[blocks in formation]

Modern organization, 13, 15; Corporations
oppose, 184-86; Strikes, 187-88; Gompers'
opinion on, 188; American Federation of
Labor, 188, 189; And the Trusts, 191;
Influence on Government, 197; Federal
suits, 280-81

Large Scale Production,

Census on manufactures, 18-20; Centraliza-
tion and the Trusts, 20-22; Competition
and losses, 28-30; And monopoly, 31;
Advantages of combination, 32, 39 et
seq.; Lessens cost, 50; Price monopolies,

"Laws on Trusts and Monopolies," Gov-
ernment publication, 384

Legislatures, See Political Evils

Lorain Steel Company, Stock sold to
Federal Steel Co., 115


Corporation control, '104-21; Coal dealers'
combination, 105-06; Sugar and Whiskey
Trusts, 108; Standard Oil Trust, 108-09;
Pure Oil Co., 110-11; Holding Companies,
111-14; Federal Steel Company, 115-16;
Corporation law, 118, 121; Share holders'
power, 119-20; Independent, 202, 207-15

Federal Trade Commission, 490; On current
facts, 492

Industrial concentration, 12, 13-21; In-
ventors, 13, 14, 21; Census data, 15-20;
Size of plants in U. S., 16-20; Value
of output, 16-20; Increased capital, 17-20;
Small industries, 18; Large scale pro-
duction, 18-21, 32, 50; Competition, 23
et seq.; Competitive waste, 31-50; Pro-
duction and monopoly, 31-32; Securing a
market, 32-37; Benefits of combination,
32, 38-45, 48-50; Travelling salesmen,
33-36; Advertising costs, 36-38; Securing
trade, 39; Freight expenses, 40-41; Dis-
tilleries, 41-42; Refineries, 42-43; Com-
bination advantageous, 43-45; Skilful


executives, 45-48; Comparative account-
ing, 48; By-products, 49; Raw material,
49-50; Monopoly prices, 63-70; Margin,
124; Prices of steel, 164-65, 170; Growth
and capital, 242

See also Industries

And increase in price, 124; Sugar profits,
128, 129, 130; Increase in, 131, 133-35;
American and German, 134; Change in
English, 135; Petroleum, 149-55; Tin
plate, 158-59; Iron and steel, 161, 162,
167, 173

Michigan Salt Association,

Early study of, 3; Prevents freight waste, 40
Minnesota Iron Company, 115

Capitalistic, 5, 10; 61,78; Production under,
31-32, 45; Competitive waste, 42-45; Pro-
tective tariffs, 51-54; Banking syndicate,
55; "Natural," 61-62; Legal, 62, 63; Con-
tradictory terms, 63; Temporary, exam-
ple of, 64, 65; Large business versus
capitalistic, 70-72; Prices, 72-74; Fosters
ambition 75-76; Power of capital, 76-78;
Advantages of, 78; Capitalization, 95-
102; Bryan on, 96; Addyston Pipe Co.,
105; Intention to secure, 111; Combina-
tions, and prices, 122, 178-80; American
Steel and Wire Co., 167; Anti-trust
legislation in U. S., 241-48; And State
Constitutions, 241; Party platforms
oppose, 243-44

"Monopoly and Competition," study by
H. Levy, 490
See also Combinations

National Steel Company, 117
New Jersey,

Advocates Trusts, 246, 248-53; Corporation
acts, 249-51; Franchise and corporation
taxes, 250, 252-53; Effect of policies,
251-52; Statutes, 396-403; "Seven Sis-
ters" law, 396; Anti-trust laws, 404-07
New York Business Companies' Act,

Review of, 9-11; Powers and purposes,
313-14; Office and agents, 314; Certificate
of incorporation, 315; Amendment of
certificate, 316; Act optional, 317:
Directors, 317-18; Elections, 318-19;
Officers, 319-20; Meetings, 320-21;
Stock and certificates, 321-23; Delinquent
officials, 323-24; Buy and sell stock, 324-
25; Promotion, 325-28; Balance Sheet.
328-30, 431; Auditors, 330-31; Annual
report, 331-32; Merger and dissolution,
332-33; Monopoly, 333

New Zealand Act, 465-469
Northern Securities Company, Review
of case, 113, 292-96

Oil Fields,

Arbitrary prices affect, 152-57; Discovery
of wells, 153-55

Studies, 3-4; Promoters, 79, 82, 87-89, 91;
Technical terms, 79-80; Certificates of
stock, 80-87; Partnerships and corpora-
tions, 82; Stocks replace bond issues, 84-
86; "Water," 84, 86, 94; Plan of Ameri-
can Tin Plate Co., 87-89, 111; Financiers
89, 91, 92; Evil methods, 93-94; Inform-

[blocks in formation]


Course of, and the Whiskey Trust, 6;
Steel Corporation case, 6; Fixing com-
petitive, 24-29, 31; Competitive waste,
31-50; Competition versus monopoly,
31-32; Salesmen's salaries, 33-36; Ad-
vertising, 36-38; American Tobacco Co.,
38; Advantages of big business, 39;
Cross freights, 40-41; Distillery expenses,
41-42; Refineries, 42-43; High-salaried
executives, 46; Fixing monopoly, 63-74;
Addyston Pipe Company agreements,
105; Coal dealers', 106; Study of indus-
trial, 122-80; Economic survey, 122-25,
177-80; Charts illustrate, 123, 125-78;
Sugar, 125-40; Refinery competition,
129-34, 140; Importations affect, 133,
136; War's influence on sugar, 135-37;
Index numbers, and course of, 137-38,
176-79; Sugar combinations, 139-40;
Whiskey, 141-49; Purchasing power of
spirits, 148-49; Petroleum, 149-57; Oil
refineries, 151-53; Purchasing power of
petroleum, 156-57; Tin plate, 157-60;
Iron and steel, 160-77; Nails and wire,
161-68; Steadiness of steel rail, 168-69,
171, 173; Influence of combinations on,
173-80; Food products, 179

See also Charts

Production, See Large Scale Production

[blocks in formation]

Smith, E. J.,

Plan to regulate competition, 195-96;
Brass bedstead combination, 223-25

National evolution of, 12, 14

Standard Distilling and Distributing

Organization costs, 87, 90; Breaks with
distillers, 145; Dissolved, 146
Standard Oil Company,

Early study of, 3; Advantages secured by,
40-41, 43; Experts prevent waste, 49;
Railway discrimination, 58-59; Legal
monopoly, 62; Favors from railroads,
74; Foreign markets, 77; Standard Oil
Trust, 107, 108-09; Competitors, 110-11;
Organization, 150; Arbitrary action,
152-53; Dissolved, 154; Federal Court
decisions, 297-300; Outline history of,

Standard Oil Company-Continued

334-43; Affiliated corporations, 335-37,
339-40; Prices and profits, 341-43; Tar-
bell on, 491

Standard Oil Trust,

Organization, 107, 151; Trustees' certifi-
cates, 108; Dissolution, 109, 154
State Anti-Trust Legislation

Federal statute, 245; Attitude of states,
245-49; New Jersey, 246-47, 249

State Constitutions,

Anti-trust legislation, 241-48; Thorpe, F.
N., 241; Statute of Texas, 247, 385-95;
New Jersey corporation acts, 249-52,

Statute of Texas, 247, 385-95

Definitions, 79; Certificate of, 80; Issued
for property, 80-83; Watered, 84, 86, 94,
95, 112; Preferred, 84-86; Promoter's
profit, 87, 89; Overcapitalization, evils of,
101-02; Holding corporations, 112-13;
Directors manipulate, 118-20
Stock Watering, 84, 86, 94, 99

Unreasonable, 184, 187; Steel strike, 187;
Trusts and employees, 191; Plan to
avoid, 195-96

"Strike" Bills, 198-99


Early history of Trusts, 3-10; Purpose of
book, 5-11; Prices, 122-25

Refined and raw, 125-26; Charts, 125, 137;
Beet, 126, 127, 133; Refining costs, 126-
30; American Sugar Refining Co., 127-
34, 199, 343-47; Margins, 128, 129-40;
Competition, 129-40; Sugar Trust formed,
130; Duty on, 130, 131; Prices, 132-35,
137-40; German syndicate, 132; German
market, 136; France and Italy, 136;
Foreign supply of, 136; Exports, 136;
Refining capacity of U. S., 137; Index
numbers, 137-38

Sugar Trust,

And competition, 28; Waste eliminated by,
42-43; The tariff, 51-53; Favors from rail-
roads, 73-74; Decision against, 107-08;
Organizations, 108; Combinations, 114;
Margin, 130

Sundry Civil Act, 455-56

[blocks in formation]

Trans-Missouri Freight Association,
Review of case, 286-89

"Treatise on the Law of Corporations,
A," by Wm. W. Cook, 490

Evils of speculation, 93-94; Standard Oil
Trust, 107, 108; Sugar Trust, 107
Trust Problem,

Methods for solution of, 305-06
"Trust Problem, The," a symposium, 490

Early studies and decisions, 3-10; Capitalis-
tic monopoly, 5, 10; Definition, 10;
Product of industrial evolution, 15-22;
Economics of, 20-22; Importance, 22;
Sugar, 28, 42; Competitive wastes, 31-50;
Influence of, and Industrial Commission,
35-36; Bad debts, and losses, 38; Amer-
ican Tobacco Co. dissolution, 38; Freight
economies, 40-41; Distilleries, 41-42, 104;
Capitalistic monopoly, 61-78; Promoters,
79-94; Organization and management,
104-21; Pools, 104-05; Sugar Trust plan
of organization, 107-08; Standard Oil,
108-09, 110, 111; Voting, 109-10; Dis-
solution of old, 111; Holding companies,
109, 111-12; Northern Securities Co., case
113-14; Two kinds, 114-15; Federal
Steel Co., 115-17; Integrating idea, 117;
Directors' power, 118-19; Effect on
prices, 122-25; Margins, and sugar
prices, 134, 139; Whiskey Trust, and
prices, 142; Standard Oil, and decrease in
margin, 151; Steel prices, 166-76; And
workingmen, 181-97; Political and social
effects of, 198-216; State legislation
against, 241-48; New Jersey favors, 246,
248-53; History of, 334-83, 491

"Trusts and Monopolies Domestic and
Foreign, Laws on," compiled by Nathan
B. Williams, 491

"Trust Finance," by E. S. Mead, 490
"Trust Laws and Unfair Competition,"
reviewed, 492

"Trust Movement in British Industry,
The," by H. W. Macrosty, 490

Underwriting, Sales agreement, 90
United Shoe Machinery Company, Fed-
eral Court case, 301


United States Industrial Commission,
Investigation and studies, 4, 7, 8; Wastes
of competition, 35, 36; Reports of, 492
United States Steel Corporation,
Studies and court testimony, 4, 7; Markets,
and freight rates, 41, 44, 49; Helps com-
petitors, 72; Foreign expansion,
Integrating company, 117; Organization,
166; Policy, 166-69; Prices, 166-75;
Monopoly, 167, 178, 180; Purchasing
power steel, 174; Index numbers, 175-
77, 179; Conclusions on, 177-80; History
outlined, 363-71; Companies and stock
acquired, 364-65; Assets and liabilities,
366, 367

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