IMPROMPTU, SUGGESTED BY A VIEW, IN 1766, OF THE SEAT AND RUINS OF A DECEASED NOBLEMAN, AT KINGSGATE, KENT. OLD, and abandon'd by each venal friend, Here Hd form'd the pious resolution On this congenial spot he fix'd his choice; And mariners, though shipwreck'd, dread to land. Here mould'ring fanes and battlements arise, Unpeopled monast'ries delude our eyes, "Ah!" said the sighing peer, "had B-te been true, " Purg'd by the sword, and purify'd by fire, " Then had we seen proud London's hated walls; "Owls would have hooted in St. Peter's choir, "And foxes stunk and litter'd in St. Paul's." THE CANDIDATE; OR, THE CAMBRIDGE COURTSHIP. [This jeu d'esprit was written a short time previous to the Election of a High Steward of the University of Cambridge, for which Office the Noble Lord alluded to made an active Canvas.] WHEN sly Jemmy Twitcher had smugg'd up his face, With a lick of court white-wash, and pious grimace, Lord! sister, says PHYSIC to Law, I declare, P Then his character, Phyzzy, -his morals-his lifeWhen she died, I can't tell, but he once had a wife. They say he's no Christian, loves drinking and w-g, And all the town rings of his swearing and roaring! His lying and filching, and Newgate-bird tricks ;Not I-for a coronet, chariot and six. DIVINITY heard, between waking and dozing, Her sisters denying, and Jemmy proposing: From table she rose, and with bumper in hand, She strok'd up her belly, and strok'd down her bandWhat a pother is here about wenching and roaring! Why, David lov'd catches, and Solomon wg: Did not Israel filch from the Egyptians of old Their jewels of silver and jewels of gold ? The prophet of Bethel, we read, told a lie; He drinks-so did Noah ;-he swears-so do I; To reject him for such peccadillos, were odd; Besides, he repents for he talks about G** [7o Jemmy] Never hang down your head, you poor penitent elf, Come buss me I'll be Mrs. Twitcher myself. SKETCH OF HIS OWN CHARACTER. [This was written in 1761, and was found in one of his pocket-books.] TOO poor for a bribe, and too proud to importune; He had not the method of making a fortune: Could love, and could hate, so was thought somewhat odd; NO VERY GREAT WIT, HE BELIEV'D IN A GOD. A Post or a Pension he did not desire, But left Church and State to Charles Townshend and Squire [54]. [54] At that time Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge, and afterwards bishop of St. David's. |