shall

not have been completed at the first meeting, the president shall adjourn to such time as a majority of the members then present shall agree, and so from time to time, until the election shall have been finally closed; whereupon the president shall announce the person having a majority of votes of the whole number of members present, to be duly elected a senator to represent this state in the senate of the United States: and the president shall, in the presence of the members of both houses, sign four several certificates of the election, attested by the tellers; one of which certificates shall be transmitted to the president of the senate of the United States, one to the person so elected, and the remaining two shall be preserved among the records, and entered at length on the journals of the senate, and on the journals of the house of representatives: and whenever a vacancy by death, resignation or otherwise, shall happen in the representation of the state, in the senate of the United States, after the said second Tuesday in December, and during the session of the legislature, then and in such case, the legislature shall, within eight days after knowing or being informed of such vacancy, proceed to fill

the same, in the manner herein before prescribed."-Purdon, 227-8.

Of the Opening and Publishing the returns of the Election of Governor.

The two Houses appoint joint committees to fix upon the time and place of opening and publishing the returns. The returns are always opened and read in the chamber of the House of Representatives, prior to the sd Tuesday in December.

The Speaker of the Senate and House of Representatives sign a certificate, declaring that upon opening and counting the votes it was ascertained that was duly elected

Governor. This certificate is directed to be deposited in the office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth, and there recorded. And a duplicate attested by both Speakers to be transmitted to the Governor elect. Twelve o'clock of the 3d Tuesday in December, is the time fixed upon for the inauguration of the Governor. The Senators are introduced into the Representative Chamber to hear the returns read and added up, in the same manner as described in the election of State Treasurer or a United States' Senator. The

returns having been read, and ascertained to be in favour of for Governor, the houses appoint a joint committee, who wait upon and attend him to and from the General Assembly. The Speaker of the Senate rises, and reads the certificate of the election, signed by both Speakers. The Governor then rises, and the Speaker administers to him the following qualification: "You do swear that you will support the Constitution of the United States, so help you God." "You do also swear that you will support the Constitution of the State of Pennsylvania, and that you will discharge your duties as Governor, with fidelity, so help you God." As to affirmations or swearing by the uplifted hand, see page 108.

Vacancies in either House.

"SECT. XV. And whereas the nineteenth section of the Constitution of this State provides, that when vacancies happen in either House, the Speaker shall issue writs of election to fill up such vacancies: Therefore, Be it enacted, That when in consequence of any vacancy by death, resignation, or otherwise, in the House of Representatives, the Speaker of the House of Representatives shall issue

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